National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 471 Detection Path

Huang Qiangmin sent text messages in one hand and WeChat in the other, sending them quickly and frequently. Both hands seemed to be equipped with small motors, pressing everything.

Adults with a little bit of common sense can understand that after receiving such long or short, fast or urgent, heavy or light, tight or loose information, the leader opposite will feel like dying and want to refuse. Still resting, unbelievable, inexplicably surprised, nervous, happy, uncomfortable and exhilarating at the same time.

Huang Qiangmin pressed the button quickly for several minutes, until the tendons in his fingers could no longer bear it. He leaned back on the chair tiredly, his expression showed a ferocious relaxation, then he lit up a flower and inhaled weakly and slowly.

To be fair, if everyone was like Captain Bai, wouldn't the market be in chaos?

Sometimes, these leaders can pretend to be deaf and dumb, but now that the case has been revealed and clues have begun to emerge, it is a bit inappropriate to let them hide behind it.

Bai Jian clearly saw what Huang Qiangmin was doing and was too embarrassed to stop him.

There was nothing he could do to stop it.

Just like what he just said to Huang Qiangmin, if this trap is not solved, it will be useless even if it is broken, but if the trap is detected...

Bai Jian looked at Jiang Yuan with suspicious eyes: "You haven't studied this eucalyptus before, have you?"

If you have communicated with cadres like the criminal police captain, you will find that their eyes and expressions have never concealed suspicion.

The label "always doubting" is not only unjust when applied to them, many people will also feel proud of it.

Jiang Yuan was used to it and just smiled without even explaining.

Huang Qiangmin also looked at Bai Jian calmly and said, "We are actually here to help, not to compete with you. You have to understand this."

The same words were said without strength just now, but now they are quite heavy.


Bai Jian made a deep sound, Guzi had really made progress, and it only took such a minute. During the time Jiang Yuan was looking at the photos, Bai Jian felt that he was wasting too much time and was too pretentious, but now the result After he came out, Bai Jian's mind changed.

Such an awesome eucalyptus used such an awesome technique to solve the problem, so what time is it?

If you run 100 meters in 20 seconds, you can say it is slow, but if you communicate in 20 seconds, it is too fast, as fast as lightning, as fast as running out of rabbits!

Several leaders of the Shiting County Bureau came back again and again, like lightning rabbits, returning to the temporary office.

The temporary office was not large, and there were less than ten chairs together. Bai Jian sat on the armrest of the sofa. He didn't care about the number of people in the room. He just sat down and listened to General Jiang Yuan's new discoveries. , told it again.

Jiang Yuan also took out those photos and laid them out again. The difference was that while arranging them, he also wrote down some new numbers and even a few scribbled words.

Bai Jian knew he had offended someone, so he was particularly sensitive now. Looking at the numbers and handwriting recorded in Jiang Yuan's notebook, he couldn't help but ask, "What did you write down?"

"I'm not introducing some new ideas to you, so I'm just going to rearrange my ideas." Jiang Yuan smiled.

"Do you have new ideas so soon?" The director wondered.

In fact, the average county bureau director is not too concerned about individual criminal cases. If it is not a major case such as a murder, he usually cannot come to him. The criminal police captain and the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation are the ones who deal with criminal cases. main in-charge.

But regardless of whether he cares about it or not, the director still knows very well how difficult it is to die. Huang Qiangmin's demands are so high and the messages he sends are so fierce, but he still responds appropriately, knowing how difficult it is to risk his life.

However, the director didn't seem to see the difficulty on Jiang Yuan's face.

Jiang Yuan didn't need to emphasize the difficulty. He smiled and said, "I've been doing a lot of work on footprint identification recently and I have a lot of ideas."

There is no need to emphasize the difficulty of the game. It is just meat hanging on the beam. It must be able to stay when all the animals in the room cannot get their hands on this piece of meat.

"Shall I continue?" Jiang Yuan looked at several people.

"Thank you for your hard work, please continue." The deputy director in charge of criminal investigation responded quickly. Bai Jian will take this piece to the top, of course, in order to consolidate Jiang Yuan's special forces, but there is a saying that the importance and difficulty of this piece are also first-class.

A house invasion, robbery and murder involving one person and three corpses was the top crime in Shiting County.

Huang Qiangmin coughed twice and started sending messages on his mobile phone.

The deputy director in charge of criminal investigation in Shiting County picked up his phone and looked at it, then showed it to the director with a gloomy expression.

The director gritted his back molars and nodded heavily, but when he glanced at Bai Jian, his brows furrowed.

Bai Jian just pretended not to see it and regretted it. He also felt a little regretful. Why did he talk so much nonsense? Everyone has been invited, and they are still fighting over one, two, and three.

But if he wants to apologize, Bai Jian will definitely not apologize. He has been beaten many times in his life, and he has never apologized to anyone.

Bai Jian couldn't care about what the director thought, so he just wanted to get rid of the problem first.

Jiang Yuan also didn't care so much, just talking and taking notes, pausing slightly in the middle.

No one dared to rush him, for fear of affecting Jiang Yuan's thinking.

This time, Jiang Yuan spoke for almost a quarter of an hour.

After that, the office became quiet again.

Before the atmosphere turned completely awkward, the director coughed twice and said, "Tell me, who understands, who can translate for me?"

The deputy director in charge of criminal investigation looked at Bai Jian.

Bai Jian looked like a Muggle and made no secret of it.

"Jiang Yuan takes command." The deputy director himself gave up.

The director said warmly: "Is it okay?"

"Okay. Let's draw a range first." Jiang Yuan looked at Liu Jinghui. Liu Jinghui was very skilled at doing this kind of thing.

Liu Jinghui had already had an idea and took out his notebook and said: "My suggestion is, first of all, all the villagers in Majiazhuang, not the registered population, but the registered population, permanent residents, and relatives and friends who have lived here in the past few years. People who often do business, and people from the nearest villages should also be added... Will the scope be too large?"

"No. The murderer is 173 centimeters tall. Because a few years have passed, to be safe, he is 171 to 175 centimeters. At that time, he weighed about 140 kilograms. He is right-handed. He should be about 37 years old now, and his shoe size is 42 to 43, there is a high probability that he has a criminal record." Jiang Yuan drew a very large range and finished: "After confirming the candidate, send it to me according to the footprints, and I should be able to make a judgment."

If this is a case of burglary, it can basically be declared dead by the time Liu Jinghui demarcates it.

The scope involved is so large that just communicating with the local area is extremely troublesome. Considering that most of the population in villages and towns now go out to work, it will take a lot of time and energy to find them one by one.

But in a huge home invasion, robbery and murder case, with such a small scope, everyone almost laughed out loud.

Liu Jinghui can even help people save money, saying: "You can check the people with criminal records first. You should have more people with criminal records before. I suggest you focus on relatives and friends, especially the so-called acquaintances of the local villagers, and ask more , are there any acquaintances who have criminal records..."

"Majiazhuang is not on any major traffic road. I think it is unlikely that it would be a pure roving operation. The murderer must have a way to find out about this place, especially to Ma Jun's house. His house is not on the edge of the village, so I think There is always an opportunity.”

"Inquiries in this area should be carried out more carefully, and then people with criminal records should be screened first. If there are results, it would be best. If not, then follow the list to check height, age, and time of crime."

Burglary or robbery are upgrade skills, and novice criminals will not choose this method - novices may break into and rape, but this only shows that sexual impulse reduces intelligence, and it cannot be said that normal criminals are so stupid.

Criminals actually know that committing crimes requires experience, and they need to develop their skills step by step. However, when it comes to getting rich and releasing their emotions, they don't want to do it step by step.

The director and deputy director of Shiting County nodded excitedly. Jiang Yuan and Liu Jinghui's plans and detection paths were given. This case was completely possible to detect.

This is obviously much more enjoyable than the ordinary detection of murder.

To sum up, this case is almost the worst among the unsolved cases in Shiting County in the past 10 years.

Jiang Yuan closed the notebook at this time and said, "Then this is the first chapter. Do you want to read another one?"

Jiang Yuan looked at Huang Qiangmin. He had been here for several hours by car. He couldn't just go home after reading the files all morning. The remaining time waiting for a reply seemed like a waste of time.

Huang Qiangmin understood, looked at Bai Jian with a smile, and asked: "Brigade Bai, what do you say?"

Captain Bai really cares about Jiang Yuan now, but he has never begged anyone in his life. His lips were tense and stiff, and he said: "The results of the case in Majiazhuang will only be known after investigation. Even if it happens to be broken, , it doesn’t mean anything, if you have the ability... just make another mistake!"

Huang Qiangmin was amused, almost showing his second row of teeth.

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