National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 479 No. 4

"Take back all the soil here." Li Xiang directed the excavator to work.

The discovery of a corpse from this Qing Dynasty tomb can be regarded as a major discovery. The case with a total of four corpses is the highest in Shannan Province this year.

Jiang Yuan's requirements for on-site investigation have also been raised to a higher level. Now, he requires all the backfill soil to be taken back.

Li Xiang raised his hands to agree and execute. The more detailed the on-site investigation, the better. The trace exchange principle of investigation theory itself relies on comprehensive investigation. If the small traces and evidence at the crime scene are ignored, the trace exchange principle will not work.

The corresponding crime theory should be converted to the theory of small traces - converting large traces into small traces, and relying on the negligence and paralysis of the investigators, you can escape detection and create a perfect case!

The college entrance examination has a full score of 750, and everyone thinks that a score of 600 is very good. But when entering the society, everyone hopes to be served by people with a score of 750 or even 760. In fact, it is usually people with less than 500 who are busy, and often Only 80% of the effort will be produced.

When Li Xiang was working, he was not actually a very talented detective, but he was a serious person who was willing to put pressure on himself. After a few trips back and forth, he made a name for himself in the world of tomb robbers.

After digging the backfill, Li Xiang had people dig up all the traces around it. Then he hung up the warning tape with satisfaction and said to the villagers nearby: "Come on, we basically have all the modern things in the ancient tomb." Now that the excavation is over, let it dry for a few days. As for the bodies in the tomb, we will help you deal with them first. When the coffins are delivered, we will help you bury them again. The cemetery is sealed for the time being, so it is safe. "

There were many villagers in front of me. They all knew what was going on in the past few days. After hearing that what Li Xiang said was similar to other people's solutions, they basically all agreed.

An older villager said, "Then let's burn some paper?"

“It would not be appropriate to burn paper on site.”

"Just burn a little bit." Someone started to take out yellow paper.

"What we are doing is equivalent to moving the tombs. It is usually more appropriate to burn paper on the day of moving the tombs." Wu Jun also came to the scene and naturally stepped forward, taking over the task of communicating with the villagers, and explained: "The old people who moved the tombs were moved." Graves are actually quite common. The custom in most places in Shannan is to burn some paper money when moving, and burn it while walking, to inform the souls of the deceased that they are moving to a new home."

Wu Jun helped pull up the yellow belt cordon, and said: "We do not recommend burning paper during these days of mourning, so as not to disturb the ancestors. You can just live and work normally. If you are interested, come and light a candle. Just the incense will do. Later, when the tomb is officially moved, burn the paper and pay homage to the ancestors and you will know."

"One more thing. Someone else has lived in the tomb for a long time. Let's burn paper here. Who are we burning it for?"

"Actually, my ancestor was not short of money. He still had some savings before. Think about it, a person who was so frugal in the past would not be able to be lavish when he gets to the underworld. But this person who comes next is different. You can't save too much for him. , to avoid accidents.”

"Come on, let's make a toast to show your respect."

Wu Jun talked while doing things, and then called for help.

The villagers listened very carefully. It was not the first day that Wu Jun came to introduce folk customs. At the beginning, everyone did not trust him. However, he was very good at it.

Nowadays, there is a rumor among people named Shi that Wu Jun is actually an official expert. It makes sense if you think about it. Ordinary people need people to do things, but don’t the officials need people to do things?

Opening a tomb is a big deal for ordinary people. How can an official do it if they don’t make good preparations for opening a tomb?

Moreover, Wu Jun knows a lot, is patient in his work, and has a set of various processes and methods.

Under his command, the villagers lit candles, ate red eggs, and offered roast chicken, red steamed buns and various side dishes brought from home to their ancestors.

After the three sticks of incense were burned, everyone kowtowed, shared the food offered, and then dispersed.

In the process, I also said what I wanted to say.

Some words that are usually difficult to say were spoken out today, and since it was the time for independent worship, no one interrupted me, so I finally spoke freely.

Wang Zhong helped throughout the whole process and was so busy that I admired him so much.

Wang Zhong saw Li Xiang's process of extracting backfill soil and felt a little tired. He could imagine how many people were lying there, pulling out the backfill soil inch by inch.

How many bruised knees would it take to get a single line on the report back?

It's better to boil red eggs, at least the fellow villagers will praise them for being well cooked.

Shiting County Funeral Home.

Piles of soil were unloaded on the open ground. Several trace inspectors, like garbage pigs that were not allowed to be sold, bent down, crawled and knelt on the tomb soil, sniffing and rummaging carefully.

Because the body was found again and paper towels were distributed in the backfill soil, the trace inspectors were particularly careful, sifting through the layers, inch by inch.

It's like literally sifting the soil through a sieve in the hope of finding something in it.

Jiang Yuan worked in the anatomy room for a while. After finishing his work, he came out to help sift the soil.

Seeing him come out, the other forensic doctors nestled in the autopsy room couldn't sit still and came out to help.

The Niudong Niu forensic doctor who came from the Qianjin District of Qinghe City was the most reluctant. While digging the ground, he advised Jiang Yuan: "Team Jiang, don't work too hard. You just finished getting rid of the body here, and you are looking for it here again." clues, you should take a rest.”

The forensic doctor Wang Lan who came with him smiled: "Old Niu, it's rare that you know how to care about people."

"I never had the opportunity to work with corpses or paper towels, but I want to care about people." Niudong is particularly good at analyzing paper towels and the attachments on paper towels. From time to time, he will go on business trips or help. Colleagues from other places analyze evidence and no longer do such basic work as digging the ground.

But Jiang Yuan was willing to do it, and Niudong was even more embarrassed to act like a big name, so he could only persuade Jiang Yuan to stop first.

Wang Lan saw it and laughed at the fun: "Jiang Yuan doesn't pay much attention to enjoyment. If he wants to enjoy it, the conditions in his home are enough for him to enjoy it. There is no need to touch the corpse every day like us."

"Everyone has their own interests. It's not surprising that Captain Jiang likes to touch corpses." Niudong thought of making paper towels himself. Although thinking about paper towels all day long is related to his professional experience, But one thing is true, he is indeed very interested in tissues.

Naturally, he felt that Jiang Yuan was equally interested in touching corpses.

Jiang Yuan was crawling on the dirt in front and had to say: "Team Niu, I'm interested in solving the case, not touching the corpse."

"There is no shame in practicing medicine. There is no shame in those who love and practice their profession." Niudong was short in stature and laughed in a healthy voice, as if he was laughing from the grave.

Jiang Yuan shook his head and refused to argue with him. Instead, he said: "Captain Niu, if you can find the murderer from the tissue paper, we won't have to dig through the soil to find the body. Do you want to try again?"

"There's no need to try. It's just runny nose. It's not easy to find DNA. If it's been left in the soil for so long, it's enough for a tissue." Niudong was very confident when talking about his expertise.

Unlike what many people imagine, extracting DNA does not mean that you can just get an item and scan out all the DNA on it.

The correct way to do this is to dip a cotton swab in water for hard objects, such as floor tiles, furniture, wooden boards, weapons, etc., then dip it into the DNA, and then dip the cotton swab into the solution to expand the DNA. The process is similar to using a cotton swab to make nucleic acid.

For soft items, many times just cut off a piece for expansion, and the basic process is the same. But it can be imagined that there is a certain probability that soft materials can be used as DNA.

For example, if you cut a piece of paper towel and expand it, you may be able to cut the criminal's DNA, but you may not be able to cut it.

Before Niudong arrived, the paper towels had been cut. After he arrived, he analyzed the material of the paper towels and the DNA on the paper towels, but found nothing. At this time, he basically gave up.

Jiang Yuan himself is actually a crime scene investigator of LV4.

This series of on-site surveys is better than the 108 Niudong combined. Niudong is good at paper towels. He spends half of his life reading and studying to serve tissue paper, and half of his time analyzing paper towels. It is indeed incomparable to ordinary people, especially since he has a certain sensitivity to paper towels. Sex, this is even more valuable.

However, Niudong himself has now confirmed that the paper towel strategy has failed, and Jiang Yuan can only give up this clue completely.

"Keep digging." Jiang Yuan waved his hand, saying nothing.

Niudong had no choice. When there were no paper towels, he was just an ordinary tycoon, and he could only sift soil. Afternoon.

Captain Bai, who had red eyes and a red face, also came to the funeral parlor.

After a day and night of interrogation, a lot of cases were solved, which can be said to be quite good. It also made the detectives under him completely busy.

However, the most critical case of hiding corpses in the tomb has changed from one corpse to four corpses. For Bai Jian, it is almost the same as splitting the liver and gallbladder.

To be honest, how often does a good criminal investigation captain in a good county see the murder of four corpses?

The murder case of three corpses in Majiazhuang almost killed Bai Jian, but the murder case of four corpses in front of him was something Bai Jian was not willing to think about.

Anyway, with the remaining resources in Shiting County, it is impossible for him to carry the burden of four murders. His legs are so thick that if he can't carry it, he won't be able to carry it.

When he arrived at the funeral home and sat in the autopsy room, Bai Jian didn't even bother to urge Jiang Yuan and others. He didn't understand the technology, so the urging was in vain, but the only one he could count on now was Jiang Yuan.

Huang Qiangmin is not a good guy, but Jiang Yuan's skills are really strong, as evidenced by the fact that so many criminal police captains came from other places yesterday.

The air conditioner in the dissecting room is very cold.

Soon, Bai Jian touched his arm as if touching the arm of a corpse.

On the contrary, Bai Jian felt quite comfortable. His heart, which had been beating wildly before, seemed to have calmed down and was beating vigorously.

At this time, Bai Jian somewhat understood the mentality of the deputy bureaus and deputy directors who sat in the conference room and kept buying fruits for the criminal policemen when they were anxious.

He was anxious, but he was not professional, so he could only sit and wait. The same is true for Bai Jian now. If he didn't feel it was inappropriate, he would even want to push the corpse away from the autopsy table and sleep here while he waits.

"Brigade Bai." Jiang Yuan came in and said hello.

"Jiang Yuan is back. How are you?" Bai Jian sat up slowly, his heart beating loudly, as if he was suffering from the sequelae of sitting for a long time.

"No results, but the car is almost finished." Jiang Yuan responded, entered the changing room, took off his protective clothing, wore long sleeves underneath, and sat down to rest.

Bai Jian's heart tightened when he heard this: "After the digging, there is no result yet? What's next?"

After saying that, Bai Jian felt a little embarrassed. In a flash, he felt the coldness of the autopsy room again. Forget it, it was all for the victims.

Jiang Yuan also looked at the corpses and said: "After analyzing the four corpses, there is still some harvest. In addition, Li Xiang also brought back a cart of backfill soil today, which was not dug out of the previous tomb, and then classified and analyzed it. "

Bai Jian ignored the second half and asked directly: "What's the gain from the corpse?"

Jiang Yuandao: "The fourth corpse has undergone orthopedic surgery. The nails were numbered. Neither Shiting County nor Qinghe City found it. We have sent people to Changyang City to check."

"Isn't this a turn of events?" Bai Jian stood up excitedly and couldn't help but said: "It's so normal to go to Changyang City for surgery. Nowadays, people are willing to go to the provincial capital for surgery. It's good that corpse No. 4 came. Hey, why? No one said”

We are now presiding over Jiang Yuan Xindao's case.

Of course, he calmed down and said, "It wasn't long before we found out. Moreover, even if the identity of the victim is confirmed, the case is still far from being solved."

"Not far, not far." Bai Jian read it twice, as if to strengthen his confidence.


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