National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 489: The Song of Destiny

"Where did Forensic Doctor Jiang get the fingerprints from?" Zhao Jing drank a bottle of water in one breath and stopped doing anything to save resources for everyone. He also didn't care about the problem of going to the toilet to pee.

Zhao Jing thought hard, feeling that Jiang Yuan had found a closed object such as a glove box, and then took out multiple fingerprints from it.

The policeman who registered the evidence did not have as many thoughts as he did. He lowered his head and said, "Just the fingerprints and DNA taken from many places. Several pieces of evidence have been collected, but the evidence inside It’s in the box, do you want to take a look?”

"Forget it." Zhao Jing shook his head. Trace inspections are basically done alone. The technology is yours, and your ability to discover evidence is also yours. What can you do if you see how others do? .

Zhao Jing looked back at Jiang Yuan who was busy at the scene. He has famous subordinates around him, which is quite special in the trace inspection. In most cases, it is common for a tracer to have an apprentice, but the apprentice is actually very fast, and the apprentice himself is an independent tracer. Except for the first or second year of following behind, he will do more things on his own in the future. If you have a problem, come find me.

As for general trace inspections, even if you reach Zhao Jing's position, those who don't have a position usually don't have any subordinates. After you have a position, it's not easy to get to the front line.

Zhao Jing rubbed his waist, moved his legs and feet to make his body more comfortable, then put on a new mask, gloves and foot coverings, and slowly returned to the scene.

He is also a middle-aged man. He usually uses 70% of his strength when doing cases. He does not use his full strength because it is not necessary. With his ability, he uses 70% of his strength and the province is flat, leaving those cases that cannot be completed. , it can't be done even with ten thousand efforts.

Today, Zhao Jing decided to use his full strength.

Looking back, he also didn't show his full strength for some days. Maybe it hasn't been shown for too long, and people in the world may have forgotten it.

Zhao Jing slowly took out a 3M glove and put it on the original glove.

Wearing a double-layered condom provides double protection, and you are not afraid of doing some fierce moves - Zhao Jing's unique secret technique is very simple, but it is an excellent means for him to give full play to his skills.

It's like a bald man holding a chainsaw, using the saw alone, killing indiscriminately!


Zhao Jing simulated the sound of a chainsaw in his mouth, leaned over again, and inspected inch by inch.

He knew that Jiang Yuan was a fingerprint expert in Shannan Province and had participated in fingerprint battles in the province. He might have some expertise in fingerprints. However, as a trace inspection expert, Zhao Jing has more than just traces of fingerprints.

Fingerprints are just a small part of the trace inspection profession!

While Zhao Jing encouraged himself in his heart and gave himself confidence, at the same time, Zhao Jing's hands did not stop, and his brain was running crazily.

When doing trace inspection, the most important thing is actually thinking. Not just think like a cop, but think like a criminal.

If I were a thief, how would I break into a house, would I pick a lock or break in during the day, where would I most likely hold, where would my body stay, where would my hair and skin flakes fall out?

If I were a murderer, how would I kill, where would I squat if I were to ambush, and what would I prepare along the evacuation route?

If I were a criminal disguised as a truck driver, how would I protect myself? Do I need to wear gloves? Turn on the air conditioner in the car? Do you open the window when passing the toll station?

Zhao Jing gradually immersed himself in fantasy, or in other words, the thick juice soaked in thoughts, and then moved through it with difficulty and viscosity.

At the same time, Jiang Yuan also accelerated the speed of exploration.

It is getting dark, and in the wild environment, the evidence obtained today is definitely more valuable than the evidence obtained tomorrow.

The most important thing is that as the investigation proceeds, the vehicle remains at the crime scene are actually destroyed to varying degrees due to the investigation.

The stable state formed by the remains in the past period has undergone tremendous changes, and the degree of damage in the next few dozen hours may be greater than in the past few months.

Wait until tomorrow

Even if there is no rain or wind, the cold at night, the dew in the morning, and the sunshine near noon will further damage the evidence.

Therefore, if possible, Jiang Yuan is prepared to achieve all high-value goals today.

Compared with Zhao Jing, Jiang Yuan's advantages are also extremely obvious.

First of all, he has LV4 crime scene investigation, and secondly, he has two sets of fingerprint skills, one LV3 and one LV4. The combination of these two makes him very capable.

Although Zhao Jing is also quite strong, he is the strongest in Pingjiang Province. Pingjiang's overall strength lags behind that of Shannan Province. As an expert in his prime, Zhao Jing is considered powerful when he is in good condition and can reach level 5.

Under normal circumstances, he is an entry-level LV3 player. Of course, by breaking through the boundaries of LV3, he has actually transcended, belongs to the elite among the elite, and has made achievements in the personal field.

However, Zhao Jing was so exhausted that God rewarded him with food, while Jiang Yuan was so exhausted that God personally cooked the food.

This is unreasonable. Just like Terence Tao taught himself calculus when he was 7 years old, and wrote a book when he was 8 years old, about using the Bas program to calculate perfect numbers - all humans need to learn mathematics, just compare yourself and the people around you to know whether you are awesome or not. , However, after Tao Zhexuan became an adult, he still had to be hung up and slapped on the soles of his feet by talented people from all walks of life.

In addition to the dual LV4 + LV3, Jiang Yuan coupled with the forensic forensics of LV4 and the extremely abnormal tool trace examination of LV6, it cannot be said that it was all he wanted to do at the crime scene. It would be no problem to write a book on the spot.

In addition, he also has the newly obtained LV3 vehicle trace identification, which he used very well today.

In fact, this move alone is supposed to be able to balance Zhao Jing's strength. It's just that Jiang Yuan doesn't make comparisons.

After he just scanned the traces on his side, he naturally started to scan the traces for other traces.

Zhao Jing's strength is still acceptable - Jiang Yuan's condescending judgment means that even if the trace identification of the most important area is handed over to Zhao Jing, he will mostly make no mistakes.

At this level of trace inspection experts, they are even capable of leaving a margin for secondary investigation. This in itself is part of strength.

In contrast, the strength of the other trace inspections is uneven. The good ones can reach the LV2 standard, while the worse ones may be LV1 strong.

In this level of trace inspection, the probability of error is low, but there are definitely differences in the balance between quality and efficiency.

This is like the top student in the class. If you give him a certain amount of time and then give him a day to write the paper, he can answer 90 points or more, or even full marks, but he will never be able to do it during the exam.

Jiang Yuan said hello and stepped forward to help.

The trace examiner was from the Changyang Criminal Investigation Center. He looked up at the sky, then at Jiang Yuan, let out a sob, and then lowered his head to work.

Not to mention that he didn't dare to refuse Jiang Yuan's request, but he really mustered up the courage. What's the point? Must he do all the work assigned to him to protect himself?

He really couldn't finish it.

Moreover, with such a large backlog of murder cases, ordinary criminal police officers are just screws, and any approach that affects the progress of the case is not allowed or encouraged.

If Jiang Yuan's behavior is harmful to the case, he can still argue with reason. Now it is obvious that he is holding back, and he will definitely be beaten if he complains again. As for psychological thorns, they are not considered at all in the disciplinary forces.

If you are not happy or unhappy, what can you do?

"Come and help me pry it." Jiang Yuan waved and directly called the tracer over.

The trace inspector in Changyang City was very familiar with Jiang Yuan, and as soon as the pain in his heart subsided, a smile appeared on his face.

"Here we come." Henjian put away his horse hoof mirror and came over with a crowbar in his hand.

Jiang Yuan and Mu Zhiyang also stepped forward together. The three of them used their strength to lift up a large piece of iron. Jiang Yuan turned on the light, sprinkled powder, snapped a few photos, and then started taking fingerprints.

When one person has finished helping, he will help two others. Wait for a circle and then all the help is finished.

, it’s not completely dark yet. In other words, all the land plots assigned to him by Zhao Jing have not yet been fully surveyed.

"That's almost it. Let the dogs go." Jiang Yuan looked at the sky and motioned for Da Zhuang to go out. Da Zhuang was carried in by Li Li.

The vehicle is a bamboo basket used by the locals. The depth is just right and it doesn’t weigh much on its own.

Regardless of the fact that police dogs have good physical strength and endurance, that is also relative to dogs.

Human endurance is extraordinary, and the woods are dense. If the case hadn't become extremely important, Li Li wouldn't be willing to bring the dog down.

Da Zhuang first sniffed Jiang Yuan's scent, then walked onto the stage with his head held high. Tonight, a song of conquest is sung, either by a man or a dog!

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