National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 493 Stable


The sun is as warm as an old dog.

Wisps of light hit the glass, and the bright man's face was filled with golden light.

More than a hundred police officers, well-equipped, stood guard around a small restaurant and slowly evacuated some people on the street.

It was obviously a bit unconventional to ambush in such a crowded place, but Yu Wenshu couldn't wait any longer.

They determined the suspect's identity from noon - through the mobile phone number and order number of the takeout website, as well as through various methods such as photo identification. What was unexpected was that the suspect had been accompanying his wife and children throughout the noon. Play naughty castle.

That is to say, they were hungry now, so the family of three left the mall and went to a small alley behind to eat.

Although you can wait a little longer, the risks of waiting any longer are getting bigger and bigger.

What they were facing was a member of a drug gang, a guy who specialized in killing people. They were different from ordinary criminals who occasionally killed people and were not fully prepared. Maybe at some time, he would run away with a phone call.

To be honest, if the naughty castle wasn't full of children, Yu Wenshu would have considered arresting them in the mall.

Now this small restaurant in the back alley is considered a good choice.

In the small restaurant, a man whose pseudonym is Li Jun, whose real name is Li Mingyu, is looking at his six-year-old daughter with a doting look on his face.

It is said that seven or eight years old is the age that even dogs are disgusted with, and the six-year-old daughter should be the last cute age. Li Mingyu cherished this time very much and always wanted to focus most of his energy on his family, so much so that he even delayed killing.

"Hey, I still have to go out in a few days. It's just you and the child at home." Li Mingyu murmured in a low voice while drinking tea in the small restaurant.

The wife said "Yes" and said: "Then you go early and come back early. The boss demands too much, so you don't have to wait for me. In fact, you can just deliver food and do odd jobs occasionally, which is quite good. Our daily expenses are also small. It’s not much, just save it and it’s enough.”

"That's not enough." Li Mingyu smiled and thought to himself. The expenses at home are not just food and drink. They buy a house and pay the mortgage, buy a car and pay tuition, as well as daily expenses for fun, holiday surprises, and comparisons. Luxury goods, etc., everything is indispensable.

If Li Mingyu hadn't joined a drug gang, he would have been a courier or takeaway person and could hardly afford to pay the rent.

However, since he started killing people, he actually liked his job as a delivery boy more.

Riding my beloved motorcycle around the ever-changing city, delivering a meal from time to time, or chopping up the dog of the person who wrote a bad review a few days ago, returning home at night, eating the food cooked by my wife, and playing tricks Playing with my little daughter, this kind of life full of fireworks is the most pleasant.

"Go back when you're full." Li Mingyu stood up and took a Didi.

He stopped riding a motorcycle when taking his daughter out. When he came to the city center, he didn't even bother to drive his own car.

Li Mingyu observed before leaving the small restaurant, and then stopped subconsciously.

"Keep walking, and then we'll start shooting. If you don't want to be arrested in front of your daughter, just cooperate with us." The criminal police from Changyang City were responsible for the arrest and were equipped with several guns and electric batons.

According to their plan, if Li Mingyu resisted with a gun, he would be knocked over on the spot, and American Iai would not hesitate.

This is a professional killer, or at a lower level, a gunman in a criminal gang. Most criminal police officers have only heard of this kind of person but have never seen him.

The first time we met, it was in a downtown area, and the only way to meet her was to lie down.

Li Mingyu's head buzzed.

His life full of fireworks is over!

He had foreseen this day coming, and even looked forward to it a few years ago.

However, when the time came to leave, he realized that he was still unprepared for anything.

"I won't run." Li Mingyu said: "I will tell my daughter and shout at the top of my lungs. Then I will catch her without mercy."

"Okay, you come out with me. I'll put handcuffs on you, and you yell again." The criminal police officer responsible for the arrest was not overly sympathetic. In ancient times, people like Li Mingyu were so-called desperadoes. He didn't even care about his own life. It's hard to say whether he had any back-ups.

Give him a little satisfaction, let him have a little scruple, and at the same time let him relax his vigilance.

Li Mingyu was pushed out of the small restaurant, and several criminal police officers immediately rushed forward, raising and lowering the electric batons.

"You agreed to let me shout." Li Mingyu struggled desperately.

The squadron leader in charge of the arrest said: "I also said, you are cuffed, you keep shouting."

Li Mingyu was ridden and handcuffed.

The whole process should look to outsiders as if the detective bullied Li Mingyu.

Then, two stout criminal police officers helped Li Mingyu up. The handcuffs on his back were shining, giving the leaders a rare sense of security.

"Girl, dad went out to work early. The phone is here. I'll call you later." Li Mingyu relaxed and closed his eyes as he was sent to the prison car.

He didn't care about what his wife and children shouted behind him.

war room

Yu Wenshu and Bai Jian stood behind the computer screen, always feeling a bit unreal and distant.

"So, the murderer is really a delivery boy? And he bought a house with the money earned from the murder?" Yu Wenshu was a little unbelievable.

After all this time, is professional killer just a side job?

It would be even worse if professional killers were the main business, which means that running food delivery is a side job, and the income from killing people is not enough to live on.

Jiang Yuan was also surprised. He originally thought that the food delivery uniform was simply a disguise, but he didn't expect the murderer to actively drive out morning and evening to deliver food, so much so that he worked at the Yellow Kangaroo's site for several years without being noticed.

Just when he sat down, Li Mingyu had already explained.

"Drug trafficking gangs are actually manufacturing drugs in the city." When the criminal police officer in charge called, Yu Wenshu couldn't stand to listen.

After driving a few young people out of the room, Yu Wenshu put the speaker phone on directly.

The criminal police officer who heard the story reported in full: "Li Mingyu doesn't know how many people there are in the gang. They are relatively well-organized and require each other to keep secrets. The gang is headquartered in Shuidong, which is an ordinary office building. , equipped with multiple surveillance and cameras inside. They will concentrate production in the building from time to time."

"The drugs they produce are mainly sold to other places and are not sold locally." The criminal policeman continued: "No. 2 Wang Xingzhai is a member of another drug trafficking team. He has never forgotten the local distribution of goods, so Li Mingyu was Got it done."

"Two criminal gangs?" Yu Wenshu felt even more broken. Changyang City was so quiet. Two drug gangs suddenly appeared. It was really shocking...

Bai Jian said softly: "Captain Yu, don't worry. In fact, what's the difference between two criminal gangs and one criminal gang? Maybe two criminal gangs split from another criminal gang."

Yu Wenshu couldn't help but nod.

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