National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 497: I lead the charge

Several deputy captains, political commissars and deputy political commissars of the anti-drug detachment, as well as a few brigade captains or deputy brigade captains, came to the criminal police detachment one after another.

Everyone watched Jiang Yuan's fingerprint identification performance, and their attitudes changed from "What kind of ghost is this" to "Dad, I want to raise this ghost."

At first, Jiang Yuan was thinking about showing the courtesy of Ning County people. In a blink of an eye, he saw that the time prompted by the system had been reduced to 220 minutes. He was no longer willing to pay attention to things other than evidence.

If you have anything to do, wait until 220 minutes later. In the remaining less than 4 hours, he doesn't want to deal with anyone.

The most valuable thing is the first 405 minutes. By tomorrow, even if we can still identify some criminal suspects with fingerprints, the effect will be worse and the efficiency will be reduced. Because they are all the same fingerprints from the second and third generation.

And, again, just because the difficulty level of a fingerprint is high does not mean that the value of the fingerprint must be great. When he didn't know the source of the fingerprint, he spent an hour or two painstakingly making a very difficult and difficult fingerprint, and he might have been able to identify a middle-aged graduate who had a mortgage but no house, and his wife and children were separated. A decadent poisonous insect with rags, short penis, shrunken pellets, high myopia, frail and sickly body, no face to seduce people, no internet porn, no money for prostitution, no strength to rape women, and no courage to die.

Therefore, when the cooldown ends tomorrow, if the anti-drug detachment still needs it, Jiang Yuan will use the temporary +1 for skills other than fingerprints.

At this time, there were not only fingerprint evidence piled on the conference table, but also a large number of footprints, traces, photos of the scene, etc. In other words, DNA and other biological testing materials were not delivered.

In total, 405 minutes is quite intense.

Fortunately, it is only 405 minutes. If the time is too short, only one or two hours, then we can only target the fingerprints of individual individuals. This kind of gang-style elimination will not have many opportunities to massacre prisoners. .

Several people in the anti-narcotics detachment didn't care about Jiang Yuan's attitude. Everyone put down their work and made a special trip back to the criminal police detachment, certainly to feel the attitude of this young man.

In fact, these people are busy with their own affairs on weekdays, and they may not see them all once a week. Now that they met, they simply gathered together and discussed in a low voice.

Now it is certain that Jiang Yuan has won hundreds of criminal suspects. He has really seen the list of so many criminal suspects, and some of them are drug traffickers who have been in jail before, so everyone is starting to feel a little reluctant to let go.

When did taking action become the focus of discussion.

The printer spit out paper with a squeaking sound, as if a middle-aged man who ran five kilometers a day was using his disabled knees to go upstairs.

Wang Chuanxing was doing the tidying up work and looked at Jiang Yuan with admiration.

In an environment with so many leaders, he could still concentrate on doing fingerprints. If it were him, he wouldn't be able to do it.

If given the same opportunity, Wang Chuanxing would definitely choose to flatter him, become familiar with him, add a WeChat account, and leave a phone number. He does not have high ideals or goals, but being a grassroots policeman is definitely not what he was admitted to Changyang City. The purpose of the criminal police detachment.

Joining Jiang Yuan's team and following Jiang Yuan's rhythm is his most ideal state. At least in the police system, if you do well in business, there is always a path to promotion. Become a member of the core team, even if you are just a core handyman, you will be more likely to be taken seriously.

What he didn't expect was that Jiang Yuan left so quickly and had already spread to the anti-drug detachment. Of course, this is a good thing. Policemen who are doing business are gods when they can solve crimes, and gods descend to earth when they go out.

Two more days. Shuidong District, Changyang City.

Jiang Yuan, Huang Qiangmin and others, together with the leader of the anti-drug detachment, gathered in another building in front of the target building.

In two days, Jiang Yuan increased the death history of Huang Li's drug gang to 300 pages. There were 200 people in it, probably all drug users, or low-level people who trafficked in drugs, but there were still about 100 people. , is a real member of the drug trafficking gang, at least a directly controlled distribution staff, or an important peripheral member.

This quantity and scale

, so that the anti-drug detachment can no longer wait.

In fact, since 300 people may be distributed throughout the city, and there are even a small number of members who have left the city, it is already very difficult to arrest them now. If we put it off any longer, we are not only afraid that people will run away, but also afraid that there will be too many people to handle.

The plan of "catch first, then interrogate, then arrest" was naturally formulated.

The most important one is the headquarters building where the criminal gang is located.

It is a building, which is an ordinary old-style office building with a total height of six floors, covering an area of ​​3,000 to 4,000 square meters. The floor area is only over 1,000 square meters, but there is an underground garage and a small separate ground. garage.

Buildings like this are among the prosperous buildings built in the early days of Changyang City. Later, many of them were demolished and renovated, and the prosperous center was also shifted a bit. Many of these buildings that were not demolished were left in the corners.

If it were a military operation, there would be nothing much to say about an office building like this. It would cease after a few bombardments.

But in the city center of the provincial capital city, the police obviously did not have such force support. Even the armed police who were invited were very cautious about using explosives.

The building where the police were located was also a similar building. The combat command room on the second floor was also temporarily built. Everyone took buses and other means of transportation and quietly climbed up from the underground parking lot.

The main police officers responsible for the attack have gathered here and are intensively reviewing the blueprint of the target building, observing and communicating on the spot. They will be responsible for assault, blocking, occupying positions, etc. Later, more police will arrive by car after the war starts, either to reinforce or to clean up, but the total number will not be too many.

The area to be attacked is too wide, and it is impossible to devote all the police force to the headquarters building of the drug gang. Second floor.

Multiple screens were set up in the temporary command room, all showing real-time images from the cameras ahead. In addition, the police, including Jiang Yuan, were not allowed to go out to observe privately.

Several leaders of the anti-drug detachment, as well as the leaders of the Armed Police Team and the Criminal Police Team, discussed in low voices. Mainly the leader of the anti-narcotics detachment said, and the others listened.

After all, few other police departments in Changyang City participated in an anti-drug war of this scale.

Further back, there is a large headquarters chaired by the director, deputy director and others of the Changyang Municipal Bureau, which provides unified command and leadership for the city's arrest mission.

Even outside Changyang City, the provincial department coordinated and dispatched local police forces to assist in the arrest. But there is no doubt that the top priority of this arrest is the headquarters building of the drug gang.

Opening a drug manufacturing factory in the center of a provincial capital city is something that the police cannot tolerate. Time passed by minute by minute.

Several people from the anti-narcotics detachment were discussing, but their voices quietly increased.

When deputy detachment leader Jin Kai said with a trace of murderous intent in his voice, "I apply to lead the commando team in the first wave of charge," the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became solemn.

The detachment leader was stunned and refused immediately: "It's just you. You don't need to apply. There are commanders in charge of the front line."

Deputy detachment leader Jin Kai said calmly: "I think it is necessary. First of all, this case is serious. I think the frontline needs to make on-the-spot decisions. The target building is not small. The first wave of commandos to enter is to chase the escapees. , or continue the assault? If we ask for instructions on the spot, what should we do if the signal is not good?"

After a pause, Jin Kai continued: "The key is the leaders of several drug trafficking gangs. Do the frontline police and armed police recognize them? Will there be members of other gangs involved? We don't know at all. I have no idea about the drug trafficking gangs in the province." The situation of drug traffickers is quite familiar, and I have the opportunity to judge the value of the target person at the scene.”

Seeing that the detachment leader still wanted to speak, deputy detachment leader Jin Kai continued: "To be honest, it makes no sense for our detachment to ask other units to assist in the battle. We hide behind others and let them charge forward. That is not for letting others poke them. Backbone. Small cases don’t matter, for such a big case, someone must take charge.”

"Old Jin!" Captain Yin suddenly became more emotional when he heard what he said. He couldn't control his voice anymore and said sternly: "I am the captain of the detachment. I haven't joined yet. Why are you anxious? I am the one leading the charge. You go around and block it!"

"You run

If we go to the front, it will be a bad fight here. Besides, there are so many brotherly units helping us out this time. If you don’t coordinate, we won’t be able to do anything. "Deputy detachment leader Jin Kai looked particularly calm.

"It's the chief's job to mediate and coordinate, it's not my turn." Captain Yin said.

"It's not your turn to go to the front line. I have to go." Jin Kai looked at the detachment leader, then at the others, and said, "That's it. The criminal was caught this time and retirement is worth it. We are usually busy. How many big fish can I catch in a month?”

Captain Yin knew what he said was right and couldn't help but sigh. This arrangement may be the best arrangement, but it is also the most dangerous.

"Okay, why are you still here? Don't be laughed at." The deputy detachment leader smiled enthusiastically and said, "It's not the first time. Don't scare the young people. I take all the credit." It’s just a matter of bending down and picking it up.”

Captain Yin did not look back, nor did he want to explain or explain.

The nature of anti-narcotics work is more dangerous than criminal investigation, but it is not too dangerous. What we encounter daily is mainly the uncertainty of criminals. For example, criminal investigation cases, not to mention that violent cases are becoming less and less, even if they are encountered, as long as multiple police officers are arresting them, the criminals will usually be arrested without restraint. If they do not want to be arrested without restraint, they will turn around and run away, trying their best to resist. are still in the minority.

The main problem encountered in anti-narcotics is that drug addicts are often mentally abnormal. For example, people who take ice are extremely excited and can stay up for three days and three nights. They also have hallucinations and low awareness of dangers. When the German army invaded France, the troops of Rommel and others were all taking amphetamines while fighting, and they penetrated deeply for several days. They were artificial super soldiers during World War II.

However, encircling and suppressing drug gangs is different.

Ordinary drug addicts are most likely to cause harm to anti-drug officers, one is to violently hurt others, and the other is to carry drugs themselves.

The drug gangs do not dare to be caught. They have desperate reasons and plan desperate plans on a daily basis.

In addition, drug trafficking gangs have money and connections, so the probability of arms being left in their lair is very high. If the anti-narcotics team wants to catch them all, casualties will easily occur.

At this time, standing in the temporary headquarters, the detachment leader could not persuade the deputy detachment leader. It was even difficult for him to assign another person to take over. The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, and the danger of charging head-on is 100% unacceptable to anyone.

Although the criminal police officers present were doing their own thing, they also understood the struggles of the anti-narcotics police officers. They are both police officers, and they convey the same worry and helplessness in just a few words.

In the depressing atmosphere, Jiang Yuan looked at the system cooling time in the upper right corner, raised his head and said: "I see there is an infrared camera in our equipment. The distance of this infrared camera is a bit far. If we can get closer, we can get a stable and clear picture. With the images, I can determine whether some suspects are carrying heavy objects, such as rifles, shotguns, long knives, etc. It is more accurate to weigh more than 5 kilograms, but short guns may not be suitable."

Footprint identification includes gait tracking, and whether a person is carrying heavy weapons can also be judged from the gait. Of course, the accuracy of LV5 may not be particularly high, but it should be of considerable help.

Wait until the cooldown time of skill +1 is up, and then raise the skill level of footprint identification to LV6. It is estimated that the effect will be more prominent.

Captain Yin and others looked at Jiang Yuan's evidence for two days, looking at him as if they were looking at Doraemon.

Hearing what Jiang Yuan said, Captain Yin's eyes lit up: "Whether it's good to be able to identify the long gun, we originally planned to use infrared cameras to determine the location of their guards and the distribution of gang members. If we can determine whether they are carrying heavy weapons, With weapons, the danger is greatly reduced.”

Jiang Yuan glanced at the cooling time on the upper right and said, "I still need 20 minutes to prepare. I haven't seen the infrared camera's gait, but it should be fine."

Captain Yin said subconsciously: "I'll give you 15 minutes!"

It was only reduced by 5 minutes, which was already a very polite order.

Jiang Yuan shook his head helplessly: "At least 18 minutes. This is not a bargain. I need some time to think."

"That's okay

. "Captain Yin stopped asking why. In the past two days, he actually asked some questions about Jiang Yuan's judgment. The result was not very good, and it was of no benefit to him. It also affected his understanding of criminal investigation technology and the world. Not much good.

"Okay, problem solved, I'll go down and get ready first." Deputy detachment leader Jin Kai nodded with a smile, then turned around and left.

"Pay attention to wearing body armor." Captain Yin's voice became lower and lower.

The danger is still there, it's just reduced. Despite this, several people still tried to be cheerful.

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