National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 500 On-site reconstruction


After taking a short rest, Jiang Yuan led Mu Zhiyang, Wang Chuanxing, Shen Yaowei and others into the crime scene centered on the main building.

At this time, the surroundings of the main building had been blocked as much as possible. Despite this, a large number of broken glass, people jumping from the building, and the sound of gunshots like firecrackers still attracted many people to watch.

In the surrounding buildings, there are still people taking pictures with cameras. So much so that the police from the local police station had to go upstairs frequently to warn.

A large number of trace inspections have been working here for two or three hours. The traces in the courtyard wall outside the building are basically collected, and the body that jumped out only left a white circle.

Debris on the ground, broken glass and other items that should be collected were also collected.

In the main building, the corpses were also the first to be removed, along with a large number of firearms, firearms, drugs and other items, all packed and sent away.

Even if the Criminal Police Detachment and the Anti-Narcotics Detachment were both in charge, and the Criminal Science Center of Changyang City was involved, the scale of this on-site investigation was far beyond the normal level.

A typical crime scene is the size of a room or a suite, and a case that can kill a whole courtyard is considered a super major case.

The scope of the current survey is one building. Just think about it and you can appreciate the workload involved.

From the moment he walked in the door, Jiang Yuan felt the strong New Year atmosphere——

The smell of gunpowder smoke lingered, and the messy ground was covered with various footprints. Broken vases, remnants of decorations, and bullet casings and bullet heads were scattered all around.

Most of the bullets used by police are lead-core bullets, which are not easy to bounce off hard objects.

The weapons of drug traffickers are not that particular. There are Hualong weapons that make two shots based on luck, steel-core bullets, and even explosives.

However, most of the drug gang members had no time to show the power of their weapons and were eliminated one by one or surrendered voluntarily.

Even in areas where firearms are rampant in Europe and the United States, many drug dealers still hold their pistols horizontally and shoot, and the maintenance of the firearms and the accuracy of shooting are impossible to talk about.

Although the drug trafficking gangs in Changyang City have obtained some weapons, their fighting qualities are still out of reach.

Not to mention that the police were well prepared, with well-trained police officers rushing in in teams according to the training pattern.

Even if the criminals who have time to surrender are lucky and resist, their situation will not improve at all——

It is very difficult for the police to achieve zero casualties, but the most difficult thing is definitely the opponent.

"This workload is a bit heavy." Jiang Yuan sighed with a smile.

He now also has a +1 bonus to Footstep Identification.

Temporary skill +1 at 405 minutes. There are still more than 100 minutes left. Level 6 skills are not necessary in such a scene, but they are definitely useful.

There is nothing good in the world that is really useless. For the scene in front of you, using lv3 footprint identification or even lv2 footprint identification may be enough, but with high-level footprint identification, it will naturally be better. effect, greater fault tolerance, and higher efficiency.

Jiang Yuan first directed Mu Zhiyang, Wang Chuanxing and others to place signs and take photos. Most of the footprints haven't been dealt with yet, and the police's bridge building direction is mainly aimed at the corpses, so they can just make up for it themselves.

Then, Jiang Yuan listed some more important and identical footprints separately from the first floor to the sixth floor and then from the sixth floor back to the first floor. Just one footprint made Jiang Yuan reach the afternoon.

The footprint identification at level 6 ended on time, and it still feels good to continue using it at level 5.

During the process of identifying the footprints, Jiang Yuan didn't have much to worry about. If there were any unclear areas, he could just deal with them slowly when he went back.

Through the footprints, Jiang Yuan quickly saw the fighting process between the two sides during the raid.

This is an advanced version of crime scene reconstruction.

It can't be like blood stain analysis, serial killer

You can see the movements of the hands. However, if someone bleeds, the reconstruction of the crime scene can be perfect along with the footprint analysis of the bloodstain analysis.

However, the number of people at a general crime scene is very small, and it is rare for a unit with dozens of people to appear.

There are cases of gang fights, but generally there is no need for crime scene reconstruction.

Jiang Yuan had a vague idea: In this chaotic environment, among the criminals who organized themselves spontaneously, the ones occupying the C position must be the core figures or core management.

At such a tense moment, if you talk about hiding anything, you are just causing trouble for yourself.

But after being arrested, I had enough time and energy to concentrate on surviving.

Jiang Yuan didn't need to report to anyone, he just explored it by himself and thought about it.

"Let's start with this." Jiang Yuan waved Tang Jia over, pointed to the footprints of a middle-aged man with size 42 feet on the ground, and said: "Take a few more pictures of this footprint, and then make a record... Who is that? You take pictures."

He called an onlooker who was dedicated to taking photos, who should be from the anti-narcotics detachment, and signaled Tang Jia to get ready, adding: "Suspect 1-05, age 42, 42 feet tall, 140 pounds, should have practiced boxing." , suspected to be the core figure on the first floor. He was hit in the leg first."

"At the beginning of the injury, 1-05 crawled a few steps quickly, and his movements were very fast - it can be seen from the trailing degree of the blood-dropped tadpoles."

"Then, the suspect sat on the ground and leaned on two cabinets to shoot. He also adopted a respectful posture for a while, probably because he was not high enough. This can be seen from the small pool of blood he left on the ground. , and the subsequent pool of blood became longer, which also shows that he was moving slowly."

"There are other criminals in the rear who provide support, numbers 1-06 and 1-07."

"1-07 went forward to support 1-05."

"1-07 was injured and fell to the ground and threw the extra magazine to 1-05."

"As far as the battle in the office area is concerned, 1-05 is obviously the core of the battle, but its tactical ability and fighting will are not as good as 1-07. This means that 1-05's status should be higher."

"In the end, 1-05 was hit, and his brains were sprayed on the wall. His body fell to the ground, and more blood flowed out. The others then lost their will to fight."

Jiang Yuan stood in front of the pool of blood and narrated the events of the crime scene orally, without a body, as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes.

During the battle, there were many people at the scene, and they all wore law enforcement recorders. Originally, there was no need to reconstruct the crime scene.

However, the secondary endorsement of crime scene reconstruction is actually very useful in times of trouble.

The most critical thing is that the judgment of the core characters cannot necessarily be judged through the images.

In fact, if he were not very cautious or too well-informed, the leader of the anti-drug detachment would not have had to raise this point with Jiang Yuan.

By default, Huang Li is the leader of the criminal gang, which is so simple and convenient that it is almost perfect.

The anti-drug detachment can immediately declare that the criminal gang has been annihilated. If the members of the gang cooperate a little more, they will be invincible.

It just seems that Captain Yin has no such idea. Perhaps he is worried that there are too many units involved...

All in all, if something is not confirmed beforehand, it is necessary to confirm it afterwards.

It's like if you were too anxious beforehand and didn't wear a condom, it's always good to have a checkup afterwards to be prepared.

Jiang Yuan is like a reagent, no one knows how he does it, but watching him do it makes everyone feel at ease.

From the first floor to the sixth floor, the building is in ruins.

Jiang Yuan stepped on the Banqiao and walked inside, stopping from time to time to make comments.

The leader of the anti-narcotics detachment hopes that he can find fingerprints in important locations through fingerprints and other methods to prove that certain people are important figures in drug gangs.

The method and idea are correct, but the efficiency is relatively low. Moreover, if the fingerprints are simply taken, ordinary criminal department personnel will actually take them, and Jiang Yuan does not have to do it.

On the other hand, there is nothing the anti-narcotics detachment can do about things like blood stain analysis and crime scene reconstruction.

It is very easy to judge the core characters.

Like the kind who were led away with bullets flying, or who were shot but were not left behind, but were carried, beaten, or supported by their companions to evacuate upwards. They were either brothers or brothers.

Brothers in a drug gang may not be able to do this.

Jiang Yuan started to act according to his own ideas. Although Captain Yin and other leaders understand criminal investigation and maybe a little bit about criminal science, they are essentially Muggles and it is impossible to let them guide the specific work of criminal science.

Anyway, just give them the answer in the end.

Jiang Yuan walked all the way up and soon reached the third floor.

At this time, some people had already begun to follow Jiang Yuan's footsteps.

Now is the time for on-site investigation. The Muggles are all resting outside. Those who can stay in the main building are basically criminal science and technical personnel. Some people don’t think so after hearing Jiang Yuan say a few words. Listen, listen. , and slowly began to pay attention.

With level 5 bloodstain analysis, a little level 4 crime scene investigation, and the assistance of footprints and fingerprints, this strength can actually turn most ordinary spot investigators into Muggles.

For those who are a little bit more ambitious, listening to it will make you feel very refreshing and refreshing.

Jiang Yuan and others naturally would not stop others from listening. Gradually, Jiang Yuan walked in front, stopping from time to time to let Wang Chuanxing take notes.

There may be more than ten or twenty people taking records at the same time.

Mu Zhiyang looked at it and couldn't help but take a photo and said to himself: It is indeed distributed storage.

Naturally, everyone will ignore Muggles. The number of cases handled by criminal police at the detachment level on a daily basis is far less than that of front-line police officers.

But in terms of pursuit, the room for advancement at the grassroots level is extremely limited. In fact, grassroots police officers, like teachers in primary and secondary schools, basically have no job promotions.

But at the detachment level, police officers often have a chance to realize their pursuits.

Even if you are a criminal technician, it is always good to learn a little more.

"Detachment Yin." Jiang Yuan arrived at the fifth floor before all six floors were finished. He only took a few glances before taking out his mobile phone.

"How's it going, Jiang Yuan, are you done?" Detachment Yin smiled.

"It's not finished, but I'm worried about misunderstandings on the interrogation side, so I want to make a phone call first." Jiang Yuan directly explained the situation.

Captain Yin immediately realized that something was wrong.

He said hurriedly: "You tell me, I will remember it."

"The suspect captured on the third floor is labeled No. 17. He is a man around 32 years old and 1.7 meters tall. This person should be the core figure in the drug gang, at least as high as Huang Li."

Captain Yin asked: "Is there any evidence?"

"Well, he was in danger twice. He was an important figure in the team and was rescued by No. 5. No. 5 should be the core figure of the team nicknamed Nail. In addition, on the fifth floor, No. 17 and the core of the team The character tea guests all needed to be evacuated, so No. 5 chose to take away No. 17. The tea guest was seriously injured and was left behind."

"Understood." Captain Yin always had on-site information and knew that Jiang Yuan did not adopt his own plan and did not say anything during the on-site survey. After all, he also knew that compared with Jiang Yuan, he was a Muggle.

Now that he had come to a conclusion, Captain Yin naturally believed in Jiang Yuan's judgment, put away his phone and made arrangements.

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