When Song Tiancheng from the ministry arrived at the Qinghe Municipal Bureau, he was accompanied by team members from the Shannan Provincial Bureau.

Song Tiancheng specifically told him not to engage in ceremonies or ostentation, but when he arrived at the place, a group of people came out to greet him.

Song Tiancheng could only sigh, and then said to Shen Xiaofeng, who was accompanying Shannan Provincial Department: "It's not easy for everyone."

Shen Xiaofeng laughed: "Everyone thinks it's worth it to receive your comment."

"Hey..." Song Tiancheng waited for the car to stop, opened the door and got out, and then shook hands with Sha Yingren, Yu Wenshu and others who came quickly.

Routine greetings completed.

Song Tiancheng quickly changed the topic and said: "Shaju, I want to chat with Jiang Yuan first. Is it convenient?"

Sha Bureau hesitated for a moment and said, "Does Bureau Song know Jiang Yuan?"

Song Tiancheng smiled and said: "I have never met him in person, but I have heard his name a lot recently, and someone even recommended it to me. I just want to meet him first."

In fact, he didn't want to know the situation from the leaders of the special team. From his understanding, promising technical cadres like Jiang Yuan are usually upright, or at least relatively strict self-discipline cadres.

Rather than watching the situation from a condescending position with the leader of the special team, Song Tiancheng wanted to understand the specific details of the special team through technical cadres like Jiang Yuan.

After all, he does not have to guide the work. Understanding the content of the work may be more important.

If the investigation work of the special team goes smoothly, it may not be a bad idea for him to switch to pure support work.

However, the detection of crimes is usually not accomplished overnight, and it is not just the detection of crimes that requires attention. Especially for drug trafficking, there are hundreds, or even hundreds, of suspects involved. It may be over a thousand, and there will be even more police officers participating in the special case, and even more police officers cooperating with the special case team.

With so many people, if replaced by another unit, it might be equivalent to the size of a smaller college. Moreover, it is a college with very prominent internal and external contradictions - think about how many things can happen in a university in a day. , how many people's joys, sorrows and joys were affected, and there were always fights and troubles and people jumping off buildings.

A special team will only be involved in more situations than less. The ministries and commissions and provincial departments represented by Song Tiancheng and Sha Yingren are all aiming for more positives and less negatives.

For example, when it comes to the detention of people involved in corruption, in theory, the shorter the time, the better. However, this will obviously affect the work of the special team. How to strike a balance is also very challenging.

This was not the first time that Sha Yingren met Song Tiancheng. He had a rough understanding of his work style and said with a smile: "Jiang Yuan arrested many people yesterday and stayed up all night to collect evidence. He went back to rest at noon. I asked people to Inform him immediately."

"Isn't Jiang Yuan a technician?" Song Tiancheng was a little surprised. This was different from what he knew.

Sha Yingren described what happened last night and said with a smile: "To use two idioms to describe it, it is equivalent to throwing yourself into a trap. When we meet on a narrow road far away from the river, the brave one wins."

Song Tiancheng's eyes widened when he heard this, and he grasped the key point: "This is a bit dangerous. Don't the members of the drug gang have guns?"

"Yuan Yushan's bodyguards may have brought them, but they didn't take them out. They evacuated, and Jiang Yuan and others did not pursue them." Yu Wenshu said on his behalf. He actually didn't know whether the other party had a gun. He might have. Maybe it’s okay if I don’t bring it.

Song Tiancheng nodded: "As long as there are no casualties... How is the public security situation in Qinghe City?"

Sha Yingren knew what Song Tiancheng meant and immediately said: "It's been very stable in the past few days. The occasional incidents are drunken troubles and injuries caused by disputes..."

If the existence of a drug trafficking gang causes damage to the lives and property of innocent citizens, it must be eradicated as soon as possible.

But if the situation remains stable and controllable, Jianyuan Group, as the largest enterprise in Qinghe City, involves tens of thousands of workers, so a sausage-cutting approach may be more feasible.

"Jiang Yuan stayed up all night, so don't worry about calling him now." Song Tiancheng felt that the special team was making good progress, so he was not in a hurry.

Yuan Yushan's appearance is still very representative. Yuan Yushan is still in Qinghe City, which means that the leader of the drug gang has not yet escaped. At the same time, Yuan Yushan approached Jiang Yuan and fled in a hurry, which also showed that they did not have a clear or effective breakout plan.

Thinking of this, Song Tiancheng asked again about the city's peripheral blockade.

Modern cities are well-connected in all directions, giving people the feeling that they can go anywhere.

But in fact, the issue of controlling access has been considered from the very beginning of urban construction.

Ancient city walls and gates were the access control of the city, and the modern road network and railway network also have stuck points. As for whether the effect is good or not, it can be seen by how many people can escape when the city is closed due to the epidemic.

A little analysis of media reports can actually reveal that those who were able to escape during the lockdown basically used the water system.

There are also several rivers in Qinghe City, such as the Taihe River that passes through Ningtai County. However, the water volume of these rivers is limited and the navigation capacity is average. A little strengthening of management can effectively prevent criminals from escaping.

Several people chatted into the conference room, and after another conversation, they began to review the special team.

During this period, all units within the special team were also well prepared.

Song Tiancheng is wearing a white shirt, has a slender figure and obvious signs of fitness. Walking at the front of the team, he looked a bit calm and confident.

Qinghe City Bureau has already vacated a building for a special team, and Jianyuan Group can also afford this scale.

Song Tiancheng visited one office after another to express condolences.

There were not many frontline policemen left in the office. It was impossible for Yu Wenshu and others to bring back the frontline personnel just to cope with Song Tiancheng's visit. It was unnecessary and impossible.

In this way, Song Tiancheng's visit was very fast, and he could easily visit most of the offices in a blink of an eye. When they reached the third floor and saw the female forensic doctor Wang Lan, Song Tiancheng stopped and said, "Jiang Yuan is the forensic doctor, right? Does he work here?"

Wang Lan said: "Team Jiang has his own office, but our forensic office reports to Forensic Doctor Jiang."

Speaking of which, Wang Lan, as the head of forensic medicine in Qinghe City, should be the one who guides the county bureau's forensic medicine.

But to be honest, this kind of "should" shouldn't appear in front of Jiang Yuan. In fact, it is impossible. If the technical difference is not big, you can borrow administrative power to provide guidance from a distance. If the technical difference is too big, you will have to cooperate with Jiang Yuan in administrative means.

Needless to say, as for the determination of the time of death, if Wang Lan dared to guide Jiang Yuan, it would be better if Jiang Yuan didn't listen. If it were another time, the forensic squadron in Qinghe City could wait for the death of the society.

Once or twice may be enough, but after three or five times, will the forensic squadron in Qinghe City still dare to guide Jiang Yuan? It's too late to run.

If you insist on giving guidance, you will lose all your prestige.

And if Jiang Yuan wants to guide the forensic doctors in Qinghe City, it is easy. The process is exactly the same. When you make a mistake, I will give you a guide. Do you listen? To change or not to change?

Of course, in most cases, the forensic doctors from the lower county bureaus have a strong sense of autonomy, so it’s okay if the forensic doctors from the municipal bureaus don’t come. Originally, this kind of guidance was helpful, but the county bureau office below suddenly emerged, and the city bureau was happy with it, and it saved time.

This is not possible only in this kind of special group.

Everyone gathered together, faced the same problems, and basically had the same goals, but there was only one truth - in the end, they could only listen to Jiang Yuan.

The technical gap is too big to have such a result.

Wang Lan and others were not used to it at first, but to be honest, as time went by, they got used to it.

Song Tiancheng didn't know if he understood. He nodded with a smile, asked a few more questions about skull recovery techniques, and then walked to the next trace inspection office.

Song Tiancheng asked the person in charge as usual, and saw a trace inspection station from the Trace Inspection Office come out and said: "Our office now mainly reports to Jiang Yuanjiang Forensic Medicine. In terms of business, it is also under the leadership of Team Jiang."

"That's it." Song Tiancheng nodded to express his understanding.

Continuing to the third office, the detective brigade sent a team of people to watch the video and said: "We are now under the management of Forensic Doctor Jiang Yuanjiang and report to Forensic Doctor Jiang."

Physics and Chemistry Laboratory...

DNA laboratory...

Bloodstain Analysis Office...

Everyone expressed their acceptance of Jiang Yuan's management.

Song Tiancheng walked and suddenly laughed: "After visiting like this, I really want to meet Jiang Yuan."

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