National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 528 Re-examination

"Captain Cui, Captain Li, let's have a cup of tea first." Huang Qiangmin asked for the cup in Wang Chuanxing's hand, poured the water from the electric kettle brought by Tang Jiali himself, and completed a cup of deputy bureau handicraft·New Year limited edition·Pure Chinese style·Limited time return·Yaxin Longjing.

Cui Xiaohu thanked him, and Huya smiled honestly and said, "You don't have to be busy, we are just soldiers, just accompany Captain Jiang to complete this footprint identification."

"Wherever there are soldiers in the ministries, they are all soldiers and generals from heaven." Huang Qiangmin had an 88-degree smile on his face, not caring at all that his flattery would embarrass him in front of his subordinates.

Huang Qiangmin adheres to a point of view: dignity is only on the edge of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon!

Do your subordinates look down on you? I would like to ask, is it that the left half is looked down upon, or is it that the front half of this one is bared?

Cui Xiaohu's loyalty, honesty, prudence, taciturnity, low-key, young love to learn and not ostentatious, and good at observing good students are no match for Huang Qiangmin's smile. He had to say modestly: "We just do some work to pass down the communication. The service is provided by experts like Jiang Yuanjiang Team, you are really welcome, we will wait for the result and then go back to resume our duties."

Li Haochen followed the wind even more, nodding and smiling without even saying anything.

"How many days can you stay here? I'll give you a customized entertainment plan." Huang Qiangmin asked.

"Don't entertain people. It's really not necessary. I have to obey orders all day long." Cui Xiaohu finally said, and explained the time: "I can still wait for three or four days. Captain Jiang can take his time." Just let me know if there are any changes during the process."

He took advantage of the situation and looked at Jiang Yuan. As a practical service talent who has served many experts, Cui Xiaohu felt that in three or four days, he should have a rough idea.

Huang Qiangmin finally got a time point. He felt that Jiang Yuan should be able to complete it, and he felt a little more relaxed. Then he changed the subject and said with a smile: "We in Ningtai have two major characteristics, one is that there are many mountains, and the other is that there are many rivers." The water is deep, and the game from the Sining Mountains... Of course, many are not allowed to be eaten now, but there are still some second- and third-generation farmed products...

"But what I recommend most is the fish from our Taihe River. The Taihe River is very long. Many counties and districts in Qinghe City have Taihe River passing through it. But when it comes to fish production, it can only be found in our Ningtai area. Other counties and districts The fish in the Taihe River are too small. Only the water here in the Taihe River is deep enough to support big fish. Moreover, because they are live water fish that have traveled thousands of miles, the wild fish caught in the Taihe River are all very good-looking, and they are not like those in the gym. The figure is that of a fighting ring, and it tastes particularly delicious when cooked..."


Jiang Yuan moved the chair and made some noise.

Huang Qiangmin immediately stopped to promote the food and looked over. Seeing Jiang Yuan's posture was a bit strange, he couldn't help but asked with concern: "How is it? Did you get hurt climbing into the sewer?"

"No, I just looked at my feet and thought of something..." Jiang Yuan actually turned on the temporary +1 skill. The sudden surge of information made his state change a little.

This skill was originally planned to be reserved for Da Zhuang today, but now it can only be used first.

It's okay for Da Zhuang to wait for a day. If he's lucky, he can eat one more LV5 dog meal. But the special team in Gyeonggi Province probably spends a lot of money in a day.

Jiang Yuan, who had just come out of the special team, thought that the cost involved was still very exaggerated. As the saying goes, when a cannon goes off, gold is worth ten thousand taels. Once there are more people, the expenses will rise exponentially. The expenses for 100 people are not 100 times that of one person. And if these people start to move, the expenses will increase even more.

However, what Jiang Yuan is really concerned about is the difficulty of the bloody footprints.

Blood footprints are not difficult. On the contrary, Jiang Yuan looked at the blood footprints provided by Cui Xiaohu and felt that the difficulty level could be considered medium, and that LV3's footprint identification was more than enough.

Although LV3 footprint identification is very rare in Shannan Province, in the Gyeonggi region, it is nothing rare for ministries and commissions.

China is really full of talents, but that is not talking about the vast rural and county areas, but also the capital city, not even Shanghai.

At a time when a top student from Tsinghua University and Peking University in a county would be discussed for days, the capital area was home to a six-digit number of Tsinghua and Peking University graduates.

In such an environment, it is unreasonable for a LV3 bloody footprint to seek help from foreign aid or through ministries.

Therefore, there is only one truth - it is not that the footprints are difficult, but that there are no matching footprints in the compared footprint library.

This is the experience Jiang Yuan has already summed up when doing fingerprints.

If a fingerprint is not very difficult to compare but still fails to match, then it must be that there is no corresponding fingerprint in the library.

This is like an animal. It looks very delicious and smells very fragrant. There are rumors in the world that the soup is very delicious and the braise is very tender. At this time, the animal is walking in the center of the village, but no one is trying to catch it. , indicating that it either has an owner or is a high-level protected animal.

The same goes for footprints. It is not difficult to compare the half-blooded footprints. It is understandable that the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment asked for help. There is a certain probability that the footprint experts in Shannan Province will be stuck or lack efficiency, but how can the ministry do that?

In their expert library, the LV5 footprint experts may be busy or difficult to hire, but the LV4 footprint experts are definitely available.

When a LV4 footprint expert does a LV3 footprint, it's like a mother spanking her child. It's just a matter of how.

If you don't win this wave, it means there are no matching footprints on the hard drive.

Jiang Yuan connected to the hard drive, stopped after looking at dozens of footprints, and then activated the temporary skill +1.

This solidified his idea.

"You should have asked someone to see these footprints before." Jiang Yuan asked Cui Xiaohu directly.

Cui Xiaohu nodded honestly.

"I've finished reading them all. Is there nothing in the competition?" Jiang Yuan pointed at the keyboard.

Cui Xiaohu nodded, shook his head and said: "There were some suspicions, but they were ruled out later. There is a separate folder inside, which contains specially selected suspected fingerprints..."

Jiang Yuan then turned to the main interface of the hard drive to look for it.

There are a lot of folders in the hard drive, and the footprints of each household are separated separately. The superior folders are villages and streets, and some additional units are also listed separately.

Jiang Yuan pulled the interface to the bottom and saw a "Suspected (wtl)" folder.

Jiang Yuan guessed that wtl was the name of the expert.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Yuan looked at Huang Qiangmin and said, "Normally, it's hard for me to look at a situation like yours where you've already hired an expert..."

If it is a private invitation, that is indeed the case.

Comparing experts with experts, in most cases, there will be no worse grade. Famous experts in the province are usually at LV3. Once they reach LV4, they will soon attract the attention of ministries and commissions after making a big deal.

In fact, the same is true for Jiang Yuan. After the 503 armed robbery and this time, there is no doubt that they have entered the ministry's sight.

Next, if he does well, after working for a while, he will probably enter the expert database of the ministry and commission, and then he can be given a title such as "specially invited expert".

In this case, if expert A of the same level cannot do it, the probability that B can actually do it is not very high.

It doesn't make much sense to find A and then B. In addition, if B really invests a lot of time and energy to solve the problem, it will be a little awkward for A and B to meet again.

To solve this problem, it is best to have an order from the top.

I execute the command and there is always no problem.

Cui Xiaohu often served experts from all walks of life. He immediately understood what Jiang Yuan meant and said: "This is the request of the Song Bureau. If there is a formal official letter, give priority to the original letter."

As Jiang Yuan spoke, he showed several suspicious pictures.

He now has 405 minutes of temporary +1, and the footprint identification directly exploded to LV6. In just one or two minutes, not only did he look at these suspected photos, he could also see that the reason why this wtl expert identified the suspected what is the reason.

This person should be a master of both trace identification and footprint identification, but the level of footprint identification should be at the high-end LV3 level. He is probably an expert found in the early stage of the case. For this half-blooded footprint, he should be familiar with the shoe pattern. There are more changes to consider.

Jiang Yuan scanned the page twice, and then said to Cui Xiaohu: "

I think there should be no footprints on the hard drive that match the bloody footprints. "

Cui Xiaohu frowned and said nothing. The footprints on the hard drive have been compared, and when I look for Jiang Yuan again, I still have the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

However, Cui Xiaohu couldn't understand Jiang Yuan's "arbitrary" decision.

"From the perspective of criminal police practice, the murderer is very likely to be in the footprints of the hard drive. After the crime occurred, we sealed off the local area as quickly as possible. Moreover, since the crime occurred twice before, For most people, they have the habit of staying in the local area for a while..." Cui Xiaohu described the situation, which was equivalent to expressing his objection.

"Serial robber?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"Yes, I accidentally killed someone this time, so I left footprints in the panic. In the previous case, because the person involved reported it late, there were not many clues left."

Jiang Yuan waved his hand and said: "I don't know the specific situation, but judging from the condition of the bloody footprints, I think it is unlikely that the experts in front would make such a big mistake."

Cui Xiaohu and his colleague Li Haochen looked at each other.

Li Haochen stood up and said: "If this is your final judgment, it's not impossible, but we also hope..."

"It's impossible for you to make such a trip and go back like this." Jiang Yuan interrupted Li Haochen and said, "I will look at the footprints on the hard drive again later, but from a broken perspective, I Now I have a proposal, let’s see if it’s feasible.”

"Say it." Cui Xiaohu suddenly became energetic. He knew that experts like Jiang Yuan would shirk if they did so, and they would do so during routine tasks. He couldn't just hand things over to experts and think everything would be fine. However, if an expert puts forward a new point of view, there must be some thinking involved.

This is the greatest value of experts.

Jiang Yuandao: "I'll make a re-appraisal of this bloody footprint and re-delineate its scope. How about you do some more investigation?"

"Okay, okay." Cui Xiaohu agreed.

There are only 0 and countless times of troubleshooting. Checking a few more times doesn’t mean anything. It’s like a plane taking off and flying three or five kilometers more. What’s the difference?

Jiang Yuan pulled out a notebook and quickly recorded:


20-28 years old.

Height 165 to 168 cm

Weight: 60 to 70 kg

The figure shows signs of exercise.

The shoes have an inner height increase, and the shoe size is too large, size 42. Actual shoe size should be 40 to 41.

The range marked by Jiang Yuan this time was very large. It was not that he was more cautious, but that it was indeed more difficult to judge with half a foot. Fortunately, it is a blood footprint. If the plane taken by electrostatic adsorption is divided into footprints, the marked range will have to be enlarged.

Despite this, Cui Xiaohu still frowned after looking at it for a while, and he and his colleague Li Haochen who came with him took out their notebooks to check.

"Captain Jiang, the scope you gave is smaller than the scope of our investigation." Cui Xiaohu said awkwardly.

It is smaller than the scope of the investigation, which means that the people Jiang Yuan hopes to investigate should have been investigated.

"Try to investigate again." Jiang Yuan has done a lot of work, and he knows a lot about investigation.

He re-read the conditions he wrote, then circled the word "height", and then marked two words below: naked height, and drew three lines to show the emphasis.

Jiang Yuan tore off the page and said: "I suggest you check again carefully within this range. It is not uncommon for people to escape the investigation due to various reasons. Since the investigation interval I drew is smaller, I hope I can check it more carefully.”

The person responsible for the investigation was the criminal police team of a certain branch in Gyeonggi Province, and they were not from the ministry. When Cui Xiaohu received the page given by Jiang Yuan, he nodded and said, "I understand, I will report it now."

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