National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 534 Pollen Atlas

Trace Evidence Laboratory.

White paint, white tables, white experimental instruments, and lab technicians in white coats...

This is the most advanced laboratory in the Criminal Division Center of Luojin City Bureau. There may be laboratories in universities or research institutes that are more advanced than this, but in the field of criminal investigation, trace evidence laboratories are considered to be the ceiling level.

Not to mention anything else, the requirements for a clean laboratory are much higher than the overall cost of an ordinary laboratory. The smaller the various instruments and equipment, the more expensive they are.

Experimenters working in trace evidence laboratories are generally full-time professionals - other professional criminal positions, except forensic medicine, which usually emphasize professionalism and require professional certificates and education and training, such as on-site investigation, trace inspection or Drug tests, physical and chemical tests, etc. are all done by a group of talented people.

Although relevant police academies also offer relevant majors and courses, the internal requirements of the police are not strict. It’s not surprising that some police officers are on duty within a few months of training.

The requirements for trace evidence laboratories are relatively high. Moreover, because of the high construction costs and high usage costs, the laboratory's requirements for personnel are naturally also high.

But such a group of people still wisely chose to be obedient in the face of Jiang Yuan's foreign invasion.

Jiang Yuan actually didn't show much offensive power, but his operation itself was extremely offensive.

It's like everyone is playing basketball together. Someone comes in, smiles politely at everyone, and then starts to make mid-range shots. He hits many empty shots in a row. Everyone shouts "Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, how good". This person starts to switch to the three-point line. , made many empty hits in a row, and everyone began to praise and pay attention at the same time. Then, this guy dribbled into the basket and dunked multiple times in a row...

Of course, everyone still has to applaud and praise, but the praise at this time feels a little forced, as if if you don't praise, you are just a big fool who is jealous of others.

What should everyone do if this guy dribbles back to the three-point line again and starts dunking from the free throw line?

Cheering is appropriate, but staying away from the court seems necessary. Otherwise, it would be too uncomfortable to serve as a backdrop for others.

Especially when many students raised their mobile phones and gathered around.

Jiang Yuan has almost started to take off from the free throw line and dunk, and he dunks in different postures.

There was no other way. He had just acquired the skills of forensic botany, so he was not very familiar with various technologies. Naturally, he had to operate them online. He could not deliberately lower his technical level in order to keep a low profile or something.

Therefore, you can see Jiang Yuan staining and embedding the pollen, spores and organic residues, watching him put the embedded samples on the glass slide, and then classify these things under the microscope. Write a lab report.

Identifying pollen and spores is actually a difficult task.

Why are there so few botanists in the world, especially those who are deeply involved in the field of pollen? Is it because everyone doesn’t like it?

It’s because it’s difficult and not profitable!

Many pollens look similar to the untrained eye. Some pollens are indeed similar, and it is almost impossible to identify the species. This is either an exaggerated rhetorical device, or it is impossible to distinguish. For example, rose pollen is basically indistinguishable from apple, hawthorn or rose pollen.

As for what is easy to distinguish, that is also for botanists. There are so many types of pollen in the world. Even among botanists, there are only a few who specialize in pollen. Moreover, most people only know the pollen of their own region.

Therefore, similar to skull repair, forensic botany is a super high-end and extremely difficult skill.

Of course, the effect will be explosive.

After all, this skill itself is extremely difficult to guard against, and even fewer people know about it.

It was not until the 1990s that the United States tried to carry out some applications of forensic botany, and the results were good. However, botanists had little interest and the difficulty was too great. This is still the case today.

In Jiang Yuan's view, forensic botany today is almost as powerful as when DNA was first invented.

However, because of its difficulty, it cannot be as popular as DNA testing.

But for the detection of specific individual cases, its value is no less than DNA identification.

"Currently, it seems that cereals are the dominant species. They must have stayed in places with a lot of cereals for a long time."

After determining the species and genus of pollen and sporopollen contained in each sample through a microscope, Jiang Yuan slowly gave a conclusion report.

The original researchers of the Trace Evidence Laboratory sat across from Jiang Yuan and listened to his words.

It's like a group of tall guys on the court watching the good citizens passing by take off and dunk from the free throw line. Identity or anything else doesn't matter here, just clap your hands.

Jiang Yuan operated the microscope while outputting:

"There are inhaled insects in the radiator. These can be studied separately by someone later."

"The amount of pollen inside the tire tread is much smaller than the amount of pollen mixed in the soil outside the tire."

"There are many types of pollen in the air filter, which can be regrouped later."

"The pollen patterns of foot pads and foot pedals are similar. There are nettles, rice plants, pigweed plants, hawthorns, wild roses, ivy, birch, pine, elm..."

When Jiang Yuan said this, a technician next to him had already unfolded the map and started reading it.

After a while, when Jiang Yuan finished speaking, the technician said: "Captain Jiang, there are not many places with hawthorn trees in Luojin City, so it should be used as a landmark."

Jiang Yuan nodded and said, "Okay."

"Daike means rice. There shouldn't be many of them in the city. If it's outside the city, there shouldn't be many hawthorn trees." This technician probably has some hobbies. He is on the map. Mark it on.

Jiang Yuan actually wanted to say that there is no need to go to such trouble, just look for a satellite image that can see the trees on the ground, and look for them piece by piece.

Pollen maps are not only qualitative but also quantitative. The place where Jiang Yuan spent the most time just now was counting the number of pollen.

This step is also very hard for him. He has to first identify the species and then count them, and he has to record them in the middle.

However, after completing this step, Jiang Yuan can almost determine the proportion of some plants in the area.

There may be two, three or even ten plots of land with the above plants, but their proportions and quantities must be different.

Therefore, using the pollen map, it is possible to find the unique location.

This is an extremely powerful part of advanced forensic botany. It is equivalent to the DNA of a place.

Of course, it's also a good thing to have someone who can help narrow down your search.

Jiang Yuan left the laboratory, changed his clothes, and then called Huang Qiangmin and asked him to find the criminal police detachment in Luojin City to blend the satellite images.

After making the call, I turned around and saw that there was still a row of people behind me, forming a semi-circle around Jiang Yuan's back just like in the laboratory.

Jiang Yuan's vest was getting cold. If he hadn't temporarily suppressed it, he would have used Uncle Ziqiang's wrestling skills to his advantage.

The technician at the head said with a smile: "Curious."

Brushing the car's skin, looking for pollen, and then determining the location of the kidnapper sounds like a curious thing.

The technicians in the trace evidence laboratory still watched Jiang Yuan do it, so they were naturally more curious.

Jiang Yuan didn't care and said with a smile: "Then let's go and have a look." Then he led a group of people to the conference room.

At this moment.

Xu Tianzheng, deputy director of the Luojin Municipal Bureau, led an office staff to accompany the victim's family.

The victim's family actually didn't say anything, they just kept crying.

The parents of the two primary school students, plus the grandparents, aunts and uncles who came with them, filled the huge room to capacity.

At the beginning, Xu Tian didn't want so many family members to come, but they couldn't coax the parents of both families, so they had to ask relatives to intervene.

At least, now that their relatives are helping to coax them, they won't be at a loss as to what to do.

"Director Xu, tell me, why don't they let her go? They asked for money and the money was given. What else do they want?" The mother of one of the girls stopped crying. After saying this, she started again. Cried.

Xu Tian sighed heavily and said: "We guess that they may also want some money. They may have some use for the first 2 million, but the latter sum should be what they really want."

"And... we... we..." The mother looked at her husband.

The man's face was livid, he gritted his teeth and said, "I told the bank to borrow a little money first and then sell the house when I get back today!"

The woman's expression suddenly relaxed, then she held her husband's arm and began to cry.

The man patted her shoulder and said, "We didn't have a house back then. As long as Yuanyuan comes back, we can make money to buy it later."

"Well, well..." The woman nodded vigorously, tears soaking her husband's shoulders.

The couple next to them looked at each other and hugged each other hand in hand.

Xu Tian felt uncomfortable for a while. Not only him, but also the policemen present were in a bad mood. The victims are forced to endure more and more, but there is nothing they can do.

The kidnappers have already asked for more ransom, and the police station cannot pay this money. If the victim's family is unwilling to come forward, communication between the two parties is likely to be cut off, and the kidnapping case may turn into a homicide...

However, looking at the actions of several people and feeling their emotions, everyone was in a nervous mood.

If good people can only vent their emotions with tears, but bad people can get real money and silver benefits, then what's the point of having police?

Xu Tian sighed secretly and advised: "Not only our municipal bureau attaches great importance to this case now, the provincial departments and ministries have also sent people, and experts from all aspects have come to support. You must maintain confidence and an optimistic spirit. We We are also organizing and coordinating the forces of all parties to try to find the location of the other party and rescue the children..."

It was okay if he didn't say it. When he said this, the tears that had just been stopped by both parents fell again. The old ladies from both families also began to pull their sleeves and wipe away tears.

At this moment, Huang Qiangmin walked in with a smile on his face.


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