National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 551: Not Far Away

It was already late at night when the plane landed at Luojin Airport.

Jiang Yuan went out the morning before, flew for half a day, then worked for a day, and then flew back for half a day. It took a total of two days, and the work during this period was also full.

When he arrived in Luojin City, Jiang Yuan had nowhere to go, so he booked a hotel room next to the airport and slept until dawn.

early morning.

Back at the Luojin City Bureau, a group of leaders were waiting in the temporary conference room.

Bang bang bang...

The applause was endless.

The director stepped forward with a smile, held Jiang Yuan's hand tightly, and said: "Welcome back, thank you for your hard work, Jiang Yuan. The Malaysian side thinks very highly of you, and the ministries and commissions also sent a letter... We in Luojin City The game is also about being proud..."

He is a good talker, and he connected Luo Jin City and Jiang Yuan in just a few words. If it weren't for Huang Qiangmin, the average technician would be dumped by now.

Jiang Yuan doesn't need to worry about this now. Huang Qiangmin gave him instructions before coming here, so just focus on showing respect.

Jiang Yuan cooperated and showed some respect. After the directors finished speaking, he approached Pang Jidong and said, "Pang Pang, how have you been resting these days?"

Pang Jidong's inner thighs couldn't help but tremble. The gentle way to say it was that his legs were fighting, so he whispered: "I'm resting well. Well... Bao Wenxing should be sent for examination."

There were four cases of rape in China, three cases abroad, and one death case. Counting only the domestic part, the probability of Bao Wenxing being sentenced to life or even death was very high. He had multiple aggravating circumstances. Even if he is lucky and is not sentenced to death, he will have to go to Malaya to continue serving his sentence after his sentence is over.

Therefore, Jiang Yuan no longer needs to care about Bao Wenxing.

Jiang Yuan also said: "Bao Wenxing's story is over, let's move on to the next one?"

"Okay." Pang Jidong naturally agreed and asked, "What kind of eucalyptus?"

"Let's pick them together." Jiang Yuan told Pang Jidong, also taking advantage of his familiarity with the affairs in Luojin City.

Pang Jidong was very happy in this aspect and said with a smile: "Would you like to find an easy one or a more difficult one?"

The agreement between Huang Qiangmin and the Luojin Municipal Bureau covers three fatalities in total, and two of them have now been completed. If it is purely to complete the task, then naturally it is best to find a simple fate.

Of course, the simple matter of destiny itself needs to be redefined.

However, judging from the exchanges over the past few days, Pang Jidong felt that Jiang Yuan's ideas were extremely unconventional and often had no connection with ordinary ideas.

At this time, the director noticed Jiang Yuan and Pang Jidong whispering here, and smiled: "What are you talking about? You are so happy."

Pang Jidong said hurriedly: "We are discussing the options for the third death."

"Oh, is this going to be the third death?" The director was inexplicably surprised.

"I still need to rest for a while, but I can start the preliminary preparations." Jiang Yuandao: "I am going to rest for two days and at the same time determine what I want to do."

The director nodded naturally: "Combining work and rest, this is the most reasonable. What are you planning to do?"

"That depends on the details." Jiang Yuan smiled, but he couldn't say that the victim was a cook.

After all, he was just the one who broke the news, not the one who committed the crime.

The welcome event in front of the building ended, and the criminal police detachment returned to calm.

Then, Jiang Yuan met Wang Zhong, whom he had not seen for a long time, in the office.

As Comrade Wang Zhong, the trace inspection officer of Ningtai County 9, he would only appear when it was confirmed that there was a shortage of people. After the Jiangyuan Jigu team was strong, he gradually stopped showing up.

Jiang Yuan was quite surprised to see him this time.

A confident smile appeared on Wang Zhong's face, and he said: "Captain Jiang, Captain Wu heard that you went to Malaya, so he specially sent me here to give you something."

With that said, Wang Zhong took out an exquisite small jar from his backpack.

The jar is made of stainless steel and has a wide lid. When you open it and pour it out, you will see several red eggs rolling out.

"I guess..." Jiang Yuan was not surprised at all. The gift Wu Jun sent was a red egg. Isn't this how it should be?

Wang Zhongdao: "Captain Jiang, eat it while it's hot. The eggs are laid by Captain Wu's own chickens. They are delicious."

"My master started raising chickens?" Jiang Yuan took a red egg, cracked it open, peeled it off, and asked while eating.

"I raise 5, and I can get 5 eggs almost every day. Captain Wu said that even if you are fierce, he will at least guarantee a supply of red eggs."

Jiang Yuan laughed.

"By the way, I brought other things to decorate here for you?" Wang Zhong patted his schoolbag and his expression became serious.

Although he had practiced for a long time in Ningtai, this was his first time doing things independently. The person he faced was Jiang Yuan who had just returned from abroad.

Jiang Yuan felt Wang Zhong's solemnity.

It has to be said that this momentum alone is not something that 9 can beat.

"Okay. Come with me, let's find an office." Jiang Yuan then went out, found Pang Jidong, entered his office, locked the door first, and then drew the curtains.

Pang Jidong didn't know why, but his expression instantly became serious.

"Captain Jiang, are you in love?" Pang Jidong said, looking at Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong also looked at Pang Jidong with extremely solemn eyes. If there was one more person, the materials would easily be insufficient. Fortunately, he had made sufficient preparations...

"My master brought me some specialties to lend me your precious land." Jiang Yuan explained to Pang Jidong.

Pang Jidong nodded more solemnly.

As the saying goes, "Once a teacher, always a father", in this era, although it is not so strict, Jiang Yuan's master is almost considered to be his Pang Jidong's master.

Calculated in this way, Pang Jidong will naturally pay more and more attention to the "specialties" sent by Wu Jun.

Under Pang Jidong's extremely solemn eyes, Wang Zhong's self-confidence was sublimated again.

He took off his backpack, unlocked it, opened the zipper, took out a cloth bag, and pulled off the rope on it, revealing the copper stove inside.

Pang Jidong frowned: "Is this... evidence?"

"For stepping across the brazier." Jiang Yuan answered quickly.

Before Pang Jidong could ask again, he saw Wang Zhong busily taking out the charcoal, taking out the spray gun, then putting the charcoal into the copper furnace and burning it with the spray gun...

The charcoal quickly develops a red color.

Wang Zhong took out another stack of yellow paper and said: "Captain Jiang, this is specially prepared for you by Captain Wu. It has English on it."

Jiang Yuan knelt down, took the yellow paper and looked at it. The yellow paper is a solid color, and indeed there is a red stamp on it with the words: don't

"No?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"Captain Wu carved it with carrot seals himself." Wang Zhong said, making way for Jiang Yuan to step across the brazier.



Pang Jidong’s people watching beside him were numb: “Captain Jiang, what are we doing?”

"My master believes that stepping over a brazier can remove bad luck. If you don't believe it, it doesn't matter." Jiang Yuan stepped across diagonally, upright, left and right...

The fire is lit, and it is a waste if it is not crossed.

Pang Jidong hesitated for a moment, and finally followed Jiang Yuan and crossed the brazier together.

Jiang Yuan glanced at Pang Jidong.

Pang Jidong said calmly: "Just treat it as a petition."

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