National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 553 Life reaction

"Hmm... Haidilao's cook, I remember this."

"This eucalyptus is not broken. My family's dinner is scheduled to be held in Haidilao, and I am too embarrassed to go."

"Me too. Later I found out that the people there had changed, and many people had resigned. The turnover rate was much higher than that of their other stores."

"No...didn't Jiang Yuan just come back? Is the gum broken?"

"It's almost time. Pang Jidong has brought a group of people back to ask."

Several detectives were sitting in the office, chatting happily. They may not necessarily understand all the decisions in the bureau, but at least they have heard of them.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

Because when a fatal case is about to enter the stage of accumulation, it means that it has entered a state of urgent medical treatment. At this time, many criminal police teams will be caught and they will naturally learn relevant information.

Furthermore, the number of fatalities accumulated is smaller compared to the relatively small number of fatalities. The police officers in the bureau will be more or less aware of the fatalities that have not been detected in recent years.

When such a case is detected, it will naturally cause discussion.

In fact, looking at various police stations, if it were not for the various "actions" organized by ministries, commissions and provincial departments, they would be able to independently detect their own murder cases, which all have a certain degree of particularity and contingency.

The most common thing is that the suspect committed other crimes and was subsequently caught. What's even cooler is that a certain detective has been following a certain suspect, and finally got the clues, and then solved the case.

The detection of murderous plots through "actions" organized by higher-level departments is partly a result of resource integration and partly a result of more resources being poured into it.

There are too few people who try to detect their own fate all over again.

On the contrary, there are some colleagues like Jiang Yuan from other police stations who, for some reason, solved the scene here.

Of course, no matter which angle you look at it, Jiang Yuan's ability to solve crimes is so much beyond the normal level that ordinary criminal policemen seem to be more and more calm when discussing it.

"Let's go." A captain of a certain brigade who returned from the conference room waved and called out to his subordinates.

"The cook from Haidilao?"

The detectives had already discussed the gossip in the office, and they guessed it right away.

The captain said "Yes" and said: "The number of people on the list has doubled. We have allocated more than 20 people. Let's make it more detailed. As for Bureau Xu, whoever leaked it last time can forget it. Anyone who leaks it again this time will be punished." He knocked out the bones, ground them with a file and put them in his eyes."

"I know." The detectives' hearts showed no signs of wavering. It's just a threat, and it's not the first time.

However, if there were problems in the previous inspections, this time the inspection really makes people have to pay more attention.

Someone asked: "The direction of the investigation has not changed. Does Jiang Yuan think it was an acquaintance?"


"We have checked twice according to the direction of the acquaintance. The probability of leakage is really low."

"So Director Xu also said that bygones are bygones. As long as it was not intentional, the leak will not be pursued. But this time, we have to stand firm."

"Is it true that a skilled artist is brave?"

The captain groaned twice and said: "They used the blood stain analysis method to directly reconstruct the scene and performed it for the leaders. I looked at it and found nothing wrong. I also believe that the most likely scenario is that an acquaintance was responsible. "

Several detectives also frowned.

It is not uncommon for loopholes to appear during investigation. The murderer of Baiyin Gu slipped through the cracks several times despite the police's unlimited attention.

However, there must be a reason for the leak, and it shows that the criminal must have mastered some skills, which makes people have to think more about it.

funeral parlor.

Jiang Yuan and the forensic doctor from Luojin City pulled the body out of the ice coffin.

He did not plan to do an autopsy, so he did not ask the forensic doctor to thaw the body in advance. He only focused on examining the body surface.

The cause of death of the victim was also relatively clear. During the first autopsy, no abnormalities were found, and Jiang Yuan did not need to do a second autopsy.

An autopsy is a destructive examination, and the more you do, the better. A typical example is the four autopsies of the woman surnamed Huang. Because the family requested it in various ways, at the last fourth autopsy, the forensic doctor from the ministry saw a semi-rotted corpse, and naturally nothing could be found. The results come.

Jiang Yuan also focused on examining the wound, measured it with a ruler, and compared it with the autopsy results, saying: "The murderer should be a male, not weak, and between 170 and 180 centimeters tall."

This is determined by the angle when cutting. For something as important as slashing someone, generally speaking, few people jump up to slash, nor do they squat down to slash. Therefore, the height can be judged based on the angle.

However, because the murder weapon has not yet been obtained, the length of the murder weapon can only be estimated. As a result, the height range is relatively wide.

The valuation given by Jiang Yuan is relatively clear.

It's just that the height of the murderer is not impressive. For men between 170 cm and 180 cm, such a height value is almost useless for screening people.

The forensic doctor from Luojin City stood obediently beside him, showing no disrespect at all because of Jiang Yuan's nonsense-like judgment.

Forensic botany, there are not many serious forensic doctors who do this. To put it another way, people have already done it to this extent. Is there any wall in the forensic world? If Jiang Yuan's head hits it, it will break the south wall.

"The person should have been chopped to death with the first axe." Jiang Yuan carefully looked at the wound, waved his bare hands twice in the air, and said, "At this angle, there is no blood splattered on the body. He also knows how to use an axe."

If the murderer had been spattered with blood, the blood splatters on the wall would not be complete.

The forensic doctor from Luojin City nodded in agreement.

"It seems that there is still a certain interval between the first ax and the second ax. The murderer should not be particularly excited." Jiang Yuan looked at the wound carefully and gave the most valuable point today. judge.

Part of his judgment was based on blood stain analysis.

The forensic doctors in Luojin City did not have this part of the reserve, so they could only make a listening gesture.

"On the wall there is only the blood spatter from the first axe. I originally thought there might be a gap in the position of the second axe, but now it's no problem." When Jiang Yuan said this, the forensic doctor in Luojin City immediately understood.

Just like the story Jiang Yuan told Pang Jidong about the stabbing of people in the Three Kingdoms, there was splattering of blood, indicating that the victim was slashed while he was still alive. In the professional terminology of forensic medicine, it is called life reaction.

When the second ax struck, the victim had no response. There are two possibilities. One is that the location of the strike was off and there were no major blood vessels. The other is that the time has expired and the victim's heart and internal organs have stopped. Without work, there will be no response in life.

Jiang Yuan judged that the time had come.

In other words, after the murderer struck the first axe, he paused for a short time, then struck the second axe, and the third...

Murderers who kill with passion generally don't do this.

The typical murderer who kills with passion is the madman seen on the street wielding a knife and waving it around. Normal people will not kill people under normal circumstances. They will only do so when they are mad and their brain has completely lost their mind.

Therefore, the murderer who kills with passion should be chopping with an ax in his hand.

In this case, between the first and second blows of the ax, there was a period of time when the reaction to life disappeared. That is, the murderer did not swing the second ax until the person was completely dead.

What was the murderer doing during this time?

Either observe or speak.

You can't just throw out an ax and then take out your phone and start reading a novel.

"Is there any grudge or interest entanglement between the murderer and the victim?" The forensic doctor also thought about this issue clearly.

Jiang Yuan nodded.

The forensic doctor from Luojin City frowned and said, "But if we checked the acquaintance twice, how come we couldn't find him if there was any grudge or interest entanglement?"

Jiang Yuan shook his head. He was not interested in speculation without objective evidence.

"Okay. Push the body back." Jiang Yuan said the victim had no intention of leaving his body behind, so he had no choice but to let it go back to the ice coffin.

When Mu Zhiyang drove back, the yard of the Luojin City Criminal Police Detachment was already quiet.

Most of the criminal police officers went out to investigate and inquire.

After more than a year, many of the people on the list are no longer at their original addresses, and some have even changed cities and returned to their hometowns.

Not only is it difficult to get in touch, but it’s even harder to ask in person.

If it was a minor case, the criminal police might have called, but for this kind of fatal case, phone calls are absolutely not allowed, and people can only be sent on a business trip to ask questions.

At this time, the criminal police detachment was as empty as a company on vacation.

Jiang Yuan didn't look very worried. When he returned to the temporary office, he called Pang Jidong, looking like he was regrouping, and said: "Pang Pang team, the investigation will be the investigation. Let's make another plan during the waiting time?"

"Looking for another chef?" Pang Jidong guessed Jiang Yuan's heart.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "It's not necessary to choose a chef. This project is not finished yet. As for the new project, we should give priority to finding a forensic botany person."

Pang Jidong felt his stomach curl up: "Are you really not worried about the results of the investigation? Should we take advantage of this time to reconsider the direction of the investigation?"

"Look, it's an acquaintance's fault. If you really can't find out, I'll introduce an expert to you later." The words Xu Taining flashed in Jiang Yuan's mind, but he didn't say it immediately, lest people from the Luojin City Bureau object in advance. .

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