National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 557: The end of the double case (please vote for me)

"What are your next plans?" the detachment leader asked politely.

"Have something to eat and wait for the news from Pang Pang Team?" Jiang Yuan looked at the sky and said, "I guess the results will be available from Pang Pang Team by the time we have dinner."

The detachment leader beamed with joy: "I like this plan. If you don't mind, let's have dinner together? Do you have a place reserved?"

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

"The original plan was to go to the cafeteria to have barbecue. I called the technicians in the laboratory. Everyone has been working hard these days." Jiang Yuan glanced at the detachment leader.

The detachment leader was a little surprised and said: "There is a barbecue in the cafeteria now?"

"I bought barbecue tools and meat, and we agreed to barbecue on the roof of the cafeteria."

The detachment leader's eyes twitched. How could there be a barbecue on the roof of the canteen? After all, they are all subsidiary departments of a serious agency. What does it look like to set up a dark barbecue stove and pile up red charcoal...

Half an hour later...

The detachment leader sat behind the red charcoal, his little face turned red.

The roof of the canteen is semi-transparent, with half of the building and the other half set up with a dark green shed. Some tables and chairs were placed before, but now they have been moved away. Jiang Yuan set up two sets of barbecue stoves. .

The barbecue grill and charcoal were bought online, and the meat skewers were sent from home. They used the "Add More Ice" cold chain series from Jiangfu Town. When they arrived, they were still hard and very authentic.

The technicians in the laboratory sat down casually. Those who did not want to sit at the same table with the leader went to the side. The director and deputy director of the laboratory, as well as several technicians with ideas, sat at the table with Jiang Yuan and the detachment leader. Barbecuing while talking, it's quite leisurely.

The detachment leader also put down his arrogance and chatted enthusiastically with Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan was a visiting soldier, and it didn't matter whether he was the detachment leader or the captain. It is impossible for Jiang Yuan to be transferred from Shannan Province to Baijiang Province. Therefore, the relationship between the two must be maintained either by emotion or by Huang Qiangmin's sharp teeth.

The detachment leader is still willing to smile brighter.

Of course, he is indeed in a bright mood now.

Hot charcoal fire, fragrant barbecue, and pretty good dipping sauces are all rare treats these days.

The detachment leader was warming himself by the fire, leaning on the small seat, and suddenly felt a little relaxed.

Recently, I have done several fate plots in a row, and the mental pressure is really quite big...

"I suddenly thought that in just one month, we have detected two serious murder cases in a row, one of which was a cross-border serial murder case, and now two more serious murder cases are progressing smoothly..." the detachment leader sighed with emotion. , the smile on the corner of his mouth hung unconsciously.

For a normal criminal police team, detecting a serious crime is no less difficult than a normal person falling in love. Existing life is equivalent to falling in love now, and long-term life is equivalent to falling in love with the ex-girlfriend who dumped you.

Therefore, for the detachment leader, the situation at this time is equivalent to having two relationships with his ex-girlfriends in a month. Currently, he is pursuing two other ex-girlfriends at the same time, and there is considerable progress.

Shura field.

"Want two skewers of roasted mutton?" Jiang Yuan politely handed the detachment leader two skewers of meat without continuing the conversation.

The detachment leader's happiness comes at a cost, and Jiang Yuan doesn't care. He already has Captain Huang at home, and he can't afford to support so many captains, so he can just make a lake for Liangchuanrouhu.

However, the detachment leader was eating deliciously, feeling the fat spread on the tip of his tongue, and smiled at the corners of his eyes: "Your barbecue is delicious. Have you ever practiced it specifically?"

"That's right, my dad often barbecues." Most of Jiang Yuan's barbecue skills came from Jiangfu Town, including the marinades and dipping sauces he uses now.

"Family craftsmanship is really good." The detachment leader nodded repeatedly.

"It doesn't count. Everything is ready-made, just bring it over and bake it."

The detachment leader ate another skewer of beef and felt even more satisfied. He couldn't help but ask, "Where did you buy all these meats and dipping sauces?"

"My dad prepared the dipping sauce. As for the meat, this batch should be sheep from the family's pasture. I just wanted to try it out recently to see if it tastes good." The pasture Jiang Yuan mentioned was newly purchased by Jiangfu Town. The supply chain of the pasture was not satisfactory, so Jiangfu Town bought a new pasture, hoping that the location would not be demolished.

The director of the laboratory next to him laughed when he heard this: "Captain Jiang's family is engaged in breeding? It's not the kind of family that sells a cow to go to school and has hundreds of cows at home."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said nothing. There were indeed hundreds of cows in the newly purchased pasture that his family had bought. They just didn't need to sell them to go to school.

Amidst the fireworks, Pang Jidong called.

Jiang Yuan asked a few questions, turned on the speakerphone directly, and informed Pang Jidong.

Pang Jidong raised his voice and laughed: "Wang Zhi, I want to report to you after communicating with Jiang Yuan. I successfully arrested the suspect who drowned in 913, and he is the victim's eldest brother."

"Is there any evidence?" the detachment leader asked immediately.

Pang Jidong said: "The victim's father is a witness. Hey, both brothers want to run the small supermarket at home, and hope that the other will open a new supermarket elsewhere. On the day of the incident, they went to the river to discuss it because they were afraid of the neighbors. I heard that the impact was bad, but I didn’t expect that the boss choked the second child and pushed him into the water. The second child couldn’t swim and drowned.”

Pang Jidong paused and said, "The boss still has scratches on his arm, and he admitted it."

"That's good. Well, the evidence must be preserved for such family documents, and you must be careful when taking notes." The detachment leader ordered carefully.

It was really too important for him to lose.

Pang Jidong immediately responded. He himself was extremely careful with this kind of eucalyptus.

Reluctantly ending the call, the detachment leader still held the meat skewers in his hand and was no longer thinking about eating.

This drowned eucalyptus actually broke.

To be honest, the Luojin Municipal Bureau did not invest much effort in the case of the drowning on 913. He couldn't invest even if he wanted to. Jiang Yuan threw out a set of skills without even giving him a chance to investigate.

The detachment leader was determined to prepare some manpower and went back to work on this project. But according to his plan, this investment is likely to come from the chef of Haidilao.

How could he have imagined that Jiang Yuan, with a laboratory and a fourth team, could finish this project from beginning to end.

Recalling what Huang Qiangmin said, the detachment leader suddenly fell into deep thought.

On the contrary, the technicians in the laboratory cheered at this time.

There are many eucalyptus used in phycology to assist judgment, but those used directly to break eucalyptus are quite rare.

Of course, the most important thing is that it has passed through everyone's hands. Just like barbecue, you feel a little bit happy after your own efforts.


The detachment leader's cell phone rang.

"The suspect is dead." A man's voice came again from the other end of the phone.

The detachment leader was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the person reporting here was the cook from Haidilao. He couldn't help but ask: "Kill for love?"

"Love murder. The young man cried and said that he wanted to make it official to the victim, but the victim was unwilling and even proposed to break up. The young man felt that he had been prostituted in vain, so he wanted to break up and compensate, but the victim would not give it. The young man just carried He got an ax and claimed that he wanted to scare the victim. Unexpectedly, the victim lowered his head and ignored him, so he struck it with the ax, and then asked the victim what to say..."

The detective on the other end of the phone described the confession he had just obtained, especially the process of committing the crime.

This is a very important part. Theoretically, including theft, the suspect is required to identify the scene. It would be best if you could also explain the making process clearly.

This has many benefits. Not only can it prevent situations such as "killing chickens for free", but it can also help the police clarify many facts, such as whether there are accomplices, whether there are accomplices, etc.

It is actually difficult to make up a realistic scenario. Especially when there is a lot of evidence and clues at the scene, it is easy to make up contradictions.

For example, in this case, Jiang Yuan even reconstructed the crime scene, so the possibility of making it up is extremely low.

After a while, the detachment leader hung up the phone, faced Jiang Yuan, and said slowly: "The cook's gum is also broken."

The detachment leader's tone was a bit lost.

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