National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 568 Search

"If my girlfriend is dead, then my boyfriend must have killed her."

"If you have a secret boyfriend, the probability of murder doubles."

"The case is over? Didn't the previous special team find it?"

"The previous task force did not focus on Victim No. 2 as the main direction of attack. Furthermore, the victim's best friend was not sure about the news herself, so she did not speak out for reputation reasons."

"Is that true?"

"The victim has a little cousin who also said she saw the victim put on makeup and put it on, and then saw her holding hands with a man outside."

Reports from all aspects are constantly being compiled, especially the victim's best friends and young relatives, who gave answers that are not the same as those 20 years ago.

Immediately afterwards, self-employed people in the market where the victim was located also gave some unusual reports one after another.

"I wasn't sure at the time, and was warned by their family members that it was hard to tell. When Liu Limin opened her business after eight o'clock in the evening, someone would often come to pick her up. Sometimes it was her brother who picked her up, and sometimes it was another man. , she said once that she was her eldest brother’s friend.”

"Her eldest brother said when he came to the market to pack things that his sister was not married yet so everyone just kept her word. That's all. We don't know the specific situation."

"Liu Limin's business is doing well, and she smiles with everyone she meets. A client introduced her to someone, but she didn't agree and said she couldn't use it. That's probably what she meant. I can't remember clearly."

When the police officers dispatched by the special team began to ask questions along the line of "boyfriend," many people's answers seemed a bit unexpected.

In 20 years, many things have changed, many people's memories have been cleared, and many people's shackles have been cleared. At this time, whether Liu Limin has a boyfriend or whether she is a young lady is no longer a question. The self-employed people who have left the market of the past no longer worry about the problems of their neighbors and colleagues, no matter whether they are doing well or badly now, and they no longer have any scruples when speaking.

Xu Taining synthesized the information at hand, quickly changed the inquiry strategy, and readjusted the direction and scope of the inquiry.

Soon, all the victim Liu Limin’s classmates were included in the inquiry.

As in the previous situation, Liu Limin's former classmates may have lived and worked in Huo City, but 20 years have passed, and now, not even half of her classmates have stayed in Huo City, and the rest can be said to be scattered. From all over the world, some even settled abroad.

Xu Taining still sent people to inquire as much as possible. The travel expenses are paid by the Huo City Bureau.

"The most obvious clue now is Liu Limin's boyfriend. The two of them have done a good job of keeping it secret. None of them, including Liu Limin's parents and eldest brother, know the specific identity of her boyfriend, and they have never even met his face. "

At the daily meeting, Xu Taining took his notebook and introduced the situation to the members of the special team.

The leaders grinned as they listened, not knowing whether it was because of their flesh aches or their headaches.

Jiang Yuan and other criminal policemen who did not care about the money frowned a little. There were no clues from 20 years ago that were easy to follow.

"I have an idea now." Xu Taining explained the difficulty, then looked at Jiang Yuan, and said: "Liu Limin's parents kept Liu Limin's relics very well. Although some of them were taken away by the special team, most of them They were all kept, but at best they were a little messed up, and Liu Limin’s parents later reclassified them.”

Xu Taining asked Jiang Yuan, "Although it's been a long time, can we find the DNA of Liu Limin's boyfriend?"

Jiang Yuan looked up at Xu Taining for a while. To be honest, Xu Taining's question is really scary for a layman. He actually thinks that on-site investigation can find useful DNA from a room that has been turned over several times, thereby locking in a specific person!

Just outrageous.

However, in front of Jiang Yuan, Xu Taining was somewhat expert on this issue.

Because Jiang Yuan really has a certain probability of finding the victim's boyfriend's DNA.

After all, 20 years is not a very long time for DNA. As long as you find the right place, you have a high probability of extracting it.

A lot of interference is a big problem, but it's not completely unsolvable.

"I'll go take a look." Jiang Yuan neither guaranteed nor said it was difficult.

After the meeting, Jiang Yuan took Mu Zhiyang to the victim's home, which was also his parents' home.

It takes about an hour to drive from Qingbai City to Huo City. Twenty years ago, it might have taken two or three hours. It's not easy to think about having to move to such a far place every time the body is dumped.

Liu Limin's house is located in the center of Huo City. It has three bedrooms and one living room, and is a shrink-down house of about 150 square meters. It was in very good condition back then.

After meeting three local policemen from Huo City downstairs, they knocked on the door and entered. Liu Limin's whole family was already waiting inside.

"Hello." Mu Zhiyang stepped forward to socialize and took the initiative to show his work ID to several people.

Jiang Yuan was observing Liu Limin's parents and eldest brother. Her eldest brother is 50 years old, and her parents are 70 years old. Her father needs a cane, and her mother can move fairly well, but her back is a bit hunched. Her voice is clear, but she soon choked up.

Twenty years have made many people forget Liu Limin's name, but in the eyes of her parents, time is just an extension of pain.

"I have kept all Limin's things in her room, and I will take you to see them." Liu Limin's mother wiped away her tears and stood up.

Jiang Yuan followed her to the south room next to her, opened the door, and stopped the other party from entering. He put on a mask and hood and asked, "Does anyone usually come in this room?"

"I will do a tidying up after a while, and her father will basically not come in." Liu Limin's mother said.

The corners of Jiang Yuan's eyes wrinkled up when he heard this. Regular cleaning of the victim's room was okay, but the evidence found had been contaminated for so many rounds. If it can still be found, it can be regarded as evidence.

However, even though you have come, you can’t just turn around and leave.

"You guys stand outside the door, and we'll check inside the room again." Even if it's completely contaminated, you still have to make the requirements.

Liu Limin's eldest brother came over and helped her mother over. He came over and watched, a bit like inviting a worker home and standing in front of her.

Jiang Yuan didn't care about him, and with the help of Mu Zhiyang, he scanned the evidence bit by bit.

Two of the three policemen from Huo City were technicians. They came in to help and soon became well-behaved.

Technicians from different places working together are a bit like strangers playing pick-up ball together. Before kick-off, you can judge the opponent's strength based on height, body shape, and muscle appearance, but when the kick-off actually begins, you will basically know the opponent's strength and how it compares to your own.

Moreover, the common strength boundaries of players on the field are basically similar, not to mention fixed. There are indeed very strong players, but they are only one or two levels stronger.

For example, Jiang Yuan started with on-site survey at LV4, and today he added a level one, which is equivalent to an NBA player breaking into the wild court. He may not be a star player, but he can slam dunk casually and block shots within the range. , the gesture of being able to pass two people by turning around has left a shadow on fellow players on the field that will linger for a long time.

Jiang Yuan carefully scanned the scene and did the investigation, and the two technicians from Huo City cooperated silently to scan the scene and conduct the investigation without saying a word. It's like two young people who came to play pick-up ball temporarily and fooled around with NBA-level players. They didn't know whether they were having fun or not. Their minds were absolutely confused at this time.

This works too!

That’s okay!

real or fake!

Similar exclamation marks just circulate in your mind. There is no need to pull them out, just treat them as rare life experiences.

Jiang Yuan swept slowly, but the bedroom here was not big, and with the size of the bed and cabinets, there was nothing left to sweep.

Jiang Yuan sealed another evidence bag, slowly stood up and looked around, then asked Liu Limin's eldest brother standing at the door, "Has Liu Limin's boyfriend been to the house?"

"No. My sister has been independent since she was a child and doesn't like to talk about her affairs to the family. We don't know much about her friends. We just vaguely guessed that she is 27. The family is actually quite anxious. I didn't interfere." Liu Limin's eldest brother said and asked, "Do you suspect her boyfriend did it?"

"We don't know yet." Jiang Yuan immediately denied.

It is easy for the victim's family members to use a magnifying glass to translate the police's words. Jiang Yuan is no longer a newcomer and has begun to become cautious in this regard.

Liu Limin's eldest brother nodded in disbelief, his eyes rolling as he didn't know what he was thinking.

Jiang Yuan made another rounds and finally packed a few large bags of clothes. He slowly exited the room, closed the door and said, "Don't go in for cleaning recently. If necessary, we will contact you again."

His idea was that if Liu Limin had physical contact with her boyfriend, there might be some hair and dander left on her clothes.

It's not easy to rummage around in the bedroom. It's better to take it directly to the laboratory and rummage through it slowly under cold light.

Liu Limin's eldest brother responded dully, and said hesitantly: "Drink some tea, drink a few sips of water, and rest."

"No rest, it's time for us to go back. We still have things to do." Jiang Yuan looked at Liu Limin's appearance and said, "Can you please give us directions? We were in such a hurry that I didn't remember where to park. ”

"No problem." Brother Liu Limin quickly opened the door for Jiang Yuan.

His parents stood in the living room, staring at the backs of Jiang Yuan and others, unwilling to move for a long time.

After going out and going downstairs, Jiang Yuan asked Liu Limin's eldest brother again: "Did you have anything to say to us just now?"

At the crime scene, Jiang Yuan's emotional intelligence also improved, mainly because he was willing to pay attention to others.

Brother Liu Limin looked at her for a moment and said: "I just thought that my sister actually made some money back then. When I went through the belongings later, she didn't have much money left in her bank card..."

"Huh?" Several policemen frowned and looked at Liu Limin's eldest brother.

"I'm not asking for money." Brother Liu Limin waved her hands and sighed, "Actually, how should I put it... For a while, my sister often didn't go home at night. She said she was doing stocking work in the market, so she slept in the shop. , we have never looked into it. Today you are looking for something, and I wonder, will my sister buy a house by herself with the money she earned? "

"Your sister bought a house by herself. Don't you and your family know about it?" asked a policeman nearby.

Brother Liu Limin smiled bitterly: "She is already 27 years old. I have also started a family and started working independently. She has made money. If she secretly buys a house... 20 years ago, people used cash. The money she earned can be used to buy a house." A house is definitely enough.”

"Didn't you go to the real estate bureau to check?" the policeman asked again.

"I checked, no. It's not in her name." The answer was very clear.

Several police officers asked a series of questions on the spot, took notes on the scene and signed them for Liu Limin's eldest brother before leaving.

Jiang Yuan returned to the laboratory to check the clothes and evidence, and informed Liu Jinghui and others of the new information.

It is better to have new leads than none, except that it will cost more money.

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