National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 570: Bald Strike Team Attacks

Changyang Criminal Investigation Center.

Jiang Yuan took the high-speed train to Changyang City directly with the clothes he had brought back.

These clothes have been cleaned and searched several times. It can be said that it is very difficult to find hair-level evidence from the fibers of these clothes. Even if they are found, most of them are contaminated eucalyptus. The hair of outsiders.

Jiang Yuan's expectations were placed on the dander, especially on the woolen coats, wool cashmere sweaters, sweaters, fur hats and scarves he brought back this time.

Although these clothes have gone through many rummagings. But it is not suitable for washing, and it does not need to be cleaned regularly. The Liu family did not take it for dry cleaning after Liu Limin's death. Therefore, it is the most promising to find dander.

Secondly, there is a certain space in the gaps between these woolen and woolen products to accommodate dander. Especially when two people are in close contact, such as hugging, the dander may penetrate deep into the fibers. , and only in this way, the skin scraps found are the most valuable.

This level of difficulty can be said to be hellish.

Therefore, even though they were facing a basket of clothes, half of the technicians at the Changyang Criminal Division Center began to tremble.

The remaining half will not be done.

Wan Baoming still insisted on gathering people together.

Jiang Yuan stood in the middle of the laboratory and said, "Thank you for your hard work, everyone. The task this time is quite important. We must extract as much dander as possible from the clothes. It is better to be slow than to miss it."

Jiang Yuan was not prepared to do it alone. Even if there were just twenty pieces of clothes, hats and scarves, it would be tiring for three of them to do it together.

The workload of doing this may be greater than the workload of doing pollen, and it is almost the same as the concept of trace evidence.

At this stage, if you want to make it easier for eucalyptus to make pollen, you often use scrubbing to wash out the pollen on the object. Because pollen is acid-resistant and corrosion-resistant, even if it is ravaged like a washing machine, the pollen evidence will only be rinsed in water and then found a way to extract it with a centrifuge.

If the dandruff is caused in this way, it will be fine if the quantity is large, but if the quantity is small, the loss will be too great.

Wan Baoming had chatted with Jiang Yuan in advance, knowing that it was a job of finding a needle in a haystack, so he emphasized specifically: "Eucalyptus is very important, everyone, cheer up, let's divide into groups AB, the two groups will cross-check, and the group with the most mistakes and omissions will have dinner Three drinks as a penalty!"

"I'll treat you all to roasted whole lamb for dinner, with enough craft beer and Moutai." Jiang Yuan activated his banknote ability.

The technicians suddenly became excited. In these days, no one is short of a little oil star, but it is still very happy for everyone to have a lively roasted whole lamb, drink some Maotai, drink some beer and so on.

Moreover, this is still a favor to Ningtai Jiangyuan, and he is willing to roll up his sleeves and do it since he is grateful for the treat.

Apart from anything else, it would be great to leave a good impression on Ningtai Jiangyuan, ask for advice later, or have any technical cooperation, and just become familiar with him.

The technical boss may be a little less powerful than the political boss, but as long as the technical boss doesn't die, he can always exert his remaining energy, which is quite impressive.

Changyang City's Criminal Science Center was originally the largest criminal science and technology team in the province, larger than the provincial department. These days, those who don’t know about trace evidence are working on other projects and tasks, and those who know about trace evidence are working together, and the laboratory is also bustling.

Jiang Yuan also called Huang Qiangmin and used the money owed by the Changyang Municipal Bureau to first buy a batch of head-mounted microscopes for the Changyang Municipal Bureau and then distribute them to everyone.

A group of people put on head-mounted microscopes and set out to search for skin flakes in the cracks.

The collected dander was sent directly to the laboratory to start PCR.

DNA identification based on dandruff, especially dandruff, was a technology developed by government departments around 2008. It has been 10 years since it was promoted to Shannan Provincial Department, and it has been almost 12 years since it was promoted to various municipal, bureau, and county bureaus. What happened before and after.

Before that, if the criminal police didn't pay special attention to this knowledge, they wouldn't collect dandruff at all.

Knowledge updating is a very long process. For criminal police officers, not to mention such heavy daily tasks, there is also a lot of knowledge that needs to be updated. Today I listened to the technical explanation of smart door locks, and the day after tomorrow it will not be the sixth explanation of DNA. It is also normal.

From this perspective, it is still possible to find the boyfriend's dandruff in the victim's clothing.

It’s just very eye-catching.

A group of technicians started working and soon became silent.

On the other side, Xu Taining was also very tired.

There are three places and one bureau, and there is also a department and a department. Although the latter two appear in a cooperative manner, they also have requirements and have to report from time to time. Xu Taining himself is a senior police sergeant sent by the provincial department. The demands placed on him inside are even higher.

Furthermore, it is not enough for the report to be just an empty description; it must also contain substantial data.

Even if the leader just listens to it, data and information are indispensable.

When it comes to providing money and people, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the three places that contribute the bulk to cooperate. The provincial departments and ministries only provide matching services. They will pay in proportion to the amount of money provided by the subordinates. Even so, the provincial departments and ministries have begun to It's not nice to speak.

At this time, an ordinary leader might need to seek support. Xu Taining is not like this, he always uses PUA.

"Huo City has reached 30%. If you add more, I will complete the report."

"Yes, Huo Shi has joined, so do you? Well, then you still rank first. Don't worry, the report will remain the same."

"Well, you must have marked it here. In fact, I suggest using people to exchange funds. It is more cost-effective to change now, so as not to think about using people instead and the price comparison has changed."

"It's okay to include the laboratory time. You can make a bill for it later, but for the funding, you have to make up a little more... Hey, it can be folded back into the laboratory funding, but now everyone has paid it. It’s just you who didn’t pay it…”

"Hey, the Changyang Municipal Bureau's laboratory funds have been paid in full. Look here..."

In terms of task management alone, although he has to manage several lines, Xu Taining does not find it too difficult. On the contrary, the PUA units... are actually not very difficult.

Xu Taining stood in the conference room, dancing like a fish in water, and his voice was like a bell. He kept waving his arms and shouting loudly, like a football coach, as if everyone was being pushed away by him.

But all units are really being pushed by him.

The next night, after several rounds of screening, one clue finally became the only one.

Xu Taining checked again and again, and then he couldn't even care about the provincial department leaders and couldn't wait to call Jiang Yuan. Xu Taining had been involved in Jiang Yuan's two recent cases, both of which had launched a battle but failed without success. The frustration in his heart was beyond words. At this time, he finally felt proud and proud.

"Captain Jiang, we may have found someone." Xu Taining's voice was so loud that it could pass through the glass window and reach outside the conference room.

"Found it? How did you find it?" Jiang Yuan was also inexplicably surprised.

Xu Taining was very proud and said: "It's easy to say. I pulled out the real estate transaction list of the three places and one bureau. In the three years before the outbreak, the total number of people who bought houses with cash in the market was only four digits. Then talk to the victim Liu Limin After comparing the transfer records in the list, one person came out.”

He said it easily, but considering the effort involved in bringing the clues along, a single county bureau might not be able to survive this moment.

Xu Taining was full of arrogance: "This man's name is Wang Shiji. Coincidentally, his family is from a railway family. He is from Changyang City. His uncles, brothers, uncles and grandfathers are all on the railway..."

"Have you arrested anyone?" Jiang Yuan asked hurriedly. These details alone are enough to bring Wang Shiji back for interrogation. "

"We'll be leaving soon." Xu Taining laughed twice to cover up his embarrassment.

He called Jiang Yuan immediately this time. He had no time to order the arrest.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Taining immediately called Wu Junhao and asked his battalion team to set off and head straight to Changyang City.

Then, Xu Taining called the provincial department and Changyang Municipal Bureau.

By the time Wu Junhao's team arrived and joined the police from the Changyang City Bureau, it was probably already late at night, but no one raised any objections.

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