National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 573: No one knows the way forward

All participating units on the Jingyang Line were silently reviewing the story.

The Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment was originally the most promising to solve the case, but their focus was wrong. Their main investigation direction was the first victim, and they tried their best to find the relationship between the two victims.

However, the murderer's choice of the first victim was completely random, so this episode became a very difficult random murder. It's still a random murder without a rape plot, which makes it even more difficult.

Even the special team that restarted the case later considered the scenario of random killings, but only faced a more difficult scenario.

The situation in the Huo Municipal Bureau and the Qingbai Municipal Bureau is similar. Their manpower and resources simply cannot withstand such a long-term case investigation.

Even if Jiang Yuan had a mature plan handed over to them, it would be difficult for the two mergers to push the case forward.

Wang Shikai's "learning spirit" completely misled the investigation direction of the case.

Normally, there are several common investigation directions for murder cases, such as money-seeking, sex-seeking, or purely perverted serial killer-style random cases. Not only murder cases, but various types of cases, the police Usually, we choose to make breakthroughs through operational techniques.

For example, if someone robs someone with a knife, he will rob someone with a knife again next time; if he hits someone on the back of the head with an adze, he will use the same adze next time, and the location of the hit will be the same; if someone uses ether to force someone to rob someone, Traitor, I won't choose any other medicine next time...

The hand-chopping gang is always chopping off hands. The thieves who "break in for free" can't climb over the wall, and the thieves who climb over the wall can't open the lock... The old criminal police in the past sometimes saw the scene and could directly call out the identity card of the perpetrator. No., that’s the truth.

To use a higher-end modern vocabulary to describe it, this is called path dependence. A robber with a successful experience will use the same method to rob next time. There may be a little upgrade, but the basic appearance is not the same. There will be too many changes.

When it comes to committing crimes, most people would still choose to play it safe. The risks of innovation are great, and most serial cases are often exposed because the criminals violated their own established patterns.

But in the Three Corpses on the Jingyang Line, Wang Shikai's methods of operation are completely different. The transportation methods may be similar, but because three cities have been changed, the transportation methods are forced to change again in the face of different scenes in the three places. Variety.

Secondly, in the column of common criminal motives, Wang Shikai’s criminal motives are also different.

In the first case, he did it for the purpose of learning, in the second case, he deliberately killed someone, and in the third case, he did it to confuse the police and get away with punishment.

Therefore, when choosing a target, Wang Shikai's choices are also different.

In the first case, he chose the easiest target to kill. Moreover, Wang Shikai, who was hesitant to kill for the first time, had the factor of waiting for the opportunity, and the so-called opportunity fully reduced his chances. exposed.

In the second case, Liu Limin, the victim, was the target Wang Shikai deliberately wanted to kill. Therefore, he did not select his targets. Instead, he used his first murder experience to make the two targets similar but different.

In the third case, Wang Shikai just wanted to confuse the police's attention. Therefore, with the experience of the previous two times, he improved his criminal methods, optimized his target selection, and finally changed the location...

At the end of the entire series, the most likely way to capture Wang Shikai was originally supposed to be DNA. In China, DNA testing only began to be promoted in 2003, and it was basically limited to the scope of provincial departments. Of course, the use of DNA to detect eucalyptus was very early, and the first one was in 1987, but that was an era when there were no reagent kits, not even a standard DNA laboratory, not to mention the time required to compare the DNA of a case. , the cost will be several thousand higher.

The most important thing is that the country started to have DNA banks around 2003, and the large-scale use of DNA to break up the accumulation also started at this time. It was only after this that the ministries and commissions dared to shout the slogan that the fate must be defeated.

However, Wang Shikai was lucky enough to exploit a bug that few people knew about. That is, DNA contamination on railways is actually very serious. In the era of green trains, passenger cars usually did not have black water tanks, which meant that a steady stream of passengers going to the toilet actually left a steady stream of feces on the train tracks.

A little trivia: since the train is running at high speed, the fallen feces are basically in a dried state and scattered on both sides of the rails.

When the train hit the human body at high speed at a location carefully chosen by Wang Shikai, the scattered human tissue was essentially in a contaminated state from the moment it landed.

On the other hand, although criminals at that time paid little attention to DNA issues, the police officers in charge of the case did not either. Therefore, when the police asked railway personnel to pick up the body parts, there was almost no DNA available for identification.

As for the ones stuck to the car, they will naturally be washed away when we get to the front station. The railway bureau only called the police after the accident occurred, but the train would not stop there and wait. By the time the criminal police discovered that it was a series of accidents, the car in front might have hit another small animal.

In the end, the eucalyptus was broken bit by bit.

Liu Jinghui's judgment, Xu Taining's investigation, and Jiang Yuan's fixed-point blasting all played a great role. It cannot be said that without anyone, this project would not be completed at all, but doubling the time and energy spent would definitely mean that it is less, and it is possible to do it ten times.

When the review reached this point, comrades from various municipal bureaus, provincial departments, and ministries all gave up.

There are many things in the world that cannot be copied, so there is no need to force them.

What's more, Jiang Yuan originally had a clearly marked price, but now it has become more expensive.

It took a few more days to finish the piece.

On the morning of farewell to Jiang Yuan on his return journey, representatives from the Changyang Municipal Bureau, Huo Municipal Bureau, Qingbai Municipal Bureau, as well as provincial departments and ministries all showed up actively.

Everyone gathered together at the high-speed rail station, and the feeling of parting was as thick as blood.

"If you are not happy in the county, just come to Changyang City to live for a while, do some work, or take a break. Anyway, you have bought a house and want to go home. It's just a matter of doing something." Yu Wen Shu Shu obviously heard something, and he invited Jiang Yuan with a heavy expression on his face, but he didn't know if he was rolling with laughter.

Jiang Yuan thanked me and said, "I'm used to living in the village and I'm not used to the big city. I went back to straighten out the affairs in the county and came to Changyang to continue my work."

"Yeah, that's okay." Yu Wenshu patted Jiang Yuan's shoulder, leaned close and whispered, "If you want to help, just ask."

If Jiang Yuan had not made any demands, he would obviously not have intervened on his own initiative.

Jiang Yuan nodded and thanked him, and then he was pulled into the arms of the detachment leader of the Huo City Bureau, followed by a deputy bureau chief of the Qingbai City Bureau.

Huang Qiangmin used a lot of strength to snatch Jiang Yuan back.

Immediately afterwards, the detachment leader of the Huo City Bureau hugged Huang Qiangmin into his arms and started chatting in detail.

Huang Qiangmin gritted his teeth at 4 degrees at first, and gradually turned it into 6 degrees as the Huo City Bureau opened the price.

"We have no schedule recently, let's talk in detail later." Huang Qiangmin pushed the chest of Huo City Bureau detachment leader and left firmly.

Huo Municipal Bureau detachment leader smiled back.

After a round of socializing, everyone's excitement gradually calmed down, and then the prosecutor who came to deliver the car said: "Judging from the current evidence, Wang Shikai's problem is not big. As for his brother, it will be difficult to convict him, and , As far as we know the situation so far, at least when the incident occurred, his brother was most likely unaware of it, and there may be some speculation later, but it should also be uncertain. "

"He took someone else's house." The detachment leader of the Huo Municipal Bureau next to him was very concerned about this matter.

"The Wang family is willing to pay it back, plus the rent for these years." The prosecutor paused and then said: "Wang Shikai deliberately chose the time when his brother was undergoing surgery to kill. There was no instigation involved. When Wang Shiji was discharged from the hospital, After learning about the death of his girlfriend, it was Wang Shikai who advised him to calm down and avoid becoming a criminal suspect..."

"Wang Shikai said it all," said the detachment leader of the Huo Municipal Bureau.

The prosecutor said: "It makes sense and is consistent with common sense. There is also the issue of corpse transportation. Wang Shikai is 1.83 meters tall and has a strong build. The three victims he chose are all women weighing less than 100. He has the ability to be independent. When we identified the scene, we also asked him to give a demonstration, and there was no problem. The most important thing is that he used a tricycle as a means of transportation, and then carrying a big man who was more than 1.8 meters tall had both disadvantages and disadvantages. "

His explanation was also given to police officers from other units, including Jiang Yuan and others. If it is an ordinary small case, the prosecutor will decide in one word how to prosecute. Only when such a big case is needed, he will have to communicate briefly.

Jiang Yuan and others only listened and said nothing.

From a certain perspective, Wang Shiji is actually a victim. Although he accepted the woman's house, the two parties were looking for a marriage partner. The purpose of purchasing the house was also to convince the man's parents to achieve the common goal of both parties. Therefore, at that time, he could be said to have lost his love.

However, regarding the subsequent property issues, Wang Shiji reluctantly kept the house in his hands, which was a big stain.

The bigger stain is that the murderer is Wang Shikai. As a brother, it is very difficult for Wang Shiji to completely distance himself from each other.

It’s just that the law does not punish moral issues.

Just like Director Chai Tongchai, the methods he adopted were not noble, but they were legal and compliant.

In the farewell, Huang Qiangmin, Jiang Yuan, Mu Zhiyang, Wu Junhao and his team got on the high-speed train and drove back to Ningtai County.

Wan Baoming, who had been silent all this time, waved his phone desperately and showed WeChat to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan opened WeChat and saw that Wanbaoming had posted a new circle of friends:

It’s hard to say goodbye to a colleague, and memories from the past come flooding back to my mind.

When we are in the same boat, we are unforgettable, and the team spirit remains long-lasting.

Busy work is closely linked, and it is rare to have leisure time to talk and laugh.

Life is short and there are many gatherings and separations. I hope everyone will be happy after this farewell.

I hope the bright moon will always accompany you and light up your dreams in the distance.

The road ahead is not yet over, and I wish you a smooth future.

There is no way to go without friends, and no one in the world knows you.

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