National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 578: Opening the Blind Box

"Open a blind box."

Jiang Yuan's tone was very relaxed. Compared with the three corpses on the Jingyang Line, or the serial rapes a while ago, the seriousness and urgency of the cases left at the police station are not too high.

If it is too high, it is sent to the criminal police team, especially here in Ningtai County. The criminal police team has enough time to deal with small and medium-sized eucalyptus, and the police station is happy to relax.

Of course, the cases sent over may not necessarily be able to be detected. Although some cases can meet the standards of criminal cases, when it comes to it, they are really just small cases among small cases. If it is a little more difficult, , the ranking must be further back.

The instructor from the Litang Township Police Station also approached Jiang Yuan curiously and said with a smile: "Did you find fingerprints or footprints?"

"There is a footprint that appears in the eucalyptus. It should belong to the third eldest son of the Jin family, Jin Kangliang. Let me take a look at the eucalyptus first." Jiang Yuan explained.

It wasn't until the instructor stood in front of him that he fully understood. Jiang Yuan had taken a photo of the footprints first and didn't even glance at it.

He didn't know how difficult it was, but it was true that no one had ever used it.

Jiang Yuan pulled out the file, looked at the abbreviation, shook his head, and said, "This guy is really a gangster. He ran into someone's yard and stabbed two of an old man's sheep to death."

The footprint was one of many left in the sheepfold. If Jiang Yuan hadn't memorized the footprints of the Jin brothers, it would have been easy to skip them.

The instructor said "Ah", went over to take a few more looks, and couldn't help but said: "This gum, is this gum made by this family?"

"Do you remember?" Wang Chuanxing asked.

The instructor nodded: "Remember. The old sheepherder, an old bachelor, lived alone on the edge of the village. When he was sleeping at noon, someone entered the sheepfold in broad daylight and stabbed two sheep to death. But they didn't take them away. Even The knives are all half-sharpened daggers that the old man kept in his yard. When I asked the old man if he had offended anyone, he wouldn't tell me, so the matter was dropped."

The instructor was afraid that Jiang Yuan and others wouldn't understand, so he explained: "He didn't use poison, so he couldn't use dangerous methods to endanger safety. It was daytime again, the sheep stabbed to death in the sheepfold outside the room, the murder weapon was the old man's own , the sheep carcass has not been taken away, even if someone is found, at most the company's property will be destroyed, it will be difficult to get a suspended sentence, and the prosecutor will probably not accept it."

Mu Zhiyang frowned deeply: "But the nature is too bad! It was obvious that he was bullying this old man, and he even poured sheep's blood all over the floor..."

"Yes, that's what Captain Jiang said. He is a gangster, but it is difficult to deal with. Even if he is caught, it is difficult to find evidence. Just some footprints, which at most show that he has been to the old man's sheepfold... In fact, even if there is evidence, in the end There is a high probability that it will be a public security punishment of 15 days of detention." The instructor spoke truthfully.

This scenario is a bit like stabbing a dog walking in the community to death. If there are no other aggravating circumstances, the most it will be is a public security penalty, and then civil compensation.

Jiang Yuan curled his lips: "A suspended sentence for a first-time offender, how can there be a suspended sentence for multiple offenders. This person is so skilled in doing it, it won't be the first time."

The instructor smiled and said nothing. He had never been caught before, so the first time he was caught could only be his first crime.

The instructor followed Jiang Yuan's words and said: "That's what local gangsters are like. They never make big mistakes but keep making small mistakes. Being detained for a few days is like going home. They talk more nonsense than us. If he uses poison, he can still reach up. ...Therefore, many cowardly people did not dare to do it blatantly, but secretly drugged them. As a result, they committed the crime and got themselves into it instead."

Wang Chuanxing was relatively familiar with the law and said: "One sheep can be valued at 1,500 yuan, and two sheep are worth 3,000 yuan. If they are poisoned to death, they may be sentenced to six months? And then suspended? If they are stabbed to death and the meat is still left, can it be counted as 3,000 yuan?" I don’t know yet, I definitely won’t be sentenced for so long.”

"He can also bring up a dispute with the old sheepherder. In this case, the court might consider it." The instructor said, "This is on the premise that he pleads guilty."

What the instructor actually wants to say is that a few photos of footprints are not enough to prove that you are a criminal. There were other people's footprints in the sheepfold.

"I'll leave the rest to you. You should check the specific situation first. If you can sue, sue, and detain if you can." Jiang Yuan didn't take it seriously. It was just an appetizer. In fact, the ruffian's main focus was cost-effectiveness. He first made himself into a He looked like he was going to die, which made the cost of attacking him seem too high.

But for Jiang Yuan, what he focused on today was an emotional value, and he wanted to help Wu Junhao gain a foothold, and he also had tasks to provide compensation...

The local ruffians are also dead!


Jiang Yuan patted the keyboard and looked at more photos of footprints.

When the instructor saw this, he smiled and quietly left the conference room where Jiang Yuan was.

Wang Chuanxing followed naturally, caught up two steps, and said: "Li Zhi, if you don't have enough manpower here, you can call us from Jiangyuan Jiguang's special team."

"This... is overqualified and overqualified." The instructor said happily.

"Team Jiang is here digging for traces. Why are there so many talented people but little talent? By the way, the ministry's recent summer security crackdown is called the Hundred Days Operation. When you write materials and so on, just follow this." Wang Chuanxing helped the instructor sublimate the theme.

The instructor's solemn expression lit up, and then he sighed: "You young people are still smarter."

"I was chatting with Cui Chu and others from the ministry two days ago. They just mentioned this." Wang Chuanxing pulled some more tiger skin, making the instructor nod repeatedly.

Jiang Yuan only regarded it as leisure and did not look at the footprints very quickly.

But I have to say that in Litang Township, which is a bigger town, the crime intensity of the Jin brothers is still high.

After looking at more than a thousand photos, Jiang Yuan hit another footprint.

"A pesticide spraying machine... and who can steal this? Two bags of fertilizer, worth only a few hundred yuan in total."

Jiang Yuan looked through the abbreviations and felt a little emotional.

The pattern is similar to that of steel pipe thefts, a chain of stealing?

"Check this." Jiang Yuan wrote the piece number in his notebook, tore it off and gave it to Mu Zhiyang next to him.

Jiang Yuan continued to investigate on his own.

This time, the eucalyptus found had a bit of flavor, but it was a case of road rage. The drunkards walking in the middle of the road were tired of the cars behind them honking their horns, so they simply pulled out the driver and beat him up, and even cut the driver's head. The car got kicked a few times.

The footprints Jiang Yuan found were extracted from the paint surface of the car behind.

Jiang Yuan wrote another file number, and then gave it to Wang Chuanxing, who had just returned, and asked by the way: "Have the people below left? The Jin family."

"Not yet. They don't want to leave the eucalyptus bottom yet."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "Well, there are one, three, four, three brothers from the Jin family in this eulogy, plus an uncle from the Jin family, four people. You go call Wu Junhao, and then give it to the director. Let me explain, if possible, let’s keep these people.”

"It's a yes if it's delivered to your door." Wang Chuanxing said cheerfully.

He was actually a little worried just now that he wouldn't be able to keep anyone here.

Seeing Wang Chuanxing go down to call people, Jiang Yuan also stood up, stretched, moved his body, and then stood in front of the window, looking at the excitement below.

When it comes to action, Wu Junhao is a professional. Although he was not familiar with the policemen at the Litang Township Police Station, after being in contact with them for more than a day, they were no longer pure strangers.

At this moment, Wu Junhao summoned the people, briefly explained the situation, and then rushed out at the lead, pulling out more than a dozen people in one breath.

There was a sudden chaos in the courtyard of the police station.

The four men were named and arrested. After being handcuffed, the shouts suddenly became quieter.

The women of the Jin family were a little panicked, and their voices began to get louder.

Jiang Yuan looked down, touched his chin unconsciously, and said to himself: "This woman looks quite tough."

"There are not many people in the city who dare to fight directly with the police." Mu Zhiyang accompanied Jiang Yuan, but did not go down.

Jiang Yuan nodded and said: "Women can hold up half the sky, so collect their footprints."

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