National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 588: Digging Deeply

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There are many ways to infer age through forensic science. To sum up... someone wrote a book specifically, with several hundred pages.

Basically, everything from teeth to finger bones to pubic bones to the six major joints to DNA and mitochondria has ways to infer age.

For living subjects, all imaging solutions can be used to identify age, including X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound, etc.

However, the errors vary for different plans and locations.

It is not easy to get approval within two months.

"The hospital or the health bureau must have some knowledge. I remember helping people apply for a replacement birth certificate." Shen Yaowei listened to the side and said leisurely.

Meng Chengbiao couldn't help but glance at Shen Yaowei and said with a smile: "Yaowei is a person who can help others. However, the files from 20 years ago probably need to be carefully reviewed."

"Then let's look for it. Can Yaowei do it?" Jiang Yuan clicked on Shen Yaowei.

Shen Yaowei responded, took out his cell phone and said, "I'll call and ask someone first."

Next to him, Wu Junhao said: "I think we can search the residences of Zhang Xiulan and others again. The birth certificates are still very important, and they may not necessarily be thrown away. When we arrested them, they probably wouldn't have thought of this."

"Okay, you can lead a team over there to look for it." Jiang Yuan agreed.

Meng Chengbiao coughed twice and said, "I have another idea."

"Oh, Captain Meng, tell me." Jiang Yuan put his hands on the table and looked at Meng Chengbiao.

"This Zhang Haobin, I checked his file. In the past few years alone, he has been in and out of the police station because of fights. However, the Zhang family has money and usually pays more aggressively, and the consequences are not serious. serious……"

When Meng Chengbiao said this, he paused, coughed twice, and said: "What the team just said made me suddenly think that the Zhang family may have falsified the birth certificate. Are these eucalyptus also falsified?"

Jiang Yuan asked: "For example?"

"Looking for someone to take the blame? Or maybe you hurt someone, turned around and ran away. The victim may not know him and can't find him..." Meng Chengbiao looked at Jiang Yuan and then at the director Tang Xiaobo who had been silent next to him. No one showed any expressions of plans, so they continued:

"Zhang Enfan's evaluation of his nephew Zhang Haobin was rough and lustful. I thought that he didn't know Jiao Lina's sex. How would it be reflected in his evaluation if it did not include Jiao Lina's sex? Zhang Enfan evaluated his nephew, You won't be digging into the ground. There is no need, he can just say it, right? "

Jiang Yuan and others fell into deep thought.

Jiang Yuan nodded secretly. If not for the fact that all veteran detectives are suspicious by nature, it would be okay to be suspicious 5 based on what Meng Chengbiao said.

Jiang Yuan asked: "Do you think he has done other things?"

"He has done a lot of things." Meng Chengbiao was in the mood now, and he was not too polite. He said straightforwardly: "Now, one is to see if he has a chance to make big things. I think it is very good." Maybe, not only Zhang Enfan’s evaluation, but also his character, would a young man who likes to solve problems with violence and has tried rape and murder commit similar crimes?”

The detective present nodded slightly.

As the saying goes, "a prodigal son never exchanges for gold." The gold content of ordinary domestic gold mines is only 2g per ton of ore, which is difficult for ordinary criminal police to see.

The most common violent criminals we see are habitual offenders. Just like men who commit domestic violence, they will not commit domestic violence just once. Only those violent criminals who have served a long sentence are likely to change. But the reason that prompted them to change is probably not a change in their concepts, but a change in their behavioral habits due to their long sentence. In addition, as they grow older, the secretion of testosterone and other hormones in the body decreases, which will also Become less violent.

It is very easy for rapists to become repeat offenders.

The act of rape itself is a sign that control is weaker than desire, and desire will continue to appear.

If the first crime was not punished, then it is not incomprehensible to commit the second crime or the third crime when the desire is high.

"How do you want to investigate?" Jiang Yuan felt that Meng Chengbiao's theory was okay, but the actual situation and the angle from which to investigate were the practical issues before him.

The first thing Meng Chengbiao thought of was the interrogation, and he said: "I think I can ask Zhang Enfan, he might know something. Another one, maybe I can deceive the Zhang family?"

Wang Chuanxing said: "The ordinary Zhang family probably don't know anything. The Zhang Xiulan family probably won't confess their grandson or son."

Meng Chengbiao had to admit that this was indeed a concern.

It was so difficult for Zhang Xiulan and others to confess Zhang Enfan, and it was even more difficult for them to confess their direct descendants.

"But..." Meng Chengbiao was a little reluctant and said: "Zhang Xiulan's family also handles corpses very well. They know when rigor mortis occurs, how to clean corpses, how to make them rot more easily, and how long to keep them..."

"It is indeed bolder than ordinary people." Jiang Yuan nodded.

Mu Zhiyang said: "There are old people in the village who know how to wear shrouds. Zhang Xiulan is not young, so they should have helped."

"It's also a reason." Jiang Yuan said as he was thinking.

From his perspective, there is nothing wrong with the inferences of several people, and there are reasons to overturn them.

Generally speaking, further investigation is needed.

But there is one thing to say. At this stage of the investigation, it is more appropriate for the investigation to be completed.

Simply pursuing severe punishment is obviously a waste of resources... However, digging deeper around a person or a series of events is also one of the ways to solve the case.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan patted the table twice and said: "Captain Meng, you continue the interrogation as you want. Wang Chuanxing, you have brought all the injuries and sexual assaults in the past two or three years, not only in Litang Township, but also in the surrounding areas." Look through everything from all over the country and show it to me later, there shouldn't be many of it."

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yuan added: "Take a good look at the missing eucalyptus and sort them out later."

Litang Township is also from Ningtai County, which also means that the local heavy eucalyptus and large eucalyptus are screened by Jiang Yuan.

However, Jiang Yuan originally screened the cases within the scope of the entire county. Some minor injuries that may not meet the serious standards, or simple indecency, or cases outside the county, were outside the scope.

In addition, if a woman like Jiao Lina has no relatives and no one sincerely looks for her after she disappears, the police will have no way of knowing.

Several people agreed and went about their business.

Although there are objections to each other, everyone has the same mind when it comes to putting the villain to death.

Jiang Yuan himself was planning to wait for the Zhang family's relationship to end before continuing to work as a child. At this time, he did not change his original intention and continued to work.

He didn't look for cases where evidence was sparse, but cases where a lot of evidence had been collected but not processed further.

Especially minor injuries and obscenities.

As far as Jiang Yuan's impression was concerned, it was not difficult to investigate a case with minor injuries. Generally speaking, in such cases, the two parties fight each other for various reasons. No one was injured. It was a typical public security incident. Adjustment, apology, compensation, and up to 15 days of detention.

If someone is injured, whoever is seriously injured will be the one to blame. A minor injury of the second degree will be jailed for several months, and a serious injury of the second degree will be jailed for several years.

In a place like the county seat, the two parties fighting each other are likely to know each other, or they can know which side they are from just asking, so the difficulty of handling the situation is not in the investigation.

The one who ran away but couldn't find anyone is more convincing.

Jiang Yuan focused on searching for such files, and used the same method as before. He first remembered the Zhang family's fingerprints, footprints and other information, and then directly compared the photos in the files.

In less than a day, Jiang Yuan was actually involved in an indecent assault, or it could be called attempted rape!

Zhang Haobin's fingerprints appeared on the victim's backpack, but because the comparison was slightly more difficult, it was not matched.

Of course, molesting together was not enough power. Just when Jiang Yuan was wondering whether to keep up his efforts or find another way, Meng Chengbiao returned again, taking "Zhang Enfan's Curse" with him.

"This guy is now asking for meritorious service." Meng Chengbiao said with a smile, and then his expression became serious: "He said that Zhang Haobin had several girlfriends, and some of them disappeared."

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