National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 671: I stretch my left foot first

Chapter 671 I stretch my left foot first

The cesspool in the open space at the crime scene was very shallow, but it was quite large, covering several hundred square meters.

There are four consecutive cesspools dotted with each other not far apart. The central depth is between half a meter and one meter. But if there is more water, these four cesspools may be able to gather into one large pool. .

Liu Sheng stood on the shore, staring blankly into the distance. Even so, the smoky smell still penetrated his nose.

I don’t know if anyone has ever done such an experiment. They collected the liquid produced by their own garbage and placed it in a selected glass beaker. Then they sat in front of the beaker and fanned it with their hands above the beaker to make the taste in the beaker Penetrating into the nasal cavity - that's the smell!

"The criminals in the capital don't know what they are doing now. They are either garbage mountains, sewers, and now there are sewage pools. Why can't we get some clean cases!" Liu Sheng started to complain, and the stench in his mouth was urgently needed to be spit out.

The policeman who was standing in the water pool at half a person's height, holding hands in the mud, climbed up and looked at Liu Sheng angrily: "Liu Da, why don't you get into the pool and the pool won't stink."

"Why doesn't the pool stink?" Liu Sheng was amused.

The policeman covered in mud said: "The pool is slippery, and my mind is filled with disgust. I can't even think of shouting "stinky".

Liu Sheng laughed twice when he heard this: "Brothers, thank you for your hard work. It will be done in a while. I will ask the team leader to sign it, and we will eat and drink with public funds."

"Do you want to eat box lunches with public funds?"

"That won't happen, at least... it has to be at the level of hot pot." Liu Sheng was not very sure. The detachment leader Tao Lu was not a generous person before, and he has become more and more stingy recently, especially with this kind of plan. Expenditure outside the home basically looks like it can't be spent as much as possible, as if it has been hollowed out by the Ningtai people and has no future.

Liu Sheng sighed, it really couldn't be done, the brigade also had some funds, but if we kept going like this, we wouldn't be able to eat hot pot a few times.

"Old Liu, let's go to the pool." At some unknown time, Cui Qishan came over wearing long-legged rain boots and protective clothing to urge him.

The team leader of the Beijing branch and the squadron leader in the county have similar status in the team. They are both the backbone of the grassroots. They are indispensable for leading by example. Walking hand in hand into the pumped pool is not just a show for the photographers shooting next to them. of.

The criminal police team itself actually has professional technicians in criminal photography. In the early years, this position was still highly valued because film and video tapes were very expensive. At the most expensive time, a roll of color Kodak film and a policeman and a half A month's salary is almost enough, and no one is allowed to take good photos.

Now it's about avoiding a lot of nonsense. Especially murder cases are handled according to high standards. Taking photos and videos is conducive to the fixation of evidence and the conduct of the trial.

It's just that some old police officers have suffered - the young police officers were in such an environment when they joined the job. They just had to do things according to the rules. The middle-aged and elderly people of the previous generation were not used to it, especially those who liked to take shortcuts. At this time, they could only complain. .

Liu Sheng and Cui Qishan waded into the pool hand in hand.

This is the last sewage pool. It is thirty or forty meters long and twenty or thirty meters wide. It is about the same size as a swimming pool pool. The deepest part is half a meter, and most places are only twenty or thirty centimeters thick. Thick, unknown organic matter is growing in the pond, and the mud under your feet can sink half of your calf.

Liu Sheng recited as he walked: "Although I have waded through the garbage mountain, I still have to say that this pool is really disgusting."

"It's quite miserable for those in your team to follow you."

"It's just luck. Just bad luck."

"If you continue to be so unlucky, you will become a stinking brigade." Cui Qishan gave Liu Sheng a name, thinking it was quite appropriate, and showed the greasy smile of a middle-aged intellectual.

Liu Sheng said: "Are you a corpse exhumation team?"

Cui Qishan was stunned, then changed the subject and said, "We'd better dig up the body this time, otherwise, we don't know how long it will take to solve the case."

As he spoke, Liu Sheng pulled his foot out of the ground and said, "Tao Zhi is really trying to dig, so why can't he pump out the water first?"

"Do you know how much it costs to pump four pools of water?" Cui Qishan snorted.

Liu Sheng curled his lips. He didn't know the specific price, but it was definitely expensive. The sewage here needs to be pumped out by a special sewage truck. Once the sewage is pumped out, it cannot be discharged casually. You have to go to a special place to pay for drainage.

Of course, the easier way is to find a few water pumps and dump a pool on the spot, but this behavior not only destroys the crime scene, but also violates regulations. It still cannot be brought to the table, and it is easy to be complained by surrounding residents.

"But you still have to smoke it in the end." Liu Sheng said: "If you find something, you have to smoke it. If you don't find something, you still have to smoke it."

"If you find something, you can apply for special funds from the bureau." Cui Qishan can understand the detachment leader. After all, he also hopes to be the detachment leader in the future.

"How can such a good discovery be found? You don't know that we dug enough to build a house in the garbage mountain, but we found nothing."

Cui Qishan smiled: "It's not that difficult. Finding a corpse is just a matter of constant trying. Sometimes when you step out with your left foot, you can come across..."

Cui Qishan paused for a moment, twisted his left foot twice, and then took out a bone from his foot.

"Does it look like human bones?" Cui Qishan asked Liu Sheng next to him.

Liu Sheng stared at this big bone, nodded silently, and then stared at Cui Qishan's left foot for a long time.

The sewage suction truck was humming at work.

A group of criminal investigation technicians surrounded the perimeter of the sewage pool, searching inside bit by bit. This time the survey was much more detailed, and a lot of silt was scooped up and sifted through buckets.

Tao Lu stood beside Liu Jinghui and Jiang Yuan, looking at the work here from a distance, and felt that his mood was much more stable.

"Although there may be one more corpse, it should be able to provide a lot of useful clues. I hope we can make a breakthrough this time." Tao Lu said with a smile: "Liu Chu's plan is still very particular."

Liu Jinghui smiled. Speaking of which, he rarely left the province before. His fame was only in Shannan Province, and he was not as famous as Tao Lu.

However, reasoning does not need to care about reputation. As long as the correct method is used and the evidence is used correctly, the correct conclusion can be drawn.

"There should be more than one corpse." Liu Jinghui was proud and made a small prediction.

Tao Lu was not surprised and just asked: "What's the reason?"

"If there is only one more corpse, the murderer can just bury them all. There is no need to leave them alone."

Tao Lu couldn't help but nodded: "Yes, that's the truth."

"If there is one more corpse, there will be ten corpses." Huang Qiangmin emerged from the other end, standing facing the shallow pool, his voice was calm and powerful, as if he was on his home court.

Tao Lu laughed twice: "Just right."

"Yes." Huang Qiangmin responded speciously, and the corners of his mouth were raised politely at 22 degrees, and he hid his big white teeth behind his lips very reservedly.

"Corpse No. 5 is a female. The bones collected so far are not complete, but 80% of them. It seems that her death time was earlier than that of No. 1, 2, and 3." Jiang Yuan was doing analysis on the spot, but did not give any information. Provide a specific time of death.

The condition of the bones this time was more complicated, so he had used a more advanced one before. List the death times of corpses in the same area and affected by the same environment in sequence, rather than the specific time of death.

Tao Lu pondered and asked: "This corpse is immersed in water now. As for corpses No. 1, 2, and 3, have they also been immersed in water for a long time?"

"There are no traces of long-term immersion in water. If it's short-term... it's hard to be sure." Jiang Yuan finished and explained: "If the body is exposed in the wild, it is unpredictable whether it will be exposed to rain or immersed in water in a short period of time."

For corpses from two to three years ago, forensic entomology is basically relied upon to determine the time of death, and insects do not care about this level of water accumulation. They are seen a lot, and some prefer to lay eggs in this moist environment.

"What is certain is that the bodies No. 1, 2 and 3 have all been moved twice. This means that the murderer came and went here more than once." Liu Jinghui's words made Tao Lu's eyes light up.

"Elaborate," Tao Lu said.

"More than two to three years ago, most of the people who came and went in the open space here for a long time were male. I think this range is acceptable." Liu Jinghui made a simple summary, and then said: "I think the reasons for work can be given priority. , followed by life. In addition, this person could pick up the bones of three people into the grave one by one, so he must be very careful and meticulous, or he did not dump the bodies randomly. "

At this point, Jiang Yuan seemed to be reminded and nodded: "The skeleton is complete and there are no missing bones, which means that at least it was not thrown randomly in the open space. Otherwise, stray dogs, cats, or birds such as crows would It is possible to damage the bones."

"The body was thrown away, but not completely?" Liu Jinghui received a positive answer and couldn't help but think hard about what kind of environment this was.

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