National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 680 Ending

"I have noticed Han Xu for a long time. He is a very gloomy young man. He has little money and is very aggressive, but he has a very calm mind and vicious attacks. People just want to train him when they look at him." In the interrogation room, Mei Gangzhuo showed no intention of resisting.

He has done everything he needs to do and wants to do. He killed his lover's ex-husband today, which can be regarded as ending this evil fate. His whole mood is very relaxed.

The interrogating police officer ignored his arrogance and followed his words, saying: "You said you noticed it very early, how early? How long ago was it specifically?"

"Three years ago." Mei Gangzhuo didn't think carefully. "Then, what do you train him to do?" "To kill someone."

"How to kill?"

"Use a towel. When I first taught him, I used a chain. The child found it troublesome and later learned how to use a towel. Just use it. It's okay. Nowadays, people are less defensive, especially after having sex. After that incident, as soon as I lay down on the bed, I would check my phone, tie the slipknot, and play a game, haha, it was so silly." Mei Gangzhuo said with a look of recollection.

When the interrogating police officer heard this, he suppressed no special expression, but his eyes couldn't help but drift towards the direction of the camera.

After waiting for a few seconds, the interrogating police officer continued to ask: "Have you ever killed anyone with iron chains in the first place?"

"That must have worked."

"Killed several people."

"Three, please." Mei Gangzhuo looked indifferent. "Where are the people?"

"Buried." After Mei Gangzhuo said this, he shook his head and said, "Han Xu is a very rebellious child. When I taught him, he didn't end up sinking into the pool. He was still in the sewage pool at his door. , Too lazy. Of course, I didn’t expect that you would still come to the door after the corpse was so rotten."

Mei Gangzhuo let go of the chat. The amount of information released in one sentence made the interrogating police officers dizzy. They had to quickly take notes and then ask questions one by one.

In the monitoring room, a group of people in white shirts looked at each other.

The director of the Zhengguang Bureau couldn't help but express his opinion: "Extremely arrogant!"

Tao Lu huddled in the corner and could only complain in his heart. He was a serial killer who was destined to die. Apart from showing his attitude and establishing his personality, what else could he do?

Complaints are complaints, Mei Gangzhuo's words also aroused waves of waves in Tao Lu's heart.

Han Xu also killed three people with chains, which means that the number of victims in this case alone increased to nine.

Where is Mei Gang playing himself? Not only Tao Lu wanted to ask, but the interrogating police officers were also asking. Mei Gangzhuo chuckled twice and did not answer.

The interrogating police officers are not in a hurry. There are already a lot of details that need to be asked, including the locations of the three corpses just mentioned.

The director couldn't wait here all day. After listening for a while and giving some instructions, he went to see Jiang Yuan with a few white shirts.

In this case, several breakthrough points were attributed to Jiang Yuan, which is really eye-catching.

Huang Qiangmin also followed the white shirts proudly. Before leaving, he pulled a Tao Deer and said: "As we agreed before, the corpses discovered during the interrogation must also be included in the discount calculation. The more discovered, the greater the discount." , don’t be anxious either.”

He finally comforted Tao Lu.

Tao Lu looked indifferent and said: "This is the director's business. I can't care about it now. I only care about my case. By the way, Jiang Yuan needs to find new cases quickly. Let's start quickly to avoid another accident. .”

Huang Qiangmin took a deep look at Tao Lu. As a former criminal police captain, he was very familiar with this scene. He just patted Tao Lu on the shoulder, then turned and left.

Medical Examiner's Office.

After receiving the notice, Jiang Yuan and others waited in the office in advance and tidied up the room.

People in the Zhengguang Bureau, a large unit with thousands of people, really don't see the top leader very often every day. Some young people like Zhan Kun seem to know certain deputy bureaus when they see them, but sometimes they can't remember them.

Compared with the anatomy center, the medical examiner's office is much fresher. If you don't open the display cabinet and look carefully, it is actually the same as an ordinary middle school chemistry laboratory.

The leaders of the police station are naturally familiar with this. The focus of a group of people is originally coming to Jiang Yuan.

The white shirts of the Zhengguang Bureau have all seen how powerful the foreign aid is, and the white shirts of the Zhengguang Bureau have also heard of how expensive the foreign aid is. But this is really the first time for Zhengguang Bureau to use such a powerful and expensive foreign aid.

Of course, the effect is outstanding.

To be honest, although the white shirts don't understand what LV6's tool mark identification, LV6's time of death identification, LV5's crime scene investigation (temporary +1), LV4's forensic evidence science are. . .

But those who are white shirts, even if they are out of the front line, still have the necessary vision, especially the white shirts of the Zhengguang Branch of the Beijing Bureau. They are all grown up in the most powerful technical soup pool in the country, and they are all kinds of awesome. Cool, cutting-edge, and nonsense technologies are all gathered here.

It is true that the technicians in this bureau cannot gather this set of technologies.

The director first said a few words for the occasion, and then asked: "I see that Jiang Yuan is not old. I don't know how he learned so many skills."

"I just learned it slowly." Jiang Yuan was vague.

"It's mainly about talent." Huang Qiangmin has thought about this issue very clearly for a long time.

Many of the techniques Jiang Yuan has mastered may take a lifetime to be learned by ordinary people. But in just a few years, Jiang Yuan has visibly enriched his arsenal, clearly a self-taught model.

This kind of gifted learning ability was only seen as a sign of genius by Huang Qiangmin.

Tao Zhexuan studied calculus at the age of eight and published a book. He won an Olympiad bronze medal at the age of 10. No one thought there was anything wrong with this kid. Of course, he couldn't have a system. After all, after he became an adult, he was still often beaten by other math monsters.

The director also felt that it was outrageous and couldn't help but said: "Even if I study every day and no one teaches me, my skills will be as good as they are now."

"Since Jiang Yuan joined the company, it can be said that we have been working on cases day and night." Huang Qiangmin used a slightly exaggerated approach and introduced several major cases solved by Jiang Yuan, such as the Wu Long Savage Case, Qingjiang's Jianyuan Group's Yuan family was exterminated, etc.

After just a few minutes of explanation, the few people in white shirts felt like background music was ringing in their ears.

The director sighed, but stared at Huang Qiangmin and said, "You are lucky."

Huang Qiangmin laughed and said: "Jiang Yuan is a native of Ningtai, and there is nothing we can do about returning to Ningtai to work."

"The detection rate of cases in Ningtai County is very high, right?" The director was a little curious.

Huang Qiangmin chuckled and said: "It can't be said that the detection rate is 100%. After all, some theft cases still have accidental factors. The backlog of cases was cleared 30 years ago..."

The people in white shirts looked at each other. This answer was really like hearing a story to them.

The director even pulled Jiang Yuan and kept asking questions.

The originally planned one-hour meeting was postponed several times by the director. After almost three hours of delay, Tao Lu ran up.

"Han Xu also started to confess. We showed him a few sentences of his master's testimony, and he gave up." Tao Lu's mood gradually recovered. After all, he had solved a major case that was rare in recent years. Even if If something goes wrong, he won't be demoted too badly.

The director postponed the time again and said, "Let's talk about it."

Tao Lu immediately said: "The basic process is similar to what we speculated. Han Xu made friends through social software to screen the victims. He worked hard at chatting, and with his good appearance, the dates went smoothly. However, Han Xu There is a problem. After he kills someone, he tends to throw the body instead of burying it. This is contrary to Mei Gangzou’s philosophy."???

"In the beginning, when Mei Gangzhuo was Han Xu's master, Han Xu would reluctantly dig holes and bury corpses. Later, when he committed crimes independently, he began to return to the habit of throwing corpses. At first, he threw them in his car. Then put it in the carriage and put it in the open space. I hope it will be easier to dump the body later and the workload will be lower."

"Mei Gangzhuo was not willing to discuss the pros and cons of the two methods with Han Xu. He just took out the body and reburied it when he had free time.

"The body No. 4 was killed by Mei Gangzuo. His hands were itchy for a while, so he dug a hole alone and buried it."

"Han Xu is indeed bisexual. Later, he discovered that men have higher resistance and specialize in the female market."

"Many of Han Xu's technologies and equipment were given to him by Mei Gangzhuo, so his anti-reconnaissance capabilities have been very high since he first committed crimes."

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