National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 682 Investigation Direction

When Jiang Yuan proposed dividing the case, Tao Lu had already been conquered.

For cases like this that are suspected of serial murder, the detachment and even the branch investigate them at all costs. An investigation involving more than a thousand people, which is rare in Shannan Province, is not a problem at Zhengguang Branch.

It doesn't even need to be at the level of the murder case backlog, it's just an ordinary murder case, or even any of the eight major serious cases, it's very common to organize a thousand-person investigation. The scale that would make Tao Lu or the director hesitate would require at least three thousand people.

How much money does it cost to organize 3,000 people to conduct an investigation? People who often get married can imagine how much it would cost to organize a wedding banquet for 3,000 people without receiving gifts. It must be at least this amount.

Conducting inspections for many consecutive days is equivalent to holding a wedding for many consecutive days

Therefore, after such a detailed investigation, any clue is precious.

Jiang Yuan could find clues by relying on the files. This skill alone was enough for Tao Lu to make a decision, not to mention his glorious resume.

The "Carrion in the Rain Case" task force was quickly formed without any tricks. It was still dominated by the two teams of Liu Sheng and Cui Qishan. It was also Tao Lu who took into account Jiang Yuan's close familiarity with Liu Sheng. The criminal policemen in the brigade are also familiar with Jiang Yuan to a certain extent.

The criminal police is still an industry that pays great attention to relationships. With a little trust, it will definitely be much easier to do things.

the next day.

Tao Lu presided over a case analysis meeting and said in front of all the criminal police: "In the last case, two murderers were arrested one after another, and the overall case went very smoothly. This was an extremely complicated case involving multiple victims. , including homicides of Chinese people at home and abroad, including dumping and burying bodies, and is of the nature of serial murders. The investigation process of this case is very good, and the director has already thanked everyone for their credit."

Tao Lu said: "In the final stage of this case, some unexpected situations occurred. This was mainly due to my decision-making mistakes. You don't need to worry."

Before everyone could react, Tao Lu continued: "The celebration banquet can only be postponed. On the one hand, it is to determine the responsibility. On the other hand, the two murderers are involved in many cases and there is a lot of evidence that needs to be fixed. We We have to wait a little here but the case waits for no one!”

Tao Lu looked at the crowd and said: "This time, Team Jiang Yuanjiang has chosen a very challenging case. The case of corpses rotting in the rain. If this case can be solved, it will be an excellent comfort to the victim and his family. It is also a good opportunity for our detachment to prove its combat effectiveness. Well, the next time will be left to Jiang Yuan."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan stood up and smiled at everyone, took the remote control of the projector, clicked it a few times, and then said: "The case of corpses rotting in the rain is a rather strange case.

Liu Sheng and others all sat up straight and listened, not because Jiang Yuan's description of the case was so strange, but because Jiang Yuan himself was attractive enough.

"The case of corpses rotting in the rain, a total of four cases, the evidence obtained is relatively small. The murderer knows how to clean up the scene and has certain professional abilities. The previous task force has also conducted investigations in this direction." Jiang Yuan said that the professional ability is at least It is the level of on-site cleaning at LV2 level.

This is beyond the scope of on-site cleaning such as mopping the floor and pouring some detergent. The detail of cleaning, the order of cleaning, the objects cleaned, etc. are all very important. Otherwise, redundant actions will just leave more clues to the police.

Jiang Yuan did not continue to talk about the previous investigation direction, and continued: "The identities of the four corpses are clear, and there is a lack of intersection in interpersonal relationships. However, during the process of reading the file, I discovered that corpse No. 3, that is, The third case is significantly different from the other three cases.”

Jiang Yuan casually clicked on the remote control and showed a few photos. Some were the swollen and dehumanized corpses in the first case, and some were discovered earlier but had the same changed appearance.

Jiang Yuan explained his analysis to Tao Lu in more detail, and then said: "Some of the abnormal conditions of corpse No. 3 are unreasonable. Especially when there is corpse No. 4, the murderer has changed The murder weapon has changed the position of the stabbing, and the intensity of use has also changed. These are all abnormal. From the current point of view, I am inclined to believe that body No. 3 is a copycat crime."

"The details of the corpse rotting in the rain case have not been announced. How did you imitate it?" Liu Sheng couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

Jiang Yuan nodded and said: "But there is no strict confidentiality. Moreover, this case sounds complicated, but in fact it is very maneuverable. Kill people on rainy days, use daggers, then wrap the body tightly and abandon it, and at the same time strictly clean up the scene. "

"It's easier said than done." Liu Sheng said slowly: "You must have experience in killing people, experience in cleaning up scenes, and you must be good at using daggers."

The more he talked, the worse his face became. If you think about it from this direction, there is a high possibility that law enforcement officers committed the crime. And this kind of thing has not never happened. For example, various scandals break out in the United States from time to time.

Jiang Yuan ignored this and only said: "My suggestion is to re-divide the case into two parts. One part is the third case, and the imitation crime is considered separately. The second part is the three cases 1, 2, and 4. Reconsider the link between them. We are currently concentrating on prioritizing the third case."

"If the third case is a copycat crime, even if the case of the rotting corpse in the rain is solved, it will not be considered a detection." Someone reminded in a low voice.

"The imitators of the third case may have an overall understanding of the case as a breakthrough in the case of corpses rotting in the rain." Jiang Yuan paused and then said: "Of course, it is also possible to directly break through the corpses rotting in the rain case. It's just that It’s just a matter of sequence.”

Jiang Yuan's criminal investigation ideas have always been simple and direct. If there are any characteristics, they are all based on his latest discoveries.

But it has to be said that it is difficult to find fault with this kind of criminal investigation thinking, and Liu Sheng and others naturally have no objections.

Tao Lu asked: "Jiang Yuan, will you arrange the work?"

"It's better if you come, I'm going to stay in the laboratory today." Jiang Yuan said and explained: "Forensic botany is still very useful when the first scene has not yet been determined after the corpse has been moved."

For this absolutely difficult case, which happened in the capital, Jiang Yuan did not consider conventional solutions from the beginning.

Skills such as crime scene investigation and footprint analysis are not uncommon in the capital. Experts at the LV3 or LV4 level are not common, but they can be easily found by the task force when needed.

In other words, to use this kind of skills to solve the backlog of cases that experts have not been able to solve before, LV5 is the base, and it may not be very easy to use - the technicians of the task force at that time may only have the level of LV3, but people can use it for a few weeks or even a few days. After months of studying, and occasionally inviting more senior experts to study together, even if Jiang Yuan switched to LV5, if he didn't calm down and study for a period of time, he might not be able to achieve results.

However, forensic botany is different. Not many people across the country know this kind of side skill, let alone the capital, and those who can reach the LV2 level are rare. new

The most important thing is that the expert team on the carrion case in the rain has never tried to use forensic botany before, which gives Jiang Yuan a lot of room to play.

Tao Lu and others naturally thought of the first case that Jiang Yuan came to work on, and they nodded repeatedly, hoping that Jiang Yuan could replicate his glory.

Liu Sheng and others took the initiative and consciously arranged their subordinates. When a series of cases is restarted, there is a lot to do. Furthermore, some criminal police officers also need to clearly hand over the cases at hand.

Jiang Yuanzi went to the laboratory to pick up pollen.

Time, place and person, these three elements still play an important role in criminal cases. In the "Corrective Corpse in the Rain Case", the time can basically be determined, and the identity of the victim has been confirmed after multiple checks. The only thing that has not been found is the first scene.

But this time, Jiang Yuan was not sure whether forensic botany would be effective.

Compared to urban environments, forensic botany is actually more suitable for rural or wild conditions.

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