National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 684 Forbidden Curse

Chapter 684 Forbidden Curse

Jasmine, bougainvillea, gardenia, hibiscus, lotus...

As Jiang Yuan identified more and more types of pollen, even the detectives who did not understand forensic botany felt very excited.

Although they are mostly common plants, there are definitely few places that can fully meet these pollen requirements, and they may even be unique places.

Jiang Yuan didn't have the slightest doubt about this. Although the victim may travel to multiple locations, the pollen contaminated on his body is proportional to each area. This is the most critical point of the pollen map.

In addition, sunflower pollen is extremely unfriendly to murderers.

Insect-borne pollen is the favorite type of pollen among forensic botanists, which means that at least hundreds of people around the world like it.

Insect-pollinated pollen is usually very thick because it does not need to be blown away by the wind like wind-pollinated pollen. However, for bees, insects or hummingbirds, the pollen is thicker and thinner and cannot be felt at all. Weight changes.

But for pollen, thicker walls mean better preservation conditions, and their ability to withstand the external environment is also completely different. Therefore, the sunflower pollen that Jiang Yuan saw grew like a space fortress, and its defense power in the pollen world was almost the same.

This level of sunflower pollen is naturally larger and easier to stick to people's clothes. At the same time, it is easier to identify.

It would be impossible for an ordinary Forensic Botany LV1 player to miss such a large amount of sunflower pollen.

However, for students of botany, the judgment of Asteraceae is really more cruel than cutting the Asteraceae. It would have taken a lot of effort to confirm that it was sunflower pollen.

Jiang Yuan didn't stop there.

This time, he looked for specific classification illustrations and carefully classified the sunflower pollen he found. Finally, he came to the conclusion that the pollen belonged to the edible sunflower: Sukui No. 2.

After reaching this point, Jiang Yuan let go of the microscope, rubbed his neck, wrote a simple appraisal report, and handed it to Tao Lu.

In fact, it only took more than a day, but for Tao Lu and others, they got more clues in this day than in the previous month.

The most important thing is that after the previous "training" to find the source of pollen, everyone already has a good understanding of it.

"Sukui No. 2 is an edible sunflower, which means the sunflower we usually grow? The kind grown by farmers?" Tao Lu read the appraisal report and handed it to Liu Sheng.

Jiang Yuan nodded and said: "Yes, sunflowers are divided into several large types. Common ones are cut-flower sunflowers, which are the sunflowers sold in flower shops. The flower branches are longer, the flowers bloom faster, and some have a longer flowering period. There are also landscape-type sunflowers, potted types, and the edible types we find now, as well as oil-type sunflowers.”

Cui Qishan, who was next to him, felt complicated after hearing this. He scratched his head and said, "I thought the pollen detected this time would be the kind of sunflowers sold in flower shops, which are cut flowers, right? Can you tell the difference? Just rely on it. pollen."

"Many varieties of cut sunflowers have no pollen, such as Moulin Rouge and Chianti. Some famous varieties have different pollen colors, such as Black Oil. As you can tell from the name, the pollen in the middle is black. "Many of the contents of Jiang Yuan's section are also checked on the spot, because new varieties of plants are emerging one after another. Some pollen have changed, while some have no change or very little change. They all need to be compared in real time.

Cui Qishan and others just nodded in confusion, not knowing that Jiang Yuan in front of them had just silently cast a forbidden curse.

Even though the pollen appearance of new varieties of sunflowers is recorded and described, there are no pictures of them. In fact, most pollens only have descriptions and no pictures.

To take a picture of pollen, you need to wrap the pollen in gold foil under a scanning electron microscope and put it in a vacuum state before you can accurately take a picture. Therefore, some plants have pictures of pollen, and many more do not. No.

This is also one of the reasons why forensic botany or pollen research in botany always lags behind. You think botany is about memory, like liberal arts. In fact, botany also requires your spatial imagination, as well as analysis and summary. And ability, pure science.

With the support of LV4's Forensic Botany and the temporary +1 skill, Jiang Yuan was able to compare the correct type of sunflower pollen.

Cui Qishan and others looked at the identification report and thought that this was what forensic botany was like.

Jiang Yuan did not need to explain this part in detail, he only said: "Although Sukui No. 2 is an edible sunflower, judging from its pollen map, it includes jasmine, bougainvillea, gardenia, hibiscus, lotus, etc. , are common ornamental plants, and the victim probably fell to the ground in a garden, courtyard, or park, and was subsequently contaminated with the pollen, and it is unlikely that he was in a pure farmland."

"If we were to find a place with more than a dozen kinds of flowers in the whole city, the area would still be a bit too big." Tao Lu said, lowering his head and thinking about it.

The reason why he said it is within the city is because it is very dangerous to leave or enter Beijing with a corpse. The checkpoints in the middle are much stricter than ordinary toll stations. There are also police dogs in many places to help. , as long as the murderer knows how to weigh the pros and cons, he also knows that going to Beijing to abandon the body is simply a mental illness.

In addition, Victim No. 3 himself mainly works as an escort in the capital and has no record of coming and going. After all, he is the type of person who kills people in the capital and throws them away.

But as Tao Lu said, despite this, the area of ​​​​the capital is still too large.

Jiang Yuan said at this time: "I think we can continue to follow the sunflower search. Although Sukui No. 2 is a relatively common edible sunflower, its main planting areas are in the northwest and Inner Mongolia. It is also found in Beijing, and the number is very small. , Therefore, there must not be many people selling and buying Su Kui No. 2 seeds within the capital city..."

In fact, Tao Lu was already excited before he finished speaking.

"We have experience in this area. Check the source of seeds...well, including online sales records, there won't be many. If they are grown in the garden, then only a very small amount of seeds will be purchased, or It's just something you want from someone, no matter what it is, it has to come from a source. Once we find the source, we can ask where the sunflowers are planted." Tao Lu stood up, feeling that the case had already been solved.

Cui Qishan said: "It is also possible that the murderer left the seed himself."

"Most people don't have that much time." Tao Lu looked at Cui Qishan and said, "I mean saving seeds is a bit difficult... In this way, let's check up to 5 years ago and see who are the buyers of this sunflower seed. If If we can find the first scene, there will be hope for this case!"

"That's right." Cui Qishan chuckled twice, and then a flash of inspiration occurred. He couldn't help but look at Jiang Yuan and said, "There are also these lotus and other pollen. Can we also identify a specific variety?"

Jiang Yuan smiled back: "Lotus is a perennial root. However, I will look at other flower varieties."

Even if he wanted to check, he still had to refresh his temporary +1 skill cooldown before he could continue to check.

At this time, Tao Lu and others could no longer care about this.

While verifying the source of the sunflower seeds, they rushed to the scene and started investigating one farmer after another.

Although the total number is already a very impressive and long list of hundreds of people, to the Zhengguang Bureau, this is a normal investigation!

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