National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 713 Discipleship

"If you are from the capital, your family situation should be good, right?" Jiang Yuan could tell that Zhan Kong wanted to learn the skull restoration technique.

Zhan Kun also felt the opportunity coming, and while thinking about Jiang Yuan's thoughts with the reasoning skills he had gained from working, he said: "Even the kind who have no worries about food and clothing. My parents both work in state-owned enterprises and bought me a house. , the salary is just this, it’s enough for one person.”

This is considered to be the basis for learning cranial reconstruction surgery.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but nodded. It was only when he reached his current LV5 status that he clearly understood the complexity and huge cost of cultivating an expert in this field.

If you don’t have any financial resources, you may not be able to persevere while learning.

As for cranial reconstruction, even if the goal is only to reach LV2, it will still take several years to learn. During this period, it is best to study off-the-job, otherwise the learning time will be lengthened.

In addition, the materials for cranial reconstruction surgery are also quite expensive. Sculpture is an activity that has never been reserved for poor families.

Even if I usually use the bureau's resources, occasionally I have to buy something for research. This is the same as art students buying paint and paper for painting.

"Have you studied sculpture for two years? How far can you achieve it?" Jiang Yuan asked again.

"Yes, I learned sketching first and sculpture later. If my level is good, I will actually be a sculptor myself later on. I can make my own figures..." Zhan Gong didn't dare to say too much. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

Jiang Yuan nodded, this skill is quite rare. Nowadays, most people have never even been exposed to sculpture. The Academy of Fine Arts does offer a major in sculpture. After five years of study, I don’t know how much time is actually spent on practical operations.

Although skull restoration is known as an art among forensics, if there are really pure sculpture players involved, the forensic doctors will think that they are too artistic.

Generally speaking, having studied sculpture is a very good starting point for cranial reconstruction surgery, and the thinking mode will be very different. In the actual operation process, because mainstream cranial reconstruction surgery is done with computers, the sculpture skills can be used again. Function, 3D modeling gets twice the result with half the effort.

Jiang Yuan looked Zhan Kong up and down again. The two of them had worked together many times. Judging from Zhan Kong's state when he started, his basic skills and obedience were quite solid.

"As for anthropology, how are you studying?" Jiang Yuan continued to ask Zhan Gong while operating on the computer.

Cranial reconstruction is difficult to learn. The main problem is that there are too many prerequisites.

Otherwise, for a job like forensic medicine, which relies mainly on experience, many people can be trained by freshmen.

Zhan Kong blinked and said: "In terms of do you say this..."

"Just this skull, what can you see?" Jiang Yuan made the question more specific.

Zhan Gong was stunned for a moment, then stared at the skull next to him for a while, then walked around unconsciously.

Jiang Yuan didn't care so much and continued to do the 3D modeling of the skull.

If this step is put into an Internet company or a game company, the workload and cost will not be small. It can only be said that the liquidity of socialized companies is much stronger than that of forensics.

"The eye sockets tend to be round, the eyebrow arch is not obvious, and the pear-shaped aperture is also rounder, so it is a female skull."

"There are traces of trauma on the top of the skull, but judging from the scratches, they should be post-mortem injuries."

"Age can be judged by the wear of the teeth, and the other is the cranial sutures. In this regard, I have to check the information."

Zhan Kong looked at the skull, thinking and answering, and gradually became more proficient.

Jiang Yuan said "En" at this time and said: "Go and check."

Zhan Kan was stunned for a moment, but he had no choice but to wash his hands, take a few more photos, and go out to read a book.

Easier said than done.

Just like the symptoms of a cold, it can be caused by pneumonia or stress. The so-called inflammation can be caused by leisure. Ordinary people may have had colds for a lifetime and cannot summarize any accurate experience, just like most doctors.

Anthropology is similar. A point of view is a point of view, and an analysis is an analysis. What is written in the book is clear and detailed, and the data can be fed back to the scene. These are two completely different things.

Zhan Gong had not done much forensic anthropology work, and now he felt overwhelmed by having to answer Jiang Yuan's questions.

Only vaguely, he also noticed the meaning of Jiang Yuan's question.

A boss would not spend time and energy asking a kid questions just to make him look bad.

Big guys don’t even express themselves this way.

Therefore, Zhan Kong checked very carefully and resisted the urge to ask his senior brothers secretly.

The anatomy center of the Beijing Bureau is large and good, and the interior is also very busy. If we are just like the forensic doctors in the ordinary county bureau, relying solely on forensic pathology and forensic clinical studies to dominate the world, in the end, we can really only do the most basic work. The hardest and most tiring life.


Zhan Kong flipped through the book quickly while staring at the computer screen and typing.

The idea of ​​judging age based on tooth wear is very simple. Because permanent teeth are non-renewable, the longer you live and use them, the higher the degree of tooth wear will naturally be.

But it's like what people often say, "A 20-year-old person has teeth of a 40-year-old person." But for forensic doctors, if you judge a 20-year-old person's age as a 40-year-old person, will you be scolded?

The victim lived a prosperous life since he was a child, so much so that he ate whole grains every day, and died early. How will the forensic doctor draw a conclusion?

"Tooth wear is unreliable." Zhan Gong thought to himself.

"Using tooth wear as the basis, comprehensively, the accuracy is very high." Zeng Lianrong walked over from the side and gave Zhan Kong a pointer.

Zhan Gong quickly thanked him.

Zeng Lianrong said "yes", walked away for a few steps, then turned around and said: "Do it well, it's a rare opportunity."

Zhan Kun quickly smiled at the little fat man's honesty.

On the screen, the outer circle of the skull was filled in with layers of smear.

Place the small white cylinder on the skull. The thickness marked on it is the thickness of the soft tissue of the head. The height of the small cylinder is also the same value.

If it is a traditional method, you will have to use something like clay in the later stage and apply it layer by layer until it is flush with the small cylinders at each position. The thickness of the soft tissue is determined.

If you think about it carefully, this step is actually not very difficult. The main thing is that the task is decomposed carefully enough.

The only problem is that the more detailed the decomposition, the greater the pressure of judgment.

A single lip can be broken down into four different heights, and the basis for each judgment may be incomplete.

Therefore, to truly make a final judgment, we need to confirm each other and constantly revise them.

This part of the work took Jiang Yuan several days.

During this period, Zhan Kong followed Jiang Yuan. Although he couldn't do much, he could see more and more clearly.

Task: Discipleship

Mission content: Zhan Kun has been studying with him for 48 hours and can teach him cranial reconstruction techniques to reach the level of LV1.

Mission reward: Pistol shooting (LV3)

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