National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 723 Who to serve?

"You, come here, why are you running? What's your name?"

Panting, Cui Qishan caught the young man and pulled him over by his collar.

Cui Qishan controlled the young man while breathing hard. A sound like a broken bellows came from his lungs, as if a person had been punctured.

The young man looked at Cui Qishan in fear and whispered, "I didn't stab you."

"" Cui Qishan opened his mouth, moistened his throat, and then said: "Why are you running?"

"I... just want to run away." The young man said.

Cui Qishan: "I told you to stop, did you hear me?"

"heard it."

"Then you still run."


"Why run?"

"I am afraid."

"afraid of what?"

"Just scared."

The conversation between the boy and Cui Qishan was dry and repetitive, but Cui Qishan couldn't do anything about it.

This is not the first time he has encountered a similar situation. When he first arrived in Zhanggang Village, Cui Qishan was relatively reserved and often had the mentality of not taking action if he could. Later, I found that it was no longer possible. The locals would run wildly for any trivial matter. The last time, he ran like a bellows, and the last time, a 16-year-old young man wanted to race with him.

Compared with the boy this time, Chun Chun is just an I person and an E person, both of whom are crazy.

"If the police say stop, you have to stop, do you understand?" Cui Qishan gave a few words of education and let the man go. There's nothing I can do if I don't let him go, he just wants to run away.

In just a few days, the village's lifestyle cured Cui Qishan's three highs and two highs.

One leg dragged the other leg back to the canteen at the entrance of the village. I saw two technicians in white coats holding white sticks to perform throat swabs on the villagers. Next to them, Xiao Si and others stood with their hands tied. Finally, there was something Some office look.

"How?" Cui Qishan went over and asked.

"The sampling is very fast, it just depends on whether there are any fish that have slipped through the net." The technician replied casually. He was sent by the local county bureau, so he didn't worry about the case and just did it step by step.

Cui Qishan said "hmm", looked at the empty space around him, and said helplessly: "Try your best."

The latest task they received was to collect DNA from all the people in Zhanggang Village and then compare it with the DNA found in Qingling Mountain. With current technology, even if it is not the individual's DNA, the corresponding relationship can be determined through the DNA of relatives.

Not only a large number of fingerprints but also a lot of DNA were collected at the Qingling Mountain site. By comparing the two, more participants or insiders can be found.

However, the big guys who stay in Gyeonggi Province will not know the difficult conditions in Zhanggang Village, let alone the hard work of Cui Qishan and others.

Cui Qishan shook his head, turned around and called back.

He had to report the situation clearly to Tao Zhi before he could request to return to Beijing.

Tao Lu was satisfied with Cui Qishan's work. He first comforted him on the phone, and then said with a smile: "Old Cui, the work you are doing this time is very important. We have talked about it before, do you still remember it?"

"Remember, you told me to eat shit." Cui Qishan deliberately said it vulgarly. If it can arouse a smile or sympathy from Tao Zhi, then it will be considered a profit.

Tao Lu did not accept the move, laughed, and said: "That's not what I meant at the time... In short, Zhanggang Village and the villagers of Zhanggang Village are closely related to this case. You must do a good job in guarding and protect the people at the same time. Be good to yourself.”

"Yes." The detachment leader gave the order, and Cui Qishan could only comply.

Xiao Si next to him watched him hang up the phone and asked with concern: "Cui Da, can we go back?"

"Get back to me." Cui Qishan curled his lips: "Tao Zhi said, continue to protect the villagers. Also protect yourself."

Xiao Si shook his head after hearing this: "Cui Da, Tao Zhi doesn't love you anymore. He always said to protect himself first."

Cui Qishan didn't even bother to reply to him.

Li Jiang stood behind Cui Qishan and said, "Cui Da, have you seen that kind of undercover movie? If this continues, we will all join the village committee."

"Waiting for the news from Jiang Yuan." Cui Qishan waved his hand.

Zhengguang Bureau.

Jiang Yuan looked at the computer screen and said slowly: "Let's wait for the news from Cui Da."

The fingerprints did lock in some people, but the disturbing part is that after the criminal police searched, these people were not found.

Considering that Zhang Lizhen, the victim who initiated this case, is "hidden in the market", Jiang Yuan and others have to consider that the number of victims may increase.

Huang Qiangmin went back and forth twice for this purpose and even invited Tao Zhi to dinner.

Tao Lu has become numb to funding. To be honest, so far, the criminal police detachment of the Zhengguang Bureau has completed more murders than the previous two years combined.

With the same budget structure, Tao Lu would be satisfied as long as he could solve the case.

It's just that the mystery of this case has always made Tao Lu uneasy.

"These people might be acting collectively, otherwise, it would be impossible to hide all their identity information. There will always be someone who can't help but make a phone call to report that they are safe or something." Tao Lu did his own analysis, and the more he did, the more he did. It's uneasiness.

As far as the current domestic environment is concerned, as long as the mobile phone number of the ID card is used once, it will be located and can be traced if you want. In other words, there are at least a dozen people who have been to Qingling Mountain.

And these people have not used their ID cards or mobile phone numbers for more than a year, which is even higher than the old laity's limit.

In addition, today's big cities and even highways are equipped with portrait bayonet and vehicle bayonet. Those flashing lights and the photos of faces taken will be used for face recognition.

In other words, not only have these people never taken an airplane or a high-speed train, they may not have even been on a highway, or even passed through a busy area or a key road section...

This can't help but give people a bad association.

"We have to analyze it from the perspective of motivation." Liu Jinghui walked around the room holding a tea cup. He came over and whispered softly after Jiang Yuan and Tao Lu's conversation was over.

This shows that he is not very confident and is still discussing in private.

Needless to say, Jiang Yuan trusted Liu Jinghui. He nodded and asked, "What do you think their motives are?"

"I looked at the laboratory report and found that drugs have been ruled out." Liu Jinghui paused and said, "Pornography, gambling and drugs are not separated. Could it be a casino?"

Jiang Yuan had previously done a case of opening a casino in a village, but in the wilderness...

Jiang Yuan thought for a while and said: "If it is a casino, it is also a very new casino. Otherwise, the floors and walls will be worn, and the appearance of the financial room should also change."

"It doesn't look like a simple club."

"Well, it's too far and too remote."

"Recruiting a group of prostitutes, who may not be particularly beautiful, just to kill people, can't be recycled." Liu Jinghui was talking about the fact that many people come from the same place. If there is no benefit, this series of connections is obviously very Hard to sustain.

"Typical sales?" Mu Zhiyang has been standing guard.

Liu Jinghui shook his head: "How can they qualify to live in this kind of house?"

Mu Zhiyang was stunned: "That's right."

Nowadays, those who are still engaged in MLM are basically in a position to eat rotten leaves. Those who can afford to build a three-story building cannot be in this business.

Liu Jinghui continued: "In terms of motivation, the purpose of recruiting prostitutes is mainly to serve people, or to use them as customers. If you calculate it this way, the business that can earn this amount of money, except for pornography, gambling and drugs , there really aren’t many left.”

"Which one do you think it is?" Mu Zhiyang asked.

Liu Jinghui licked his lips and said two words: "If you have no one to serve, you can serve God."

Jiang Yuan sat up straight: "A cult?"

"Organized, with huge benefits, far away from the world, gathering in secret." Liu Jinghui clapped his fingers and said, "If this is indeed the case, as long as we find one person, it is possible to find everyone."

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