National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 743 Corpse Wax

"Let's clean up the hall."

"Unload a few beds and move them here. We don't need an anatomy bed. Besides, can you move them? Just the beds in the dormitory. Move a few beds here. Forget it. You don't even need to move the beds. You just need bed boards. Then get some tables and arrange them here. .”

The anatomy center was bustling. When the center director Li Zengyong heard about the situation, he happily gave up his plan to celebrate the holidays with his wife and rushed to the anatomy center as soon as possible to find a way to prepare beds for the corpses.

One thing to say is that even the anatomy center in the capital did not say that it would be prepared to receive groups of 20 corpses on a regular basis.

Not to mention the capacity of the center, there are other corpses being dissected in the center. In addition to the Zhengguang Bureau, there is also a class of district bureaus and various other units, as well as individuals who have needs.

Fortunately, most of the corpses have turned into bones, so there is no need to worry about the corpses flowing down, and only ordinary beds can undertake this task.

In fact, a normal dissection does not require all the corpses to be displayed. It is more of a plot on TV, and it is also for the purpose of pursuing a visual impact and attracting the attention of the audience. But there is a saying, the audience is the master, but the leader is not the master?

For such a big case, it is very likely that the leader will come to the scene in person and even come to see the body. And what the audience likes, the leaders also like; what the audience thinks is cool, the leaders will also think it is cool; the audience has no knowledge, common sense, does not understand business, lacks practice, is lazy to think, lazy to reflect, and is comfortable, So do leaders.

Li Zengyong opened a stall in the hall on the first floor. The rockery in the original large water tank was moved away, and the water was pumped out to the bottom. A bunch of fat fish lay there pitifully and fearfully, and then followed the flood. The tank was taken to a certain office together.

Put two tables together, put a bed board on it, and cover it with plastic sheeting to become a simple morgue. Rows and rows of morgues are neatly arranged. At first glance, they are quite scary.

Li Zengyong only built two screens at the door to prevent anyone from accidentally breaking in and being frightened. As for why someone broke into the anatomy center by mistake, he had no time to think about it.

When it was almost ready, the first car of corpses entered the scene.

"The corpses will go into the autopsy room, and the bones will go into the hall." Li Zengyong directed enthusiastically, as if the manager at a wedding were arranging the guests of the male and female parties.

Everyone who came was a guest, and even though they didn’t know each other, they were still served at the table next to each other.

Jiang Yuan came back with the last batch of broken bones.

On the way, Jiang Yuan divided the bones. When they arrived at the anatomy center, Zhan Chan and others walked in holding a large box.

"Sifted." As soon as Zhan Chan put the box down, he began to pant.

Human bones are not lightweight either. According to the conclusion of the sampling and weighing of the China Medical University in Shenyang, the average weight of male wet bones is about 10 kilograms, and it weighs 4 kilograms after drying. For women it is 8 and 2 kg. Additionally, the bones of northern males are heavier than those of southern males.

When opened, the bones appear thin and weak. Judging from the body shape, it is difficult to imagine that such bones can carry 100 or more kilograms of meat, or even two to three hundred kilograms of meat.

"If you can spread it out, then let's lay it out from head to toe." Jiang Yuan saw that Li Zengyong was so well prepared that he cooperated with the arrangements.

There is a certain necessity to do this. Among other things, starting from the skull and arranging it from top to bottom to the toes, there are more than 200 bones in total. Professional forensic doctors also need to be more careful when arranging them. Professionals - here I refer to those people who are still stuck in the air-raid shelter, there is a high probability that they cannot do it.

Therefore, after they collected the bones, although they laid out several similar-looking skeletons, Jiang Yuan was skeptical as to whether the number of bones inside was correct and whether the bones belonged to the same person.

At this moment, the forensic doctors at the anatomy center came into battle, and Jiang Yuan also washed his hands and helped.

The main purpose is to see the cause of death of the corpse and analyze the source and identity of the corpse.

At this time, identity is actually not that important. After all, they are not nameless corpses in the wild. Even if non-mainstream religions take advantage of these people, most of them still have records or know the identities of these people. It will be enough to check them when the time comes.

Therefore, the current core task is to determine the cause of death of the corpse.

On this issue, we cannot expect the murderer to explain himself. Only when the cause of death is discovered and whether it was homicide or abnormal death can we have the basis for an interrogation.

On the bright side, the murderer was not too cautious in this regard. Four of the eight rotting corpses had obvious signs of being strangled to death, which can be said to be very casual.

In fact, with such good conditions as a factory and a collective crime, a more targeted killing method and handling method could have been adopted, such as...right. Although it is still easy to find clues after being found, the difficulty and risk are still very different.

"This man is older, around 80 years old, and has bone cancer metastasis." Jiang Yuan picked up another corpse. After making a judgment, he couldn't help but walk to Liu Jinghui, who was checking his notes next to him, and said, "Can live 80 years?" A 20-year-old cancer patient should have relatives around him, where are all his family members?"

"That's a good question." Liu Jinghui tapped the notebook with his hand and said, "I actually considered it just now. There are four possibilities: don't know, know but don't care, know and want to take care of it but can't, get involved."

"There are probably a lot of relatives. Even if they know about it and can't control it, the news will get out," Jiang Yuandao said.

"It's hard to say this." Liu Jinghui said, exhaling and saying: "This kind of non-mainstream sect is actually very patient compared to other models of making money. Moreover, they also choose people. , what you see is an 80-year-old cancer patient, and they may have interfered in his life when he was 70 years old."

Jiang Yuan frowned when he heard this. He really had very little contact with this kind of thing.

Liu Jinghui smiled when he saw this and said: "It's okay. Not all the insiders of this case are still there. Even if the ones in the cave are dead, there are still 5 people arrested outside. Maybe there are still others. If you ask, you can find out."

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but smile: "I thought you would use reasoning."

"They are a non-mainstream religion, how can they do things according to the conventional model." Liu Jinghui also laughed.

Jiang Yuan smiled and felt much more relaxed. This time the case has progressed to this point. It seems terrifying and huge in scale, but it is actually close to completion.

For now, forensic scientists are mainly doing the finishing work, including criminal police officers. The investigation team also immediately gathered up, and more tasks fell on Tao Lu and other white shirts.

The forensic doctors in the hall seemed to feel this relief, and slowly started chatting easily.

Making jigsaw puzzles for more than a dozen corpses is still a lot of work. It is not difficult to put most of the bones in the correct position. However, as a technician in the unit, it is very difficult to put them in the wrong place. It's really embarrassing.

It’s also reasonable to spend more time checking again and again.

After a while, the bones in the four big jars were also taken out bit by bit.

Putting a jar of bones on a bed is still a puzzle process.

Jiang Yuan naturally walked over to take a look, looked at it, and picked up a bone by himself.

"This is corpse wax."

Jiang Yuan held the stick bone and dug at it with his hands.

It's greasy, hard, and a little dry. The color is gray, so it's undoubtedly corpse wax.

Zhan Kong couldn't help but come over and take a curious look. For forensic doctors, corpse wax is also uncommon. Theoretically, it is a derivative form during the decomposition process of corpses. It is a substance formed by saponification of corpse fat. However, because the saponification process requires an anaerobic environment, only Saponification will only occur in soil or water, but not necessarily.

Zhan Kong had seen a lot of corpses, but he didn't have many opportunities to see corpse wax. He couldn't help but ask, "Can I touch it?"

"Touch it." Jiang Yuan handed it to Zhan Kwan and took out another bone with some corpse wax remaining on it.

Zhan Gu felt it while feeling it, and said: "It's slippery, and it does feel quite similar to soap. This feels different from what I've touched before."

"I'll touch it." The little forensic doctor next door also came over.

After a while, several forensic doctors put down their work, changed their gloves and came over to look at the corpse wax. Some of them had touched it before and asked similar questions to Zhan Kong again.

Jiang Yuan was actually thinking just now. He pondered at this time and said: "I think there are two reasons for the different reasons. First, the corpse wax has been cleaned manually. Because of the existence of corpse wax, the corpse The preservation of it may be much better. It may have been artificially cleaned. This one is like scraped soap, with a different touch.”

Jiang Yuan paused for a moment, then continued: "Another difference may be that the formation conditions are different. The corpse wax you have come into contact with before is probably the corpse in the soil."

"Yes." Zhan Kong nodded, and then said in surprise: "Is this a corpse in the water? How can you tell the difference?"

"It's difficult to tell, but there is indeed a difference. The main issue is the degree of saponification..." Jiang Yuan briefly said a few words, and five minutes passed.

The brainpower of the surrounding forensic doctors was also quickly exhausted. The issue of corpse saponification is a cutting-edge issue that is still under research. Some conclusions have been drawn, but they have not yet been clearly studied, and some conclusions are still doubtful. At this time, the discussion and analysis will naturally be particularly complicated. After all, this field is not There are no direct indicators or clear standards.

Liu Jinghui was also standing in front of him, but he did not listen to Jiang Yuan's technical talk. Instead, he thought for a while, and then waited for Jiang Yuan to pause and said, "Are you sure about the corpse in the water? This Are the bodies in the four jars all in the water?"

"It can only be confirmed that this corpse with corpse wax has been sunk in the water for a long time." Jiang Yuan gave the answer, and then said: "There are three left. What were the burial conditions at the time? If necessary, additional analyze."

"In other words, these guys sank the body, at least some body or bodies, into the water." Liu Jinghui summarized, glanced at Jiang Yuan, and then explained: "Zhang Lizhen's body was taken from the water. There are dumbbells inside that floated over. The purpose should be to sink the corpse, otherwise there is no need to put the dumbbells in..."

"What was put into the water was in the transitional period?" Jiang Yuan was talking about the transition between the overly simple and crude corpse disposal plan that he had discussed with Liu Jinghui before, and the more concealed corpse disposal plan.

Liu Jinghui nodded: "There is probably something unexpected happening here with Zhang Lizhen. If they can fish out the corpse here and put it in a jar, it means that the corpse should have been under control... Call Tao Zhi? This way If nothing comes out of the interrogation, Lao Xu will probably have to take action again."

The location of the buried body may not necessarily be revealed at trial, because the corpse may bring the death penalty, and the purpose of the person under trial to confess and be given leniency is definitely not to seek death.

Jiang Yuan also said preparedly: "You call Tao Zhi, I'll tell Bureau Huang again."

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