There were not only rings in the soil, but also necklaces, bracelets and anklets, as well as some unidentified clothing remnants.

The more the police dug into the hole, the more energetic they became.

It is best to have things outside the body. Through these things, the source of the corpse may be determined. As we all know, the first factor to determine the source of a corpse is the objects around the corpse. Through the corpse itself? This thing is not only difficult, but also probabilistic.

Just like when Jiang Yuan was 90% sure that it was a human corpse, he would not tell it immediately. Because there is still a 10% chance that it is the body of an animal, and as a forensic doctor, you can't just gamble on this once in your life.

No one would follow a forensic doctor who wins nine out of ten bets. When detectives ask forensic questions, they want definite answers.

The detectives started to act according to the murder case, and the forensic doctor suddenly said, I'm sorry, I made a mistake before, it was actually an orangutan!

If this happens once in ten times, or even once in ten years, it is a major mistake that is not allowed.

In contrast, finding people through items is a more familiar mode for criminal police.

"She must be a pretty young girl. She wears a rather special necklace and rings." The detective who was digging made a casual guess while working.

The detective across from him was a little older. He dug into the ground with his hands as he met him, and said with a "hmm", "It's nothing strange. Ordinary middle-aged women wouldn't die here."

"When you say that, it's a bit discriminatory."

"I didn't take any rings or necklaces, which means I'm not asking for money. And they were buried so far away. Even if they weren't professionals, these people were pretty much the same. How could an ordinary middle-aged woman interact with such people? A beauty can't live well, it's not just talk. of."

"Is it not for love or for sex? It could also be the love of the previous generation, or a vendetta!"

"It's possible that he was killed randomly."

"Then there's no need to bury it here. The body buried here is equivalent to disappearing. This place is quite awesome. It won't be wasted. If you accidentally kill someone, just throw it away."

"Is there any cost-effectiveness for burying people? If you have the time and place, you must bury them in a safe place."

Several detectives talked while working, and as they talked, they all became silent.

"Jiang Yuan seems to be positioning himself in front of him."

"There are several places. Our team is only guarding two places. There are at least two places on Team 7's side."

"This month's vacation is in vain."

"This month? It would be nice to have a vacation this year."

While talking, the detectives dug some more soil and stopped when they saw the bones exposed. Their mission almost ends here, and the rest will be done after the forensic doctor arrives.

Several people took off their gloves, some took off their gloves, and some released water from a distance, but no one felt relaxed.

meeting room.

Everyone's attention has already turned to the second marking point.

The second marking point also has sparse plants. Anyone who has read a book or buried a corpse knows that the plants above the corpse did not grow well in the first few years due to the corrosive effect of the corpse liquid, electrolyte imbalance and other reasons.

Therefore, just because the plants here were not growing well, they were dug out by the roots.

There was no need for Jiang Yuan to explain, the botanists present had studied it clearly.

"There are broken trees nearby. Mushrooms probably grew on the stumps left behind. Based on the growth time of the mushrooms, we can also calculate the time when the incident occurred." Different scholars have different academic research methods. The fungi got excited when they saw the mushrooms.

Qi Changye listened on the side and immediately called: "The mushrooms on the tree stumps must be protected so that they can judge the time."

For backlogged cases, the time of death is a big hurdle. If the source of the body and the time of death can be determined, then the investigation of the case will have a considerable foundation.

Jiang Yuan naturally wouldn't stop it. Even if he has a LV6 death time identification, he still needs various factors to base his judgment, and fungi are also a very good target.

Soon, another large pit was dug out.

When the bones appeared, several people stood up.

"This doesn't look like a human bone." Botanists don't need to be like forensic doctors to make sure before speaking. Some botanists will also do some meat research in addition to research, and they will just look at the bones right now. , said: "It's too thin. This length can't be ribs, and the quality of the bones is wrong, right? Is it the change of bones in the soil?"

Botanists take a side route when changing careers in biology. They study other fields during their undergraduate and even graduate studies. They are more unfamiliar with the underground environment and don't know what kind of changes a bone will undergo after a few years.

Jiang Yuan enlarged the image a little, did some image processing, and said, "Does it look like a dog's body?"

"Yes, yes, it looks like an animal."

The botanists who stood up breathed a sigh of relief. On the one hand, their judgment was correct, and most importantly, there was no more corpse.

Qi Changye also rubbed his temples: "It's so exciting. Why do these perverts bury the dog's body inside?"

Jiang Yuan ignored him, looked down at the processed images, and called the police at the scene, saying, "Please continue digging and protect the scene. There may be corpses under the dog's body."

He made it very clear and did not deliberately let the matter pass, just to avoid misjudgment by the criminal police at the scene.

Qi Changye's face turned big when he heard this, and he quickly asked: "A dog and a human were buried together?"

If anything, this is reasonable. Otherwise, why would a dog's body be buried so far away? If you want to prevent the body from being discovered, it is more cost-effective to eat the dog than to bury it. As for whether it can be eaten and whether it can be eaten, this is not a problem at all in front of criminals.

"It's possible." Jiang Yuan pointed at the screen and said, "There are too many burial worms. The meat of one dog cannot feed such a large family of burial worms."

His answer was so new that botanists looked at the picture one after another.

The criminal police at the scene also began to dig hard.

At this time, Jiang Yuan directly turned the screen to the third point and said: "Let's look at the third scene..."

"Hey, let's look at the second point first."

The botanists were not happy, and several people stood up, eager to see if there were corpses buried in the soil.

Someone said directly:

"Don't worry, let's look at them one by one."

"Look at what you just said first."

Jiang Yuan coughed twice and said, "There are still a few more points. After we finish them quickly, I have to go to the scene to see the corpse."

The botanists looked a little melancholy and did not want to interfere with their normal work, so they sat down one by one.

Jiang Yuan nodded, then showed the third point, the fourth point...

Qi Changye was terrified.

This time, Jiang Yuan spoke very quickly, because most of the content was repeated before. Now it is more about looking at examples and changes in different scenes.

Bodies were also dug up at the third and fourth points.

Jiang Yuan went back to the second point, and sure enough, there was another corpse under the dog corpse.

In this way, at the fifth point, there was a slight deviation. Animal carcasses in the grass prove that there are other reasons for the changes in vegetation here.

Then came the sixth and seventh points.

In the end, Qi Changye's team obtained six corpses.

"Everyone has a rest today, and we will start working tomorrow." Jiang Yuan exceeded the on-site results, but he could not take care of the botanists.

Six corpses appeared in one breath, which kept many people awake at night.

After Jiang Yuan ended the meeting, he got into a special forensic investigation vehicle and drove to the burial site. Qi Changye got into another Passat and formed a convoy with Jiang Yuan, but he kept making phone calls along the way.

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