National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 757 Evidence Collection

Zhan Gong helped Jiang Yuan and carefully took out the body from the No. 1 hole.

The young forensic doctor who came with him called and whispered: "Captain Jiang, Forensic Doctor Zeng and the others are almost here, it will take another half an hour."

"Okay, when they arrive, we'll start working on the 6th." Jiang Yuan can't dig out six corpses by himself. Even if he has the energy to allow it, it will be very difficult in terms of concentration and time. In the face of such a case, the final It's better not to stay overnight. This is not only because it is difficult to set up defenses in the mountains and forests, but also because it is easy to rain in the morning and evening. The danger of sudden changes in temperature is a great enemy for an open body.

Tao Lu held Huang Qiangmin in one hand and Qi Changye in the other, with two half-life faces communicating in a low voice.

Jiang Yuan's attention has been focused on the corpse pit.

Jiang Yuan, Zhan Gong and others continued the work of collecting bones that the police officers in front had not completed. At the same time, the police continued the tasks of removing insects and soil that they had done before.

Bones were put into the prepared boxes one by one.

Zhan Gong took a section of the bone, looked at it carefully, and asked Jiang Yuan in a low voice: "The bone seems to be very clean. In this case, will the time of death exceed four or five years?"

There is no trace of tension on the bright white bones. The so-called involvement refers to those tendons that are connected by broken threads. In the later stages of corpse decomposition, tendons are the last body tissue to leave the bones.

Jiang Yuan had already seen the bones just now. Now he looked around and said, "You can be more bold."

"More than five years? Seven years?" Zhan Gong was surprised.

"More than eight years." Jiang Yuandao: "What do you think is the reason that causes the body to decompose slower?"

It does take three to five years for a corpse to decompose to a completely clean level. Zhan Gong guessed four to five years, and he was already guessing that the corpses at the scene decomposed slowly. But obviously, Jiang Yuan believed that the body decomposed much slower than Zhan Gong guessed.

Zhan Gong thought for a while: "I think first of all, the colder climate will reduce the rate of decay of the corpse. On the other hand, the environment in the woods will actually increase the degree of decay... so I put it together."

"There is another reason, the wind is too strong." Jiang Yuan babbled: "It is generally windy in the capital. Although the slope they chose has some wind resistance, it is not enough. Why does strong wind slow down the decomposition of corpses? ?”

"Uh... because... the fly eggs were blown away?" Zhan Kong had almost forgotten all the books he read back then, and now his brain seemed to be starting to grow again.

Jiang Yuan just nodded and said: "So given the environment here, it is very likely that such clean bones will not be formed in three or four years, at least until eight years."

"But there is water here and the waterways are quite good. It should speed up the formation of corruption."

"This is a hillside, water cannot be retained, and the insect eggs will be washed away instead." Jiang Yuan explained in a way that Zhan Kong could understand.

Zhan Gong nodded repeatedly.

Several people continued to collect bones.

After picking up almost everything, Jiang Yuan had a basic understanding of the situation inside the tomb, and then got up and headed to the second tomb.

Then there are the third and fourth tombs, looking at them one by one.

Zeng Lianrong and others were about to arrive, so Jiang Yuan had to take a look at the other corpses and communicate in advance if he had any ideas.

Although they are all located on a hillside, the distribution range is actually not small. There is always a distance of several hundred meters from one tomb to another. It is very fast to fly it with a drone, but it is still a bit hard to walk on foot. In the wild The woods are not as relaxing as those in city parks.

When they almost reached the sixth burial ground, Zeng Lianrong climbed up. He was old, and he was carrying a box by himself, and he was panting from exhaustion.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan hurriedly asked the elderly to rest first, and then updated the news: "I just looked at the corpse in position 1. The death time is about 8 years. The burial time of this area is longer than we expected."

"Brigade Qi and the others concluded the case two or three years ago, so the corpses have been buried for at least five years. Six in five years is not too much." Zeng Lianrong gasped for breath, but his mind was still clear, and he said: "Actually, there were a lot of murders in the early years, especially in the 1990s. When liberalization was first released, 900 million of one billion people were dead, and there were still 100 million still looking for them. Businessmen at that time all took their money with them when they went out. …”

"It was really the golden age at that time." Liu Jinghui also came over. Listening to Zeng Lianrong's words, he joined in the chat and said with emotion: "When I first started working, my master used robbery cases to practice with us. How is it like now, when you encounter a violent crime, you feel so nervous."

"Indeed, I once dissected more than a dozen corpses in a week, and I couldn't move the corpses at the end. However, it was different from now. Many family members were willing to help move the corpses. Another time, I was injured An autopsy was being done in someone’s yard, and the neighbor’s kids were scratching the wall to watch..."

"Can the victim's family endure the dissection at the victim's home?" After Zhan Kun graduated, he worked in the clean and bright Beijing Autopsy Center. The process was strict and the procedures were cumbersome. He could not have imagined that such a barbaric era existed.

Zeng Lianrong laughed, took a sip of water, stood up, and said, "Actually, it's only been more than twenty years."

"Actually, it hasn't been that long. We had this situation in Qinghe City a few years ago." Jiang Yuan also recalled it and said with a smile: "I heard from my master that in more remote villages, the bodies may not necessarily be moved back. We’ll find a place in the village to perform the dissection.”

Zhan Gong was surprised: "It shouldn't take more than a few hours to transport it back by car."

"It might take several hours to carry it into the car." Jiang Yuan smiled and looked around: "It can't be as good as the transportation in Beijing."

"Indeed, as long as the body is in the car, it only takes a while to drive here. Once here, there are few people, and if there are two or three people helping, it will be no problem to carry it a few hundred meters. On the contrary, it will be more tiring to dig a hole." Liu Jinghui was thinking on the way.

Jiang Yuan also nodded naturally: "This burial place is not suitable for a single person to commit a crime."

This is why he judged organized crime.

If it is a lone serial killer or something like that, then you have to carry the body alone into the car, be careful not to get your body dirty, then drive to the hillside here, then carry the body up the mountain and climb a few hundred meters of difficult mountain road. Then dig a deep hole that can bury a person, and shovel out other plants on it first - no one who is 35 years old and does not exercise all day will choose this option.

But if there are three or four people working together, everyone talking and laughing, they can probably finish the job in one afternoon.

Both of them were reluctant, and they had experience carrying drunkards. It was not much easier for two people to carry a body than for one person to carry it.

Liu Jinghui nodded and said: "So I have been thinking about how a murder case involving several people cooperating with multiple victims could go silent. Not only did no one report the crime, but no one even reported the crime."

"Isn't it because the situation at Brigade Qi is special?" Jiang Yuan has not had such an experience.

Liu Jinghui curled his lips: "How special can it be? It is even more impossible for spies to die quietly, but there is no high-profile investigation. There is a certain probability for those peripheral members, but it is impossible for many people to be alone in a row."

Jiang Yuan only nodded. He didn't think so much at all. He had to think after the evidence. This was the way of thinking of forensic doctors. He was thinking about Liu Jinghui's words from beginning to end.

"I'm going to pick up the corpse first." Zeng Lianrong had had enough rest and went to work with several forensic doctors.

Jiang Yuan then went to the location of corpse No. 4 and started digging.

No. 4 is a typical male corpse, dead about six years ago.

No. 3 is a female corpse, and the time of death is also about six years. In fact, according to Jiang Yuan's judgment, the time of death between it and No. 4 is only about two or three months.

Returning to Pit No. 2, the body dug out this time was that of a man. He died more than five years ago, but the time of death was only a few months different from that of Corpse No. 3.

"It seems that a lot of things happened six years ago." Jiang Yuan could only draw a few conclusions now and asked Zhan Gong to record them.

In the following time, Jiang Yuan also collected the dog corpses in pit No. 2, and then went back to pits No. 5 and No. 6. The forensic doctors led by Zeng Lianrong also basically dealt with it.

It was getting late at this time, and everyone had no energy to socialize, so they all took cars and went back to their homes.

Jiang Yuan followed him back to the autopsy center. At this time, the corpses from the non-mainstream religious case a few days ago had not yet been completely processed.

"Zhan Gong, find a corpse and perform skull reconstruction." Jiang Yuan has not forgotten that he has this task.

Zhan Gong felt a little guilty and asked, "You took me to do it, right?"

"Do it yourself, I have other things to be busy with." Jiang Yuandao.

"Then you pick first. After you finish picking, I will pick again."

"No need," Jiang Yuandao said, "I'll get the dog's DNA first."

I'm a little stuck, I recommend a book, "The Necromancer Just Wants to Plant Trees", it's quite interesting.

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