National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 763 Money and goods are settled

It takes about a quarter of an hour to travel from point 1 to point 2. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’ Search for π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²

In the capital at night, Wu Junhao's car No. 2 and Jiang Yuan's car No. 1 were speeding all the way to the downstairs of a shopping mall that was being renovated.

Entering the parking lot, Jiang Yuan immediately understood the dilemma of Team 2.

In the shopping mall in the early morning, many shops were being renovated. Hundreds of workers were working at this time, and trucks and elevators were constantly entering to transport materials.

The sound in the shopping mall is not loud, but there are not many people there, and a large number of color steel houses can be seen inside.

Perhaps out of fear of people stealing things or being accidentally injured by someone passing by, the perimeter of the mall is surrounded by soft barriers. You can pass, but if you do, you will definitely be discovered and stopped. There are people guarding you once you actually enter.

Regardless of whether the police reveal their identity or enter directly, the target person will be reminded to a certain extent. In a shopping mall at night, there are too many ways to escape.

Not to mention the stairs extending in all directions, there are also ropes for transporting goods in the store renovated in the middle. There are also internal stairs going up and down in the nearby large store. If the target person is willing to imitate Jackie Chan, the ten people in the 2nd team will really have it. Possibly being walked.

The key is that the position of No. 3 target Liu Xichen has not yet been determined.

Seeing Wu Junhao and Jiang Yuan coming, the captain of Team 3 breathed a sigh of relief and said hurriedly: "I asked Liu Chi and Slingshot to go in. They both brought guns and changed into plain clothes. My order was to find Liu Xichen. If you have a chance, take it on the spot. If you don’t have a chance, confirm his position and status and exit.”

"Liu Xichen works as a contractor, right? Doesn't he sleep at this time?" Wu Junhao looked at his watch. The location of the target person was determined through the mobile phone, and then indirectly understood.

"Our preliminary understanding is that Liu Xichen comes to the construction site and often likes to play cards. Now we are not sure where he plays cards. The personnel inside are quite chaotic, belonging to multiple construction teams, and many workers are also recruited temporarily. Many people do not know Liu Xichen , but there must be workers he is familiar with inside." The deputy captain paused, changed his tone, and said: "We can't let everyone in, there is still management inside. The external situation is more complicated."

"You are right not to attack directly." Wu Junhao looked at his watch and said: "There is still plenty of time, there is no need to attack directly. How long have they been in Liufei?"

"It's been ten minutes."

"Well. Do you want to confirm the location before going in to arrest?" Wu Junhao asked.

If you want to go directly, the safest plan is to enclose the entire area, just like a bar, with the front and rear doors stuck, pay attention to doors, windows and other passages, and then go in to arrest people.

The environment at the construction site is simply more complicated, but as long as their identities are revealed, workers will definitely not participate. This solution is the most fault-tolerant, but given the size of this shopping mall, hundreds of people would be needed to make it feasible.

After confirming the location and then arresting, the current number of people is enough. The police quickly entered the scene. Once inside, they found a small space and surrounded him before arresting him. Or if you're a bit wilder, you can just rush in and arrest people without encircling and controlling them.

But this method is easier for ordinary people, but Liu Xichen may have received special training. Although I don’t know if he has learned it, how he has learned it, and what his current status is. But there are so many iron hammers, air nail guns, electric saws and other things on the construction site. What if they are used as weapons by the other party and really turn into a Jackie Chan movie?

This is not only easy to get injured, but also prone to accidental injuries. You are also worried that the target person will run away, and you are even more worried that someone will take a short video and upload it, and then it will be pushed to certain people by big data...

By then, the person may not be caught, the policeman is injured, the task has not been completed, and the policeman may not even know about the person involved...

Wu Junhao's No. 1 Squadron is responsible for arrests all year round, and it is not always the case.

Seeing Jiang Yuan next to him, Wu Junhao thought about it and said, "Trick people out and arrest them. Did you say there is someone managing the door? Someone in charge or something?"

"The main thing is to control the entry and exit of materials. How much material comes in is put on the floor scale, and how much material comes out is put on the floor scale, and then the tires are cleaned and so on." The deputy captain has not been here for long, and he is already relatively familiar with the situation.

Wu Junhao nodded: "Just look for him. Together with the team? We are not familiar with the situation in Beijing, and the documents are not suitable. Or maybe ask colleagues from the local police station to come over?"

Making a phone call can be very simple, or it can be exposed simply by others.

Fang Peimao did not refuse, nodded and said: "Let's go together."

The two then tidied up their attire and put on casual clothes. They went to the gate of the construction site together and found the material manager responsible for the management of incoming and outgoing materials.

The others were divided into several teams and each controlled key points. Jiang Yuan followed Mu Zhiyang and ambush them to the gate together.

There were only a dozen police officers present at this time, so it was hard to say where it was safer, and no one cared about him. In fact, Liu Jinghui, who should be sitting at the rear, came up.

The material manager was a local young man. When he saw the ID card shown by Fang Peimao, he was extremely excited. Then he looked at the shadowy police officers nearby, spat, and said happily: "Okay, you can knock it out." I will definitely trick him out."

"Don't get too excited, just be like normal." Fang Peimao warned.

"Don't worry, it's just like usual." After the material clerk finished speaking, he said seriously: "Make sure to complete the task."

"Be normal, be normal."

"Don't worry." After the material clerk said that, he started to make a call. When he got through, he shouted: "Fuck, where is Lao Liu? Damn it, how many times have I told you, your material can't be good! Fuck him... "

After saying that, the material clerk put down his mobile phone, smiled and said: "Wait a moment, I'll be here in a minute."

A few minutes later.

A middle-aged man with smooth hair ran out, greeted him with a smile from afar, reached the material man, and reached out to take out a cigarette.

"Don't move, if you dare to reach out, I will break your waist!" Two strong criminal policemen clamped Liu Xichen's left and right sides, and poked his waist with their guns.

Then, the criminal police who were hiding far away swarmed up, pushed Liu Xichen to the ground on the spot, and handcuffed him.

At the same time, the system screen popped up again in front of Jiang Yuan, who was watching the scene ten meters away:

Task 2: Lead by example

Mission progress: (2/X)

Mission reward: Bullet trace identification (LV2)


Jiang Yuan feels that this system is quite cost-effective.

Moreover, if there is an algorithm such as experience points to improve from LV1 to LV2, the improvement should be more than doubled.

LV2 skills are already relatively easy to use. If ordinary criminals leave traces, most LV2 skills can handle them properly. Occasionally, if they encounter a situation that cannot be handled, they can also make a proper prognosis. Then shake people.

For Jiang Yuan, now that he can have an LV2 bullet trace identification, if he encounters a similar problem, it is enough to preserve the evidence and directly identify him. When that time comes, there should be no experts across the country that he can't shake, except those who are busy.

Of course, it would be even better to have LV3. You will be able to have the processing capabilities of an average level expert.

"How is the situation of Team 3?" Jiang Yuan watched the No. 7 car leave.

There are currently four vehicles left on the scene, 1, 2, 5, and 6, with more than a dozen people. They are still only at the level of a squadron. It is just right if they are used to support the 3rd team.

Wu Junhao raised his cell phone and said, "Team 3 is fine. The target person has been captured."

Jiang Yuan's disappointment flashed away, and he smiled and said: "The arrest went smoothly."

Everyone felt a little more relaxed, and many people loosened their collars and took a short rest.

Wu Junhao also looked at his watch with a smile, and then said: "I suggest that we go for a midnight snack. The four suspects will probably be interrogated for a while. If the results can be obtained, it will only take a midnight snack. If the results cannot be obtained, we will Go back and rest. If anything happens, we’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

Jiang Yuan readily agreed.

The four people arrested this time were all former employees of Chaikolabe Import and Export Trading Company, and they were among the few people who were not dead inside.

To be fair, this identity is in a gang of criminals, and even if it involves committing crimes, it is likely that they are all little Karami.

But precisely because of their low status, there may not be many criminal plots involved, and they are likely to confess the facts of the crime quickly.

At that time, based on what we originally learned, we might have to arrest another group of people tonight.

If the four people don't give an explanation and nothing can be found out, or even tell some false lies as if they have agreed upon it, then it means that the case is serious and will be handed over directly to Qi Changye and even his colleagues behind him tomorrow morning. This case will also be considered It's over.

The logic behind this does not need to be explained by Liu Jinghui, the old policeman understands it clearly.

A group of people found a nearby food alley, and finally chose meat pie among the casserole porridge, barbecue and meat pie shops.

Meatloaf is made of thick meat stuffing wrapped in dough, fried on an iron pan, and served with some gruel, mustard, seaweed soup and the like.

The meat filling in the meat pie does not need to be too much, the dough is just a little chewy. What is a little more particular is the seasoning of the meat filling and the heat of the iron pot. These two points are also a test for chefs in big hotels, but for late night snack stalls For the shop owner, it is a minor problem not worth mentioning.

Because the customers at the late-night snack stall don’t need the chef to bow down and ask, they will just shout while chewing the meat pie:

"Boss, the cake is salty!"

"Boss, I'm getting angry!"

Wu Junhao and others did not pursue this. They asked the boss to open two fire stalls at the same time, fry two pots first, and then ate like crazy for a while.

It's been almost six or seven hours since they had dinner in the afternoon. Don't dare to eat too much before taking action, lest you vomit when chasing someone. In the past few hours, most of the people had gone through two rounds of arrests. Coupled with the demands on their muscles, each of them was like a starving ghost reincarnated.

Jiang Yuan was no exception, eating first and then talking without saying a word. If there is new news in a while, I might have to stay on standby all night, and no one will tolerate me saying I'm hungry then.

The meatloaf on the table was quickly cleared, and the new meatloaf was not yet cooked. Everyone raised their heads as if they had just woken up from a dream, and started talking and laughing softly:

"Old Liu, go and bring some casserole porridge. If you have any cooked food, bring over it too. Are you stupid? Just stay with the family and eat."

"Get some pots of Chuan Chuan, too."

"Would you like a barbecue?"

"Forget it, barbecue, it's not good for your hair." Wu Junhao touched his bare head and made a little effort.

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