National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 773 Fruits of Labor

"Let's make a video call." Cui Qishan took a sip of tea and didn't look in a hurry.

Xiao Si hung up the phone and did as he was told. When he got through again, he saw Cui Qishan's mouth hanging with meat residue.

"This is it." Xiao Si turned the camera to the pothole in front of him.

To dig holes in the woods, no machinery is needed, only traditional hoes and irons and the like.

Several workers were changing shifts and were wiping sweat by the pit. Two policemen squatted beside two suitcases, collecting evidence and taking photos.

"We only found two suitcases? Are there any more inside?" Cui Qishan asked.

"It's hard down there. There should be nothing buried there. After we prepare to collect evidence, we will expand it a little further. If you come here now, you can just see it." Xiao Si shook the camera to let Cui Qishan and others see as clearly as possible.

"There's no body, right?" Cui Qishan confirmed.

"No, there is no sign of a corpse." Xiao Si breathed a sigh of relief.

Cui Qishan still looked like an old god: "Xiao Xiao, in this case, you should take command first. I will listen to your report tomorrow."

"Huh?" Xiao Si didn't react for a moment.

"Look around again to see if there are any traces or anything like that. If there are any stolen goods, come out with them." Cui Qishan gave a serious command.

Xiao Si said in confusion: "Don't you want to come over?"

"What did I do in the past?" Cui Qishan smiled.

"'s like this won't come if you don't have the corpse? Porcelain and bronze Buddhas are also very good. Okay, these bronze Buddhas are auctioned for millions or millions each, and there are only two here. , it is probably a major cultural relic case worth tens of millions!" Xiao Si typed it into his mobile phone.

What happened to the captain? Can the captain not appear at the scene?

What's wrong if it's not a corpse? Wouldn't it be a matter of concern if it weren't for the corpse?

"Xiao Si, take control of the scene. The news in the group will continue to be updated." Cui Qishan's voice was warm, as if he had something in his mouth.

Xiao Si glanced over and saw that it looked like he was chewing a piece of meat.

"Cui Da, are you ready for dinner?" Xiao Si touched his stomach. He was originally looking forward to eating something like a big elbow.

Cui Qishan smiled fondly: "There is no way, you have already called me, so I can only eat and work at the same time... Okay, you can find someone to identify the authenticity of the antique. If it is true, let's file a case. Yes. We’ll tell you tomorrow.”

Then, Cui Qishan hung up the phone.

Xiao Si slowly put away the phone.

In the evening in Beijing, the room was slightly cool, and a slight breeze from outside the room blew on my body, making my whole body feel chilly.

But no matter how cold the weather is, it's not as cold as Xiao Si's heart.

"Xiao Chu, do you want to continue digging?" The excavation team leader next to him was drinking tea and smiling.

"Dig it."

"It's a new hole to dig."


"Okay, let's continue. From now on, it's considered overtime!"

The excavation team picked up their hoes again.

Xiao Si sighed, took another short video and sent it to the group, and then started making various calls.

The next day.

The excavation team went back to rest after digging all night.

The newly replaced people began to familiarize themselves with the situation, and took the opportunity to protect the shaky Xiao Si.

He usually doesn't stay up late. He avoids work whenever he can. If he can't avoid it, he resorts to misfortune. He is an early practitioner of a peaceful life among mankind.

But for today's job, he misunderstood when he took it. After digging out the antique, he couldn't get rid of it.

Then we can only endure it.

After drinking some tea and eating some strange breakfast that he didn't know where it came from, Xiao Si sighed again and took out his mobile phone to reply to a few messages. Then he saw that the botanists were already like tree-tailed monkeys, not only climbing up the antique case Towering into the sky, he also started to hook up with all kinds of details.

There are even new people being added to the group.

Just seeing that the person who passed was Jiang Yuan, and the new person seemed to be a botanist from a school or research institute, Xiao Si didn't bother to care.

"There are no corpses at this point, let's move to the next point." Xiao Siyuan said in a direct voice, and then led people to the next point.

In the group, someone excitedly sent a red envelope: "It's my turn, it's my turn!"

To be honest, most people who spend money to open a blind box will never get this feeling.

The botanist who came in behind spoke even more enviously:

"Can we still choose?"

"Is it too late to mark it now?"

"Who has the material? I'll send my students over to get it!"

Xiao Si felt helpless when he saw this kind of speech. He took advantage of the opportunity to take a video for Xin Dian and said while taking the video: "If you are a professional, report it to Team Jiang first. If you get permission, It’s also okay to mark the location.”

He was originally sent out to dig up corpses. Although he hasn't found any yet, didn't he find an antique box?

According to the police's standards, this is not a loss.

How can this guy who buries two suitcases in the wilderness be a good person? Maybe it's an unsolved case that cost tens of millions of dollars to solve!

The people in the group naturally became more excited.

The daily life of botanists feels dull and inarticulate, just like plants. In fact it is.

But according to the well-known law of contrast, when such people go online, they are able to talk and chat, and have full social attributes.

Soon, the botanists who came earlier began to share their experiences:

Pang Shiqiang, a major in science and engineering: [Don’t have any scruples, just choose. No one has won anyway. 】

Su Lei from the Agricultural Research Institute: [Jiang Yuan will explain it to everyone. When you mark and select a location, it is best to write down the reasons. This will make it easier to analyze when you explain later. Especially the later ones, it was so long ago that my thoughts and mood at the time were different, so it’s easy to forget. 】

Pang Shiqiang, a major in science and engineering: [Yes, I have a format here. Friends who need it can come to me. 】

Xiao Si rubbed his head and felt that these botanists were too abnormal. Seeing that the chat between them became more and more heated, he also typed: "This is very serious police work. Don't treat it as a fun thing." Be respectful. In addition, marking possible corpse locations is also very hard work and requires a long time in front of the computer. Don’t think it’s just for fun! 】

The WeChat group that was currently chatting was only quiet for a few seconds before someone silently spoke:

Wang Yongchao from Agriculture and Forestry: [Isn’t it more interesting to dig up corpses in the place you choose than to eat the corn you grow? 】

Xiao Si was stunned for a moment. It actually makes sense...

The WeChat group became popular instantly:

Zhao Ming from the University of Science and Technology of China; [What Professor Wang said makes so much sense. 】

Su Lei from the Agricultural Research Institute: [I agree. 】

Pang Shiqiang, a major in science and engineering: [Can a stone turn a stone into a corpse? Or no pain, no gain? 】


Xiao Si threw the phone into his bag. If you watch this kind of group chat too much, your thinking will become confused.

The workers on the excavation team were quite happy.

They came to work with the money to exhume corpses. Now that there are no corpses and they are clean, they naturally make money. Moreover, as more and more holes are dug, everyone feels that society is getting more and more hopeful.

"Old Xiao, the captain and Jiang Yuan are here together." Li Jiang came over and said.

"Welcome." Xiao Si sighed.

"Have you surrendered to power?" Li Jiang smiled.

Xiao Si smiled: "Give Jiang Yuan some face."

After a while, Jiang Yuan, Cui Qishan and others climbed up the hillside.

"Just go and find out the location of the antique." Jiang Yuan took a breath and looked behind him: "Carrying two suitcases and burying them so far away, what is the other party planning?"

"People in the capital are quite special. They bury their bodies so deep in the woods. Unlike us Shannan people, we just bury them on the roadside." Mu Zhiyang also analyzed with emotion.

"Two boxes require at least two people to move them." Jiang Yuan analyzed and said, "It's tiring to dig the soil. Let's go and take a look."

Cui Qishan followed with his head down. From his perspective, the case was hard to solve.

There must be no fingerprints or anything else in the suitcase, and the antiques have been wiped clean, although the official appraisal report has not yet been issued. But it has been identified as genuine.

Such a valuable antique has been kept here for so many years. I don't know where it came from or where it went. The owner didn't come to pick it up... maybe someone died unexpectedly.

"How's it going?" Cui Qishan waited for Jiang Yuan to finish looking at the big hole where the antiques were found, and then asked again, emphasizing: "Let me tell you first, this case is not worth investigating."

"Then let's do forensic botany." Jiang Yuan whispered, and everyone looked at Xiao Si.

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