National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 776 Traceability

Quack, quack…

"What is this sound?" Cui Qishan arrived at the scene and heard scratching sounds inside, as if bamboo rats were eating.

"The one who pooped was digging at the door panel with his nails." Xiao Si stood guard at the door of the toilet and refused to go in. "Everyone else went to chase the people who ran away. I was watching the front desk alone and had to keep guard. Even if you shout at him, he won't listen."

Cui Qishan then glanced at the girl who was ordered to sit opposite, aggrieved and a little scared, and looked like a car model, and then glared at Xiao Si: "You put handcuffs on her, can't we go in and deal with her?"

"Ah...I guess...she doesn't pose an imminent threat." Xiao Si gave the girl a friendly smile.

The girl laughed in panic.

"Take it away, take it away." Cui Qishan specially called a policewoman over: "Listen to your logic. If she is not threatening, what is the sound of scratching the door?"

Cui Qishan said, waved his hand forward and said, "Go and find the person. I haven't seen such a noisy suspect in a while."

Two criminal police officers stepped forward and shouted: "Police! Now I order you to open the door, raise your hands, and stand as far away from the door as possible."

In the toilet cubicle, the sound of hands scratching the wooden door suddenly disappeared.

"I came in to borrow the toilet." The man inside the wooden door said weakly.

The criminal policeman at the door almost laughed: "No matter what you are here for, you must obey orders and command, do you understand?"

"I'm not from this company..."

"It would be better if you are not from this company or an employee of this company. Just be obedient and speak clearly, and we will let you go back. Do you understand?" The detectives' attitudes were very good, just like ordinary Neptune's. , before the goal is achieved, the emotional needs of the other party are fully satisfied as much as possible. The language is mainly about cake, regardless of whether it is true or false.

The man inside the wooden door cowered for a long time, still verbally confrontational.

Cui Qishan winked, and a strong criminal policeman shook his head, carrying a shield, two meters apart, and then made a gesture and kicked him fiercely.


The wooden door was suddenly kicked open.

The person who was talking inside made an "ah" sound, shouted in fear, and threw the strange things out.


Even the detective suddenly became frightened.

Bang bang!

Two small, medium-sized pieces of shit with pointed ends were thrown out, causing splash damage.

Compared with the trivial physical injuries, the sudden mental injuries are particularly heart-breaking.

Xiao Si silently stepped forward and locked the bathroom door.

In the bathroom, Cui Qishan, who was just about to turn around and escape, was stuck at the door.

"Open the door!" Cui Qishan was going crazy!

Xiao Si stood across the door and whispered: "Captain Cui, if I open the door now, can you stop the suspect? If you can't stop the suspect, he will not only easily encounter the cultural relics and antiques in the work area here, but also easily jump off the building. Run away."

Cui Qishan couldn't help but look back and saw a man in a suit holding shit in his hands and laughing so hard that he looked crazy.

There is a saying that Cui Qishan once really handled a case involving explosives. The man who was about to commit suicide did not smile so horribly.

And just based on the distance between the two of them, it was impossible for Cui Qishan to get rid of him without any damage.

Just opening the door is enough time for the other party to pounce on you.

Cui Qishan couldn't help but sigh, what Xiao Si said made sense. The suspect was obviously struggling. If he was let out, he would be in trouble if he jumped from the building.

Thinking of this, Cui Qishan could only turn around, cover his face with his hands, and shouted: "Arrest people!"

The captain stood in front of him and was stunned. The other three detectives saw it and pounced on him.

The suspect laughed wildly three and a half times, then smeared the last bit of shit on his chest, shoulders, wrists and cheeks with both hands.

This move shocked the three criminal policemen.

Taking advantage of this time, the suspect roared and rushed towards Cui Qishan.

What could Cui Qishan do? He could only turn sideways to let the opponent's momentum go, then use his left hand to hold the opponent's right shoulder, and his right hand to hold the opponent's left chest. He twisted his hands and threw the person heavily against the wall.

"Seven Injury Fist." Cui Qishan looked at the two criminal policemen, with shit in their hands and shit on their bodies, pressing the suspect under their bodies, and then looking down at himself, tears of irritation almost flowed down his face.

If you have this strength, wouldn't it be better to become a mercenary? What kind of skill is playing with shit!

A few people tidied up a little before opening the door and going out.

There was a heavy smell permeating the entire office.

"Get yourselves clean. Keep the evidence." Xiao Si covered his nose and stepped back.

Cui Qishan looked at him, his eyes rounder than the tips of shit.

"What's your name?" The other three detectives asked while pulling the suspect to a corner and interrogating him on the spot.

At the very least, we need to know why this company ran away in a panic.

Jiang Yuan arrived a little later. He first took samples downstairs and fixed the botanical evidence first.

On the other hand, Tao Lu was afraid that something might happen to him, so he specifically asked for it.

In this completely unfamiliar company, if there is one suspect hiding in the toilet, there may be seven suspects hiding in the drawer. The one who goes in first must take risks.

Needless to say, Jiang Yuan felt that Tao Lu was making a fuss out of a molehill until he entered the door.

But now looking at Cui Qishan and the other three criminal policemen, Jiang Yuan felt that the detachment leader was worthy of being the detachment leader and he was really experienced.

"This shop sells antique blind boxes." The sturdy criminal policeman completed the temporary interrogation and came over to report with a dark face.

"Antique blind box? Can antiques be blind-boxed?" Jiang Yuan was curious.

"Mainly low-value antiques, but there are also antiques and jades with relatively high prices. The cheaper ones cost dozens of yuan, and the expensive ones cost hundreds or thousands of yuan. If someone gets valuable money, they will also recycle it. …”

Jiang Yuan frowned: "Recycling is illegal, right?"

"It's illegal, and they also engage in fraud. They will deliberately unbox some low-value items and send them to people who buy more..."

Lottery is allowed, and blind boxes are also legal, but if the merchant draws money directly instead of gifts, or the gifts can be directly exchanged for money, that is illegal and is a crime of opening a casino.

The legal or illegal boundary is whether money can be exchanged.

As for blind box modification, that is blatant fraud.

Xiao Si came closer: "So, they thought the Dong Chuang incident happened?"

"Roughly the same."

"Then what we dug the result of two blind boxes?"

"No." The detective shook his head and said: "I showed the photo, and it was said to be an old actor here. He often showed it to everyone in the live broadcast room. He lost it before, and the boss was quite angry. He couldn't find it later. , it’s over.”

"They also have a live broadcast room?" Xiao Si asked: "Which platform is it on?"

"Small platform. The kind that violates regulations."

Cui Qishan asked: "Two bronze Buddhas and two porcelains are worth a lot of money. Do they know how much they are worth?"

"This bastard doesn't know. Their boss should know. He reportedly lost his temper and sent someone to look for him."

"In this case, we must catch the owner of this store." Cui Qishan's expression became solemn and he said slowly: "With tens of millions of dollars, no one will give up, let alone a man who is engaged in the black industry. Guy, if you don’t do it right, you might kill someone.”

trial room.

The owner of the auction house was wearing a suit, with a trace of disdain on his prominent cheekbones face:

"It's only ten million. I don't care. How could I kill someone for such a small amount of money? As for that?"

Xiao Si, who was sitting at the interrogation table, suddenly became a little funny and couldn't help laughing.

"You don't believe it?" The auction house owner sat up straight.

"I believe it. Then tell me about your business performance." The interrogator's expression remained unchanged and he just asked one more question.

The owner of the auction house suddenly became cowardly, and the answer he had just released in order to get rid of the murder case became fuel for burning himself.

"Don't worry. If you don't explain it properly, your employees and your accountants will. Later, you will be sentenced heavily and they will be sentenced lightly. Is it worth it?" The interrogator has seen this kind of thing too many times and doesn't take it seriously at all.

The owner of the auction house lowered his head and sighed: "We are not fixed. On good days, a live broadcast room can make millions of dollars a day, and sometimes there is no money all day long."

"What about the average monthly or yearly turnover?"

"A month...tens of millions."

The interrogator knew that what he said was unrealistic, but he continued to ask: "What about the profits?"

"Profit... half of the profit."

"What are your expenses? What are your biggest expenses?"

"The most... that's the labor cost. We have to give everyone a commission. When one of our employees gets a lot, we can get hundreds of thousands a month..." At this time, the boss began to try his best to pass the blame.

At the same time, the botanists looking at the big monitor screen all had unclear expressions.

Han Chuang studied hard for three decades. In the end, let alone income, applying for a project worth hundreds of thousands and having to fill out so many forms was actually inferior to being a seller of fake antiques.

"You have to stay in jail for more than 10 years. Real punishment. Moreover, the illegal income must be confiscated, and the money earned will basically be spit out, and the money spent will not be counted. The houses, watches and other things bought will be auctioned off by the judiciary." Jiang Yuan could see it. Out of everyone's thoughts, he comforted him from his position.

The expressions of the botanists really improved a lot. If you get a doctorate and work hard for more than ten years, if you don't get cancer, you will at least have an apartment left.

"Then how will this case proceed? Has the clue been broken again?" Zhao Ming was a little unhappy.

"The suspect has been caught." Jiang Yuan spread his hands: "They have surveillance in the store, and they also know the name of the person who stole the things, but they can't find him."

"Yes, can you find it?"

Cui Qishan said: "The criminal police from our brigade flew over last night and cooperated with the Hangzhou police to catch the person this morning. The suspect is a habitual criminal and works as a local self-media photographer with a monthly salary of 30,000 to 40,000 yuan. He lives in his girlfriend’s house. She is an anchor and is very beautiful. She also gives him Rolexes and buys LV clothes..."

The botanists were once again silenced.

"Let's go. We're going back." Zhao Ming waved his hand, and the botanists left the monitoring room one by one.

Jiang Yuan also came out, and then saw Zhan Kong waving excitedly.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yuan walked over and asked.

"I made that skull restoration!" Zhan Kun showed Jiang Yuan the photo on his cell phone.

"Is this... the skull from the last case?" Jiang Yuan checked it and confirmed that Zhan Gong was still reconstructing the skull of the deceased in Qi Changye's special case.

Calculating the time, it's quite fast.

Jiang Yuan looked at it carefully, nodded and said: "It's done well... Well, of course there is some room for modification, such as here..."

Zhan Kong immediately took out his notebook and listened carefully.

At some point, the system screen popped up in front of Jiang Yuan:

Mission accomplished: Discipleship

Mission content: Zhan Kun has been studying with him for 48 hours and can teach him cranial reconstruction techniques to reach the level of LV1.

Mission reward: Pistol shooting (LV3)

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