National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 778 Actual Combat

Jiang Yuan, Cui Qishan, Liu Sheng, and the five stray dogs shared a large pot of dog rice and dispersed with satisfaction.

Before leaving, the stray dogs nodded to Jiang Yuan, sniffed Cui Qishan and Liu Sheng again, and then left the flower bed in the center of the community with satisfaction, and went for a stroll in familiar places.

"You Jiang family are quite caring. Your father likes to cook for people, and you like to cook for dogs." Cui Qishan said and burped.

"I just occasionally fulfill my wish." Jiang Yuan has received a lot of blessings, but he has only had two blessings as powerful as Gou Fan.

One came from the prostitute Chen Manli, and the other came from the professor Zhou Xiangyang.

To a certain extent, Chen Manli’s legacy is heavy and passionate. Therefore, Jiang Yuan will be like Chen Manli, making dog food when he is in a bad mood. The process of feeding stray dogs is an extreme recognition of being a human being, and the police sometimes need this especially.

However, Jiang Yuantou's frequency of feeding the dogs was too infrequent and too random. For stray dogs, Jiang Yuan may be more like a Santa Claus-like legend.

the next day.

Huang Qiangmin appeared in front of Jiang Yuan's house carrying pancakes, fruit, fried dough sticks and tofu bread from the entrance of Ningtai No. 1 Middle School.

Jiangyuan and Jiangfuzhen both had some surprises.

Although Jiang Fuzhen often sends supplies from Ningtai, this is the first time that Huang Qiangmin has such a considerate delivery method.

Huang Qiangmin smiled proudly. He learned this trick from a certain entrepreneur.

"I happened to be coming to the capital, so I brought some with me." Huang Qiangmin smiled slightly, entered the room, and said, "You guys eat while it's hot first, and just drink some tea. We'll have work later."

"What kind of work?" Jiang Yuan put all kinds of food on the table, and then got himself pancakes, fruit and tofu, feeling quite excited.

Huang Qiangmin thought to himself, I came here specially, and my main job is not to appease you.

Of course, Huang Qiangmin does have a job.

Sitting next to Jiang Yuan, Huang Qiangmin saw Jiang Fuzhen happily going to the restaurant with tofu curd and soy milk. Huang Qiangmin smiled apologetically and said, "I'm here to see the actual combat of their technical investigation vehicle."

"Is it a technical investigation car from the Beijing Bureau?" Jiang Yuan took a mouthful of tofu puffs with chili oil. The smooth and tender texture and complex seasonings made people's taste buds wake up instantly.

The food that can be used for breakfast is the king of taste in a place. Ordinary people usually only eat one or two or two or three kinds of food for breakfast. To eat the same or two kinds of food in one bite and still find it delicious, this requires very high food.

From this point of view, Guangzhou, where porridge or rice rolls are eaten for breakfast, Henan, where spicy soup is eaten, Guangxi and Hunan, where rice noodles are eaten, and Tianjin, where pancakes and fruits are eaten, can all be regarded as regions with very unique food characteristics. Douzhi Capital, which carries the banner of tradition, , which somewhat means giving up treatment.

Huang Qiangmin drank tea and said: "Yes, they have a new batch of technical investigation vehicles, and they said they can give us one for 7 million."

"So expensive?" Jiang Yuan was surprised.

"It's worth at least five to six million. The stuff is good, but it's really expensive." Huang Qiangmin invited Jiang Yuan and said, "Let's go and have a look together. If it's not worth it, we won't want it."

"Okay." Jiang Yuan ate a little faster.

Criminal Police Detachment.

There were already technical investigators from the Beijing Bureau communicating with the technical investigators from Ningtai County in the corner.

It is said that all the technical detectives in the world are one family. It is very easy for technical detectives to communicate with each other and they also have their own communication patterns. As for the specific communication, Jiang Yuan is not very clear.

Even for ordinary police officers, technical investigation is like a black box. They can only input questions and get results. The specific process inside is impossible to know.

Jiang Yuan was actually not curious, so he waited patiently.

Wu Junhao and Liu Wenkai, who were in the capital, also came over. There are millions of technical investigation vehicles, not to mention Ningtai County, Qinghe City does not have them. Everyone still wants to see it.

"Come on, political commissar Huang, Captain Jiang is also here. Sit down, sit down first, and take a look at the case Lao An picked for you." When Tao Lu arrived at the place, the exchange officially began.

After Tao Lu's introduction, An Xibing from the equipment department brought a few files over, placed them in front of Huang Qiangmin, Jiang Yuan and others, and said with a smile: "The case picked up today was just filed three days ago. Political Commissar Huang We said we wanted to demonstrate it, so we asked our colleagues in technical investigation and criminal investigation to select a case, and then we selected this one. After selecting it, we started investigating it that day..."

An Xibing mainly wanted to prove that he was not cheating, but it was inevitable to operate in advance. After he made it clear, he asked the policeman handling the case to come over and explain.

The policeman handling the case was a police officer from the Zhengguang Bureau. He came over, saluted, and reported in a serious manner:

"... This case is a case of burglary... The perpetrators burglarized six households overnight, all residents of the same building in the same community. The stolen items included more than 40,000 yuan in cash and 18 pieces of gold and silver jewelry. Three mobile phones. One IPAD. One pair of women's stockings. Four pairs of men's sneakers, all AJ shoes from the collection. 57 figures, estimated at 80,000 yuan."

The policeman said this in one breath, paused, looked at Jiang Yuan and Tao Lu, and then said: "The on-site investigation of this case has been completed. The criminal entered the stolen house from the balcony by climbing the drainage pipe. We considered that there were people who were stolen that night. Six homes were stolen, and the number of stolen items was relatively large. It is speculated that the perpetrator must be a habitual offender, so we first consider the case of concatenation..."

After the policeman handling the case finished explaining the situation of the case and the progress of the investigation, An Xibing stood up and smiled and said: "The case is basically clear. Next, we can discuss the direction of the investigation first."

Everyone smiled and said nothing, waiting peacefully for An Xibing to show off his skills. Only Jiang Yuan looked more seriously.

His character is inherently cautious. On the other hand, the greater the reputation of "Ningtai Jiangyuan", the more Jiang Yuan himself pays attention to his own influence.

This is what Huang Qiangmin has told many times. If, like others, Xiaoxiao just let the file go, and when people turn around and say, "This is the evidence that Jiang Yuan has seen," how should we explain it?

Of course, An Xibing couldn't really wait for Jiang Yuan to finish reading such a long file before inviting another policeman over.

"I'm a technical detective." The visitor smiled and said, "Let me tell you our solution."

He scanned the crowd and then looked at Jiang Yuan before continuing: "Normal burglary cases often rely on footprints and fingerprints to solve the case. It would be best if there is surveillance. There are footprints in this case, but there are no fingerprints or surveillance, so, We prioritize locking cell phone signals."

The technical detective said: "We searched the mobile phone signals in advance, but we did not find a suitable suspect. The suspect should have been prepared and committed the crime after turning off the phone. So, we chose to do the reverse operation, choosing to turn off the phone after 10 pm and turn it on after 4 am. These mobile phone users are listed as suspects."

"There were two people who did this within the area of ​​the base station where the crime occurred that day. One of them had a criminal record, and the other was a middle school student who got up secretly at night to play with his mobile phone. The surveillance at home proved that he was still doing homework at 12:30 p.m., so he was excluded. .”

"In this way, we conducted an in-depth investigation on the man with a criminal record and found that he was suspected of committing a major crime. The next step is to determine the specific location of the man. Traditionally, we may have many plans. Today, we choose to dispatch The technical investigation vehicle is here to directly locate the cell phone used by the man. Everyone, please get in the vehicle."

After the technical detective finished speaking, he asked everyone to get into a Coaster, and he himself got into a van-style technical detective vehicle, accompanied by a police car, and a group of three vehicles were dispatched.

On Coaster, Wu Junhao praised: "It's quite vigorous and resolute."

"No, once a technical investigation vehicle is dispatched, it costs 10,000 yuan in some places." Huang Qiangmin was very envious.

"What ten thousand yuan?" Wu Junhao didn't understand.

"I bought a technical investigation vehicle in X, but I thought it was expensive. When police from other places go there, if they want to use a technical investigation vehicle to find someone, they will pay 10,000 yuan per trip. People from the capital and the county will give it to them. It's a no-brainer." Huang Qiangmin sighed as he spoke: "I'm not as stubborn as them. Even if I buy a technical reconnaissance vehicle, I wouldn't dare to take it away. At most, it will be borrowed by people from other places."

"They collected too much. There are six chickens in this car." Liu Wenkai shook his head.

"The technical investigation vehicle is rented for one day." Huang Qiangmin glanced at Liu Wenkai: What are you talking about?

Liu Wenkai felt aggrieved: "I'm also talking about overnight stays."

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