National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 786 It doesn’t look like it was made up


In the large iron pot, the beef was piled in the shape of a pyramid, with a slight tip. The hot water bubbled around the beef, rising up from time to time, and at the same time more heat evaporated.

The beef is about the size of four fists and is rolling gently over a slow fire.

Beef of this size will cook very slowly, but the meat inside will be very tender. Separate the outer layer of meat. If you eat enough to waste it, remove the two-finger-thick outer layer of beef. The beef inside is equivalent to modern "low-temperature and slow-cooking".

Jiangfu Town adjusts the position and relationship of the beef from time to time. One of the reasons why he likes to invite people over for dinner is that he likes this kind of large-scale food production.

If only Jiang Fuzhen and Jiang Yuan ate, not to mention a pot of beef, just such a piece of beef would be too much for both of them to finish. Furthermore, if the outer two-finger-thick layer of beef is gone, who will eat it? Jiang Fuzhen is a person who has endured hardship and will never do anything purely wasteful.

Even for dogs, Jiang Fuzhen only allows Jiang Yuan to feed beef to the police dogs. The stray dogs eat the leftovers from the leftovers, and this is under the condition that they have their own output.

However, if there are enough people, the food will be consumed too quickly. Jiangfu Town plans to cut two pieces of meat today. One piece will not be cut into pieces, but the inside and outside will be equally cut into large pieces. After it is cut plain, it will be dipped in water. For the other piece, just take the inner core and sprinkle salt directly on it, without even adding pepper, just enjoy the taste of beef.

The beef produced in this way can basically be regarded as a mature steak, and it is a high-end product cooked slowly at low temperature. The only difference is that the outermost brown layer of the steak usually requires grilling or frying at high temperatures to appear. The Maillard reaction here is also the key to the delicious steak.

Jiangfu Town does not attach great importance to this point. What he cooks is not steak in the first place, but the final product is very similar. Furthermore, if anyone has the idea of ​​eating steak, frying it in a hot pan is actually the easiest step.

In addition, the divided outer ring of beef is actually extremely delicious. What is absorbed in it is the thick beef broth. Those businesses that add water-retaining agents and high technology to the meat are pursuing this effect.

For the Shaanxi style Roujiamo, I like to put the minced meat in the Baiji steamed bun and fill it with some soup to achieve the same effect.

Therefore, the second delicacy prepared by Jiangfu Town is Roujiamo, and it uses Shaanxi-style Baiji Mo, but instead of sauce meat, it uses boiled beef to season it and then stuff it with cakes.

The chef also went to Xi'an to learn how to make the dough. From kneading to proofing, to shaping and baking, he did the whole process independently, but he got up a little early in the morning.

When Huang Qiangmin and others arrived at Jiang Yuan's house, they could already smell the strong smell of beef.

"Wow, the beef you cooked is really fragrant. The people next door will smell it." Huang Qiangmin took the lead and praised smoothly.

Jiang Fuzhen smiled shyly and said: "The neighbors across the street had some objections, so I bought the property opposite, opened it up and decorated it. It can be used as a guest room or an entertainment room. If you want to play cards or something, come over. Let me start by saying, I don’t play cards, so you just play by yourselves.”

Huang Qiangmin was stunned: "Is there no purchase limit?"

"The company bought it. I'm almost done with it. It will be ready in a week or two at most." Jiang Fuzhen said.

Cui Qishan occasionally likes to play cards or something, so he couldn't help but rub the back of his head: "That's too embarrassing. Besides, if we play cards all night, it will also affect your sleep."

"I can just sleep upstairs. There are a lot of empty houses in this community. When you are tired from playing, you can just sleep in the guest room. The aunt will come to clean it up the next morning, just like a hotel." Jiang Fuzhen said while inviting people to sit down. Come down.

Soon, half a white steamed bun was stuffed into Cui Qishan's hand.

"First of all, you should pad your stomach. Eat less and it will also stimulate your appetite." Jiang Fuzhen, who was very experienced, said with a smile: "Take two mouthfuls of carbohydrates when you start the meal. It will not occupy your stomach."

"Brother Jiang is so kind." Cui Qishan almost burst into tears.

"Just have fun eating. Sit down first. We'll have dinner in a minute. There's also fried rice and spaghetti made by Jiang Yuan. Silly boy, you know the staple food every day. It's delicious, but it only takes up your stomach!" Jiang Fu The town general welcomed several people in.

There were not many guests from the Zhengguang Bureau today, about twenty or so, but there were so many police officers from Ningtai that the room could no longer fit.

The host and guest are the police dog squadron who came with a strong force.

Nowadays, the Ningtai County Police Dog Squadron has three police dogs. The leader is naturally the Rottweiler who lives in the local household. The two new ones have just entered service. One is Erzhuang, a German shepherd, and the other is a small dog, a Shigeru. , named Sanzhuang.

This naming rule was set when the police dog squadron was established. However, the Ningtai County Criminal Police Brigade was too poor at that time and could afford to allocate space and build kennels. But when it came time to actually raise dogs, Huang Qiangmin felt The flesh ached so much that a squadron of police dogs only had one strong one, and it lasted for several years.

It's different now. The newly recruited two men are the top students of the Criminal Police Academy. In terms of the school they graduated from, they are ahead of 99% of the police. It was only possible to get it thanks to the support of Shannan Provincial Department.

The Springer Spaniel has a lower status. It cannot be used as a fighting dog like the Rottweiler or the German Shepherd, or it can be used for both purposes. However, it is a drug detection dog with outstanding efficiency and high IQ. It is suitable for the needs of the current police stations in various places. So it is also a very popular model.

Even Tao Lu was very happy to see these three police dogs. He could afford to raise police dogs, but the number of police dogs had long been full, and there was too much demand for police dogs within the capital.

"Old Huang is still capable. These three dogs are all good dogs." Tao Lu looked away and was in a good mood.

Huang Qiangmin nodded confidently: "We are all carefully selected. If we, Jiangyuan, hadn't taken over Jianyuan Pharmaceutical in Qinghe City in one go, we would have been afraid that these police dogs would have too few job opportunities. Take it out. We, Da Zhuang, are still motion sick, right, Da Zhuang."

As Huang Qiangmin spoke, his face turned towards the dog.

Da Zhuang whined, his eyes locked on Jiang Yuan, unwilling to leave immediately.

Li Li felt jealous for a long time in her heart. She pulled the strong rope and said, "The food fee for you has increased to 120 yuan. What else do you want to see Jiang Yuan do? You have no conscience."

Xiao Si's brows jumped when he heard this: "This dog's food expenses for a month are 3,600? I don't even have 3,600 for living expenses."

"It's 3,600 for food, not living expenses. It doesn't include transportation expenses, no communication expenses, and no money for rent or mortgage." Li Li emphasized, and then said: "We made continuous meritorious deeds before Da Zhuang, and won the second-class merit once, and the third-class merit. After waiting for four times, he is already a meritorious dog!"

When she talked about meritorious dogs, she specifically turned to Da Zhuang.

Da Zhuang immediately showed a proud expression, almost exactly the same as Li Li's expression.

Then, Da Zhuang showed off his two rice bowls. Not to mention that he learned it from Dahei in Longli County, but it is the characteristic of the Qinghe City Police Dog Team.

The second strong man and the third strong man next to him looked at Da Zhuang's rice bowl with jealousy, helpless.

"All the dogs in Ningtai are second-class?" Xiao Si clicked his tongue twice.

Li Li held her head high and said proudly: "We, Da Zhuang, have assisted in solving more than 10 backlog cases. The Jianyuan Pharmaceutical in Qinghe City that Political Commissar Huang just mentioned was recently sentenced, and more than 30 people were immediately executed. Hundreds of people were sentenced to more than ten years in prison, an entire drug trafficking network was destroyed, and our strong collars were stained with blood."

Li Lizan was heard in the ears, but the criminal policemen of the Zhengguang Bureau who were present seemed to automatically emit Sanskrit sounds in their minds: Ningtai Jiangyuan is far away, and the fierce flames are billowing...

"dinner time!"

Jiang Fuzhen happily brought out a large basin of meat, and while serving the meat to several guests, he smiled and said: "We have few friends in the capital. It's not easy to gather so many people today. It's so rare..."

The master chefs in the kitchen were also busy serving various dishes and snacks.

After the three police dogs showed off their cuteness, they were led outside to the yard.

Jiang Yuan also came out with the prepared dog rice.

He opened the temporary skill +1 today, and the dog rice from LV5 was upgraded to LV6. This has no change in color. On the contrary, the dog rice that Jiang Yuan brought out today only has a few colors: yellow, blue, gray, white and black, which dogs can recognize. The colors produced are at their limit.

The taste is also dominated by sweetness. The sweet taste that dogs prefer is relatively simple and does not require much effort.

But in terms of smell, in order to give the dog the greatest respect for its 300 million olfactory cells, Jiang Yuan chose a variety of ingredients, but mainly meat.

Dogs’ favorite food is always meat!

The LV6 dog rice fully respects the needs of the dog. It looks even more ordinary than the LV5 dog rice, but after the taste is completely released, the two trainers can hardly hold the dog back.

The handler of the Springer Spaniel was able to hold on. He was a man whose muscle level was no weaker than that of a squadron. He held the Springer Spaniel by its neck and made it hang on its four legs.

Seeing the two brothers working hard on the ground, the three strong men lowered their heads in shame.

"Eat!" Jiang Yuan filled Da Zhuang's two bowls with LV6 dog rice. The quantity was still calculated according to regulations, but putting it in two rice bowls made Da Zhuang even more happy.

After three rounds of meat and five flavors of cake, Jiangfu Town asked people to open the windows and doors, and the breeze blew in, which only made people feel refreshed.

Qian Momo, who was not on duty, began to drink. Tao Lu and others looked at the time and were too embarrassed to hold their glasses.

Mu Zhiyang smiled when he saw this, brought a box of beer over, and said with a smile: "Today is a day off. Let's wait for another off-duty time. I set the alarm clock. When the time is up, we will start drinking."

"I won't drink anymore." Tao Lu waved his hand, stood up and said, "I'll go back first. If I stay here, you won't be able to have fun..."

Before he took two steps, Cui Qishan's cell phone rang first.

Everyone looked at Cui Qishan.

"I forgot to turn off the ringtone, sorry." Cui Qishan said while picking up the phone.

After a long conversation, Cui Qishan hung up the phone and looked at Tao Lu.

Tao Lu waved and silently left the room.

Cui Qishan hurriedly said: "Captain Jiang, come too."

Jiang Yuan followed him out.

At the door, the wind is stronger and colder.

"A drug addict confessed that he knew about a murder case." Cui Qishan took a breath and said, "It doesn't sound like he made it up."

"how to say?"

"He said that the drug dealers treated the corpse with corpse water. The corpse was thrown into a large plastic bucket, completely dissolved, and then dumped." Cui Qishan paused and said: "The details are quite detailed... "

"Look at the transcript." Jiang Yuan took Cui Qishan's cell phone and looked at it.

"The policeman who interrogated said that there was a bit of plot from Breaking Bad, but it was richer and more detailed." Cui Qishan was afraid that Tao Lu wouldn't understand, so he added, "Breaking Bad is an American TV series. At the beginning It's just using chemical reagents to dissolve a person. It's quite famous. However, this drug addict's expressive ability is very weak, and he only has a junior high school education, and he claims to have never watched Breaking Bad."

"You think he can't make it up?" Tao Lu asked.

"Old Qiu also went to check it out. I don't think it was made up." Cui Qishan said.

"Junior high school culture can't make this up... it's probably not made up." Jiang Yuan read the transcript on his phone at this time and said: "The reagent used in Breaking Bad is wrong. It is used to dissolve corpses, and the effect is It’s not very good, it’s quite dangerous.”

"Wrong?" Cui Qishan was surprised.

"Well, the scene in the TV series shows Hydrofluoric acid. This thing is harmful to the body, and the effect of turning into corpses is not very good. It should be the wrong choice deliberately made by the producer. The consultant is not that weak. A more suitable formula, It should be XX added to YY... This thing has a characteristic, which is that when it dissolves the corpse, it will produce a lot of mist..."

When Jiang Yuan said this, he clicked on a section of the transcript, showed it to Cui Qishan and Tao Lu, and said: "It is mentioned here that a large amount of smoke was produced, covering everyone around... This You can’t make it up, he has to at least read some books to know this.”

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