National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 859 Confrontation Road

Shen Yaowei looked at Jiang Yuan who was gently stroking the scalpel, and had countless things to say in his heart.

Speaking of which, he is the member of Jiang Yuan's backlog class who works the least and has the easiest time.

From a professional perspective, Shen Yaowei has a relatively in-depth understanding of security cases because of his family background, and he is always able to give good suggestions in related areas of the case. In addition, he is a social figure and has a family background. , Shen Yaowei's role in the team is quite prominent.

But during this time, Shen Yaowei felt that Jiang Yuan had changed a bit and started to urge him to work, and this feeling...


Jiang Yuan's scalpel cut across the skin of the corpse, making a soft shell-breaking sound. Next to him is the local forensic doctor, a greasy old man in his forties with a frizzy beard and sparse hair. He is doing the work of an assistant at this time, saying nothing and only looking at Jiang Yuan. , full of admiration and admiration.

Shen Yaowei coughed twice and cleared his throat: "Captain Jiang..."

"Stop talking and come here to help." Jiang Yuan guessed that Shen Yaowei might be a little emotional, but he couldn't control it and had no intention of comforting him.

Jiang Yuan has been very, very busy these days. It can be said that his work will greatly determine the arrest rate and shooting rate of the drug network. Therefore, Jiang Yuan has formulated a relatively strict work plan and process for himself. Corresponding time is allocated for the corpse, subsequent fingerprinting and footprinting, etc.

In other words, Jiang Yuan's emotional intelligence is currently offline. He expressed his emotions, became happy, and went to work.

As for Shen Yaowei...

Sometimes, subordinates do suffer some grievances.

Shen Yaowei was somewhat surprised.

As a social cow, he has never hesitated to complain to his leaders. If you don't complain, how will your boss know that you are working at full capacity? If you don't complain, how can the leader care about you and notice you? In the process of complaining, you overestimated your own value and boasted about your work content. Even if your leader discovers it, it will be considered as having a legitimate purpose. If you are not discovered... it is equivalent to a revaluation of your personal value. .

But Jiang Yuan refused to complain today, and Shen Yaowei was a little uncomfortable with it. The grievance in my heart became even heavier.

"Push this way." Jiang Yuan's orders continued and his demands were high.

Shen Yaowei could only put away his thoughts and follow Jiang Yuan to become a forensic assistant.

"His urinary system has collapsed." Jiang Yuan said suddenly during the autopsy.

The local medical examiner smiled and said, "It's normal for someone who takes drugs to collapse."

"The collapse was a bit severe, but also a bit fast." Jiang Yuan patted the muscles of the corpse and said: "A man with such a strong body should have been able to hold on for a few more years."

"what do you mean……"

"The several cadavers that were dissected before are similar. This one is fresher and more obvious. It means that the side effects of the drug they used should be a bit serious." Jiang Yuan said while thinking, "It is estimated that it will affect the kidneys. The ureters all have a certain degree of damage, otherwise it wouldn’t be..."

"New drugs are prone to this, and only a few have no side effects." A local forensic doctor held Jiang Yuan in his hands while chatting.

However, what he concluded is correct. Unlike traditional drugs, which have experienced many years of hard work and side effects, it is impossible to conduct complete research on new drugs.

Drug dealers will not conduct phase one, two or three clinical trials for drug addicts like pharmaceutical companies. Just find a few drug dealers to come over and take the medicine. If you can't take it to death, you will start selling it.

Of course, drug dealers and drug addicts don't really care about this.

In the past, the police didn't really care.

Shen Yaowei said: "Ordinary poisonous insects should die before their kidneys are damaged."

"Having said that..." Jiang Yuan thought thoughtfully: "But you said that when their urinary system is not good, they should always see a doctor."

"That's for sure, but I still have to inhale..." Shen Yaowei stopped here, his mind was spinning, and he couldn't help but said: "You mean, you want to find these poisonous insects through the hospital?"

"You can give it a try, it's free of charge, and you can determine how many are included. At the very least, this way, you can know which areas their sales network has expanded to."

When Jiang Yuan said this, he lost interest in the corpse on the autopsy bed and said to the forensic doctor next to him: "I'll leave the rest to you."

"No problem, I will do it according to your request." The local forensic doctor looked at Jiang Yuan with reverence and replied, "I will have someone send you the video of the whole process later."

"Okay. Thank you." Jiang Yuan took off his gloves and went to take a shower.

Shen Yaowei was a little hesitant and asked: " there any other place to take a bath?"

The local forensic doctor wrinkled his nose and said, "You can't smell it even if you don't like it. The smell of corpses can't cover up the smell of fish."

Shen Yaowei was shocked and angry!

Jiang Yuan returned to the office. Instead of rushing to report, he wrote an outline of a plan and then contacted the Anti-Narcotics Corps.

Using a certain type of symptoms as a criterion to find drug addicts is already an investigation.

As we all know, investigation is a very expensive and labor-intensive task. You can talk about ordinary investigation plans casually, but once investigation is used, the standard of review will naturally be higher.

Song Beizhuo always stayed by the phone. When he heard that Jiang Yuan was back, he climbed up from the sofa, quickly came to the command center, rubbed his face, and said with a smile: "Jiang Yuan is back? I heard that you took the lead and captured all the drug dealers' drug strongholds. You were not injured. How are you?"

"I'm not injured. I'm in good health. But..." Jiang Yuan paused and said seriously: "Based on this discovery, I have an idea. I suggest that we look for a certain type of symptoms to check for some symptoms." Drug addicts who take the same type of drugs come out..."

"Okay, no problem, we will do whatever you say!" Professor Song Bei immediately agreed.

Jiang Yuan looked at the outline in front of him. He had just talked about the introductory part, and Song Beixue agreed?

Jiang Yuan could not help but frown and said: "Captain, I am talking about a relatively large-scale investigation. Although the objects of the investigation are clearly defined, the scope of the investigation may need to be nationwide..."

"It can be done, no problem." Song Beishu agreed even more happily.

Jiang Yuan: "I said, nationwide investigation!"

Professor Song Bei: "You have the final say, Captain Jiang!"

The Anti-Narcotics Corps is not short of money. Of course, the most important thing is that Song Beizhuo's trust in Jiang Yuan is so high.

Considering Jiang Yuan's current crime-solving ability and technical level, Professor Song could not think of any reason to reject Jiang Yuan.

Even if there was a reason, he had to think of a reason to reject it.

Jiang Yuan said "Huh" for two seconds. He looked at the outline he had written in advance and felt that it was such a waste.

Song Beixue: "Captain Jiang, please give the order."

"Then... let me tell you my thoughts. You have to make the specific investigation plan and arrangements yourself."

"No problem!" Song Beixue agreed again as quickly as possible.

For a moment, Jiang Yuan felt a little bit lost.

Ordinarily, anti-drug cases are the most intense confrontations on the road to confrontation. But judging from the development of this case, the photographer has been arrested. The evidence is extremely conclusive. Several crimes will be punished at the same time. There is a high probability that he will be sentenced to death and executed immediately. Related The progress of the drug case is also gratifying, and Shen Yaowei is also stink.

The Anti-Narcotics Corps is at such a high level, but it turned out that the investigation was carried out, and no reserve or nobility could be shown at all.

"Team Jiang?" Professor Song Bei waited for a long time and found that Jiang Yuan didn't say anything. He couldn't help but said worriedly: "If you feel that the intensity is not enough, we can still think of another way. We can actually ask the ministries and commissions to coordinate. , this case is so big, there is no way we can finish it all..."

"That's enough. Let's see the results and then decide." Jiang Yuan waved his hand. Sometimes, the support from teammates is too strong, and the path of confrontation becomes a path of crushing.

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