National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 862 Treasure

Six o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Yuan got up from the bed, washed up briefly, and then came to the command hall of the corps.

He could have gotten up earlier, but working too hard would reduce efficiency. Analyzing fingerprints requires intelligence rather than physical strength, as can be seen from the disproportionate number of technicians and results.

It is similar to the 80/20 rule in economics. The 20% of technicians who produce the most results complete 80% of the fingerprint comparison results. When it comes to difficult fingerprint comparisons, 2% of the technicians complete 90% of the results. Eighteen jobs.

Even if it is a criminal group, what Song Beixue cares about most is the core 20% of the criminal group, or even the most important 2%. In fact, in the past two days, what Song Beizhi was worried about and spent the most energy on was catching the big BOSS of the "Poison Network".

"Shooting Network" is the name Jiang Yuan gave to this drug gang, and it was recognized by Captain Song Beishu, who felt that it was more appropriate than the name "Crystal Cruise Line" given by the drug traffickers themselves.

Of course, because it was Jiang Yuan who named it, even if it was a little worse, Professor Song Bei would still approve it.

Therefore, after the drug network was destroyed, the members of the drug gang changed from members of the "Crystal Cruise" gang to members of the "Drug Network" gang.

No one asked them for their opinions, including the members of the "Poison Network" themselves. They neither knew why the name of their gang changed, nor did they want to delve into it at all.

Among those arrested, at least one-third were sentenced to death immediately, which is commonly known as dead criminals. They have no time to cherish their lives now, so they don't care about their names.

The remaining criminals, whether they received suspended death or were sentenced to ten or twenty years, also learned to behave in the detention center. The name is not a problem at all.

"Captain Jiang, let's have breakfast first." Professor Song Bei also stayed in the dormitory at night. In the morning, he specially waited for Jiang Yuan and others in the cafeteria.

The cafeteria is a buffet style, with only a few extra chefs temporarily hired, all of whom Song Bei invited from a Cantonese restaurant. Gave money. Of course, the most important thing is the interpersonal relationship. If you want to send a chef to the hotel where you are running... the police still have enough face.

A few people took the food and laid it out on the dining table in the cafeteria, chatting while eating.

Today’s work direction will basically be established after this breakfast.

"The problem now is that we are not sure who the three top people in the gang, Amethyst, Citrine and Sapphire, are." Song Beizhuo brought a bowl of Zhuangyuan porridge and stated his requirements while drinking it.

"At least I know their names." Jiang Yuan smiled, not feeling a lot of pressure.

Being a guest army this time was the first time he had done it easily. The pressure was all handled by Professor Song. The nationwide arrests meant that fraternal units across the country would look over...

Song Bei taught: "At least catch one."

"If you catch one, you have a high probability of catching the other two."

"Well, they should know each other's identities." Song Beishu paused and then said: "Except for the three of them, the other drug dealers who knew their identities should be dead."

"Are they all dead? Did the interrogation come out last night?"

"It should be the speculation of a few middle-level drug dealers. There are two drug dealers who have helped the upper levels dispose of corpses, and they are the corpses of members of their own team. They guessed that they should be the ones at the top." Song Beisheng said Tell me the specific situation.

As the amount of fingerprints captured by Jiang Yuan and others increased, some middle-level drug dealers were arrested one after another. The information provided by these people was relatively large, but it was still far from Song Beixue's requirements.

Jiang Yuan said "Oh" not in surprise. He had not done many anti-drug cases, but the criminal cases were all related to a certain extent.

Jiang Yuan asked: "Where did the body go?"

"In the sea, there are still things that were filled in during reclamation." Professor Song took another sip of porridge and said, "The cases at the seaside are quite annoying."

Jiang Yuan nodded slowly, but said: "It's impossible to fill up the sea or throw them into the sea. There are so many provinces involved, so we can't just kill people on the beach every time, or transport the bodies here every time. "

If you have done many homicides, you will know that transporting and dumping corpses is a troublesome matter. Let alone killing people in other places, even those who kill people in Shanghai obviously have the innate conditions of being near the sea, and few people transport the corpses to the sea.

Song Beishu was reminded and his brows instantly stood up: "Do you think what they said is untrue?"

"It's not that bad. There must be something unsaid." Jiang Yuan paused and then said: "However, starting from the murder case is too troublesome to solve the case."

Professor Song Beixue's eyebrows rose again: "Trouble... trouble is nothing..."

"Then if you have the manpower, whether it's a murder case or not, it will at least help in sentencing." Jiang Yuan couldn't really manage Song Beixue.

Professor Song hesitated for a moment and said, "Then I'll call for help."

"That's fine. However, our goal is to wipe out the "Poison Network"." Jiang Yuan resumed his management of Song Beixue and said, "I suspect amethyst or something. In short, these three crystals should also be running around." Let’s go.”

"Absolutely." Song Beixue was not completely sure about this.

But thinking about it in a normal way, with so many people around me being arrested, no matter how stable the three crystals are, and no matter how solid they are in suppressing the situation, they still dare not gamble casually.

"People are cheap when they leave their hometown. No matter how well prepared they are before, or how well they design their escape route, their control outside will become weaker, their control will become worse, and their command ability will be several levels lower." Jiang Yuan concluded.

"That's right." Song Beixue naturally agreed with this.

"I think it would be nice to have the power to annihilate the enemy. When the three crystals were squatting at home, they could only bear to remotely communicate with a few people in the gang. Can they still guarantee it after they left their nest?" Jiang Yuan did not want to think about it. When conducting investigations based on traditional plans, we just want to arrest people.

This solution is naturally quite unconventional. Of course, a very traditional plan would not have led to the war like this.

Now, the enemies of the entire drug war have been defeated, and they have been defeated all over the world, but to capture them all, there is no similar traditional plan.

"In general, the sales side of is finished. Next, I think the focus of work can be placed on the production side of Where do they produce so many new drugs? This is clear. , the case is considered complete. Three crystals can leave no trace on the business side, but it is almost impossible to leave no trace on the production side." Professor Song Beixi proposed a new idea.

Jiang Yuandao: "The production side must be highly confidential. How do you want to find it?"

"Through these suspects who have been arrested now, let's look for evidence while interrogating them. There must always be supplies coming in and out of the factory, and workers must be involved in the work." Professor Song Bei's answer also relied on Jiang Yuan's technology.

"It doesn't affect it." Jiang Yuan's point of view is that it doesn't affect the direction of my investigation. You can do whatever you want. It's all your own resources anyway.

Song Beixue was a little disappointed. After much discussion, there was no major change in the investigation plan. The main reason is because Jiang Yuan is the absolute main force. Jiang Yuan's investigation direction remains unchanged, and the task force cannot change it if they want.

If this is the plan, Jiang Yuan's work today will still be comparing fingerprints, which is the same as the previous days.

Can the case be solved if we just don't think about making progress?

Professor Song Bei couldn't help but waver.

"I'm going to get busy first." Jiang Yuan only needed Song Beixue to understand the direction of his work.

To be honest, Jiang Yuan is not too sure whether this direction can really point to the production end.

But from Jiang Yuan's perspective, this is the most certain direction.

Several people had breakfast and returned to the command hall with worries.

Soon, Jiang Yuan's voice became loud again.

"A, here."

"B, please re-label this."

Professor Song Bei soon got into working mode after hearing the familiar voice.

Brotherly troops from different provinces are busy helping arrest people. Song Beizhuo, while shouting brothers, kept sending people to escort the suspects, conduct interrogations at the same time, and then feed back the information.

When encountering branch cases, such as homicide cases, Song Beizhuo transferred them to the Criminal Police Corps, but the results could not be obtained in a short period of time.

Jiang Yuan seemed to be back to the state he was in during the fingerprint battle. After getting up every day, he started comparing fingerprints and went to bed early at night.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

The number of arrests made by the Shannan Provincial Anti-Narcotics Corps easily exceeded four digits.

By this time, not only the Anti-Narcotics Corps, but also police from many other units began to travel frequently to Changyang City on business.

After all, drug dealers and addicts spend their entire lives committing crimes.

Many times, as soon as the full fingerprints here are rolled out and the DNA results are released, the criminal police brigade in a certain county becomes busy.

Everyone seems to be able to extract nutrients from this treasure.

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