National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 867 Fish in the pond

A dilapidated factory building.

There were no windows, no doors, no machines, no roof, no floor, and it was as dirty as a black plum lying on a hill. There are roads up the mountain, slopes down the mountain, and escape routes in all directions. It really looks like a place suitable for a meeting with a drug lord.

Jiang Yuan put on shoes, foot covers and headgear at the door. He first stretched his head into the factory door to take a look, then walked around the factory for a while before returning to the door. Then he activated the skill "Temporary +1" without hesitation. , and pointed out to crime scene investigation (LV5).

This mission is not simple at all. It can even be said to be Jiang Yuan's biggest challenge in the crime scene investigation technology.

Because what he is looking for is not actually someone's footprints or fingerprints, his task is to prove that there is no one's footprints or fingerprints here.

That is to prove "nothing".

"Proving that there is no" is much more difficult than "proving that there is".

In some other fields, this could even be considered a request to make trouble out of nothing, to the extent that the police should be called.

However, in the eyes of police officers engaged in criminal investigation or criminal division, "no evidence" cannot be said to be a common occurrence, but it is also a common thing.

For example, the basic requirement for evidence in criminal cases is to "beyond reasonable doubt." This is actually the fundamental requirement of the Criminal Procedure Law to prove "no" and "reasonable doubt."

"No" criminal incident, "no" criminal motive, "no" illegal income, etc. There are actually many requirements for various "no" certificates.

Therefore, from an investigation point of view, using evidence to prove that Mr. Feng Shui is Citrine is a good basis for the police to understand.

It's just that it's easy to understand in theory, but difficult to implement in practice.

The factory building covers an area of ​​more than 5,000 square meters, with a mezzanine in the middle. An area of ​​about three to four hundred square meters was used as an office in the past. According to the Feng Shui master's instructions, Citrine was standing on the mezzanine that day, just like in the factory. dialogue with oneself.

However, if you want to prove that there is no such thing, simply building a second-floor mezzanine will definitely not work. Such a big case does not require a death penalty review. The requirements for evidence at the court stage will be very strict. The prosecutor must also be careful to prevent the suspect from retorting, misremembering a sentence, making a mistake, or being misled. Dumbfounded, the police still had to conduct additional investigations.

The key is that some investigations cannot be supplemented. If the key evidence is so missing, you will not be able to prove that A is A, and it will be difficult to proceed with the trial.

Therefore, Jiang Yuan's task is to identify all the footprints and fingerprints in this 5,000-square-meter dilapidated factory building, and then classify and identify them, thereby proving that there is no third person, or in other words, the thirtieth person at the scene.

Turning around, Jiang Yuan faced the 17 Criminal Division personnel he had named and said: "Everyone already knows the content of the task. There is no need for me to emphasize the difficulty and importance of the task. Here, I want to explain one point. There are some 17 technical police officers present at the scene today. Do you know why there are 17 people?"

The technicians wearing white coats and carrying green army bags, standing shivering in the wind, paid a little but full attention.

"I called you one by one and asked to come over by name. They are all trace inspections above the standard. You can think of them as my personal certification, Jiang Yuan. In terms of trace inspection technology alone, especially in crime scene investigation, I think your level is They are all elite level." Jiang Yuan determined it based on the level above LV2.

When he was doing cases in various places, what he came into contact with the most was trace inspection. LV2's trace inspection technology is not particularly strong, but within any unit, trace inspection at this technical level is already a city's elite, and can even be said to be the top technology in a city.

Stronger and more powerful LV3 level technicians are either long-established experts or emerging stars. Jiang Yuan actually found five technicians who could reach LV3 in crime scene investigation this time, but they were all the kind of technicians who were more partial to science. The stronger ones would basically not be able to do such basic work again, and it was unlikely that they would do it. I was called to do such an entry-level job.

Despite this, the 17 technicians present looked at each other.

"My Jiang Yuan's personal certification" may seem like a joke, but considering Jiang Yuan's current status in the criminal investigation field of Shannan Province, he is qualified to collect and enter the gas chromatograph mass spectrometer even if he farts.

Since ancient times, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. Many technicians stay in small places and dominate, and they also develop a sense of arrogance.

At this moment, although some people recognized acquaintances, it may not be recognized by everyone if they are of equal strength. This is just like 90% of people think that their appearance is average to above average, and most technicians also think that their skills are average to above average. Those with a little bit of skill will think that their skills are top-notch.

"Next, everyone must be very careful and cautious when doing on-site inspections. In addition, if you have spare time, you can observe the technical level of the people around you. You can also make an appraisal. Jiang Yuan certified What's the level?" Jiang Yuan smiled at this, and then said: "Of course, because of the working hours of some trace inspections and the nature of the work, I have not been able to invite all the elite trace inspections, but everyone, just Half of the essence of our trace inspection in Shannan Province lies in it.”

"Is it the feeling that one cannonball hit and Shannan's trace inspection was set back three years?" Li Rui, who stood in the front row, often chatted with Jiang Yuan in the group and joked casually.

Jiang Yuan shook his head: "It will take at least ten years to go back. In some cities, the crime detection rate may drop by more than 30%."

Many of the people present during the trace inspection had expressions of deep understanding.

Just like the two trace inspectors in Ningtai County, Lao Yan and Wang Zhong, do not have LV2 in total, many districts and counties have obtained or trained an LV2 trace inspector due to luck, and the crime detection rate can basically be achieved. ensure.

But this kind of thing, the leaders understand, the police understand, and the technicians understand, but it is useless to understand the technology, and the police understand it. If the leaders understand and pretend not to understand, they are just doing things in a muddle.

Jiang Yuan waved his hand and walked into the factory first.

Jiang Yuan held yellow and red signs and placed them along the factory building.

The sign is usually placed next to the evidence to indicate the serial number of the evidence, starting from 001 and going up.

When Jiang Yuan puts up a sign, the photographer behind him will take a set of photos.

Then, subsequent technicians went back to collect evidence and conduct detailed inspections.

Jiang Yuan does not put a sign on every footprint or trace. He only puts a red sign on evidence that is within the past three months, and a yellow sign on evidence within six months. Theoretically, if there are traces of citrine, they should have been left during this period.

Of course, with the addition of the time factor of footprints, the difficulty level has been raised to another level. That is, Jiangyuan LV6's crime scene investigation and LV5's footprint analysis can be covered more easily.

In fact, there is no need to use temporary +1 skills and double LV5 skills to scan a factory. It just takes a little more thought and time. But if it is a double LV4, you may have to scan it very carefully and carefully, and it may take several times the time to achieve the same accuracy. LV4 alone is a bit reluctant, and the scope may have to be expanded to cover all the required footprints.

As for the dual LV3 skills, it is probably not easy to add the time factor. It is appropriate to pull out all the footprints of the entire factory. Sweeping the factory can clean it, but subsequent confirmation of the footprints becomes a troubleshooting, which is more expensive and less effective.

But no matter what, as long as this mission reaches LV4 crime scene investigation, there will be no problem. Even LV3 can do it, that is, the resources have soared to the level of Ya Xu Taining.

As for other footprints, there will be no problem if they are extracted and investigated by other trace inspections. LV2's crime scene investigation is definitely sufficient when it comes to specific traces. Finding and extracting traces that are not very special are basic operations.

As for the 17 trace inspection personnel outside Jiang Yuan, as Jiang Yuan said, while conducting detailed inspections, they were also carefully observing the actions of others.

Most people here know each other or have heard of each other. However, trace inspections at the LV2 level are actually relatively rare in the market.

Their level is strong enough, and they are undoubtedly the backbone of the city and county level. But when it comes to supporting other cities and counties, it is mostly a unified action coordinated by the province, just like Jiang Yuan's request this time. .

However, other coordinated actions rarely place so many trace inspections, like exams, in the same area to perform similar work.

How could technicians who usually dominate their respective districts and counties resist comparing themselves to others.

Correspondingly, how can one relax easily even if he knows that he is being judged by other technicians?

The 5,000-square-meter factory building was swept inch by inch, and there were not many traces left behind.

The most common traces here are actually the traces of homeless people, and maybe some young people who come to play. But from Jiang Yuan's understanding, these don't have much impact.

Citrine is a certain person, with a relatively certain height, a relatively certain age, plus a weight and health level within the standard range. In fact, most of the homeless, drug addicts or adventure campers have been eliminated. .

Jiang Yuan placed the yellow and red signs one by one and walked much faster than the others. In just over an hour, he arrived at the mezzanine.

There is only half a flight of stairs left on the mezzanine without an escalator, so you have to jump up.

Jiang Yuan was mostly relieved when he saw this.

After the signs that should be placed were put up and the photos that should be taken were taken, Jiang Yuan took a few traces himself and climbed up the mezzanine using both hands and feet.

He turned on the light and scanned it once. Jiang Yuan waved again and shouted: "Light"

A shoe print search light was hoisted up. Jiang Yuan searched on the ground for a while and said with certainty: "There are no recent footprints."

Yes, no one has come up to this mezzanine at all recently. In other words, the meeting and conversation with Citrine in this factory as mentioned by Mr. Feng Shui did not exist.

Although this is still a little far from proving that Mr. Feng Shui is citrine, criminal investigation is actually not a pure science.

Jiang Yuan was on the mezzanine, called back, and recounted the situation to Professor Song Bei in a few words.

On the phone, you can hear Song Beixue's delighted laughter.

"Okay, okay. Then I'll be relieved, I'll be relieved." Song Beizhuo put down the phone again, his eyes narrowed.

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