National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 876 Outline (please vote for the third update!)

after an hour.

Shi Liang, the squadron leader of the Shiting County Criminal Division Squadron, returned, looked at Jiang Yuan on the platform curiously, and asked in a low voice: "What's going on? Can I report it?"

Mu Zhiyang shook his head: "Wait until my king returns."

Shi Liang said "Oh", then hesitated a little and said: "I see the dog is coming. I want to call the police dog to help find the door stick. Do you want to report it to Captain Jiang?"

"You can just ask Wang Chuanxing for this." Mu Zhiyang said.

"Okay." Shi Liang responded politely, turned around and left.

The team member who came with him went out and whispered: "Team Shi, just shout louder, the King of Hell is not as difficult as this little brat."

"You mean the pastoral team?" Shi Liang asked.

"Yeah. You're a little too polite."

Shi Liang curled his lips and said, "Mu Zhiyang's hands on his hips as he spoke, didn't you see?"

"You see, it's a bit disrespectful, isn't it?"

Shi Liang glanced at the team member: "The outline of 92 is visible on his body. What do you want him to respect?"

The team members were stunned for a moment and shut up decisively. In the current environment, if a police officer is willing to risk writing a report and carry a gun, he is definitely a dangerous person.

Shi Liang went out to find Wang Chuanxing, and then took three police dogs from the Ningtai County Police Dog Squadron to start sniffing and searching.

Li Lizhi proudly led Da Zhuang to take the lead. The police dog squadron now has three police dogs. No matter from any angle, it can be regarded as a strong force.

In particular, the newly arrived second and third heroes do not get motion sickness and can work as soon as they are supported, and their combat effectiveness has more than doubled.

"You guys start first, I'll wait for Da Zhuang to take a rest." Li Li said to her men, then she took Rowena to the side to rest.

The big, languid one found a clean, hard surface and lay down. It was born with motion sickness, and it didn't show any signs of motion sickness during training at the police dog base. Now that I’m working, I don’t have the right to choose where I work.

Fortunately, there are two other dogs in the police dog squadron. Da Zhuang is a meritorious dog, so it is okay to play tricks.

In Tamgui Village, all the people coming and going are uniformed police officers.

The villagers were quite excited. They are usually a bit boring. They chat with each other. They have already talked thoroughly about the Zhang family and the Li family. Finally, they have something new. Although the death of the villagers in this village is shocking, the deceased has already passed away. After all, conversation materials must be accumulated.

Some who are younger and know how to play with mobile phones hang a power bank under the mobile phone and start recording.

If you send it out piece by piece, you can chat for days.

Tang Jia and two auxiliary police officers went back and forth several times to teach, but they only controlled the crowd and did not really stop the filming. "Law enforcement under cameras" has been made clear by the ministry and commission for a long time. Tang Jia and others have repeatedly emphasized that villagers are not allowed to block roads, not slap the police in the face, not interfere with the work of the police, and not ask for photos with the police. , just like they just did.

Bai Jian came and went doing coordination work.

Now it is actually a small-scale investigation. The criminal police of Shiting County are knocking on doors one by one, searching for door sticks, and even opening piles of firewood stored in each house to let police dogs sniff or look through them one by one.

The firewood piles in Tangui Village are more than one meter high, about one meter wide, and often two or three meters long. This means that households that store a lot of firewood need to store five or six cubic meters of firewood. It would take a lot of manpower to overturn such a large firewood pile and pile it back up.

Most of the police teams search the suspect's house and leave it in a mess, and no one will clean it up again. But this kind of investigation in the village, especially whether the firewood pile outside the room needs to be piled back again, will test the command and wisdom of the police force.

While Bai Jian was looking for people to communicate with, he also transferred people from the county. He also found local village cadres and directly spent money to hire "volunteers."

After a few busy hours, finally a piece of good news came through.

"The door stick is found." Bai Jian led people back to the scene and saw Jiang Yuan already sitting on the platform, holding a pad and writing and drawing.

"Oh, tell me." Jiang Yuan put down his pad and looked at Bai Jian.

There was not much excitement on Director Bai's face, and he said straightforwardly: "In a ravine more than two kilometers away from the crime scene, but it is also on the roadside. It was probably thrown in when passing by."

Obviously, Director Bai didn't like his inference.

The door stick was found and abandoned on the roadside. There are too many factors to prove that this case was committed by a stranger.

Not to mention serial killers, just the fact that strangers in the countryside committed crimes is already a headache.

In the current environment, cases in cities are indeed becoming easier to detect. The police are able to use more and more technologies, especially the application of new gadgets, such as technical investigation tools, etc., to deal with criminals. Basically, it is black technology. Traditional criminals, that is, criminals with 90% or below high school education, if you explain these technologies to them, most of them will not understand.

However, cases in rural areas are different. Similar to other infrastructure, rural areas also lag behind in the update of police infrastructure. There is basically no increase in the police force's favorite cameras. However, traditional public security prevention and control measures in rural areas are weakening due to population decline and population aging.

Therefore, stranger cases in rural areas are, to some extent, more difficult to detect.

Director Bai could only tighten his mouth and said: "Even if the worst scenario happens, it will still be based on our scenario. Fighting on the scenario battlefield, we will definitely have the advantage..."

"It was not a stranger who committed the crime." Jiang Yuan guessed what Director Bai was thinking and denied it in one sentence.

Director Bai was stunned for a moment, frowned a little uncertainly, and said with a tight mouth: "Captain Jiang, I'm the only one in the task force who can be tough..."

Mu Zhiyang looked at this person dumbfounded. I bet you also know that you have a tough mouth.

Jiang Yuan waved his hand and said: "I judged based on the footprints at the scene. Well... I will briefly describe the situation at the crime scene, and you will understand after listening to it."


Jiang Yuan motioned to Mu Zhiyang to turn on the camera to avoid having to go back and say it twice. Then he sat on the platform made of acrylic bridges and said: "First of all, the murderer is in the state of purchasing goods. Although this cannot explain the identity of the murderer, This shows that it is not a known revenge situation. Secondly, the first push between the two occurred before the checkout. In fact, it was at the corner of the shelf..."

"After the pushing and shoving, there was a brief conversation between the two. This can be inferred to a certain extent from the standing posture here... Then, after the brief conversation, the two began to fight each other again. At this time, the murderer's force It's obviously enlarged, and it's probably from the top. In other words, he was restraining his strength before. This is not consistent with a stranger committing a crime, but more like an escalation of conflicts between acquaintances."

"Finally, the murderer picked up the door stick and hit the victim in the head. Then, he strangled the victim with a rope in the supermarket and fled the scene."

Director Bai was greatly surprised when he heard this, and said "Eh": "Escape from the scene? Where are you skinning?"

Jiang Yuan picked up the pad, showed a bunch of plum blossom footprints to Director Bai, and said, "The dog licked it."


"There were at least three dogs involved, which may include the victim's own dog. I compared it from the photos. At the beginning, it might just be the dog licking the owner's face, but because it licked blood, it became more serious. Then the other two dogs joined in the licking, and then the situation may have become a situation where three dogs are competing for food..." Jiang Yuan turned out the photo of the deceased, and said as he flipped through it:

"The lips and nose are all gone, and the tongue is also gone. This does not fit the nature of peeling. In addition, the peeling is so rough, it is actually the result of biting..."

"Shouldn't there be teeth marks?"

"The face and scalp were torn off, and they were not in the state of gnawing. The dog was actually not particularly hungry, so after grabbing the scalp and face, he ran away..." After Jiang Yuan said this, he sighed and said : "Hair should be difficult to digest. Now we need to find the dog as soon as possible to determine whether this is the case."

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