National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 885 Taking credit

"Wang Lin, have you figured it out?"

Meng Chengbiao came in with a stack of documents, sat down and took a drink of water, then asked questions with a relaxed expression.

"I understand, and I am willing to confess." Wang Lin quickly sat up straight and said, "As long as I confess truthfully and perform meritorious service, my sentence can be reduced, right?"

"Well, truthful statements are the basis, and major meritorious services can be downgraded. If you want to survive now, this is your only chance." Meng Chengbiao had already briefly explained the situation to Wang Lin during the previous interrogation. At this moment He said in a relaxed tone: "I suggest you make a decision as soon as possible. Don't let others finish their work and you will suffer when the time comes."

Wang Lin panicked when she heard this: "Did Yu Xin and the others explain?"

"I can't tell you about other people's interrogations. But you have to know that you can only commit meritorious service if you reveal information that the police have no grasp of." Meng Chengbiao said calmly.

"I know. I understand." After being arrested, Wang Lin became somewhat sensible. Now she thought about it and then said: "Then let me tell you one thing first, Brother Ma, that is Ma Jiansheng, he really killed Human, the kind that wipes the neck. He said personally that when he was building a new district in the past, he had a grudge against someone and killed him at night. He also said the name of the person, called... called... "

"Ma Yuan, right?" Meng Chengbiao waved his hand and said, "Someone has already made merit in this case."

"Who?" Wang Lin's eyes widened.

Meng Chengbiao: "Then I can't tell you. After the victim wiped his neck, he was stabbed in the heart, right?"

The name and manner of death mentioned by Meng Chengbiao had been published in newspapers before. In order to make Wang Lin confess honestly, he went into detail and instantly defeated Wang Lin's defense.

Wang Lin was discouraged, and then became angry again. She felt that the thick glands on her chest were aching, and she gasped: "Did Fan Yuxin say that? This little bitch! She heard it from me. But She doesn’t know the inside story of this matter, I know it better..."

"Then keep talking." Meng Chengbiao naturally wouldn't stop her. He had plenty of time, and the suspect's statement was hard-won.

Wang Lin told everything she knew, and then asked: "In this case, I have made a meritorious service, right?"

"As I said just now, someone has already talked about this case, so I want you to confess as soon as possible and make meritorious service as soon as possible. But it doesn't matter, even if this is part of the truthful confession, you can talk about other cases and make meritorious service as soon as possible." Meng Chengbiao couldn't do it either. To say it was a lie means that he did not confess truthfully, and this was allowed during the interrogation.

Wang Lin cursed in her heart, knowing that Meng Chengbiao had deceived her, but she did not dare to curse out loud. She could only think about it and said, "Then I know a case where Fan Yuxin, a little bitch, stole something."

Confessing the little sister will indeed deteriorate the friendship between the two. However, Wang Lin felt very unhappy when she thought that the little sister might have already confessed herself, and that she might also rush to confess Brother Ma in order to perform meritorious deeds.

Meng Chengbiao encouraged: "Tell me about it."

"I said it, does it count as meritorious service?"

"Forget it. But it can only be regarded as general meritorious service. It's not enough for you."

"What's the meaning?"

"This is how the law stipulates." Meng Chengbiao seemed to be a good person and followed the instructions: "Look, you are collaborating with many people to commit a crime, which may lead to the death of many people. But from your side, If the subsequent court does not identify you as the mastermind or organizer, and then you perform major meritorious service, you still have a chance to survive. But for ordinary meritorious service, it cannot be downgraded, but can only reduce the sentence. For you It’s just not enough.”

Wang Lin's tears suddenly flowed out.

This is an advanced skill she has mastered since she was a child. As the saying goes, women are made of water. As long as they are good at crying, they can always gain more compassion...

Meng Chengbiao had no intention.

He stared at Wang Lin with the eyes of a greasy ED man in his 40s, as if looking at a big crucian carp that had just been hooked - a very good harvest, worthy of posting on Moments, and thus proving that the time wasted today was worthwhile. Harvested, but that’s all.

"I...I don't want to die." Wang Lin had never seriously considered this issue before. In fact, most prisoners are like this. If they can imagine that they will be caught, they will be miserable or even die, so they will not commit crimes easily.

Precisely because they can't think of it and don't feel it when they think about it, prisoners regard the law as nothing and the criminal law as a way to get rich.

However, it only takes a day or two for people to come into contact with the cold reality of the environment and life in the detention center. Whatever is not down-to-earth and what life is not accustomed to, detention centers and prisons teach people to cherish it in an instant, including life.

Meng Chengbiao changed his tone to a cold tone at the right time: "If you don't want to die, you have to find a way to make meritorious service, and it is a major meritorious service."

The group of people captured this time committed crimes in a gang. They usually do their own things, and when they need help, they find others to join forces. Therefore, each of them may have some information on others.

Meng Chengbiao couldn't believe the emotion shown by the prisoner in front of him without even breaking a tear.

Wang Lin asked: "Why is it considered a major meritorious service?"

Meng Chengbiao said: "This is clearly stipulated in the law. If you need to report other criminal acts or provide clues, you may be sentenced to life imprisonment or death according to the law, it is a major meritorious service. So you see, theft is not allowed As someone who was sentenced to life imprisonment and death, you are not worthy of committing a major meritorious service."

Of course, regardless of whether major meritorious cases are handed down in the future, the small cases mentioned above will still have to be discussed in detail.

The interrogation is recorded, and the content mentioned by these suspects cannot be denied later, otherwise it will be regarded as non-"truthful confession", and without the prerequisite of truthful confession, meritorious service or major meritorious service will be greatly discounted.

Wang Lin understood, gritted her teeth and said, "Does that mean you have to pay for it with someone else's life?"

Meng Chengbiao looked at Wang Lin as if he were a bait fish.

"I... then I do know of such a case." Wang Lin whispered: "Does it mean that if I say it, my sentence can be reduced?"

"If it can indeed be considered a major meritorious service."

"I...I know that Lao Liu and the others have committed gang rape. If the sentence is severe, can it be indefinite?" Wang Lin gritted her teeth.

"Did you pick up corpses on Christmas Eve last year?" Meng Chengbiao gestured to the police officer next to him to take notes and said, "This case has also been reported."

"She...fucking Fan Yuxin!" Wang Lin finally cursed.

Meng Chengbiao waved his hand and said: "Don't curse. Besides, don't think that only Fan Yuxin is explaining. Everyone wants to make a major contribution. So many of you were arrested at one time, and more and more people are arrested. There are so many people who want to make a contribution, and the credit is not enough." If you don't hurry up, I'll have to go to another interrogation room for interrogation. Do you understand that you affect my KPI?"

Wang Lin was stunned and really felt a little embarrassed.

She was the kind of person who would shop generously for the sake of sales performance, and she subconsciously didn't want to disappoint Meng Chengbiao.

Wang Lin thought hard: "Then there is another one. I know a man from Qingshi City. When he used to run a KTV, he used to find underage escorts, and he also got the unwilling girls drunk and sent them to the guests. This kind of thing is also It’s considered strong, right?”

"Forget it. Li Jianjiang from Qingshi City, right?" Meng Chengbiao is in charge of the interrogation. The results of the interrogation from all parties must be summarized. Which clues need to be verified and the cooperation of other people is required. It also comes from him.

Contrary to Meng Chengbiao's calm attitude, Wang Lin began to look panicked. These shameless beasts were confessing the people around them one by one, just to get meritorious service and a reduced sentence. If this continued, wouldn't she lose the opportunity to meritorious service?

"Let me think about it, let me think about it again." Wang Lin moved the handcuffs with a clattering sound.

"Don't be in a hurry." Meng Chengbiao sat firmly on the Diaoyutai. For a criminal of Wang Lin's level, it is very difficult to survive. Sometimes even a major meritorious service may not be enough.

However, it is a matter for the prosecutor and the court to determine whether a major meritorious service has been committed. Meng Chengbiao is only responsible for the interrogation.

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