National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 890 Taking the Initiative

The atmosphere at the explosion site was very depressing.

Firstly, the smell is very unpleasant, and secondly, the visual impact is too great.

Although the detachment leader Wang Sheng said that the bodies had been removed, in fact, the bodies had been removed, but there was still a lot of meat stuck to the ground.

Here is a hot piece of trivia: if a person is in an explosion area, what will happen to his body? If the explosion is strong enough, such as the nuclear explosion in Hiroshima, there are many black shadows, which are suspected to be the vaporized or sublimated remains of the human body. In other words, under an extreme explosion, the body may disappear completely.

There is also a good example when the explosion is very strong, but not so exaggerated. There used to be a profession in Israel that was responsible for scooping out the bodies of victims of suicide attacks. The word "scooped out" is used because the bodies of attackers wearing bomb vests, as well as the victims closest to the bomb vests, will turn into pulp and stick to the ground.

Due to the hot local climate, a lot of meat flies onto the asphalt road and sticks to the asphalt, making it more difficult to shovel out.

However, because the bomb vest is powerful enough, the final remaining weight of the person at the center of the explosion is often only one to twenty kilograms, making it easier to shovel it.

But from a forensic perspective, when a strong enough bomb explodes in a crowd, it is very difficult to distinguish how many corpses there are.

You can say that if you find two eyes, you are considered a person, but many corpses have no eyes. If you find a head, you are considered a person, but the head is not complete either...

Forensic anthropology, which can be used in fire scenes or massacre scenes, is no longer effective at this time. At least, it is difficult to give an accurate answer in a short time.

If Jiang Yuan came to the scene with only spot investigation skills and forensic skills, he would have to shovel corpses until he vomited.

As for now... this work is still being done by the technicians and forensic scientists in Meiyang City.

Jiang Yuan glanced around and silently labeled everyone to judge their level and ability.

His eyes naturally swept across the people in Jiang Yuan's backlog class.

Shen Yaowei was excited, and his cousin Shen Yaoguo's earnest teachings could not help but appear in his mind, and hesitation appeared on his face.

This time, he also received a third-class merit award. Moreover, at this meritorious awards conference, the case of has not yet been closed and no merit has been reported.

Shen Yaoguo was therefore very grateful to Jiang Yuan and asked Shen Yaowei to perform well several times.

As a low-ranking member of the family, Shen Yaowei did prefer to have fun and do things wantonly in his early years. However, as he grows older, many of the things he once liked to play no longer make people feel interesting. On the contrary, society itself has begun to become More attractive.

Shen Yaowei actually knew that this opportunity to work in Jiangyuan's backlog class was very rare.

In the recent period, Jiang Yuan has repeatedly named Shen Yaowei for opportunities, and Shen Yaowei feels that he has fought for it himself - if he has to say what skills he has developed in his life, the spearmanship he practiced out of hobby when he was a boy can be regarded as the best. One of them.

After shooting the drug dealer to death with two shots, Shen Yaowei gained Jiang Yuan's favor. Shen Yaowei also knew that this opportunity was rare.

As far as Jiang Yuan's current status is concerned, the influence his cousin can exert as captain of the security detachment is also very limited.

Shen Yaowei felt that Jiang Yuan looked around just now to encourage the members of Jiang Yuan's special case backlog team to come forward.

After all, the scene in front of me is indeed too terrifying. The local police have to do it. Guest troops like the special team for backlogged cases... In fact, someone should be involved. Otherwise, the local process of handling physical evidence and so on are not involved, right? It will help Jiang Yuan understand the situation. Of course, only experts at Jiang Yuan's level, following the leadership of ministries and commissions, need to understand this level...

Thinking of this, Shen Yaowei finally made up his mind, coughed, stepped forward and said: "Captain Jiang, I will deal with the corpses with everyone."

"Huh?" Jiang Yuan looked at Shen Yaowei in surprise, surprised by his initiative.

Shoveling corpses from the ground is not an easy job. Even for a forensic doctor, it is an extremely disgusting activity. That kind of empathy for the same kind will explode to pieces at this moment, and the spirit will fall into depression because of this.

However, Jiang Yuan's doubts were only seen as encouragement by Shen Yaowei, just like his expression when he drew his gun.

Shen Yaowei said more confidently: "I want to go through the process with the Wang branch people, and also understand the work here and learn from it."

This was said tactfully, but when Song Tiancheng heard it, he felt it was very necessary and immediately encouraged him: "He is indeed a young man with ideas."

"Shen Yaowei was seconded by us from the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment, but he is indeed a young man who is excellent in all aspects and has great ideas." Jiang Yuan was still showing off his emotional intelligence on his shoulders, so he gave Shen Yaowei a slap in the face. assists.

Shen Yaowei smiled with his mouth wide open, as if he was being exploded in his mouth.

Jiang Yuan continued: "Yaowei, then you can follow Wang Zhi's people and investigate and deal with the scene here."

"Yes." Shen Yaowei responded, turned around and saluted Wang Sheng, and said: "Wang Zhi, I will listen to your command."

"In that case, you change your equipment first, and I'll call someone to take you..." Wang Sheng didn't hesitate. The world is huge, and the case is the biggest to solve, not to mention that Song Tiancheng was sent by the ministry to guide the work.

Shen Yaowei changed into a complete set of equipment and began to shovel the mud of corpses with technicians and forensic doctors from Meiyang City.

Jiang Yuan continued to investigate.

The area of ​​this repair shop is not small. The core area of ​​the explosion is a conference room on the second floor of the repair shop. It has an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, with two bathrooms, a tea room, and a financial room separated at the end. Next comes the crowded gaming table.

About forty or fifty people were gambling in such a large room - gambling is an activity that allows people to completely ignore the surrounding environment, but the explosion will not ignore the environment. After the explosion, the original prefabricated board floor Collapse, ceilings and walls also collapsed, so that some people were not killed or injured, but were killed and injured by building materials.

"How much do we know so far about explosives?" Jiang Yuan looked at it for a while, then turned to ask Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng then called over the trace inspector who was conducting the survey and said: "Sheng Bogong is the deputy captain of the trace inspection team of our detachment. He is the best at detecting explosion traces."

This is a professional counterpart.

Sheng Bogong has a long face and glasses, and his eyebrows are in a distinctive "" shape. He is actually shoveling corpses at the moment. When asked, he sighed and said: "What we have found so far is a suspected battery casing, but It’s not very certain yet. The center point of the explosion is initially determined to be at the door of the financial room of the gambling house, that’s it.”

Sheng Bogong circled not far in front of him.

Jiang Yuan nodded: "It's not bad to come to this conclusion in a few hours. Do you know the detonation method?"

"It's not clear yet, but the explosion was very powerful. The explosives were probably not homemade, at least industrial explosives at the level of civilian explosions. It should be ammonium nitrate." Sheng Bogong paused, and then said: "It's still There is a problem, we neither know the cause of the explosion nor whether the murderer was killed, and the explosives used were industrial explosives, so the first thing to worry about is whether there will be a second explosion!"

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