National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 895 True Love

Zhang Dinghui was stunned for two seconds, sat up, put on some clothes, and leaned on the bed: "Then, the conclusion now is that it is definitely a remote-controlled bomb, and the murderer is still on the loose, right?"

"Yes." On the other end of the phone was Director Deng Jiabin. He was also called out while he was sleeping. He had just been asked a similar question and could only give the simplest and most direct answer at this time.

"What's your plan?" After Zhang Dinghui finished speaking, he thought of his experience during the day and changed the question: "What's Jiang Yuan's plan?"

"Jiang Yuan's suggestion is to proceed step by step. Now that the circuit board has been found, let's see if we can find the manufacturer of the circuit board, and then check the supply and sales situation to see if we can find the final user. In addition, they also Fragments from other remote-controlled bombs have been found and are being verified."

"It's called a remote-controlled bomb now." Zhang Dinghui said that he still had questions to ask, so he changed his mind and said, "Let's hold a conference call and bring the comrades on site to have a meeting together. Is Jiang Yuan free?"

Deng Jiabin knew what Zhang Dinghui meant and said, "I'll communicate with them and try to let Jiang Yuan participate in the meeting."

"Yes." Zhang Dinghui hung up the phone, put on his jacket and stood up, and said to the person beside him: "I'll go to the living room to have a video conference call. You can go to sleep."

"Okay, don't go to bed too late." My wife turned over.

"I hope so." Zhang Dinghui smiled and sat down by the phone in the living room again, knowing in his heart that tonight would be a sleepless night.

Soon, the phone rang.

Zhang Dinghui pressed the speakerphone and said calmly: "I am Zhang Dinghui."

On the phone, the director, Jiang Yuan, Song Tiancheng and others greeted Zhang Dinghui respectively.

Zhang Dinghui also responded politely, and then said: "I know time is tight, let's have a quick meeting, Jiang Yuan, are there any remote-controlled bombs outside now?"

"Yes." Jiang Yuan's answer was firm and forceful.

" are you sure?" Zhang Dinghui's sleep state was completely lifted, and there was still a dryness in his throat. Although Jiang Yuan's answer was indeed within Zhang Dinghui's expectations, it also frightened Zhang Dinghui. This was almost the worst answer.

Jiang Yuandao: "This is a conjecture. We have now found debris from various key parts of the remote-controlled bomb. Through the identification of these evidences, I believe that the materials used by the prisoners are relatively simple and easy to obtain."

Jiang Yuan's voice was slightly tired: "Among the materials for the remote-controlled bomb used by the murderer, the most difficult thing to obtain is explosives. But from our interrogation, the owners, partners, and some managers of surrounding factories and mines I really like gambling here. If these gamblers lose, they can use anything as collateral, including their wives and children, as well as explosives and other things."

"Is this happening?" Zhang Dinghui's voice seemed extremely shocked.

Regardless of whether he knew the situation before, Jiang Yuan only continued: "In the surrounding factories and mines, there are many private transactions of explosives. This is not easy for some factories and mines to approve, but it is necessary in the production process. If it is necessary, some mine owners choose to buy it at a high price.”

"This is happening!" This time, Zhang Dinghui was even more shocked.

"In short, because the raw materials are easy to obtain. I think that when the murderer makes a remote-controlled bomb, there is a high probability that he will not just make one. When he buys materials, especially explosives, he will probably buy more, and maybe make one more Experimenting with low-charge remote-controlled bombs..."

Zhang Dinghui felt chilled when he heard this: "So, there might be more than one remote-controlled bomb in his hand, but two or three?"

"Yes. Most likely."

"This..." To say that Zhang Dinghui was flustered was not to say that he was flustered, but if he was asked to come up with any ideas in a short time, he couldn't do it.

In the living room, Zhang Dinghui poured himself a cup of tea. He hesitated for a while, whether to delegate power or to reiterate discipline and strict requirements...

"We now have several main directions of attack." Jiang Yuan did not wait for Zhang Dinghui's response. He was from the Ningtai County Bureau and did not need to take too much care of Zhang Dinghui's emotions. Before making the call, Jiang Yuan had already thought about it for a long time. At this time, Jiang Yuan followed his own train of thought and said: "There are two paths that are already being pursued, one is interpersonal relationships, and the other is investigating the source based on evidence. We are all investigating, but there are no clues yet.”

Detachment leader Wang Sheng took the initiative and said: "This is the job of our criminal police detachment. One is to investigate the motive for committing the crime, and the other is to investigate the preparation for committing the crime. Unfortunately, we were unable to make a breakthrough."

Zhang Dinghui said "hmm" and said, "I understand."

Wang Sheng listened to Zhang Dinghui's voice and quickly continued: "We are now continuing the investigation based on some of the newly discovered evidence. In addition, we have also fully used special agents, but there is no relevant information or clues yet. Finally, there are A small number of criminal police officers are following other clues to investigate, such as possible routes for selling stolen goods, routes for escaping, and also visiting people around gambling houses..."

Zhang Dinghui is naturally kind to "grassroots cadres". If he wants to curse someone, he has to go to the director at first, and it is impossible to go to the criminal police detachment.

Jiang Yuan took the words and said: "Now, a new investigation direction has been established, and investigation forces have been dispatched. However, it is not certain how long it will take to get news. We can only wait with peace of mind."

This can only be said by him, that is, what he said in the tent during the day.

Zhang Dinghui looked like the kind of person who lost an argument. When he came back in the evening, he reviewed it carefully and said: "In ordinary cases, there is really no rush to catch the murderer, but now it is certain that there is a bomb outside, how to prepare for it? What is the murderer's thoughts and ideas? If he is not caught, it will really make people sleepless."

"We have no way of guessing the murderer's thoughts for the time being. But if you want to be prepared, it's not completely impossible." Xu Taining's voice came from the phone.

Wang Sheng quickly introduced him, acting as a narrator.

Zhang Dinghui instinctively didn't want to talk to Xu Taining, but he couldn't help but ask: "If I want to be on guard, what can I do?"

"Absolute position control in key areas." Xu Taining answered this sentence, and then explained: "It means to raise... the alert level in key areas. For example, important departments such as the city government and municipal bureaus will strengthen alerts and suspend some external operations. Work. Gyms, shopping malls and other places with dense traffic can be closed directly. Hubs such as hospitals and train stations that cannot be closed should increase security and be sure to prevent unauthorized entry..."

"This is equivalent to canceling all government functions." Zhang Dinghui said speechlessly: "It is better to stop running all buses."

"It's a good idea, that's what I mean." Xu Taining's affirmative attitude can be felt along the phone.

Zhang Dinghui couldn't laugh or cry: "You can't do it like this."

Xu Taining suddenly became more serious and said: "If we immediately seal off the city and then divide the city into multiple blocks for management, it is very likely that the murderer and the bomb will be separated. With luck, it will be easiest to capture the murderer without any damage."

"How long will that take?"

"As little as a few days, as long as two weeks."

"How is it possible for two weeks? Not even one week." Zhang Dinghui immediately rejected it.

"There is another possibility." Xu Taining did not finish speaking, but continued to knock gold coins, saying: "If the murderer lives on the outskirts of the city, or in the countryside, closing the city may be in vain."

"Is it going to cost more, and maybe it will be for nothing?" At this time, Zhang Dinghui fully understood the meaning of "Xu Taining, who is particularly good at spending money", and at the same time, he also understood what Xu Taining meant. ,

Zhang Dinghui then asked his experts a few more questions before saying, "Okay, let's do it according to your ideas!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Chuanxing, who was standing by the phone table, couldn't help but said: "The conclusion is the same as yesterday. Another wasted meeting."

Xu Taining glanced at him angrily: "That's Captain Jiang's upward management. Otherwise, you will come to a different conclusion than yesterday and realize that you did not hold a meeting in vain."

Jiang Yuan waved his hand, silently opened a computer, and continued to compare circuit boards.

According to the plan, he found the manufacturer of the circuit board by comparing the circuit boards, then found the dealer, and then saw if he could find the terminal buyer. There was nothing wrong with the plan. The only problem was that the circuit board was the remains of an explosion.

The remaining volume is about the same as the thickness of two fingers. It is still inferior and is still an incoherent part made up of several fragments. It may not be too difficult to distinguish the manufacturer from it. The identification of the explosion traces of LV4 is estimated. It's enough, but it's more difficult to find dealers and channels.

Nowadays, unlike in the past, circuit boards can also be purchased online. It takes a lot of time to only find manufacturers instead of dealers.

Of course, even if you can only identify the manufacturer, it will be helpful for the investigation of the case. After all, this kind of circuit board is mostly produced and OEMed by small and medium-sized enterprises, and the sales are not very wide. It may really only take two weeks to get the conclusion...

If you don’t want to wait two weeks, then you need explosion trace identification above LV5.

Jiang Yuan's Temporary 1 skill has not been used today, so he is now at LV61 and has the configuration of Explosion Trace Identification LV7. So, among the blank eyes of Meiyang City’s trace inspection...

Jiang Yuan, he looked at the circuit board, he looked at the circuit diagram, the circuit board was broken, the circuit diagram was messed up, the circuit diagram was mixed with the circuit diagram, the circuit board was mixed into the circuit board, but in the final analysis, one circuit board only corresponds to one circuit diagram.

The true love in the semiconductor world is nothing more than this.

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