National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 900 Flying to Malaysia

Zhang Dinghui was in a cocoon, he raised his upper body from the head of the bed, then turned over with difficulty and picked up the phone's receiver: "Hello."

"We have found out." Director Deng Jiabin said excitedly: "The suspect explained the entire crime process, identified the location, and also found the motorcycle used in the crime and the remaining explosives. The suspect still has more than ten kilograms of explosives. The belongings were stored at two addresses, and we have already rummaged them out..."

In a few words, Deng Jiabin explained the main circumstances of the case, which can be said to be very efficient.

Zhang Dinghui looked at his watch. The hour and minute hands showed more than 3:30. He raised his emotional intelligence to the bottom and said: "Well done. Come to my office to report tomorrow morning."

"Yes." Deng Jiabin quickly responded.

Zhang Dinghui hung up the phone immediately, and after another pause, he returned to the quilt.

The person beside the pillow asked: "Who is calling me so late?"

"What an idiot. Go to sleep." Zhang Dinghui patted her, turned over and started snoring.

Jiang Yuan went to bed at around 10 o'clock in the evening. Interrogation is not his job. He stayed up until this time mainly because he checked his cell phone for a while.

I slept until noon and got up again. The sun was shining brightly and the sky was clear. The clouds were light and the wind was gentle. Only three thousand meters of karma floated in the sky.

"Is Captain Jiang up?" There was a gentle sound outside the door.

"Get up." Jiang Yuan rolled out of bed and came out in his pajamas. He saw a group of people already sitting in the living room, all wearing regular clothes and eating melon seeds.

"Captain Jiang, Meiyang City is going to hold a celebration party for us." Wang Chuanxing stood up and explained to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan suddenly realized: "Is this a celebration party? So soon?"

"Well, they said they would hold a press conference to reassure the people." Wang Chuanxing smiled and then said: "Bureau Song is getting ready to go back, so we should hold it before Bureau Song goes back."

"What time?"

"Two hours, it's just enough time. You can take a shower, change some clothes, and then we'll set off."

Jiang Yuan nodded: "Okay. The efficiency is quite high."

Wang Chuanxing: "That's right. Many reporters will come, and it is said that there will be a live broadcast on the Internet."

Mu Zhiyang said from the sidelines: "There is something in the urban culture of a city that explodes when it says it will explode."

This joke successfully made a group of people in the living room laugh. Everyone praised Meiyang City as a city with outstanding people, a lively life, and a hearty city.

Jiang Yuan also changed into regular clothes and took a car to Meiyang City Bureau.

At the front of the convoy was a police car clearing the way, followed by an Audi A6 with a Beijing license plate, which was warm and comfortable.

Huang Qiangmin and Jiang Yuan sat in the back row and chatted for a while. Huang Qiangmin stretched himself, put another pAd in the middle, and said, "You can go back after the celebration. How do you feel about Meiyang City? Do you want to continue in Meiyang City?" Do you do the case in Meiyang City, or in another city?"

"What other cases are there in Meiyang City?"

"There are no special cases currently. As for the backlog... there are always a lot of backlogs..."

"If there is no special case, just change the city." Jiang Yuandao: "The skills of the Criminal Division in Meiyang City are not bad, and the forensic skills are also acceptable. They may not be able to use me."

For criminal investigators like Jiang Yuan, if they want to do a real case, they hope that the level of supporting criminal police officers is as high as possible. Especially when conducting interviews, investigations, and arrests, it is best to have experience. The kind that has physical ability, acumen and motivation.

But if there is a backlog of cases, the level of the local criminal department personnel cannot be too high. If it's too high, Jiang Yuan won't be able to find anything new even if he conducts a second investigation. The same goes for being too low.

Huang Qiangmin had heard Jiang Yuan say something similar before, so he naturally nodded and said, "Then I suggest you go to Malaysia or Beijing. Let me see what recent cases there are on both sides."

Soon, Huang Qiangmin handed over the brief summary of the case sent by both parties.

The cases in Beijing are all from the Zhengguang Bureau. They are only half a page, but there is not a single murder case, but they are mainly based on the previous backlog. It's not that there are no more murder cases in the Zhengguang Bureau's jurisdiction, but that they can handle ordinary murder cases by themselves, but they won't accumulate.

There are so many cases in Malaysia, the directory alone takes up half a page, and there are 17 murder cases. Of course, this is a case across the entire capital of Malaysia and is the result of the joint efforts of tens of millions of people.

"Look at it this way, there is a serial murder case in Malaysia." Huang Qiangmin pointed out the number one case to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan took a look in his hand and quickly extracted the core points: "Four women were raped and killed, all middle-aged prostitutes, and killed by blunt force in the wild. There were stones, iron rods..."

"It's hard to solve this kind of case. It's almost definitely a random murder, a perverted murderer." Huang Qiangmin has been in the criminal police brigade for 20 years. As a police officer for more than 30 years, he has seen all kinds of criminal cases, especially This is Ningtai County in the 1990s. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that everyone has been robbed.

Therefore, as soon as several key words of the Malaysian case came out, Huang Qiangmin first made a judgment in his heart. If this was his own case, he would send a few people to investigate and the situation would become clearer.

Jiang Yuan briefly browsed through the details of the case and said: "It should be a perverted murderer. The advantage is that the body is still there. The fourth case just happened a few days ago, and the murderer still left DNA. If we want to do this case, It’s best to fly over tonight. Or let Jacob do a live broadcast to do a second autopsy.”

Jiang Yuan still likes the Malaysian forensic doctor Jacob, and he feels very comfortable to use it. In addition, Malaysia still has an unfinished task, but there is no need to rush. The task requires hundreds of Malaysian colleagues to recognize Jiang Yuan as a detective, but this kind of thing cannot be rushed.

Huang Qiangmin followed Jiang Yuan's idea and said: "This is also simple. I will contact them first to confirm their...funding situation, and then ask them to send a business jet to pick them up. If you go abroad to do things, you don't need to be polite to them. Oh, by the way, we still have to contact the ministries and embassy, ​​which is actually quite troublesome, and we really need their cooperation."

"The other party must actively cooperate. Just wait and see." Jiang Yuan agreed with Huang Qiangmin's idea. He went out to do criminal cases, and criminal cases can be said to be the most intense conflict after war.

Ordinary people’s daily conflicts between parents, conflicts with colleagues and superiors within the company, or so-called business wars, financial wars, or things like love affairs, cheating, and the like are incomparable to the intensity of criminal cases. Than.

Without the support of powerful state organs, handling criminal cases is just a matter of doing things head on.

Therefore, if the Malaysian side does not need Jiang Yuan to solve the case, he has no interest in participating.

As for the level of demand from Malaysia, we can get a clue from the amount of money they are willing to pay.

Celebration party.

The gongs and drums are noisy.

press conference.

Red flags waving.


Firecrackers went off.

After participating in the entire process, Song Tiancheng and Jiang Yuan both declined the invitation and headed to the airport together.

Director Deng Jiabin really couldn't bear to leave the two of them, so he found a Coaster and accompanied them to the airport.

Song Tiancheng said politely: "Actually, no need, we can just take a taxi ourselves."

"That's okay, I'll just take you to the bottom of the plane." Deng Jiabin smiled and said, "The leaders have had a hard day, this is the least I can do."

Song Tiancheng then smiled and said, "I'll trouble you, Xiao Li, please write down the flight number."

Xiao Li next to him smiled and responded.

Deng Jiabin collected the small piece of paper, looked at Jiang Yuan again, and asked: "Captain Jiang, which flight are you taking here?"

"I'm flying to Malaysia tonight, and the Malaysian police station sent a business jet to pick me up." Jiang Yuan told the truth.

Deng Jiabin couldn't help being silent for a while: "Does the business jet fly directly to Malaysia? The Malaysian police department is quite rich."

"The conditions negotiated by Political Commissar Huang before. It is also to save our time, so we use business jets to pick up and drop off." Jiang Yuan answered modestly.

Deng Jiabin felt guilty. He looked at Song Tiancheng again and couldn't help but smile: "We took advantage this time."

Song Tiancheng laughed and said: "That's why we say we should value talents. Everyone in Malaysia can see the value of Jiang Yuan. This time, thanks to Jiang Yuan's survey and judgment, a disaster was eliminated..."

"This is really..." Deng Jiabin quickly cooperated and praised Jiang Yuan.

According to the time, Coster first sent Jiang Yuan and others to the business jet terminal, and watched Jiang Yuan and more than a dozen people enter the security check and board the plane together.

Deng Jiabin clicked his tongue: "A flight like this costs hundreds of thousands, and a round trip costs millions?"

"A small business jet costs hundreds of thousands. With Jiang Yuan taking so many people, one trip will cost at least a million. The cost per person is always tens of thousands of dollars." After Song Tiancheng said this, he turned to Xiao Li next to him. Said: "Write this story later, at least to publicize it internally."

"Is it appropriate to promote this...?" Xiao Li was a little confused.

Song Tiancheng nodded and said: "We go to various places to provide support. How strong the support is can be seen by looking at the conditions provided by the Malaysian Police Department. Of course, we do not require them to provide the same conditions, but we should know that we are getting What kind of benefits, right?"

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