National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 928 Selling People

The order was quickly conveyed, and a few minutes later, feedback came back: "The store manager has taken control. The clerk involved has resigned."

"Look for it." Jiang Yuan ordered naturally.

In fact, there are already mature ways to find people in the police system, the so-called pursuit and escape. Some police officers and units who are good at this will organize special fugitive pursuit teams to focus on this work.

The professionalism of Jiang Yuan's backlog class in this area is average, but it also depends on who they are competing with. There are more than 20 people in Jiangyuan's dedicated case backlog team, and only a few people can participate in core decision-making on a daily basis. However, to handle so many cases, decision-making is not all that is required. The police are not judges.

Therefore, there is no need for Jiang Yuan to make special arrangements. The members of the backlog class will find the routes they are good at and like. Middle-aged and elderly police officers like Meng Chengbiao who have pre-trial experience will focus on interrogation, while criminal police officers like Shen Yaowei, who have been in the police force for a long time, are very good at attacking independently and doing scout-like work. They are not afraid of hardship or fatigue, and they can do both. He can go from the front to the back, and he has the feeling of a small project manager. This may be his positioning for himself.

Jiang Yuan does not adjust the work of these criminal police officers in depth on a daily basis. Regardless of technology, the members of Jiang Yuan's special case backlog team are most likely to have better police practice abilities than Jiang Yuan. Judging from the results of the joint examination, the strength of these young people, most of whom came from the Criminal Police Detachment of Changyang City Bureau, cannot be underestimated. In addition, they are all seconded, and there is no need for Jiang Yuan to arrange career paths for them.

However, Jiang Yuan did provide a large number of opportunities for members of the special team to participate in serious cases.

There are so many cases that are written down every day, just like students studying for the college entrance examination. For ordinary questions, you can get an idea at a glance. And unlike the title, in real-world cases, prisoners rarely consider repeatability. Most criminals will not carefully examine the current development of police services and rely solely on instinct.

The clerk involved was apparently one of them.

In just ten minutes, Miao Liyuan, who is good at technology and communication, slapped his thigh and said, "I found it. He went to the countryside and used someone else's ID card."

"How did you find it?" the local criminal policeman praised.

Miao Liyuan smiled sarcastically: "Although the clerk bought an ID card and a mobile phone number, he couldn't afford a game account. At least he couldn't afford the kind of game account that has been played for seven or eight years and has a krypton gold skin. I Following this line of investigation, we found that he had logged in to his previous game account at the Internet cafe, and then checked his ID card for accessing the Internet. Then, through this ID card, he found the hotel accommodation record, and retrieved the facial recognition photos. One look and you can confirm it.”

This series of operations sounds simple, but if you don't have some experience and authority, it can be a bit troublesome to operate.

Everyone then praised him one after another.

Jiang Yuan signed another order and sent people to arrest them on the spot.

At this time, Meng Chengbiao, who had just gone upstairs for a surprise interrogation, also called and said: "This escape room shop has been molesting women since it opened. From the shop owner to the shop assistants, they are all small gangsters. They found that they can use scripts to do this. After ordering the female guest, he often caused trouble."

Wang Chuanxing was shocked: "Is there such a thing? I've also played an escape room."

"You shouldn't have been ordered to take off your coat and change into uniform on the spot." Meng Chengbiao replied, and added: "They also like to do some temporary actions, such as asking girls to do actions that highlight their figures. In addition, drinking is also common, forcing Playing with their hands after drinking is something they have done a lot in the past year."

"Where is Chen Nuan?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"It's not clear yet. The shop owner probably doesn't know about Chen Nuan's situation, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed until now." Meng Chengbiao just went up for a surprise interrogation, and there was still a long way to go before the suspect could tell everything.

"If there is a problem in the whole store, why do they still keep the video?" Jiang Yuan frowned slightly.

Meng Chengbiao paused and said, "They share the videos inside with each other. They have a group."

"Share...criminal evidence?"

"It's like some idiots will show off the video of picking up corpses in a bar. A group of gangsters are doing this. They share easy-to-make trouble books with each other, as well as organizers." Meng Chengbiao explained without asking. He said: "Escape rooms need to be renovated every once in a while. The techniques and gameplay are all designed by someone, and there are people who specialize in this area to make money."

"You will go to jail for molesting women. They molested women multiple times and they were organized. They must be crazy." Tang Jia's anger level soared.

"They think they are just taking advantage and eating tofu. This may be the case at the beginning. The few people who sell books and decorate should not think so much at the beginning. If their books cannot achieve similar effects, they may not be able to sell them, at least It's impossible to sell it so expensively and for so much." Meng Chengbiao didn't review it for long, but the basic framework was dug out for him.

When Jiang Yuan heard this, he didn't need to be polite and said: "Confirm the identity and arrest the person first."

"How many were caught?" Wang Chuanxing began to record.

"Catch everyone in a group." When Jiang Yuan answered this sentence, he felt the same as when ordering food at Xingyue Tower.

In terms of difficulty or complexity, they are probably about the same.

Wang Chuanxing didn't say much. After answering, he asked the people upstairs to collect their mobile phones, take screenshots, send account numbers, etc.

A case of this level does not require a special task force. After determining the identity of the group of people, just ask the local criminal police to help arrest them. If the local criminal police are too busy, they can even call the local criminal police and ask someone to report automatically to a certain police station or police station on a certain day of a certain month and a certain time.

Except for a very few people, most people, even prisoners who commit crimes frequently, will show amazing obedience when faced with truly powerful agencies.

As for the very few people who disobey, it actually doesn't matter. They can just chase them and run away. Most of these very few people, even if they can escape and run for several years, often choose to surrender.

Meng Chengbiao took the person back to the police station, and Jiang Yuan led the team upstairs to start investigation.

Early the next morning, the runaway clerk Xia Chongshu was brought back.

Huangmao Xia Chongshu, who is in his early 20s, looks a little panicked, a little arrogant, and full of resistance.

It took Meng Chengbiao half an hour to make his hair fall away.

When it was time to go to work, the director of the Changle City Bureau and the captain of the criminal police detachment all arrived.

Meng Chengbiao pointed to the PPT report that Wang Chuanxing stayed up late to make, and said concisely: "Chen Nuan met Xia Chongshu, the clerk of the escape room shop, through online chat, but the other party concealed his identity and invited Chen Nuan to escape in this escape room. The purpose To sell it. But not to sell it."

"What's the meaning?"

Meng Chengbiao explained: "Escape room accompaniment is also the way for this store to make money. The store owner will publish information about paid accompaniments, 200 or 300 yuan each time. But sometimes they can't find a girl to accompany them, or they just happen to be When they meet girls who come to play alone, they will treat the girls as companions and sell them to buyers. The clerk invites women through online chats, which is also one of their ways to gain customers."

"Buyer, don't the guests who are here to accompany you know this?"

"Sometimes I don't know, sometimes I know. Because the two or three hundred yuan accompaniment is usually not allowed to touch. Instead, in this form, the NPC in the store will cooperate and give both parties a chance to touch... Compared with The waiter himself and the touching between the customers will not arouse the woman's resentment, especially if there is cooperation from the male companion. This store has its own customer base. "

Tang Jia said coldly: "They sold the power of molesting women to customers?"

"That's about it." Meng Chengbiao sighed and continued to explain: "This time the situation is even more special. The clerk Xia Chongshu specially made an appointment with Chen Nuan when the store manager was away, and sold it to an old man with the online name Braised Fish Tail. The original purpose of the customer was to get the 300 yuan. To this end, Xia Chongshu negotiated with his colleagues to let the braised fish tail wait in an unmonitored room. After giving Chen Nuan a drink, he asked the store to pretend to be an NPC colleague. Take it with you."

Meng Chengbiao: "I participated as an NPC this time, and the purpose itself was not simple. In addition, Chen Nuan was too drunk, so the action of braised fish tail was so excessive that it aroused Chen Nuan's resistance and claimed Call the police. But due to the nature of the escape room, you cannot leave if you want to. The conflict between the two parties further worsened, and then they started fighting... Xia Chongshu claimed that it was the braised fish tail that accidentally killed Chen Nuan. He was forced to follow The bodies were transported out in suitcases together with the braised fish tails, and then thrown into the Taihe River separately."

"No matter who was killed, has the identity of the braised fish tail been confirmed?" Jiang Yuan still had the same technical thinking.

"Confirmed, he ran away after the incident. But we have locked his identity, and he is currently selling fruit in Sugiura City."

"Okay." Jiang Yuan felt relieved after hearing this and let out a long sigh.

The task force did not know about the existence of this "braised fish tail" suspect before, or in other words, the task force spent most of the time taking detours in this case. However, the massive resources were released, and the case finally took on a different look.

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