National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 945 Riding a Shanzhai

Chapter 945 Riding a mountain village

National Forensic Medicine Shitori Village Pin 3457 words April 15, 2024 00:48

Riding a cottage.

It rides on the ridge of a large mountain and is a mix of wooden buildings that stretch for hundreds of meters... and masonry buildings.

Looking at it from a distance, you can see that this is actually a complex of buildings built randomly with modern building materials while using old wooden buildings. If you raise the drone and walk around, it is easy to see that the area is spread out. A large number of temporary buildings, some even made of plastic sheets, bamboo and mud

A low pseudo-tent.

Just looking at this picture, it is confirmed that there are people living there. Moreover, it doesn't look like a normal residence, it looks like a settlement set up by homeless people or a shack built by scavengers.

The detectives who arrived at the foot of the mountain looked at the shack area above their heads and frowned instinctively.

This kind of slum area, just like the poor people abroad, is a natural breeding ground for crime. It is different from the so-called shantytowns in the city. Shantytowns are at least managed houses with certain regulations. Shantytowns are built haphazardly. There is no need to consider fire protection and the like. There are still beheadings everywhere.

The most important thing is that people living nearby will form a tacit understanding to form gangs to protect themselves. In other words, when a shack area is formed, countless gangs will inevitably be formed.

The most common slum gangs in the country are scavengers. Common forms of crime are drug abuse and theft. Occasionally, they also engage in human trafficking and robbery. Picking up bottles worth 10 cents each will definitely not prevent them from picking up children worth 30,000 yuan each.

There are many more stories about slums in foreign countries, such as the famous slums in Rio de Janeiro. Not only are the people in the slums complex, but the routes are also so complex that elite police officers have to be careful. One of the plans implemented by American cities such as New York to eliminate crime is position control, which involves destroying buildings one by one.


"We don't have enough people, please call someone." Wu Junhao came from Ningtai specially to help. He looked up at Qishanzhai and made a request on the spot.

Su Shanming, the captain of the Third Brigade of the Changle City Criminal Police Detachment who was traveling with him, hesitated for a moment and said: "There are more than 100 of us here, why don't we go up and take a look first?"

This time, the police from Changle City and Ningtai County were evenly divided. It took several minibuses to load all the people over. Coupled with various equipment, the pressure was already great.

Wu Junhao just shook his head and said: "If we go up the mountain now, what if the other parties all rush to the mountain face? Or, what if we go up the mountain and they all gather together to cause trouble. This area is much larger than expected. It is expected that the number of people will be much larger. Looking at the scale, it will be at least three or four.

There were over a hundred people, at least twice as many as us. "

Su Shanming hesitated for a moment and said: "The opponent has more people and we have fewer people. Shouldn't we attack the slower with faster speed? Otherwise, if the opponent blocks the road, how can we attack from behind?"

Wu Junhao laughed when he heard this: "We are face-to-face soldiers, not soldiers. Who can fight with them? We now know that the people above are suspected of committing crimes. Our task is to find a way to seal the road and surround them." , this is the most important thing, if they want to close the road, then I will.

If you don't attack from above, use the sniper rifle if the pistol can't reach it. If it's not enough, adjust the cannon. This is not the age of cold weapons. Who will trade lives with them?

Wu Junhao's words were unpleasant, and Su Shanming didn't like to hear them, but what Wu Junhao said was useful, and Su Shanming had to listen.

To be honest, Su Shanming was heartbroken when he saw this stronghold on the ridge. He had never fought in a field battle and didn't know how to attack such a stronghold. But he knew that with just these dozens of people under his command, if the other party really resisted and he charged up with his pistol, no matter how many people died in the end, he could only call

Trust the other person’s wisdom.

The most fearful thing is not the opponent's head-on resistance. If it is soft resistance, the task will be difficult to complete.

Several cars stopped on the spot, allowing everyone to get off the car, rest, pee and drink water. Wu Junhao, Jiang Yuan and others quickly checked and decided to adopt plan C.

Plan A is to surround and arrest people, plan B is to go directly to the village to arrest people, and plan C is to surround but not arrest people. The main difference is actually the number of people. The geography of Qishanzhai is clear. Now there are not only maps, but also satellite topographic maps. You can also fly drones when you arrive at the site.

However, Jiang Yuan and others were not sure before that how many people were riding in the mountain village. Judging from satellite images alone, many shacks are hidden among dilapidated wooden buildings.

Only when you get to the bottom of the mountain, observe from the side, and confirm with a drone can you know how many people are there.

Logistics trucks began to unload large quantities of equipment, which the police officers on duty picked up themselves.

Objects such as body armor, stab-proof clothing, shields or ceramic inserts are all available at will, and what was shipped this time was also in excess. Police equipment such as handcuffs, swing sticks, and stun guns are for personal use only. You can apply for them when you no longer want them. Only firearms and bullets must be registered, and not only the number of pieces must be registered, but also the serial number must be registered.


He Da of the armed police continued to lead the team. This time they brought more shotguns and submachine guns, and only a few rifles and sniper rifles.

In addition, the Jinle City Bureau also sent two squadrons of its own SWAT team. But it is different from what ordinary people imagine. Most of the SWAT teams in prefecture-level cities are similar to strong squads. They have handsome equipment and beautiful postures. However, in practical applications, they are mostly anti-explosion police and patrol police.

Gun chances are slim.

This attack was an opportunity for the SWAT team, but the main task was actually positioning.

More than a hundred police officers put on their equipment, got into their vehicles, and headed to their respective mission locations.

In fact, it is the way down the mountain from the mountain village.

Jiang Yuan followed most of them and drove along the main road to the foot of the mountain. When they couldn't see the place where they were riding in the mountain village, they started to get off the car and start climbing the mountain.

He was accompanied by two biologists, Su Lei from the Institute of Agricultural Research and her doctoral student Qiao Shengli.

Both of them wore outdoor clothing, and their faces were wrapped up to protect themselves from the sun and cuts. They climbed mountains together, carrying their own backpacks and carrying poles without any complaints.

"Here are the hallucinogenic mushrooms." As Qiao Shengli walked, she suddenly pointed to the roadside, and then used her hiking stick to dig out a red umbrella from the side of the tree.

"There are them on the roadside. No wonder they want to get rich from mushrooms." Wang Chuanxing immediately stepped forward to take pictures.

Climatic conditions are most important. "Su Mian said: "It's like the road from Lijiang to XX Mountain. There are all wild cannabis forests. The local government has plowed them many times to no avail. The growing conditions are so good that Americans have to spend a lot of money to do soilless cultivation. Cannabis shed, like thin bamboos growing in the open air here,

The clumps are densely packed. "

"It's not the same as American marijuana." Wang Chuanxing was somewhat curious.

Su Lei smiled mysteriously and added: "Some of them are naturally different from those in the United States."

Wang Chuanxing is also a veteran detective, and he recognized it as soon as he heard it: "Some of them are the same?"

Qiao Shengli was more lively and said with a smile: "Some of our varieties are quite popular abroad."

Yingqing coughed: "First of all, although cannabis is divided into two subspecies, the original subspecies and the Indian cannabis subspecies, the original subspecies has been cultivated in our country for a long time, but from a biological point of view, The original subspecies and the Indian cannabis subspecies can be easily hybridized, and the two subspecies

The levels of THC are also unstable, so…”

"Can Guiguo bring in foreign seeds?" Wang Chuanxing blurted out.

Su Jun was stunned for a moment and said: "I didn't think about this, but it is true that our domestic cannabis subspecies have long been contaminated. Yunnong University has done research in this area, and I just saw... a small one on the road. Joe?"

Her student Qiao Shengli immediately took out her mobile phone, flipped through it, and said: "It must be Chen's article, (Research on Cannabinoid Chemotypes and Genotypes in Farm Hemp Varieties in Southern Yunnan) published in (Journal of Southwest Botany), Core That is to say, the cannabis variety group of a farmer in the south was used as the research object.

21 individual strains of THC and cannabidiol were obtained. The result was that all 21 individual plants contained THC, ranging from 07% to 35%. There are three strains with more than 1%. "

Wang Chuanxing frowned: "I made up my mind a few days ago. Industrial hemp is considered to be industrial hemp if it contains less than 3% THC, right? If it exceeds 1%, it is already at the level of drug marijuana that can be sold in Europe and the United States?"

"Industrial hemp..." Su Jun shook his head and said, "1% is definitely not enough."

Wang Chuanxing's idea changed: "Gui Lao can easily find more than 1% of the individual plants if he tries a few more times."

Well, we can also share it with each other. "Qiao Shengli said from the side: "When the cannabis flowering season comes, they will go to the mountains to harvest with their own sickles and backpacks. Because the THC content of female inflorescences is higher. Moreover, they care about this abroad because the cost of planting is high and they have to spend money to buy it.

If it is free marijuana, smoking two more joints is not the same. "

"This can also produce miracles with great strength?" Wang Chuanxing finally understood.

Qiao Shengli said: "So the concept of industrial hemp was created. The number 3% or 2% is meaningless. For marijuana smokers, thicker cigarettes are enough."

"But what you just said, doesn't it have a content of a few tenths of a percent? It should be rolled into the thickness of a cigar."

Su Jun followed at this time: "Because the person who created the concept of industrial hemp planted hemp to extract cannabidiol. Tetrahydrocannabinol is hallucinogenic and cannabidiol can be used for medical purposes. Comparing prices abroad High. But actually, because both tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol are made of

The same precursor substance, called cannabidiol, is produced through different catalysis, so the two are positively related. Cannabis with a tetrahydrocannabinol content of 07% or even lower has a cannabidiol content close to 0 , then growing industrial hemp would be unprofitable. "

“Then we need to look for cannabis that is low in tetrahydrocannabinol and high in cannabidiol?”

The principle of industrial hemp is this, but the relationship between the two is Y=648X-025. This is a regression equation. The standard of 03% or 002% is already as low as possible. Su Mian paused and then said: "So, the current domestic policy on industrial hemp is comprehensively tightened." "

"This mushroom should also be tightened." Wang Chuanxing glanced at the path ahead with a resentful look. The mountains here are tall and tall, and it is a typical example of looking at the mountains and running to death.

The intercom on Jiang Yuan's waist rang.

"Team Jiang, the mountain must have sensed something was wrong and started mobilizing." The report was from the drone operation team at the foot of the mountain.

Jiang Yuan looked at the time: "It's been half an hour, did you start mobilizing?"

This is what we see from the air. When they first saw our drone, someone should have reported it, but the response was very slow, and many people didn't seem to care much. "

"Got it." Jiang Yuan ended the call, then turned the intercom to channel 1 and said: "All units, please be aware that the gang riding in the mountain village may escape, so pay attention to confrontation methods."



Several teams of people responded in turn, and their morale was high.

This kind of activity that can capture hundreds of people at a time is still very rare. Don't ask how big the case is or how deeply involved it is. Ask about the organized crime that is integrated with drug trafficking and trafficking. Its size and number of people are among the top in the country.

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