National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 958 Withered Seed

Xiao Zhou is 26 years old this year, almost a young middle-aged man. He works in a factory with a low income and little free time. He is a pure blue-collar worker and is almost considered a poor middle-class person.

It can be said that Liu Wenkai is very familiar with such an identity background. People who like to commit a certain type of crime almost all have a similar identity background. It is not that there are no people with other identity backgrounds who commit this type of crime, but that In terms of proportion, there is always one group of people that has the majority.

Use a nicer name to describe this situation, such as "big data crowd profiling" or "FBI profiling crowd".

Just like people who commit robberies, they are generally strong and short of money. Although there are exceptions, for a criminal police officer like Liu Wenkai, if he catches a robbery suspect with this style of painting, he will never be surprised and will become accustomed to it. . On the contrary, if there is a master who is physically disabled, not confident in his own strength, and not short of money, such a case can last five years.

Liu Wenkai only chatted with Zhou Shetao for a few words, and he was relatively sure that he was an ordinary criminal suspect with an introverted personality. In fashionable terms, he is an I person; in old-fashioned terms, he is a poking guy.

Compared with extroverted boys, men like Zhou Shetao are more likely to fall into a state of sexual depression during adolescence, especially if they don’t look so teacher-like, don’t have much money, don’t study well, and are not bad at all. Also, those who lack friends, are not good at sports, lack courage, and live in a depressing environment... this is especially true.

"We came to your door today. You should know why, right?" After Liu Wenkai determined Zhou Shetao's character, he began to increase the pressure.

A person's heart is sensitive and fragile. If he is a friend, he should be carefully protected, but if he is an enemy, he should use the sharpest words and body movements to make him collapse.

There is nothing to show mercy here. The most commonly used method in interrogation is pressure, and because the criminal police have experience and the criminals have no experience, many criminals collapse when faced with medium-intensity pressure. Some criminals may not be able to recover after being in prison for several years. Some will tremble every time they see someone in uniform. Even after they are released from prison, they still avoid the police and other public servants.

Liu Wenkai was also anxious to get results. His mission required visiting hundreds of people throughout Guangdong Province. Although there was great suspicion on the part of Zhou and Zhou, to be honest, it was just a hunch, just like buying antique porcelain. Sometimes, when I see the bottle, I feel something about it, but I can’t spend all my money on it before I see the base.

Zhou Shetao frowned: "You are the ones who are looking for me, how do I know?"

Liu Wenkai said sternly: "Be serious. You don't know? Why are you pretending?"

Zhou Shetao: "Where do you know?"

Liu Wenkai: "Zhou Shetao, let me tell you, there are so many of us who have driven here for dozens of hours, and we will not go back just because you say a few words and don't know. Let me make it clear. It doesn't matter whether you explain today or not. , you have to go back to Shannan Province with us. If you don’t explain it here, just tell it in the interrogation room of Changle City Bureau.”

Zhou Shetao was shocked: "Why, I won't go back!"

"It's not up to you!" Liu Wenkai just wanted to make Zhou Shetao uncomfortable. For anyone, the thought of being escorted thousands of miles away would instinctively make him feel uncomfortable.

Zhou Shetao suddenly stood up with a roar.

The two detectives standing next to him grabbed him and pushed him back onto the chair.

Liu Wenkai took the opportunity to attack: "Want to run away? Put him on the back of a chair."

The two criminal policemen immediately stepped up their game. They took Zhou Shetao's hands behind their backs and cuffed them to the chair, making the posture more complicated and hinting that the situation had become more complicated.

Introverts, when faced with the complex world outside, sometimes just want to surrender hastily and let things go. Sometimes, as long as they can calm down the world in front of them, they will agree even if they know they are being damaged.

Liu Wenkai took advantage of the two criminal police officers to catch Zhou Shetao and asked again: "Do you remember now?"

"I don't know. At least tell me why you arrested me." Zhou Shetao struggled for a few times before giving up, but his expression showed that he was holding back.

In Liu Wenkai's view, his body language and facial expressions are inconsistent.

Zhou Shetao seemed to be a little too good at it. Not only did he not cheat, which is normal, but being able to bravely and calmly face the criminal police's increasing pressure is not the performance of an ordinary introvert.

At this moment, neither Liu Wenkai nor the criminal policemen around him showed a good face. On the contrary, Liu Wenkai is deliberately creating the appearance of a bad policeman or even a bad policeman.

For ordinary people, the power of such police officers is considered to be overstretched.

In fact, not only ordinary people, but also gentlemen and ladies who often recruit and promote themselves, will murmur in their hearts when they see Liu Wenkai's current expressions and movements. Most of the time, they would rather admit the fact and receive an administrative penalty. .

If Zhou Shetao was normal, he should say something first now. At the very least, he should have a certain degree of surrender.

Liu Wenkai was holding on, and he was strong and fearless. This feeling, to Liu Wenkai, was a sign of carrying a big case behind his back. Judging from Zhou Shetao's character and experience, Liu Wenkai believes that he may have been trained.

Liu Wenkai chuckled, sat down opposite Zhou Shetao with a golden sword, and said with a smile: "Okay, if you say you have not committed any crime, then you can answer a few questions honestly. After we verify that there are no problems, we will let you go. How about it?"

This made him relax a little more, because Zhou Shetao was already full of tension in the face of pressure. On the other hand, Liu Wenkai's patience was replenished.

In the current situation, it’s not just the bottle that looks like it, the base and the signature also look similar. Although it was just a look at the image and needed detailed study, Liu Wenkai was already willing to talk to Zhou Shetao in detail.

Of course, it cannot be said at this time that they are the murderers of Case 430. The two of them may have run away with other cases, but Liu Wenkai thinks it is almost impossible to say that these two are innocent.

In other words, this pair of antique bottles has been determined to be old, but the specific age needs to be determined carefully.

Liu Wenkai looked at Zhou Shetao and said slowly: "Xiao Zhou, right? How long has it been since you returned to your hometown?"

Zhou Shetao, who had prepared various questions, was stunned. This question was a bit unexpected. He thought about it for a moment, and then hesitantly said: "Okay - several years."

"I don't remember how long it has been since I came home? Don't you know when was the last time you came home?" Liu Wenkai's eyes lit up. He was originally going to hit a pole with some dates but no dates, but he got cramps unexpectedly. .

"No time to go back." Zhou Shetao lowered his head.

"How long has it been since you went back? In what year did you come out? Don't you know the number?" Liu Wenkai asked: "You are like this, can you tell me whether it will make people suspicious?"

Zhou Shetao thought that now there was a record of buying tickets and a record of returning home. He couldn't hide it, so he had to say: "It has been 10 years since I came out. I don't have any money to go home. If I don't make any money, I don't want to go back."

As he spoke, a few tears flowed from Zhou Shetao's eyes.

The tears are real and the emotions are real, but the words may not be true.

Liu Wenkai curled his lips disdainfully: "Your parents are still here, so you two go out to work. If you don't go home for 10 years, don't you miss your home? Your parents don't come to see you either?"

"Come here, come and see." Zhou Shetao said.

"Oh, won't they have to spend more money when they go out to see you? After all, they can't live in factory dormitories. The expenses such as booking hotels -" Their work unit can reimburse a little. "This part of the plot has been discussed by Zhou Shetao and his eldest brother Zhou Jiantao, and he said: "We are working outside to raise money to buy a house. When they retired, they sold their houses in their hometown and moved to Guangdong Province. "

Zhou Shetao's mood gradually returned to stability. His defense is already very strong in the eyes of ordinary people. The brothers' defense is not purely based on fantasy. They also consulted lawyers through live broadcast rooms and other places.

But for Liu Wenkai, these just stimulated him to become sexually interested.

In the American legal profession, there is a long-term job called mock court, which includes mock court offense and defense, and more importantly, mock court questioning of witnesses.

But in China, lawyers rarely do this, not because they don’t make money, but because simulated conversations or preparing testimony in advance have limited value. Because speeches in American courts, especially witness testimony, are made to ordinary people on the jury. In Chinese courts, professionals play the decisive role.

Even if ordinary people are well prepared, they can easily be seen through by professional legal professionals. After all, court clerks are veterans who have been doing this for several years.

Just like now, although Zhou Shetao's answers were smooth and steady, in the eyes of Liu Wenkai, who had been a criminal police officer for almost 20 years, he was still a naive person. He is nothing more than a trained chick. Even if he has been trained for 10 years, he is still not as good as a real old chicken.

Liu Wenkai stared at Zhou Shetao for a long time, until he felt uncomfortable, and then smiled softly: "In other words, your parents are also insiders."

With that said, Liu Wenkai took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

"Then you have to take it back to the police station and ask. If you don't report the information, you will be suspected of harboring. You will be sentenced to three years in prison, lose your job, and lose your pension." Liu Wenkai said while continuing to press the phone.

"It has nothing to do with them!" Zhou Shetao's entire shell collapsed completely, and his expression became distorted.

Liu Wenkai smiled without saying a word and picked up the phone: "Hey, my old Liu -" "Ah" Zhou Shetao went crazy instantly and frantically wanted to grab Liu Wenkai's phone.

But his hands were cuffed, and he couldn't move at all. His efforts to break free only caused blood marks on his wrists, or he fell to the ground with a chair.

Zhou Shetao let out a low, lunatic roar and twisted his body like crazy, trying to make the other party succumb.

The detective standing to his right took out his stun gun without hesitation, pressed down on Zhou Shetao's thigh and struck him once.

Zhou Shetao's whole body froze and became stiff instantly.

What kind of epilepsy literature is completely worth mentioning in the face of criminal cases.

Liu Wenkai held his cell phone in front of Zhou Shetao and continued: "Zhou Jiantao and Zhou Shetao's parents, please check. These two people should be insiders. Take them to the bureau for a thorough investigation."

Putting down his mobile phone, Liu Wenkai came to Zhou Shetao again, fanned himself with his hand, frowned and said: "Incontinence? It's okay, you'll be done with it in a while. What do you think, do you want to confess now, or wait until your parents suffer a round of punishment?" Take turns and confess later?”

Zhou Shetao peed all over his pants and even cried without tears. He only looked at Liu Wenkai with hatred in his eyes.

"Whatever you say or not, I can accompany you and wait for the news from your parents to see how long they can survive." Liu Wenkai looked at Zhou Shetao calmly and said, "In this case, the least we can do is arrest the person 37 God. After 37 days, if you can still bear it, I can apply for an extension of the detention time——"

Liu Wenkai never mentioned the name of the case from beginning to end.

But at this time, Zhou Shetao could no longer care about so much. He felt the stinging pain in his thighs, the cold urine and the shame of lying on the ground. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want his parents to suffer like this again.

"I said, I did it all." Zhou Shetao now only regrets that he didn't commit suicide earlier.

"What did you do?" Liu Wenkai asked.


****** ***

I killed that mother and daughter. "When Zhou Shetao said these words, he suddenly felt relieved, just like the feeling of taking a long-distance bus and finally releasing the urine after holding it all the way.

Liu Wenkai asked: "Say the name."

"Sui Yingxue and Mai Qinsui."

This time, it was Liu Wenkai's turn to breathe a sigh of relief and immediately asked: "How did you kill him?"

Zhou Shetao: "Strangled to death."

"How you strangled me to death? Tell me step by step."

Zhou Shetao took a long breath and began to describe slowly.

Liu Wenkai presupposed that he was the one who killed Da Zhou together, but judging from Zhou Shetao's answer, he still concealed the specific murder process. Because you can't choke one person to prevent the other person from escaping or fighting back.

But at this time, Liu Wenkai was not in a hurry to correct Zhou Shetao, so he asked him half-truths and half-false answers before asking, "How did you get in?"

‘Her father was drunk once and fell on the roadside. I helped him in. After entering, I had a sudden idea and put the key to their door on the chewed gum, and then - I found a guide online and bought something, and matched a key myself. ""when did it happen? "

"May. It happened on May Day."

"That is, 11 months before the incident?"


Liu Wenkai looked at Zhou Shetao in front of him, his teeth itched with hatred, but he also admired his patience.

For some species, it may take three or four years to start licking dogs, while for others, it can take half a year to learn to use chewing gum molds to make keys, and another half year to debug again and again. , grind out a suitable key.

He could have stolen the keys directly from Mai Zuqing. If the entire set of keys were lost, Mai Zuqing would probably think that he lost them while drunk, and he might not even change the locks, but 16-year-old Zhou Shetao , just did not choose the simple method, just used stupid methods, and committed the worst case.

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