National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 963 Fly Identification

"Captain Jiang. All the flies are here."

Several technicians from the Changyang Criminal Science Technology Center placed glass bottles one after another on the black leather experimental table. The arrangement was denser and neater than that of a Honey Hungry store.

Looking around, we can see that some of these bottles contain fly eggs, larvae, and a few of them contain adult worms.

Among them, the number of adults is the smallest because they run fast. There are a lot of remaining maggot eggs and pupae.

"A lot." Jiang Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

Wan Baoming chuckled twice and said: "Captain Jiang, according to your request, collect as many of these insects as possible."

"Well, you did a good job." Jiang Yuan praised again, even if he had used up all his emotional intelligence today, he continued: "Our Criminal Science Center should not have professional entomology experts."

Wanbaoming knew as soon as he heard this that this was a compliment. After finishing his words, he hurriedly said: "You know, our domestic insect identification and monitoring,

It is usually done by professionals. If we have needs here, we usually ask experts from the Department of Biology of Changyang University for help.

Our previous supervision report was made by Professor Li from the Department of Biology of Changyang University. He is quite famous and often cooperates with us.

"Well, I have seen the prison report. It is judged that he died 28 to 42 days ago." Jiang Yuan nodded.

The body parts were discovered 20 days ago. Compared to this level of corruption, judging from 28 to 42 days ago is a relatively good time range.

"Yes." Wan Baoming nodded, then hesitated a little and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Most of the investigators at the crime scene do not understand entomology. It is a bit radical to say that. In fact, as far as the current situation of the Changyang Municipal Bureau is concerned, none of the investigators at the crime scene understand entomology. Not an exaggeration.

This is nothing to be ashamed of. Entomology is a specialized subject that requires only a little more time and energy than botany.

As far as the current academic status in China is concerned, biology itself is the top test subject. Botanical entomology, a biology in the traditional sense, can be said to be the least popular among the least popular, the best among the best among the best.

A doctoral student in entomology has graduated and has been practicing for three to five years. In fact, he dare not say that he has made any achievements in entomology. As for identifying insect species and other things - in fact, he may not be good at it.

For entomology professionals, identifying insect species may be simple, but in fact it is not that simple. Considering the accuracy required by the police, entomology graduates who dare to pat their chests and say "they can do it" are even rarer.

After all, if most of the problems in this world are vague, there will be a lot of experts who can give a variety of answers, but if there is a true solution and a unique solution, there will be fewer people who can give the answer. There is less of it.

But considering the current salary and needs of the police station, they can't recruit even a ton of experts.

Even if a doctor who graduated from the Department of Biology is willing to work in the police system, he would rather go to an institution like a research institute. Even if it is an agency unit that grassroots police officers aspire to, they are not willing to go. If you are willing to take the public examination, wouldn't your employment prospects be better? Why bother to come to the front line of hardship?

The bottom line for doctoral students in the Department of Biology is to raise rats. Although the work of digging up corpses and digging graves requires extremely high professional knowledge, it does not require research ability.

Jiang Yuan just confirmed the situation of the Changyang City Bureau. After all, it is the criminal center in the provincial capital. However, it seems that although doctoral students are no longer scarce, they have not yet reached this level of popularity.

"The judgment is correct, but for such a long time, the front line can't operate, right." Jiang Yuan's words made the detectives who were accompanying him nod repeatedly.

Academics are academics, but within the 14-day time period, it would be too difficult for frontline police officers to collect evidence. Apart from anything else, it is difficult to retrieve two weeks of surveillance videos, and even more difficult to watch them. It doesn't matter if there is a certain surveillance video. During the period of casting the net, it is too easy to miss out after watching dozens or hundreds of surveillance videos.

"Then - let's look for entomology experts from other places?" Wan Baoming knew that Jiang Yuan knew forensic botany and knew that he knew many botanists. He guessed that Jiang Yuan wanted to Through personal connections, find others to look at the insects.

Naturally there is some expense involved. Not to mention the travel expenses for inviting people to work for a few days, the round-trip transportation and accommodation costs always need to be paid. If you are a big-name expert, you may have to send someone to accompany you and treat you to a few good meals.

Therefore, even if it is not a major case, the police will not easily invite experts to help. Furthermore, many experts are actually unwilling to cooperate. At the very least, police stations of a certain level must be eligible for invitations. This is difficult to align with front-line criminal police officers.

Jiang Yuan naturally knew more about the complex situation inside. He waved his hand and said: "If it comes to the identification of flies, I can do it. What I originally meant was to find a few people with some knowledge of entomology to help. , just invite it remotely, it won’t take any more time.”

Inviting experts to help also requires their availability. The more famous an expert is, the less free time he has. Especially for experts from other places, they may not have to wait for several days.

Jiang Yuan didn't have a few days to waste. If he waited a few more days, the body would turn into mud.

Furthermore, he has LV6's fly identification. Although it is not the entire insect identification, but referring to the cryptographers who died before, LV5's cryptography can go sideways in the academic world. In this case, LV6's The fly monitoring is definitely more than enough.

Wanbaoming hesitated a little, thought for a while, and said: "Then I'll ask Professor Li again -

"No need, here are a few people to help." Jiang Yuan changed into a white coat, rolled up his sleeves on the spot, and said: "Let's sort out the flies in the bottle first. The adult worms in the bottle are not flies. Transfer to another bottle and put the flies together."

This can be done by relevant technicians with a little experience. Jiang Yuan sat aside and took out a nearby bottle with mixed larvae.

Start sorting.

Now that Jiang Yuan started to move, the technicians at the Criminal Investigation Center naturally didn't say much.

Wan Baoming also put away his questions, rolled up his sleeves, put on gloves, stood next to Jiang Yuan, prepared to help, and watched Jiang Yuan line up the sisters one by one.

Wan Baoming became confused again: "Do you recognize different varieties of maggots?"

Jiang Yuan was laughed at: "Don't you recognize me?"

Wan Baoming also laughed: "What do you think?"

"The main thing is to count." Jiang Yuan said while doing things: "For example, you have this one. The front valve has 6 hole-like processes, and the long process of the eighth abdominal segment has a single branch at the base. This is the 3rd instar of the summer toilet fly. The larvae, the one with 9 hole-like protrusions on the front valve ----- is the Yuantu fly

Jiang Yuan pulled a maggot that was covered with fur and had sharp ends, a bit like an elongated version of a croissant, and explained it to Wan Baoming.

Wan Baoming lowered his head silently: "I may not be able to help..."

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