The flames on Hiko's body slowly extinguished, but the white wings behind him did not dissipate.

Ili Zeka muttered to himself, "This... Could it be someone from the temple?"

and just then, the system beep.

"Warning: It has been detected that the Great Xia Kingdom player is being attacked by a strong enemy!"

"The target creature is detected: S-class - Vigor, the Lord of Black Gold!".

"Vigor, Lord of Black Gold: Full name Olito Vigor, the leader of the S-class dwarven clan, was originally one of the branches of the side clan of the huge dwarven kingdom in the Mill Plains, and later because of his Olito clan, which far exceeded the greed and endless desire of the clansmen, he was collectively excluded by the dwarven kingdom and exiled here, the Olito clan completely abandoned his faith, and the only thing he believed in was the gold that shimmered with golden light! and the power that far surpassed others!

Hint: The monsters, resources, and treasures in the extraterritorial forbidden land are divided into: SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, F!"

Yan Xiu frowned slightly, and looked at Vigol who fell to the side with disdain, burned by the flames.

Originally, I thought that Vigol, the lord of black gold, seemed to be a little different, it turned out that after being bewitched by Morarione, he absorbed the dark power given by Morarione, and mutated from the inside out.

He had just been attacked by Hadir's blood-colored energy again.

Completely unleashed the potential power, so much so that it broke through to the S-class.

No wonder he looks so big, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he's S-class or A-class.

The bigger the body, the better it feels when you cut it!,

and Ili Zeka, who was saved by Hiko, was already stupid.

What is the situation? Who is the woman in front of him?

Before he could understand what the situation was, the Black Moon Wolf King rushed over with Glenn, and he threw off Glenn behind him and protected him directly behind Yan, with a hideous and terrifying face.

Those scarlet eyes kept scanning everyone present.

All those who looked at him felt a chill in their hearts, and then lost their desire to resist.

Yan touched the Black Moon Wolf King and said gently, "Black Moon, don't worry, these people are not enemies.

"Hold on to this guy for a while, don't let him die.

The Black Moon Wolf King rubbed Yan's hand affectionately, and then looked at Ili Zeka.

When Ili Zeka looked at the Black Moon Wolf King, he swallowed his saliva involuntarily, and hurriedly turned his eyes and didn't dare to look at him.

He looked at Glenn on the side, and inadvertently felt a sense of déjà vu for Glenn.

Ili Zeka hurriedly opened his mouth and tried to ask.

"You... It's Glenn from Kalmaria?Captain of the Black-robed Guard, I'm not mistaken!" Glenn

said, standing up and shaking his drowsy head.

"Your Majesty Ili Zeka! Come and help!"

Hearing this, Ili Zeka knew that he had guessed correctly.

Sure enough, Kalmaria came to the rescue once again.

He hurriedly and eagerly asked

, "What? Great!" "Who has been sent by the Kingdom of Kalmaria

?" "Could it be the leader of the Black Guards of Kamaria, Drosel

?" "Where are they now? Are they about to come to the rescue?"

Glenn walked up to Ili Zeka and said frankly, "No, it's just the four of us!"

After Glenn said this, Ili Zeka's eyes widened, and he said with a look of disbelief

: "Four? Just the four of you?" Glenn didn't see what Ili Zeka meant, but nodded and confirmed: "That's right

!" "Count the white herd who is fighting Hadir over there

!" "Just the four of us!"

Ili Zeka is about to explode

! What is the situation now? Life and death are at stake

! Kalmaria sent Minat and the black-robed convoy, but it was far from enough! It was only a few hundred people, and it was not enough!

But now there were only four reinforcements in the second wave? There were even fewer!

But... Then again.

The white pastor who fought on a par with Hadir was indeed very powerful.

But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a Kalmaria person, and the fancy clothes and facial features don't match.

Instead...... It's like a bunch of alien aliens.

Ili Zeka pointed to Yan and the Black Moon Wolf King on the side, and asked in a low voice, "This... Who are these two?"

"They are both honored guests of Kalmaria, and they are also the favorites of fate

!" "The one before was Lord Hakumu, and now

this is Lord Hiko!" "And this is the S-rank Black Moon Wolf King!The leader of the Black Moon Wolf!" "Lord Yan and the Black Moon Wolf King have both been blessed by the Sacred Tree of Stimolius!" "

The strength is absolutely guaranteed! His Majesty Ili Zeka can rest assured!".

Ili Zeka was a little surprised to hear Glenn say this.

He didn't expect that the outsiders, and even I'm afraid they weren't from this continent.

He was even blessed by the sacred tree of Stimolis.

The tense mood improved for a while.

Because he knows what this represents, one is absolute strength, and the other is absolute justice, both of which are indispensable!

It seems that he is on his side, but it is really a shot in the arm!

At this time, Vigol, who was scorched by the flames, poured out a stream of dark energy from his body to envelop him.

The scorching flames were instantly extinguished by the dark energy, but Vigol's body still emitted a burst of burning smell, which was extremely pungent and unpleasant, making people hide their noses and avoid it.

Vigol slowly rose from the ground, and the dark energy around him slowly faded.

The badly charred skin was revealed.

Every hair on Vigol's body was burned, and those charred scabs were like pieces of black armor, covering Vigol's body piece by piece.

The angry Vigol slowly raised his head, his scarlet eyes, and glanced at Xiang Yan with great resentment.

The skin and flesh of that terrifying face began to twitch uncontrollably.

This guy was already ugly, but now he looks more like a charred tiger egg.

But Hiko, from his body, felt a terrifying aura beyond before.

With the infusion of that dark energy, I am afraid that this Vigol has entered a new level.

The Black Moon Wolf King's mouth let out a low roar, and it exuded a fierce murderous aura, trying to deter Vigor!

Seeing that Vigol seemed to be about to get out of control, the Black Moon Wolf King instantly rushed over, the speed was so fast that people couldn't help but be stunned, and in the next second, one of Vigol's arms disappeared in an instant.

The Black Moon Wolf King returned behind Hiko, clutching the torn Wigol arm in his mouth.

But what people didn't expect was that instead of ignoring the attack of the Black Moon Wolf King, Vigol actually showed a touch of greed.

When he looked at the Black Moon Wolf King, a stream of saliva mixed with blood came out of his mouth.

It seems that the Black Moon Wolf King in front of him is not any threat.

Instead, it's a delicious meal!

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