When everyone heard Bai Mu's words, they leaned down vigilantly to hide their figures.

"Brother Bai Mu! What's going on?

"Could it be the Demon Baron who has sent an army to capture us?"

As soon as Horta's words came out, several people couldn't help but get nervous.

The two brothers of Aung Larisa directly took out the magic weapon they carried.

Looking at Narodisi again, she touched the Gatling with infinite bullets.

Always ready to attack.

Bai Mu was extremely calm, and he motioned to a few people not to speak yet.

Then he took out the dagger made of memory tungsten gold.

This dagger was extremely sharp, and Bai Mu raised his hand and waved it lightly towards the ground on the side.

In the next second, the hard ground was like cutting tofu, and a big pit was dug out by Bai Mu.

Without waiting for a few people to be surprised, Bai Mu motioned for a few people to quickly jump in and dodge.

Ortana Rodisi hurriedly did so.

With the help of stones and trees, as long as they don't get close, they won't be able to find Bai Mu and his party at all.

Bai Mu, on the other hand, can use the ability of the six eyes to observe.

There were about six or seven hundred people in these two teams, and each of them was wearing a full body of heavy armor.

A sturdy skeleton armed with a spear and a halberd.

It is completely different from the black-robed guards of Kalmaria, and at a glance, you can see that these soldiers in heavy armor have a sense of combat effectiveness.

Although it was abrupt, Bai Mu could be sure.

This sudden army did not come to them at all.

And more like....

On the run!

That's right, Bai Mu can now conclude that these two armies fled here.

The incident happened suddenly just now, and Bai Mu didn't look carefully.

But now Bai Mu noticed with six eyes that everyone in these two teams was nervous and tired.

Some of the soldiers still had blood stains on their armor and weapons.

Some of them were wounded, and blood was still oozing out, but they didn't bandage them immediately.

What does this mean, this shows that the place where the battle was just fought is not far from here now.

The wound was not bandaged at the first time, indicating that the enemy he had just faced was also very strong.

As a result, after the battle ended, the two teams chose to leave the battlefield as soon as possible.

As a result, they simply didn't take this time to rest the team.

On the faces of the two generals in the lead, Bai Mu also read the feeling that the two of them had palpitations.

Remembering what had happened in the palace of the king of Kalmaria as the others had left.

First-hand information from the messenger and the deer messenger.

The Filos clan, Finita and Finillo went out of the city with their guards.

And the two of them went to find their father Finir in person, just to confirm the truth about whether Finier really rebelled.

These two armies are probably the teams of Finita and Finiro, and if they were the two of them, it would be really easy to manage.

Bai Mu's main quest is one more, spying on intelligence!

It was determined that the Filos clan had betrayed the truth, but the task of recovering by force was almost over, and the mission of espionage still made no progress at all.

Do you want to touch it...

Soon, the two teams came to a halt in the middle of the dense forest in the distance.

They were only a few hundred meters away from Bai Mu and his party at this time, but fortunately, Bai Mu and them were hiding in the dug hole, and if they didn't look carefully for a while, they would definitely not be found.

Brothers Horta and Aung Larissa asked.

"Brother Bai Mu, shall we leave now?"

Bai Mu was still hesitating, whether to contact or leave.

But at this moment, the leader in gold armor shouted to the team behind him.

"Stop! Rest in place for 10 minutes! The

two armies began to rest in place, while another general in silver armor walked up to him and said, "Big brother, how far are we from our father now?" "

How... Along the way, we saw a lot of monsters that intercepted and blocked us.

"But I didn't see my father's figure at all?"

"We might as well continue to hurry now, when the time comes..."

"Don't worry, Finiro, I'm also worried about my father."

"But look at the brothers, they're tired, let them rest first."

"As long as we still have the Eye of Ogu in our hands, we are not afraid that we will not find our father."


The man did shout Finiro just now, and sure enough, these two teams were the two brothers Finita and Finiro of the Filos clan.

They came here because they were led by those monsters.

The purpose was to find their father.

It's really saved me a lot of trouble, so let's see what the two of them are going to do next.

If they are in danger, they can help themselves.

It would be nice to have an army of monsters now and attack the two of them while they rested.

Bai Mu can directly come to the rescue, and then he can naturally contact the two.

This idea is really bad, but apart from this idea, Bai Mu really doesn't know how to start this one.

It's a pity that Bai Mu didn't have a detailed map of the gray land in his hands, but Bai Mu roughly estimated where they were at this time.

It should be less than an hour away from the remains of Kermozard, and the walk should be less than an hour.

It's a safe place.

Horta and Aung Larissa saw the expression on Bai Mu's face, it seemed that Bai Mu was very interested in these two teams, otherwise Bai Mu would definitely leave early with a few people in the morning.

The farther away the better, and never stop here to observe.

"Brother Bai Mu, is there anything special about these two teams?"

Bai Mu didn't hide it, nodded and told Horta and Aung Larisa about everything that had happened in the palace of Kalmaria before.

Several people were also surprised and delighted when they heard it.

Shocked, a few people didn't expect that this continent would be so chaotic.

Not to mention the turmoil between the clans, the army of monsters actually took advantage of the weakness.

Successively controlled these people in an attempt to provoke war.

Glad because this is good news, the matter of the Filos clan is together, and the matter of the treasury will definitely be put on hold, and Her Majesty Queen Maylis will not continue to pursue this matter.

The two brothers, Horta and Aung Larissa, did not show it, and it was better not to gloat over this kind of thing to see others suffer.

Otherwise, according to Bai Mu's temperament, these people will definitely not have a good time.

At this time, Bai Mu's eyebrows suddenly trembled, and a bad feeling came to his heart.

He subconsciously looked in the other direction.

Seeing this, Yan also seemed to realize something, and came to Bai Mu's side and asked in a whisper, "Bai Mu, what's wrong?" "

I have a bad premonition, it looks like something is coming..."

Brother Bai Mu, don't scare us! "

Or... Let's run now! "

It's too late... Here they are! "

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