Finiro looked in the direction of Bai Mu's finger, and the silhouette of the ruins of Kelmozard loomed in the gray earth in the distance.

Sure enough, this outsider actually knew the location of this ancient ruin.

It's really incredible.

But how did Finiro know that Kazuhiko Hakumaki and Ortana Rodisi escaped from this Kermozard ruins.

Now the wounds on Bai Mu and Narodini's bodies are not yet good.

Finillo was surprised, and suddenly remembered something

, "Hey, yes!" "Hey, Bai Mu, where is that Droselle who was caught by

you?" "Didn't you interrogate before?"

Bai Mu didn't ask when he saw Finillo before, and he didn't mention it himself.

Thinking about it for a while, it should be over.

Unexpectedly, when Finiro saw the remains of Kermozzard, he was stunned and remembered Drossel.

Bai Mu muttered in a low voice, "Tsk... What a hassle. "

Hey Bai Mu, what about you, what about Drosel?"

Bai Mu looked at Finiro, interrupted him directly, and said, "Oh, he's done with what he needs to say, I'll kill him."

"Now, I guess I can't even find the dregs. "

What's the matter? His Majesty Finiro misses him?"

Hearing Bai Mu's words, Finiro suddenly became angry.

Pointing at Bai Mu and roaring angrily, "You, Bai Mu, why don't you stay alive?"

"If you send him to the Philos Clan." "

With his intelligence, we will be able to solve the misunderstanding between my father

and the clan!" "When the time comes, the Philos clan will be able to send a large army to reinforce

it!" "Compared to our hundreds of people! That's a strong team!"

Bai Mu waved his hand and motioned to Finiro to stop talking, "Okay Finiro, if you want to enter the ruins with me, we will go in together."

"But if you don't want to come with me, then you're here waiting for me."

"How's that?

Bai Mu was about to leave after speaking, and at this time, the two brothers Horta and Anglarisa, who were sitting on the galloping bird and beast chariot, also walked to Bai Mu's side.

The three of them looked utterly embarrassed.

His face was covered with sand and dirt, and his hair stood on end, and his messy appearance made people feel pitiful and funny when they saw it.

"Brother Bai Mu... We're finally here. "

Do you have any water?" "Can I wash my face?"

"I feel like my eyes are about to be opened!"

Horta's pitiful appearance made Bai Mu and Hiko feel a little sorry for him.

Bai Mu took out the kettle directly from the space ring and poured the water on his hand, and Horta continued to rub his fat face with the water.

And the two brothers of Aung Larisa on the side also kept crying to Bai Mu.

"What kind of chariot is this, I won't take it a second time.

"What a sin, it's unbearable to die.

"Yes, Brother Bai Mu, you don't know. "

The galloping birds and beasts... There was an indescribable stench.

"It's like farting while running. "

I smelled it in the back, it smoked me to death..."Aung

Larissa and Yeminze Khan spoke in a loud voice, and the faces of Finiro, who listened to it in his ears, were almost green.

I really couldn't listen to it, and Finiro pointed at the two brothers and scolded them.

"What! You still have opinions?"

"I let you sit in our chariot of birds and beasts! Do you still insult you!"

"Don't dare, don't dare, let's just express our feelings after sitting down."

"No insult, the speed is really fast!" The

two brothers of Aura Larissa do not have the strength of Bai Mu, so naturally when facing Finiro, they will be inferior.

The three of them walked behind Bai Mu, and Bai Mu said to Finiro: "Okay, Finiro, let's go over next."

"There are so many of you, it's not good to rush over with great fanfare.

"If the demon baron in the ruins were killed, I might not be able to protect you. "

Huh? Do you know what's in here?"

Finiro was a little surprised, how could Bai Mu mean what he meant by speaking, as if he had been here?

This traveler from other places is much more familiar than their local clan.

Bai Mu naturally wouldn't tell Finiro that they had come, so he casually found a reason to prevaricate, and Finiro also accepted it all.

That's good for people to be stupid, he believes everything you say.

It's so convenient for Bai Mu.

This made Bai Mu wonder, can you get a hypnotic control device from the treasure chest in the future?

As long as you take it out and use it on people, it doesn't matter what you say, or let them do anything.

They'll do it, that's it...

Hey, hey, hey....


what a mess of thinking.

Forget it, let's talk about it later.

Kazuhiko Hakumaki led Ortana Rodisi and Finiro's troops towards the ruins of Kermozzard.

They all got off the galloping birds and beasts, and the huge groups of mounts rested in this dense forest.

Waiting for the return of Finiro and the others.

The two brothers, Horta and Aung Larissa, looked back with trepidation when they were far away.

The bird beast carrying them seemed to feel the eyes of the Horta people.

He screamed twice with his mouth open.

This is really scaring Horta to death.

Horta and the two brothers, Aung Larisa, hurried two steps.

Bai Mu felt the small movements of the three people, turned around and patted the heads of several people, and said dissatisfiedly.

"What are you doing? "

No... It's okay, I'm sorry, Brother Bai Mu. Soon

, Bai Mu and his party came to the entrance of the Kelmozard ruins.

At this moment, the black moon seemed to sense something, and it stood in front of Hiko, and let out a low whine from its mouth.

Kazuhiko Hakumaki knew what Black Moon meant.

I can't help but be alert.

Seeing Bai Mu and the others stopping, Finiro was a little puzzled, and he asked, "What's wrong?" "

There is something, you should be careful."

"I'm afraid there's an ambush around here. "


Finiro looked in the direction of the Kermozard ruins.

Suddenly, as if he had seen something, Bai Mu clearly noticed that Finiro's pupils contracted.

Immediately, Finiro's expression changed, and a look of anger appeared on his face.

Something wasn't right, Finiro must have seen something.

At this time, Finiro drew the long sword behind his back and commanded the team behind him.

"Everyone listen to me!First level of alert!Always ready to fight!

""Finiro, what do you

see?" "I see my father's war

pet...""War pet?"Poison

mist lurker, poisonous fanged sand pig..."

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