It was really painful to lose his voice, Bai Mu's attack ability was too strong.

Where is what a person like them, who is playing in the rear, can afford.

Moreover, the blood doctor Josov, who had personally cut other people's flesh and blood in the operating room, had never cut his own flesh and blood, so where could he endure this kind of pain.

What kind of feeling is it?

Seeing Bai Mu getting closer and closer, the frightened blood doctor Qiao Sov panicked.


I have to leave! I have to get out of here quickly!

Otherwise, I will definitely die

! Blood doctor Josov thought of this, his right hand quickly covered his wound, a burst of blood-colored energy surged, blood doctor Josov endured the pain, and pulled out a few iron needles with blood stains from his right pocket, he had done a series of experiments on the ghoul's body before, and there were several acupuncture points that could temporarily block the pain!

The blood doctor Josov hurriedly complied, raised his hand and quickly stabbed his acupuncture point.

Sure enough, after these few stitches, the wounds on the body are really not so painful.

Raise your hand to cover the wound that had just been attacked by Bai Mu.

A thick stream of blood-colored energy poured out, quickly healing the bloody wound.

Hurry up! Hurry

now! Hurry up!

The blood doctor Josov fled into the distance, but there was one problem that the blood doctor Josov ignored.

That is the body's pain shield, and the fear of death will be gone.

This extremely important sense of death, along with the sense of pain, was blocked by the blood doctor Josov.

And Bai Mu, who had already quietly come behind the blood doctor Josov.

Looking at the panicked and ignorant blood doctor Chosov in front of him, Bai Mu had already made up his mind how to deal with the guy in front of him.

Blood Doctor Chosov, doesn't he like to cut and transform other people's bodies for fun?

Very good, since this is the case, let him also taste the taste of being transformed today

! Bai Mu's right hand gathered strength, and a void style

! In an instant, he galloped out of Bai Mu's hand and quickly swiped in the direction of Blood Doctor Chosov!

In just an instant, this void that can cut through the space easily crossed the waist of the blood doctor Josov, from Bai Mu's point of view, the blood doctor Josov at this time was very funny, his upper body arms were still waving, making a posture of fleeing with all his strength, and his lower body legs stood in place.

From the severance of his waist, countless black blood gushed out.

It's like a huge bucket that has been kicked over.

The scene was so shocking that it was almost bleeding all over the ground,

but the blood doctor Josov had already blocked out the pain at this time.

He just felt a chill in his lower body, and as soon as his body went limp, he fell to the ground.

The blood doctor Jossov was even waving his arms, thinking that he had just accidentally fallen and was going to continue to get up and run away!, but what he didn't expect was that this time it was the last time he ran with his legs.

He inadvertently turned his head, wanting to see the distance between himself and Bai Mu, but he didn't admit it, this time, he was stunned.

The blood doctor Josov looked at the object in front of him, this thing that was stunned and stunned, how did he look at it...

"What is this? This is a leg? Why is it so familiar?"

But in the next second, the blood doctor Josov saw the black dirty blood all over the ground, as well as the internal organs all over the ground, and the intestines one after another, intertwined, flowing out of the broken waist of the blood doctor Josov! The blood doctor Josov

touched it with his hand a little distractedly, until he reacted.

These legs are actually their own! These are

their own legs!

How is this possible?

Didn't it just yet....

Blood Doctor Josov was shocked and speechless, and Bai Mu had already slowly walked in front of Blood Doctor Josov at this time.

Bai Mu pulled out the memory tungsten gold dagger on the ankle of the blood doctor Josov, and came to the front of the blood doctor Josov step by step to stop.

"Hey, how does it feel to lose your

legs?" "Didn't you say that the flesh puppet was the one you broke down dozens of corpses and put them together

?" "I guess you didn't miss out on other people's legs, right

?" "Now in this matter, when it's your turn, do you feel okay?"

It's a joke.

"You... Don't come here!I'm the blood doctor Josov!"

"Demon Baron Raziel's servant

!""If you kill me!

The blood doctor Josov saw it in his eyes, and drove Bai Mu away with both hands and scolded: "You... Get out of

here!" "Get your dirty feet away!Don't step on my intestines!" "

Oh, what do you say?"

Bai Mu's hand rose and fell, and the sharp memory tungsten gold dagger instantly cut those exposed organs into countless pieces.

As long as Bai Mu wanted to, even Bai Mu could chop all his organs into meat sauce in front

of the blood doctor Josov! Blood doctor Josov's heart was extremely broken at this time, and he had tried everything, but this Bai Mu was not dead!

On the contrary, he was counterattacked by Bai Mu!

But Bai Mu couldn't help but sigh, the blood doctor Josov, worthy of the demon clan, and his vitality was tenacious.

The organs have been chopped up, and they can remain immortal?

It's amazing how long they can live.

"Hey, what are these needles

on your body?" "Is it your WIFI receiver?"

"What are you talking about? Don't mess with them!"

Bai Mu puffed, pulled out three iron roots in a row

, and in an instant, the pain shield of the blood doctor Josov failed! The pain that had been accumulated for a long time broke out in an instant!

The blood doctor Josov fell to the ground on the spot and screamed in pain!


Hold him firmly on the ground, and then say to him, "Keep shouting." "

Shout out your throat and I'll see who can come and save you!"

"Oh yes, I'm angry right now. "

So I'm not going to let you die so happily!"

"I'll show you a little talent."

"You're going to love it! "

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