Between various countries, because of Bai Mu's deterrence, there was a mess all of a sudden, and it was precisely because of Bai Mu's strength that they had to pay attention to it.

This is not only the first time, Bai Mu was able to defeat the strong enemy of the SS class!

The SS-level Hadir, the SS-level blood doctor Josov, and the SS-level Drosser were all defeated by Bai Mu's men.

If Bai Mu was lucky, he was lucky, and he was able to defeat an opponent of this level.

However, Bai Mu has won more than once, which shows a lot of problems.

It is necessary to face up to the threat of Bai Mu, a player from the Great Xia Kingdom

, and in the extraterritorial forbidden land, Bai Mu was grabbing the neck of the blood doctor Qiao Sov at this time, and slowly pressed the memory tungsten gold dagger against his throat.

"How's it going? "

'Do you still like it?'"

Djosov, the blood doctor, was speechless at this point, he just showed a grim smile like death.

The expression on his face is even more difficult to see.

Die, perhaps, and be liberated.

itself was sealed in this Kermozard ruin, for thousands of years, this time...

Finally free.

The dagger in Bai Mu's hand pierced into the throat of the blood doctor Josov, slowly cutting his throat, and at the same time, it also cut off the blood doctor Josov's last will.

"It's over!"

"Let's die in peace." "

The body of the blood doctor Josov was hit by the fatal blow of the memory tungsten gold dagger, and his body was slowly turned into pieces due to the attack of the divine attribute.

Finir and the Blood Fiend, who were watching all this from a distance, were surprised and a little excited.

Sure enough, it's so

strong! Even if this blood doctor Josov doesn't have any great ability, it can't be eliminated by a random person

! And Bai Mu in front of him is obviously not a little minion, but a veritable strong man!

At this moment, Bai Mu suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something on the ground where the blood doctor Josov died.

Bai Mu bent down to pick it up, it was a totem-like thing.

It feels a little rough to the touch, and it seems to be temporarily polished.

It's not like something that has been around for a long time.

"What is this?"

replied, probably in less than three seconds.

"System Detection: This is an S-class black magic sealing magic weapon made by blood doctor Josov with an elf skull, but it has not been completed, and now it is only at the level of

an A-level magic weapon!" "Black magic sealing magic weapon? Unfinished also has an A-level

level?" "But how do you use this?Do you need any spells?What level can it reach?" "

This black magic sealing magic weapon, if you use it, you need to be proficient in black magic before you can use it!" Get enough blood as a sacrifice and force it to activate!There is no other way

!" "At this stage, you can seal enemies of the same level, and if you can successfully complete the crafting of magic weapons, you can use it to seal S-class enemies!or SS-level seriously injured and dying enemies!" "

I'm going to be so strong?I can even seal SS-level enemies across levels?"

"But it takes black magic... It's a real nuisance. "

Oh, wait, that's not right...

Bai Mumeng reacted, could it be that the blood doctor Qiao Sov, the purpose of creating this sealing magic weapon was to be able to seal

the blood demon in the future? After all, this blood demon was released by him, and it would take some means to seal it in the future.

It turned out to be waiting here, no wonder the blood demon ignored the blood doctor Josov, it turned out that the two of them didn't deal with each other from the bottom of their hearts, but the two of them didn't tear their faces on the surface, but secretly they already had small movements.

This is really good, the blood doctor Josov died, and Bai Mu naturally took it into his pocket.

The Blood Demon saw everything on Bai Mu's side, and when he saw the death of the Blood Doctor, not only did he not have a trace of sadness on his face, but he was extremely happy.

It's really good! That stinking guy is finally dead.

Next, you will be able to fight this tough traveler well!

"Finir, your son is handed over to you!" "

Don't forget our agreement, at the critical moment, I am curious if you can kill your relatives in righteousness." The

Blood Demon vanished in place, and Finner didn't listen to him.

He shrugged his shoulders and turned his head to look at Finiro in the distance.

At this time, the battle between him and Sikal has also entered the white heat, and at this time, Sikal is using his life to teach Finiro the last lesson of his life.

It's really a pity, it would be better if Finita was also here, flames and blood can temper a man's will the most

! The Filos clan is naturally brave and fearless

! The more they temper, the stronger they become

! If Finita is also here, there must be two supreme powers in Filos in the future!


It doesn't matter, "It's my son, let's fight!" "Roar

!" "I'm willing to give everything for the Philos clan!" "

This will is up to you... Inherit it

!" "The new king of Filos, Fienero!"

Sikal did not use all his strength in order not to hurt Finiro, but due to the risk, Sikal was almost exhausted at this time.

If Sikal and Bai Mu were to fight now, it would be really difficult to say which would be stronger or weaker.

At this time, the angry Fienillo waved the long sword in his hand and directly picked up Sikal's long knife, and then hit Sikal's neck, and tripped Sikal to the ground with a kick, Finiro only needed his right hand to continue to press down! The long sword in his hand

could easily take off Sikal's head!

But in the end, he was still a master who had spent a long time, even if he was so violent, at this critical moment, he even stopped what he was doing.

Instead, he looked at Sikal, who was seriously injured in front of him.

His eyes were full of guilt and doubt.

Are these things that need to be kept from oneself really so serious?

Or is it that...

I don't want them to get involved.

It's another way to protect the two brothers.

But now everything has changed, especially when I learned that my father had joined the dark camp and taken refuge in Morarion, the most unforgivable person

in the Wilda Continent! And he was also the public enemy of the

entire Wilda Continent! As long as he saw Morarion, everyone in the entire Wilda Continent could be punished!

And now his father and master are with such a bastard.

It's really hard to figure it out.

What the hell is all this.

What the hell is the father.

Finiro slowly stood up, his crazy eyes regaining a shred of sanity, and he said to Sikal, "You... Let's go, I won't kill you!".

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