Carmani pinched her face until her cheek hurt and then realized that none of this was a dream.

Kazuhiko Hakumaki stepped forward and helped her up from the ground and asked.

"How? You okay?

Kamani looked a little scared of Hakumaki Kazuhiko, she took a step back, distanced herself from the two, swallowed nervously, and her body began to tremble slightly.

It wasn't until she saw clearly that the two of them seemed to be from the Blue Star that she relaxed her vigilance and nodded lightly to indicate that she was fine.

Seeing her like this, Bai Mu couldn't help but feel a little funny, took out a few wild fruits and handed them to her with a smile, and said teasingly.

"Hehe, you don't have to be so nervous."

"We don't eat people, what are you afraid of?"

Kamani took the wild fruit from Bai Mu's hand in a daze, but her eyes looked at the Black Moon Wolf behind Yan, and her expression still looked a little frightened.

Seeing this, Hiko touched the head of the Black Moon Wolf, and then said to Kamani, "It's called Black Moon. "

It's the Black Moon Wolf clan that we treated in the forest."

"Don't worry, Black Moon is very smart and popular, and he won't bite people casually."

"Of course... As long as you don't mess with him..."

Suddenly Carmani thought of something, she looked at Tony who was unconscious in the distance, and then quickly ran to Tony's side.

After checking his body and breath, he was relieved to find that there was no major problem.

It's just that he was attacked by the one-eyed ogre, and he crashed into a tree and passed out.

It's really nice to be okay.

Bai Mu Kazuhiko walked over with the Black Moon Wolf, and Carmani also recovered some spirit at this time, stood up and bowed deeply to Bai Mu Kazuhiko.

"I... It's Kamani Yemeija, this is Tony Japenger, and we're players from the Kingdom of Ayutthaya. "

Thank you just now for the rescue of the two benefactors."

"Otherwise... I can't imagine what the consequences will be..."

Hiko smiled slightly and said to Kamani, "Don't take it personally. "

My name is Yan, his name is Bai Mu, and we are players from the Great Xia Kingdom."

After a few pleasantries, Yan and Bai Mu asked, "How did you get here?" "

According to our judgment..."

, shouldn't all the Blue Star players be teleported to the extraterritorial forbidden land, the middle area, right?"

Kamani didn't seem to want to hide anything from us, she said very frankly: "Two days ago, we received the national sports task from the system. "

It's... Let's go and destroy a D-class pig demon, I've forgotten what it's called.

"But we were lucky, when we found it, it was chased by other beasts, and after escaping, it was already dying, so we picked up the cheap and made up for the knife."

"When we finished our mission, we found a map in a tree hollow."

Kamani took out the map in her arms, and Kazuhiko Hakumaki looked at it, it was a very simple brown paper map.

It depicts a dark passage with a route to the kingdom of the Dark Elves.

Compared to the black leather one that Bai Mu Kazuhiko found, it was much simpler.

"As soon as we find this map, the system will guide us to this dark elf kingdom."

"Uh... Say let's find someone. "

Oh no, it's a monster to be exact."

Bai Mu and Yan nodded and muttered, "So that's the case..."

, but then the two seemed to think of something, and hurriedly asked, "That's not right!" Then you and your companions... How did you climb that kilometer of mountain? "

Flip... Over the mountain? We came through the tunnel down the mountain.

"Wait! What did you say? There is a tunnel under the mountain?

Yan immediately exploded, and she looked at Kamani and hurriedly asked for details.

Carmeni nodded ignorantly and pointed to the map in her hand.

"Just below that kilometer peak, there's a hidden underground tunnel."

"That's where the two of us came through the tunnel."

"As a result, not long after I came over, I was chased and killed by a one-eyed ogre..."

Yan is stupid, Black Moon Wolf is stupid, and even the people of the Great Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room are stupid.

They heard Kamani say that there was a tunnel at the bottom of the thousand-meter peak.

It turns out that from the beginning there was no fucking need to climb the mountain!

The citizens of the Great Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room ridiculed one after another.

"Is there credibility for this person's words? The players of the Ayutthaya Kingdom seem to be more credible than the players of the Volcano Country!

"So there's an underground tunnel under that mountain?" Isn't that Lord Bai Mu and Goddess Hiko turning over the mountain in vain!

"What's that, I jumped over and down anyway, and I didn't delay anything."

"You said it easily, Goddess Yan's soul was scared and half lost, and I felt distressed when I looked at it."

"It's... Where is this Ayutthaya Kingdom? Did you know?

"Don't you know the kingdom of Ayutthaya? It is very close to our Great Xia country, it is a tourist country, and the relationship with our country is okay, not salty or light.

"It's a great place to be in the sea all year round, with lots of tropical fruits and seafood, I've been there three times, it's a great place!"

"Oh yes, there's another one that's the most famous."

"It's people... Forehead...... Forget it, if you don't say it here, it will be banned, so you can check it yourself.

"I see, but these two guys are really lucky enough to meet people from our country."

It's so exciting to think about it now, Bai Mu in just a few minutes.

With Goddess Yan and the Black Moon Wolf, he experienced a thousand-meter jump, and experienced a thrilling bungee jump above a kilometer.

It's really impressive, people fly in the sky, and the soul chases behind.

When Hiko recalls it now, he still feels that his legs are a little weak.

She looked back at Bai Mu and muttered in a low voice, "Did you hear that?"

"It turns out that we didn't need to climb mountains in the first place."

"There is a tunnel at the bottom of this mountain that leads directly to the Dark Elf Kingdom!"

"As a result, we are still still..."

"Hehe, okay Hiko, don't take it personally."

"At the very least, it's a rare experience!"

"Didn't we all stand here well, and all the players were here and there were no injuries, did we!"

"It's not big!"

"Bai Mu! There will be another time! "

I'm not going to go with you for anything! I'm slowly climbing down on my own!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, not next time."

Bai Mu apologized again and again, and he really didn't know that there was such a thing as a tunnel.

At this time, Tony, who was unconscious on the side, woke up, opened his eyes weakly, and saw Carmanni sitting on the side, and excitedly stretched out his hand to hold her arm and said.

"Carmani, is that you?"

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