Xiao Zhi joked

: "What, is there something that the famous Ms. Li Sushang is afraid of?" Li

Sushang didn't refute, and nodded: "This is the Great King of Extermination, it is difficult for us to resist with a group of antimatter legions!" You

must know that the Phantom of the Great King of Extermination can easily fabricate a body to hold down the general of Luofu Xianzhou, and Jing Yuan is even more powerless.

Although part of the reason is that Jing Yuan did it on purpose.

But when it comes to encountering it head-on, Jing Yuan has no power to fight back against the body fabricated by the Phantom Blur of the Extinction Maharaja.

In the live broadcast room, it was the first time that Li Sushang was so flustered, and Kafka's face was also a little gloomy and dignified, and he also knew that things were not simple.

: What is the Lord of Extermination, the high-ranking person in the Antimatter Legion?

: The envoy of the Star God Nanuk, the god of destruction, is very high when he hears it.

: It seems that Sword Fairy and Kamama both know the Extinction Maharaja, and it feels like the rhythm is about to end.

: What to do, it seems to feel like a cold rhythm when you wake up.

As long as he dares to appear on the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, I will slap him when I go up

!:Your Excellency is?

: Destroy the destiny, the destiny of the journey!


: Rest assured, whether his real body can appear is still a question, I don't believe that the national fortune can let such a dangerous person enter.

Others comforted.

Xiao Zhi was not worried about this, patted Li Susheng on the shoulder and comforted: "Don't worry, you can only be bullied by my great Lady of the Lawgiver of Knowledge in this life, and I will beat them if others dare to bully

you!" Li Sushang touched his eyes that were still faintly painful, and couldn't help but want to roll his eyes, but after thinking about the other eye, he still said:

"Then I really thank you!"

Kafka also comforted at this moment: "Actually, don't be so depressed, the methods of destruction of the seven extinction lords are all different, as long as it is not the one who comes." "


Kafka shook her head, "I don't know, there is no information about him in the information of the Star Core Hunter,

only that the places where he appeared have turned to ashes." "



At the same time, a huge black shadow outside the national sports game has quietly appeared, and she can't help but reach out and touch the world close at hand.

He whispered, "What a beautiful world." The

corners of her mouth curled, revealing a crazy smile and continued, "I really want to see if it is as beautiful as it is now when it is going to destroy itself!"

she said, and with a flick of her fingers, she was about to shatter the obstructive world wall in front of her

and let her power enter.

[Outsider, stop your behavior!]

Guoyun appeared at this moment and issued a warning to her.

"Oh, I didn't expect this world to be conscious, it's so interesting, it's so interesting.

She said with interest as she looked at the words on the wall of the world in front of her.

[Warning, please leave quickly!] She tilted her head as if asking: "Are you afraid, why do you have to add a please to warn me, isn't it good to kill me directly?"

[Warning, please leave quickly, or I'm going

to be unkind!]

She smiled contemptuously: "Then let me see what you can do to be unkind."

Guoyun was also extremely angry, and directly took out the egg he had just made and put it on the sun.

There are nine in total, so it is very clear who these nine are, the mythical nine golden crows, that is, the eight resentments shot down by Hou Yi's "Dayi".

[Some people say Dayi, some people say Houyi, I don't care, anyway, it's the one who shoots the sun.

Nine eggs burst out of their shells at the same time, and nine golden crows covered in fire appeared in front of her eyes, so that the scene did not pass through the false sky and appeared in the player's field of vision.

Looking at the nine golden crows in front of her, all of which had spread their wings and were nearly a thousand meters long, she was slightly disappointed.

"Is this your trick? I'm a little disappointed. As

she spoke, she just blew lightly, and the original nine golden-red golden crows suddenly felt their hairs drenched, and they began to scream with a splitting headache.

In less than three seconds, the original golden-red body turned purple-black, and the thousand-meter-long body nearly doubled.

Flew to her side and stared viciously at the world of national fortunes.

National Fortune: ....

"So, are you asking me to break your shell with my own hands?" Guo

Yun did not speak, but directly closed the passage that had been opened, and all the antimatter legion pawns that had appeared in the passage were shattered.

That's right, the gaps in the invasion of these antimatter legions were actively opened and controlled by it, with the aim of causing killings so that it could drain energy.

This Extinction Lord is too strong, so naturally it is impossible to let her in, it is not cost-effective.

The Extinction Maharaja's eyes were cold, and he said coldly: "Is this your choice, I will give you a painful death!"

Feeling the anger in her master's heart, the mount under her also opened its eyes, it was a giant beast of the size comparable to the world of national fortunes.

Judging by its size alone, this guy is stronger than Doommon.

From its mouth, a ray of annihilation was gathered that was enough to destroy the world, and the space around it was distorted at this moment.

When the annihilation ray that was enough to destroy a planet hit the world wall of the National Fortune World, it only caused a few ripples on the world wall, and it didn't even shake the world wall!

" The turtle shell is quite hard, but that's all!"

Her hand slowly raised, and a purple gem hung on the back of her hand, and at this moment, the purple gem flashed a strange purple light.

Gently moving forward, the world wall of the National Fortune World suddenly shook violently a few times, and a few small, almost invisible cracks appeared, but they had been repaired in a few moments.

[Outsiders, leave quickly!]

Guoyun simply breathed a sigh of relief, and the world wall that stole the power of storage and protection was really powerful.

"Help me, great God of Destruction!"

Pure funny...]

Hearing the call of the Extinction Maharaja, Nanuk, the Star God of Destruction who was endless light-years away, simply cast a glance again.

Suddenly, the entire world of national fortune began to tremble violently, and the entire sky began to darken, which made everyone look up unconsciously.

Kafka muttered, "Are you coming?"

"Woo woo, it's going to be cold! Tumor, you want to save me!"

The world wall that the world of national fortune was proud of, and it was shattered by the gaze cast by the god of destruction, Nanuk.

The whole movement also began to fall silent.

She stood up and looked down at the world, and a handful of pink-purple dust appeared in her hand, gently drifting down.

"The appearance of the world itself is a mistake, the appearance of living beings will always cause strife, and destruction will be born from this, you call for destruction, and destruction will naturally respond to you.

"If you look at this fascinating world, you won't be able to see it tomorrow. "

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